Current program, open to advice..


Registered User
Nov 2, 2012
Hello gentlemen. I have tried a few routines and only found one that does anything for me in terms of gaining size, which is my goal. That is the Push/Pull/Legs. I have changed it slightly and am very happy with what I have thus far. I love the schedule, and the muscle groupings. I am a little unsure of some other things, though. I have noticed that doing few sets does not seem to do much for me. I have found that five sets of bench and a little more of another exercise has me good and sore the next day. So I may do five sets of bench, two or three of dips and two sets of flys. I feel good the next day and make progess in terms of strength. Does this sound reasonable? I am an ectomorph and gaining muscle is not easy for most of my body. Also, with back, I don't seem to get the job done with just a few sets. This is my routine, minus numbers of sets, as I am still feeling this out. Any information or advice is appreciated.

Day 1


Day 2
legs/low back


Day 3
back (mid, upper, outter, traps)
shoulders (middle head really)


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Need to know how you have been training. Not just the bodypart split.
Sets reps etc. Detail that and it will be easier and better than guessing.
Need to know how you eat. Thats the other 65-70%. Post it up we'll give you
some help. Thanks, T


Registered User
Nov 2, 2012
With the main exercises I have been starting with higher reps and decreasing them with each set, making the last two sets the real work. This is for my chest and back days. Those are ares that I need growth in. I have explained my sets on chest day. I do more exercises on back, but in similar fashion. I will creep up in weight over five sets of reverse grip rows and do three sets for upper back. Then a couple more exercises at two sets each. The ony time that I really go low rep is on the last set of bench, around six. I am not seeking dietary advice, so I see no reason to get into that.

Old Man River

Registered User
Feb 14, 2013
Not seeking dietary advice! WTF!

With the main exercises I have been starting with higher reps and decreasing them with each set, making the last two sets the real work. This is for my chest and back days. Those are ares that I need growth in. I have explained my sets on chest day. I do more exercises on back, but in similar fashion. I will creep up in weight over five sets of reverse grip rows and do three sets for upper back. Then a couple more exercises at two sets each. The ony time that I really go low rep is on the last set of bench, around six. I am not seeking dietary advice, so I see no reason to get into that.
VM, you skinny ass ectomorph! Dietary advice is the most important thing for you to know. With you just starting to workout. I would say the workout is basic and enough for you right now. But, I think you have not made the mind to muscle connection just yet! You are are just feeling it out right now. Eating enough of the best food for you should be nutrient dense. You have to eat at home, your Mama's house, your cousins house, your girlfriends house, your girlfriends mama's house, etc. Keep doing what your doing, but more intense and get the hell out of the gym and chill out! Later, OMR


Registered User
Nov 2, 2012
I appreciate your time, but I have done my research on diet and nutrition. I know what I need to do in that regard. The diet is easy to learn. Sets, reps, etc seem to be a very inexact science. So, again, I'd like to talk training. I do not like HIT. I never got anything from abreviated training. Yesterday I did five sets of bench, three sets of weighted dips and two sets of flyes. Then, three sets of cable station pushdowns and some curls. I am quite sore right now. I have read before that geting sore doeas not indicate that you will grow. I ca say that for myself that the workouts that got me sore the next day were the ones that lead to a change in the way that I looked and/or a strenght increase at that body parts next workout. So, if anyone has an opinion or idea about my sets or reps, I am all ears. If you like more sets than the HIT guys, I'd like to hear that too. Thanks. Now I am going upstairs to throw 8 oz of milk, 1 cup of oatmeal, 5 whole eggs and some chocolate syrup into a blender. Have a greaat day, gentleman.


Feb 2, 2013
I like it, but I didn't see where you mentioned frequency? 3xEW or 3 on 1 off? The template looks sound and it seems like you enjoy it. DOMS is caused by ligament and tendon stress so don't use that as an indicator, progress is what you need to look for. So if you are adding reps or weight to the bar it's working.

Now regardless of your your training age I recommend you follow a higher frequency program where you hit each muscle group every 4 to five days. This should work well with your body type and works well with what we know about PRO synthesis. With that in mind you might consider and undulating system (sounds technical but it's not). Simply you would have one series of workouts where you did low reps and then another where you trained higher reps. Research has demonstrated (see William Kreamer) that your body adapts faster this way, plus it adds some nice variety.

Good luck,


Registered User
Nov 2, 2012
The routine takes six days. As you see I have an off day in between each. (Three day split, working every other day. ) I am not strict with it, but I usually stick to those three workouts being it for the week. If I have a partner wanting to do a wokrout on Sunday, for example, I won't turn him down because I worked out on Frday. As long as I have one day of rest it is fine.

Question, if DOMS is tendon and ligament stress, then why do I feel it through an entire muscle?

I am almost forty years old. I have tried routines where I come back to each muscle quicker and they did not allow me to progress. This basic three day split is the only routine that has allowed me to do so. Honestly, I came home after chest/arms yesterday and sat down after a home weight gain shake and fell asleep. I learned not workout on consecutive days. It just isn't for me.

I do like the idea of varying rep ranges. I thought thay we were supposed to do that by the week, though; light week, moderate week, heavey week, repeat?