Concreteguy Here!

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Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Hey guys, I'm going to be spending a little more time on this side of the tracks "Anasci" and I thought I would open it up with this.

Yes your in the anabolics forum talking about anabolics. But I'm here to tell you ALLLLLLLLLL IF YOU WANT TO GROW. "Gear means shit". Phama or UGL what ever you take in any amounts you take it, no matter who tells you and how much of an expert they are................................................................................................................................................................................................................IF YOUR NOT IN A CALORIC SURPLUS. <----Maybe some of you guys should read that a couple more times. You need to eat and eat big. A surplus means, Consuming more calories than your body is regularly burning in the cores of a day. This includes working activities and going to the gym, washing the car, moving the lawn.........everything. You absolutely MUST have extra calories to grow on.
Now because I'm an old goat thats been around the horn and back I know what and how to eat. Lets have a quality thread about the best growth you guys have had and what your diet looked like when you were growing like a weed. How about it? Lets get started.

My best run was
-6 scrambled eggs, 4 slices of toast, 2 servings of flavored Oats
and 20 iu Humalog
-2 Hamburger patties, 2 cups of rice and a large glass of OJ and 20 iu Humalog
-1 quart of cottage cheese, 3 servings of romaine noodles 20 iu Humalog
-2 MCD 1/4 lbers L-fries chocolate shake 20 iu Humalog
- Huge bowl of Rice Crispies but in place of the milk I used egg whites flavored with vanilla protein powder. And 20 iu Humalog

I gained 15 lbs in about two months doing this and still had a six pack. Not stage ready but beach ready all day long. As I did this my lifts all went up and I developed a few stretch marks. My lifts were all primary's doing a hit program. BTW: all I used to keep fat gains under control was morning cardio(stepper) and MK677 30mgs.

Take notice: I didn't mention gear. This isn't about gear. I mentioned insulin because it directly shovels nutrient and the MK because it directly helps as well. So lets keep this from becoming another fucked up " I take this much" thread. You have to eat to make ANY gear work. That's what this thread is about. Eating and hammering it in. BAM!!!!!!!!

Now lets here it guys, this could be one of those monster threads that everyone refers to for ideas. LETS GO!!!!!!



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Apr 20, 2007
thats a great post cg! this has been my philosophy since getting back to things the past few years. eat, eat, train, train, minimal drugs and grow!!

i have tried insulin a couple times now but cant seem to get the timing down. when i feel ok one minute, i feel like im going to drop the next. had to eat my way out of it both times??

will be good to see a discussion bloom on this topic.
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Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
I know this thread is geared more towards the caloric intake needed to build muscle but if you don't mind me asking concreteguy what did your training split look like during that run? Thanks in advance. Sorry for the off topic question.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
I know you want to keep this on the food aspect like Aggro mentioned but the slin played a huge part in your run up there CG:

I know Big A has always said that slin will morph you into a new you if you do it right, and that he would slam down 4 Big Macs after his slin dose and would just watch in the mirror as his body would actually change and fill out everywhere while he was eating them...but can't remember where he said his total dose was at per day when he was using it?!

But the saying will always hold true "You have to eat big to grow big!"...Just like you stated in your last comment, the drugs feed off the food first and foremost! Without big amounts of food those drugs are going to do very little. Which is why you always hear guys complaining about the gear being an issue when they eat like birds:rolleyes:


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
K1, your 100% correct from beginning to end of your post.

When I posted my gains I knew I had to post about the slin use. Another way to climb quickly would be to use high amounts of caffeine tabs to accelerate your metabolism/Growth. In fact when I did this and started to gain a little chub that's what I would do and it not only burned the fat but took it to another level yet. I'm so GD tied of hearing the forum experts saying "you have to run HGH with slin to grow" Pure bullshit.
As usual BIGA speaks the truth. Like I have to say that.lol When he said if all things are on point then the more of everything you do the more you grow. Well IMO when it comes to slin it's almost 5X fold. It almost lights things on fire. This is the rule (I) have found works very well fighting fat. Figure the amount of slin needed to off-set the carbs your consuming. Never take more. I would figure approx.. 7 carbs per iu <-----for me.

I would assume without the slin an honest 4 to 5 lbs and still looking very solid. But this is the thing. Once you take a bite from the slin apple, it's hard to eat your ass off every day knowing the magic slin does, and not doing it. In the forum I read guys talking all this anti Christ shit about slin and I just laugh. Walking across the street or pissing off the wrong wife can kill ya too.

ANYONE that says slin isn't without a doubt the single most effective route to gaining real muscle has simply NEVER done it correctly in the amounts needed. Dicking around with 5 to 10 here and there will net the same nominal gains you would expect having just read what I was doing. Believe me the big boyzzz are doing much more. And once they get there they can back off but it still must be part of the fold to stay super human.

I've gotten way off topic here. I was hoping to draw quality conversation about what guys were eating when shit was clicking for them. These posts you read about this guy and that guy and there PERECT diets isn't the real world. Most are pounding hamburger/rice, chicken/rice, fish/rice. WHY? It's easy guys. Eating is fun but when it's grow time it's work.

Now were the hell is everyone. lol



Mar 27, 2014
Sorry for silly question
In the 2 months- how many meals pr day?
What was the latest meal?
I want to try this out.
Can I still get away with it at 50


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Squatster, it's all there in my post friend. Of course you can still do this. In my avatar I was well over fifty. BTW: I'm 57 August.

But the point of my post was to incite members to list their most successful diets. But if you guys want to talk about this I'm good with it. I'm always up for sharing and helping out. Wish I had someone to shoot me straight when I didn't know where to find my ass. lol


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
These posts you read about this guy and that guy and there PERECT diets isn't the real world. Most are pounding hamburger/rice, chicken/rice, fish/rice. WHY? It's easy guys. Eating is fun but when it's grow time it's work. CG

:yeahthat:This right here man...Not the lifting, not the drugs, it's the diets...Seen more people drop out because of the shit ass diets! Or they followed the nonsense rule of 'Eat ONLY when you're hungry. And eat small amounts!'. Of course you're going to see small gains when eat small amounts of food!

If guys want to have that cross-fit, surfer built...Eat like a bird, move some weights and do some drugs...BUT if you want to be a mass monster, you need to be pounding in the food, as much of it, as often as you can! Then use the drugs to push it where it needs to go to maximize your efforts!


Mar 27, 2014
Squatster, it's all there in my post friend. Of course you can still do this. In my avatar I was well over fifty. BTW: I'm 57 August.

But the point of my post was to incite members to list their most successful diets. But if you guys want to talk about this I'm good with it. I'm always up for sharing and helping out. Wish I had someone to shoot me straight when I didn't know where to find my ass. lol

I like it man
The food looked like not enough meals but once I count them - its there.
I have the big problem - I go to the gym at 5 am and can't fall a sleep till 12am or 1am.
Also I do construction - so run - run - run
I just can't figure out the food plan.
The slin will be another post?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Not to downplay the importance of diet, but this thread really highlights the need for a good discussion on insulin use and protocols here on AnaSci. We haven't delved into it much here, especially in the last few years, and its rarely mentioned around here. Slin is one of the products that I've never used and am almost completely ignorant about, and probably need to do the most research on.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
And since no one else has done it, I'll run down my diet for bulking. The results are not as impressive as yours though. I've always struggled when it comes to bulking without getting fat, so I generally try to keep my calories to just a little above maintenance and keep carbs under control.

Breakfast- 6 eggs, 6 egg whites, 1/2 cup salsa
Between meals- 50 grams whey protein w/ 18-20 oz liquid egg whites, small scoop of almond or cashew butter
Lunch- 2-3 chicken thighs, 1 cup jasmine rice, BBQ sauce for the chicken
Between meals- Same protein shake as above
Dinner- 3-4 tilapia fillets, 1 cup jasmine rice or 1 cup sweet potatoes, big mix green salad with vinegar and oil dressing
After training- Same shake as above except without nut butter
Snack (twice a day)- handful of almonds or cashews, 1 can of tuna in olive oil

That was my diet toward the end of my cycle, and I slowly increased my intake up to these amounts. I added about 100-150 calories a week. It was 12 or 16 weeks, can't remember which off the top of my head. Eating the same boring shit so repetitively made me miserable, and really made it hard to get it all down in a day. This was probably the least fat I ever got during a bulk, but I still got fat.

I've run many more cutting cycles than I ever have bulking cycles, just for that reason. I've had bulking cycles where I gained a lot more weight, but the majority of it was fat.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 29, 2012
Hey CG...awesome post...what are"romaine noodles"....Ramen?

You are 100% correct...My 2 largest times(235+) I was pounding food, some gh, no slin(stayed relatively lean)...burgers, pound cake(cheat), shakes, 10packs from taco hell etc....an absolute shitload of calories
Jan 26, 2015
Hi guys,
I took an extended vacation, but I'm back and this was the first post I read. It's about the food just as cg stated.
My first cycle ever, I concentrated on eating tons of food. My pre and post workout was 4 mcchickens each way. I gained over 30 lbs and it wasn't the gear.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Hey CG...awesome post...what are"romaine noodles"....Ramen?

You are 100% correct...My 2 largest times(235+) I was pounding food, some gh, no slin(stayed relatively lean)...burgers, pound cake(cheat), shakes, 10packs from taco hell etc....an absolute shitload of calories

Yes, Ramen.


Donating Member
Jun 16, 2015
CG was that an everyday thing? Or did you only use the slin on workout days? How long did you run it for and how did you combat any sensitivity issues? You prefer log over R? I've used both but prefer R, however I've never run log at every meal. Will have to try that.
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