CG Lantus run PICS


Registered User
Apr 6, 2014
Well, seeing now...

So, bottom is before, top is after, right?

I see you colored your hair.

But anyways... Your muscles are obviously fuller and rounder, but it's nothing too dramatic. The tan helps too...

What was the before protocol? What's the weight difference here? 10-12 pounds?


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Well, seeing now...

So, bottom is before, top is after, right?

I see you colored your hair.

But anyways... Your muscles are obviously fuller and rounder, but it's nothing too dramatic. The tan helps too...

What was the before protocol? What's the weight difference here? 10-12 pounds?

lol, you got me man. Die the hair and tan up will do it every time.

I think the larger pics I posted show much more detail.


Registered User
Jul 2, 2017
I have to admit when I first opened up the pics when you emailed me CG, they looked very similar. But when I opened up the large images after they were posted you can see the difference for sure. How many lbs was it? You stayed lean too.

So if I'm understanding you correct, the gear was the same before you only added the slin between the two pics? You know I don't BS and talk low dose or preach but that's a shit ton of gear for me personally and I would not even need the slin. You've been at it for years though and the gear is not new territory for you so adding the slin on top may be the answer to pushing you to the next level. I always thought of AAS as the cake and gh, peps, slin, are just the toppings to take it further a bit more. I'm wondering also if you dropped all that gear and say you ran the 2gs test and the slin, what would those results be like. Maybe you don't need all that gear with the slin. Just like we have found we can lower our AAS dose and use gh or peps.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Maybe it's the resizing on the pics, but I honestly can't see much difference between them. I'm not entirely sure which one is the before and which is the after. Just so we're clear, CG, I'm not dogging you or trying to trying to start a pissing war in your thread. I'm genuinely interested in the protocol you used and the diet as well. The pics just look so grainy that I can't see much, if any, difference between them.

What's the time frame between them? Are we talking weeks, months, years?


Registered User
Apr 6, 2014
lol, you got me man. Die the hair and tan up will do it every time.

I think the larger pics I posted show much more detail.

Alright, don't get me wrong.

It's clearly better, but if you had told me you were cruising on 250mg test and then jumped on 500mg test plus some EQ and an oral I would believe you.

So, what was the weight gain? You clearly didn't gain fat.

What are these larger pics you posted? Can you send them to my email?


Registered User
Apr 6, 2014


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
You guys can't see the after pics my traps are 1 1/2' taller and my arms are two inches bigger? Howabout my rear delts being twice as big? My entire body is bigger. Are you serious with this? You guys are contesting any difference in the pics you can see with your bare eyes. Now I'm suppose to tell you the weight gains and have you tell me I'm lying about that? No thanks. You guys think you can make a change in your bodies this extreme in two and a half months just changing gear? Knock yourselfs out friends. ROFLMAO


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
You can tell a difference in pics. But can also tell the waist also grew

Mark, muscle is so hard to grow and takes time. Trimming a little fat away takes a fraction of the time. If I wanted I could have just run more T3 and clen and never had any fat retention.



Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
I have to admit when I first opened up the pics when you emailed me CG, they looked very similar. But when I opened up the large images after they were posted you can see the difference for sure. How many lbs was it? You stayed lean too.

So if I'm understanding you correct, the gear was the same before you only added the slin between the two pics? You know I don't BS and talk low dose or preach but that's a shit ton of gear for me personally and I would not even need the slin. You've been at it for years though and the gear is not new territory for you so adding the slin on top may be the answer to pushing you to the next level. I always thought of AAS as the cake and gh, peps, slin, are just the toppings to take it further a bit more. I'm wondering also if you dropped all that gear and say you ran the 2gs test and the slin, what would those results be like. Maybe you don't need all that gear with the slin. Just like we have found we can lower our AAS dose and use gh or peps.

Two make a change like this in a body that's previously being trained in the same exact manor in two and a half months is huge. What these guys don't get is when your eating your ass off and training that's not the time to get "show ready". Of course your going to put on a few pounds of shit weight. But when your trim it down that's when all the work was worth it. I truly don't think any amount of gear increase alone would do that. From experience I know that it wouldn't do it for me. I remember trying Dan Ducains idea of secondary pathways over 3000mgs and it just didn't pan out that way. The slin was and still is the only "Holly Shit" drug I have ever done.

When I read the way your reasoning this out I'm sure your starting to see it. From my experiences with slin I think it's like adding a power of three to any cycle amount. I'll tell ya something else. That's may be a lot for you, But it's just a hoe-hum cycle for anyone really bombing away for size.

Marky boy

Donating Member
May 13, 2014
Mark, muscle is so hard to grow and takes time. Trimming a little fat away takes a fraction of the time. If I wanted I could have just run more T3 and clen and never had any fat retention.


Was just stating a clear difference for those saying they can't see it.

I personally can see the difference in the pics from the lower back upwards, legs are hard to tell due to not the same trunks.

I'd be interested to know the weight gain, PM if you wish


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
You guys can't see the after pics my traps are 1 1/2' taller and my arms are two inches bigger? Howabout my rear delts being twice as big? My entire body is bigger. Are you serious with this? You guys are contesting any difference in the pics you can see with your bare eyes. Now I'm suppose to tell you the weight gains and have you tell me I'm lying about that? No thanks. You guys think you can make a change in your bodies this extreme in two and a half months just changing gear? Knock yourselfs out friends. ROFLMAO

No, that's absolutely not what I'm saying.

What I am saying is that on my tiny ass iPhone screen, with 2 tiny, grainy, poorly lit pictures that have been resized I don't know how much, it's difficult for me to discern any meaningful details that show any drastic differences. I can't even tell if the weird discoloration on the left side of your back is a bruise, a tattoo, a shadow or some artifact from the resizing.

Take a deep breath, hold it, and let it out slowly. No one is attacking you. We just don't see what you know is there because on our end, the quality of the pictures sux. It's like playing those kids puzzle games where they have 2 identical pictures with 20 slight differences in them. I don't know about anyone else, but I never could find the last 3 or 4 differences. Same thing here. Small pics + small screen + grainy images = not sure exactly what I'm seeing.

Frankly, even though I can't see the differences, I'm still taking you at your word 100%, and I'm asking more questions to try to gain more info and to try and learn from you. But the more you blow up and get defensive about it, the less I care to try to learn.


Sep 17, 2003
Guys apologies for derailing the thread.

The tech is rebuilding the entire attachment program and we are also working on the vbseo as that may be causing the issue?

Bare with us as he is on the other side of the planet so we may not have it completed until the morning.

Once it is finished we can clean up this thread and get it back on track.

Again apologies for the hassle:eek:


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
No, that's absolutely not what I'm saying.

What I am saying is that on my tiny ass iPhone screen, with 2 tiny, grainy, poorly lit pictures that have been resized I don't know how much, it's difficult for me to discern any meaningful details that show any drastic differences. I can't even tell if the weird discoloration on the left side of your back is a bruise, a tattoo, a shadow or some artifact from the resizing.

Take a deep breath, hold it, and let it out slowly. No one is attacking you. We just don't see what you know is there because on our end, the quality of the pictures sux. It's like playing those kids puzzle games where they have 2 identical pictures with 20 slight differences in them. I don't know about anyone else, but I never could find the last 3 or 4 differences. Same thing here. Small pics + small screen + grainy images = not sure exactly what I'm seeing.

Frankly, even though I can't see the differences, I'm still taking you at your word 100%, and I'm asking more questions to try to gain more info and to try and learn from you. But the more you blow up and get defensive about it, the less I care to try to learn from you at all.

Sully, you could start answering your questions by just reading the thread. It's all there my friend. After you view the pics in a form that allows you to inspect them properly I would be interested in your opinion. The discoloration in my back was blood from a left, lower lat pull about a week previous to this.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Sully, you could start answering your questions by just reading the thread. It's all there my friend. After you view the pics in a form that allows you to inspect them properly I would be interested in your opinion. The discoloration in my back was blood from a left, lower lat pull about a week previous to this.


Yes, my question was answered, somewhat indirectly, after I asked it, but not before then. Much appreciated. As for the pics, you have a PM, sir.