AON1's journey to 290


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Workouts are starting to suffer a bit I've upped food ...Moved carbs...And energy drinks ect just seem to make.me feel sick...Think I'm going to push up the t3 and t4

High cable fly's
Cable declines
Reverse rope handle pulldowns
Twisted grip hammer block tri push downs
Chest press
dB side delts
dB rear delts
Incline dB press


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Dropped all the slin and growth today to see if there was any difference in the workout and there was a definite difference...I had a really good workout and really didn't hit many exercises...energy was up...muscle was pumped and shot when finished, and my growth I don't believe is nothing exceptional so definitely need to push things up if I'm going to keep running the slin/growth to compensate for the strain on my system

Lat pulldowns
Seated ez bar short rows to waist
Bent overhand rows set with underhand
Hammer curls
High pulley cable curls to back of neck
Low pulley trap pulls


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Had to do some travel so hit a double Wednesday legs/ arms delts , rest Thursday,chest shoulders Tris last night traveling so no slin....... diets really rough to maintain traveling but trying, run couple extra days tren dose and extra 5 days primo before leaving so wouldn't miss to much gear while gone seems to have worked....I have decided that running the slin/growth works better cycling it with workouts and rest days off, it keeps the workout quality alot better so I think for me better growth, but I am going to up growth / slin on the days i do run it so it will be high dose 2 on 1 off 1 on 1 off 2 on so around 10 to 15 unit 5 out of 7 days a week....with about 30 iu slin for the day total....will hit back bis traps calves tonight......


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
that looks brutal trying to diet and travel. keep it up bro

It was difficult to say the least and longer I was gone more I had to sacrifice quality of the calories...but the trip was good and bad I noticably added a little fat to mid section even though I got in some pretty good workouts....the issue was I believe not having in the gear steady as she goes....the preloading the primo helped but dropping the tren/growth/slin is where the damage happened....before leaving I think those 3 items where starting to shine and choosing to not travel with them went backwards but this is a good thing it showed I'm on the right track if I can dial it in.

So here's where the plan is for now...it's an adaptive plan so will probably get tweeked between now and the September goal date....

I've bumped the tren to 1400 leaving primo at 1050 and test 140...changing slin protocal to 4units growth /5 iu slin morning then 3 units growth/3iu slin 3 or so hours then 3growth/15iu slin workout...I will at some point adjust doses and I crease one or two more inject times for a total of 15 units growth I stead of 10....

The tren is only going to be in for 3-4 more weeks at this dose then drop it and bring it back in farther along at a real heavy dose ...

When I drop the tren I'm going to bump the test as high as I can tolerate and probably won't run another oil until the tren comes back in at that point I'll see where I'm at with the primo dose

I plan to bring in anadrol at a mod dose 3 times a day cycled increasing as needed until bloodwork says to quit or until var comes in at end of run....

If everything plays right time wise I'll post hgh serum numbers,test levels on how much ect... I may do some testing of the other gear also I want to know exactly how good the gear was in response to what my end of run gains are.....Im pounding the doses on this one and would really like to know without any guessing of feel there quality, especially when I know my tren is 100% and overpowering the other gear....but it's all going to depend on. time.....there also thyroid,ai,dnp,and vitamin getting run may post them at end and if they worked or not...

If someone has some amazing growth they wanted to give me at a big discount to serum test it wouldn't hurt my feeling any....or my wallet....lol

Will hit gym again tomorrow with new protocol and see how it plays


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Today was just an awesome day, and I needed it, workouts have been doing better but today was back to where I should feel. When you hit that certain balance with tren it's just there.
My lifts are really up and look is improving but scale is hovering so food is going up again fat or no fat I'm not waisting the that high of a tren dose on not enough food.

Just blasted chest and triceps today...had to make myself not just do a full body...if tomorrow goes the same I'm pretty sure I'm bringing extra food and doing a full body session haven't done it for a long time so would be an enjoyable change up


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Another good day...may have to rest arms a bit I've been hitting them heavy trying to push growth and it's working but I may be developing an issue with my right bi it's felt like it's not recovered for a few days now, the pain is right at the bottom through the outside of the joint....it's more really sore than pain but no more pushing pr for a few till it heals..everything else was good today pretty much couldn't find a limit

Most sets were 2-3 rep sets then 1-2 working sets

High cable curl
Seat hammer block row
Rope handle face pulls
Mid cable one arm pull across
Low pulley trap pulls
Wide pulldowns
Rear db fly
Db side lat
Seated calves


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Couple days off to let arm heal up some with mixed results the arm is better but I've discovered I can't take breaks like that running that much tren without feeling downright I'll by the second day.....hit the gym today an immediately felt great again .

Incline bench
Chest press
Machine flys
Incline plate machine close grip
One arm reverse rope handle pulldowns
Hammer block tri pushdowns
Standing hammer block chest pulls squeezing the delts
Db tri pushbacks
Side lat raises


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Arm still a little odd feeling but it seems to go away after I get warmed up a few sets in so I hit bis anyway ...just tried to get a decent burn without over doing it went pretty well....doing another mini cut in the next few....it seemed to work well last time for firing gains and it should set me up for the final 14- 16 weeks of this run....running dnp for the first time during this bridge cut hoping to drop as much fat as possible to have plenty growth room for the final blast....won't be getting crazy with the dnp plan to run as little as I can get by with for the effect I want....not looking to feel like dog shit to lean down an extra few pounds

Hammer curls
Seated machine hammer row
Machine pulldowns
Db curls
High cable curls
Bar shrugs
Db rows
Machine extensions​
Seated hammer block rows


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Arm still a little odd feeling but it seems to go away after I get warmed up a few sets in so I hit bis anyway ...just tried to get a decent burn without over doing it went pretty well....doing another mini cut in the next few....it seemed to work well last time for firing gains and it should set me up for the final 14- 16 weeks of this run....running dnp for the first time during this bridge cut hoping to drop as much fat as possible to have plenty growth room for the final blast....won't be getting crazy with the dnp plan to run as little as I can get by with for the effect I want....not looking to feel like dog shit to lean down an extra few pounds

Hammer curls
Seated machine hammer row
Machine pulldowns
Db curls
High cable curls
Bar shrugs
Db rows
Machine extensions​
Seated hammer block rows

This is why I love your post. Your shit is set up in order and its just pertinent info. facts facts facts.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Started the dnp today at 100 didn't really feel much different ....going to give it three days and then bump to 200 if needed probably won't go much above that ....I'm not trying to be stage shreaded just lean out some for the final blast....really hoping to hit at least close to my goal lean weight by Sept. That will tell me where I'm going for the following year weather it be hire a trainer, stay my coarse, ect..

Pyramid bar pushdowns
One arm reverse rope handle pulldowns
Db curls
Db hammer curls
Cable side/rear delts
Db rear delts
Machine side.lats
Db side lats
Leg extensions
Seated.leg curls
Calve press
Leg press


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Mother's day and a few poor days of sleep made for rough weekend for trying to workout but still got some feeders yesterday and think I'm going to kill arms delts and calves tonight...looking forward to it ...gym seems to make any day better


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Got the dnp up to 200 can just start.to tell I'm on it now , it's like it amplified my tren sweats and made them go through out the day instead of just in bed...fucked up though when I get tren sweats my head is the only place that really sweats, and fuckn dnp is the same ....just pores from my head hair drenched all day and night....I will say though it's not what I expected I can tell it's leaning me down and Im still taking in alot of food ..just cutting certain foods to drop fat...but if it wasn't for the sweat I wouldn't know I was on it....

Kept the work at a mod pace not to screw with the arm but got pretty good chest in and hit calves again ...it seems at times I can't hit calves enough they just seem to recover instantly unless I do some 200 rep burn out and even then they recover pretty damn quick..

Incline DB press
Machine flys
Incline plate machine
Decline cables
Cable flys
Seated calves
Chest press


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Not sure the issue but just didn't have the focus today..the exercises I hit went really good but just couldn't get head in the game..

Lat pulldown
Seated row overhand easybar
Cable curls
Bar shrugs
Db curls
Back extensions


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Think the dnp is starting to effect workouts a bit now not bad just really no focus but sweating fat off in short order...so eased on the arm and got through....I think the dnp had me a.little hypo today also not bad but will be watching it

Curls light
Rope handle pulldowns
Over head rope handle extensions
Cable curls
Leg extensions
Lying leg curls


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Well hit a good workout today but walked away unimpressed since bringing in the anadrol 3 time a day at 25 mg on top of the tren at 1400 my strength is up.so much I just don't​ feel I'm getting the full tear down even though I know it was a good workout if that makes any sense...still easing the arm ...it's almost time(few days) to drop down the tren so waiting for then to bring in the npp/ var ... probably doesn't make a difference but shooting my slin/hgh as close to the injuries as possible 3 times a day....

Yesterday​ some arms
Today normal chest shoulders Tris...


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Well mini cut has went pretty well as planned I'm still 253 and can see abs and sides in morning before I start the food for the day.....you can still see them through the day but not being tanned you have to be in the light right but that's fine for this point in the run ....I figure if I can even add 10 decent pounds by Sept when I cut.down I should be real close.to my lean weight goal ...the combo of tren/slin/hgh with the higher dosed gear is just a game changer combo....dnp doesn't hurt anything either but will say it seems to pull down drive the longer your on it

Machine curls
Machine lat pulldown heavy
Machine seated row
Wide bar seated cable row heavy
High cable curls to back of neck
Low.cable.trap pulls
Back extensions