Recent content by LatinKing24

  1. LatinKing24

    Any of these supplements worth trying while on cycle?

    Are these supplements worth the money? looking into some cheap add-ons to mix with test, prov, HGH, T3 cycle....any advice would be appreciated... DHEA by Optimum Nutrition Loaded by SAN Advanced Insulin Response! Gro Pro by Universal Advanced Growth Potentiating Formula DHB by IDS...
  2. LatinKing24

    GH questions-

    This is probably going to be opionated answers but id like to hear them.... is GH best pre or post workout? Is it best to go with slin needle in fat around belly button or with 25 gauge 1 inch in shoulder....(if looking for muscle growth more than fat loss, low body fat already)...
  3. LatinKing24

    Proviron--multi sources

    Proviron® (mesterolone) Quick overview: Active Life: 8-12 hours (effects last about 24 hours) Drug Class: Androgenic Steroid/Anti- Aromatization (Oral) Average Dose: Men 25-100 mg/day.....Women 25-50 mg/day Acne: Rare Water Retention: No High Blood Pressure: Rare Liver Toxic: Low...
  4. LatinKing24

    Drugs and the Olympics

    Drugs and the Olympics Aug 5th 2004 From The Economist print edition They are going to mix, whether you like it or not “WHERE does the power come from, to see the race to its end?” asks Eric Liddell in that cinematic celebration of the Olympian ideal, “Chariots of Fire”. The runner's...
  5. LatinKing24

    The A, B, C's for pharmacutical athletes

    A Adenosine Triphosphate This is the primary fuel used by cells to generate the biochemical reactions essential for life. Adrenal Gland The organ that sits on top of each kidney and that makes a variety of hormones including the sex hormones (testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone), stress...
  6. LatinKing24

    Supplement Follies-False Nandrolone Positives-By Charlie Francis

    Supplement Follies A Closer Look at Nandrolone Positives in the Olympics by Charlie Francis In 1988 Ben Johnson and his coach Charlie Francis were singled out and ultimately sacrificed at the alter of fair play. Careers were destroyed, reputations were soiled, and the world never looked at the...
  7. LatinKing24

    Albuterol- History and Info

    ALBUTEROL Background for the use of albuterol in treating DMD Although gene therapeutic approaches offer the most promise for an ultimate cure for DMD, gene therapeutics are not expected to be available for several years or longer so that many patients diagnosed at the present time are not...
  8. LatinKing24

    Victor Conte Speaks

    VICTOR CONTE - THE TRUTH EVERYONE REFUSES TO ACKNOWLEDGE In recent days, the press around the world has been captivated by recent events associated with Victor Conte and the BALCO scandal. Sportswriters have extensively reported the revelations and disclosures made by Conte in his recent...
  9. LatinKing24

    Craps is the ultimate gambling game...

    anyone else think so?
  10. LatinKing24

    Anabolic Athletics--By Charlie Francis (Ben Johnson's coach)

    Anabolic Athletics A Brief History of Drugs in Sport by Charlie Francis Anavar or Alien Athletes?The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is flushed with victory after catching their first group of athletes for blood doping offenses 31 years after they invented the practice of testing. (Actually...
  11. LatinKing24

    Steroid/Drug Testing Information....long and extensive

    Here are some tips I have picked up on how to clean your system out of AAS. This will not work the week of a test. The only way this can be effective at all is if you start it soon after your cycle is over and a long time before you are tested. This is not a proven method but it will help...