Auction 2 for psych and Atomant


Donating Member
Oct 29, 2012
The goods are coming at a real bargain to the winner as it is.

as far as letting the 2 auctions go for under 600 bucks combined yeah fuck that!
There was a private auction for 750 in goods that brought in 560 bucks in vip.
Thats 30 guys stepping the fuck up and getting it done. AK you the man!
Funny in the open board the masses combined can't swing the bat the vip do.
30 guys vs how many on open board?

IMO only, the problem is you have too much stuff in the auction

I have absolutly no use for :

3 ipamorelin 5000mcg added
1acvr2b ace 331 1000mcg added
1follistatin 1000mcg added

15g dnp
2 tren A
150 clen tabs 60 30mg ephedra

And since I have enough NPP , Test E to last me 5 years or more I don't need that either, and I have tons of Norms but would add to the collection, and yes I am a gear hoarder :D

I know it is more work for you guys but if the auctions were of much smaller quantities, and not all run at the same time, I think they might do better, plus everyone on this site doesn't have the money some of us do, or maybe like me will never run Tren again in my life

The other problem is time of year , you know this place gets very slow in the summer , it happens every year for the small amount of time I have been part of the board here and on Alin board

Put up a auction of something I want that is worth $1,000.00 and I'll put the first bid in of $1,000.00, but even though I am willing to help a brother out I'm not buying stuff I'll just throw away

I am not a VIP, nor do I want to be, but I donated a shit ton of gear for the Brick auction and I offered to buy plane tickets for someone here for him and his kid that I have never meet in life and don't even know, so there are people on this board other than Vip's willing to help out
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Well im waiting to see where this goes. As far as listing each mg and amount
why don't people just look at what product they are wondering about on the
vendors site? The goods are coming at a real bargain to the winner as it is.
When we put one of these together for downed brothers it is very time consuming.
Mods have lives too. So hows about since it is close to a gimme people
check sponsor/source sites . They stepped up for the auction . Why don't people go on and step up and punch a couple keys on the fucking pc?!! Or do I have do do that too?!!!!! God damn!!!!!! pissing me the fuck off....
Yeah I know some came from private individuals .. So no piss me off retorts K?
as far as letting the 2 auctions go for under 600 bucks combined yeah fuck that!
There was a private auction for 750 in goods that brought in 560 bucks in vip.
Thats 30 guys stepping the fuck up and getting it done. AK you the man!
Funny in the open board the masses combined can't swing the bat the vip do.
30 guys vs how many on open board? yeah I'm fucking annoyed...
To the ones trying to bid up tip of the hat... T

I can see the frustration here a good cause like this should have a hell of a lot more bidding but next time maybe smaller actions might help because such as with me id like to bid just to help out but theres noway I can receive or keep that much product here at work and I wont put my wife at risk by sending it to her especially since its open board and not private.


Mar 8, 2014
I didnt bid on either one bc i just cant spend half a grand or more all at once. My wife is in school and doesnt work, plus we have a little one...i only bring home $500 a week right now bc started a new job and thats all of our income at the moment. I agree smaller auctions might be something to consider next time, that way poor bastards like me can get in on it :D. I did provide over $100 worth of gear, but unfortunately thats all i could do...


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
None of this was directed at any of the participating members.
I'm tired and not to use as an excuse just to explain my behavior varying from
my norm,..Got called a few mondays ago with a favorite nephew shot and killed
during the early morning hours. That is the second one in the last few years that
we put to rest before age 30. less than two weeks later we get the call another nephew shot but will survive. I prepped a very good friend for a show two weeks ago this saturday. He did well and looked great. we were planning his next show in 6 weeks when we talked on monday. Got a call tuesday following the show. He was in a bad traffic accident. Not dead thank god. He called me
4 hrs before a surgery too remove a leg from the knee down.
We worry for others and sometimes we get tired.
The area I live in has a built in super high stress factor besides the family stuff etc.No excuse for being less than my norm but hey it happened.
Sorry to any that took my fatigued rant personally . Matt G , formula and others participating none of that was directed at you. You are outstanding members and i'm very glad you are here.
Probably best in the future to just mention someones plight and just reach in
the wallet if one chooses to do so. As far as breaking the winnings down further I just don't have the gas for it right now. Great suggestions for the future. Thank you. Sorry for rant..... thanks... T.


Registered User
Jun 1, 2015
I'm sorry for your losses, T... you've been through a lot the past few weeks. Best wishes and a speedy recovery to your nephew and your friend.

Like Formula, I personally don't have much use for many of the things in the auction (I would probably just give them away to friends) so his idea for the future to cut them down into smaller auctions may be a good idea.

And similar to Matt, I don't have much disposable income at the moment unfortunately, so I had to pull out (not gonna say it lol). I apologize for that, but there's still time to bump these two up a bit! Would like to help any way I can if I'm able.


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Thanks for the kindness. As far as donating a shit ton of stuff for brick auction.
That is great appreciate it. Tip of the hat to formula for the donations to bricks auction. So now lets get the fuck up out of ourselves (me included) and make something happen for those needing a boost... Thx T


Mar 8, 2014
Damn T, thats rough brother :( idk what to say, im sorry for you and your families losses. It's a messed up world we live in...


Nov 20, 2012
I can see the frustration here a good cause like this should have a hell of a lot more bidding but next time maybe smaller actions might help because such as with me id like to bid just to help out but theres noway I can receive or keep that much product here at work and I wont put my wife at risk by sending it to her especially since its open board and not private.

Agreed...I honestly believe that breaking this down to auctions that would end at about $150 or so would bring the most donation. It is a huge pain in the ass, but from what I have seen, it sure would be effective.

I believe the amount of donation to this suprised the guys organizing this. Two auctions worked before..but this turned out much larger...

I really appreciate the fact that these mods doing a great thing for our guys, though. And we need to remember that. Where else are you going to see someting like this? We should all be proud.

I think alot of the anasci members, mods, and vip's are just like me...we work our asses off everyday...wives and kids in school, sports, and all that.

What makes me proud is all the people and sources that donated for the cause... even though the majority of us don't have $500 plus dollars to spend this time of year. I applaud the guys that bid up the auction. Every dollar that is raised is a dollar that wasn't there before. Hell, I would be proud to cover the shipping costs for the winners to help with the cost of this...no matter if it's domestic or international. ..
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Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Thanks for kind words but that was not my intention to make this any me
stuff . I was kind of a dick and that is out of the norm for me.
Just want to get back to being old mellow me having a good time here.


Oct 27, 2012
Wow T, I am very sorry to hear about what you are going through. That is a very trying situation. Stay string brother. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers


Registered User
May 1, 2015
Holy fuck, T, I am so sorry to hear about that! Were they crime victims or soldiers?


Registered User
Feb 23, 2014
That sucks man. I wish I could help, life shits on us all at times.

I lost my grandmother and uncle within 2 weeks of each other last year, my grandmother went on Halloween while I was about to take my son (2 at the time) trick or treating. He's too young to understand she is gone. We drive past her house and he looks and says, when will we see mamaw again? Fucking breaks my heart. My 5-month-old daughter will never meet her, or my uncle - even though he was a junkie his entire life he still had a huge heart.

I bid what I could spend on these, even though I only need/want a few things. I'd like to see them go higher for people that need this stuff or just want to help. I have an expensive ass wife and 2 babies along with student loans and car payments. I make good money, but we also spend a shitload, so my gear money is usually not what I'd like it to be.