Dorian Yates Dishes on Steroids


Registered User
Dec 17, 2012
It's just curiousity is all. I don't want to know Dorian's cycle due to some misguided belief that if I copied his cycle exactly I'd look exactly like him, I'd just be interested in hearing it.


Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
Y'all are delusional I knew I remembered reading this somewhere else supposedly by an old training partner or someone anyways. I've seen this posted somewhere else also

Week 1----2000mg test cyp---150mg dbol/a day
week 1----2000mg test cyp---150mg dbol/a day
week 2 ----3000mg test cyp---200mg dbol/a day
week 3-----4000mg test cyp---300mg dbol/day
week 4 -----5000mg test cyp---no dbol
week 5------3000mg test susp---200mg anadrol
week 6------4000mg test susp---300mg anadrol
week 7-------4000mg test susp---400mg anadrol
week 9-------10,000 iu hcg--800mg clomid
week10-------20,000iu hcg--1000mg clomid
week 11------4000mg test prop---100mg halotestin
week 12------4000mg test prop----200mg hal0
weel 13-------5000mg test prop----300mg halo
week 14-------3000mg test sus-----300mg halo----1000mg masterone
week 15-------4000mg test sus-----400mg halo----1000mg masterone
weekl 16-------10,000iu hcg---1000mg clomid
week 17--------20,000iu hcg---2000mg clomid
week 18--------30 ,000iu hcg---3000mg clomid
week 20---------2500mg test susp---1000mg of fina---
weel 21----------3500mg test susp--1500mg of fina
week 22----------4500mg test susp--20oomg of fina
week 23 ----------5000mg test susp---2500mg of fina
week 24 ----------1500mg test prop-----500mg anadrol
week 25-----------2500mg test prop-----500mg anadrol
week 26 -----------3500 mg test prop----300mg anadrol---1000mg masterone/day
week 27------------1500mg test susp-----200mg anadrol---200mg winng/day
week 29------------1500 mg test susp-----200mg anadrol---200 mg winny/day
week 30 ------------1500mg test susp------100mg anadrol---300mg winny/day

a dorian yates cycle 'supposidly'

As far as sully you're entitled to your own opinion. While the rest of know he's full of shit. If all the other pros have already admitted to cycles like stated above. You're not gonna tell me he won on a little cycle like he's saying now.

I think jj1 posted this so maybe he can elaborate more.

That would require a TON of ancillaries! No thanks.


Jul 10, 2013
2 weeks of mc Donald's for 3 meals a day is worse than 12 years of steroid use.

Lol rad!!!


May 7, 2013
Yeah i know. Man, just a gram of test, gram of eq, drol and dbol skyrocketed my bp. Looking at 6-7 month cycles with 5x as much gear is just mind boggling

Im sure these guys have to take some kind of blood pressure meds right? My BP went crazy on just 350mgs of tren ace while some of these guys are on 4 times that plus grams of other stuff.


Registered User
Jun 17, 2013
That would require a TON of ancillaries! No thanks.

Yeah, I want to know what ancillaries pros take with these massive doses of gear. Man, I take 75-100 mg drol ed for a week and get the beginnings of gyno !!.


Dec 20, 2013
That cycle looks full of ****.
I don't care who you are, nobody has the capacity to inject 40-50cc of test suspension a week and take 400mg of halo a day.

You would be dead in no time, and the PIP would be unbearable. Whoever wrote this is an idiot and full of ****. Trust me, it's all a bunch of garbage.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
Y'all are delusional I knew I remembered reading this somewhere else supposedly by an old training partner or someone anyways. I've seen this posted somewhere else also

Week 1----2000mg test cyp---150mg dbol/a day
week 1----2000mg test cyp---150mg dbol/a day
week 2 ----3000mg test cyp---200mg dbol/a day
week 3-----4000mg test cyp---300mg dbol/day
week 4 -----5000mg test cyp---no dbol
week 5------3000mg test susp---200mg anadrol
week 6------4000mg test susp---300mg anadrol
week 7-------4000mg test susp---400mg anadrol
week 9-------10,000 iu hcg--800mg clomid
week10-------20,000iu hcg--1000mg clomid
week 11------4000mg test prop---100mg halotestin
week 12------4000mg test prop----200mg hal0
weel 13-------5000mg test prop----300mg halo
week 14-------3000mg test sus-----300mg halo----1000mg masterone
week 15-------4000mg test sus-----400mg halo----1000mg masterone
weekl 16-------10,000iu hcg---1000mg clomid
week 17--------20,000iu hcg---2000mg clomid
week 18--------30 ,000iu hcg---3000mg clomid
week 20---------2500mg test susp---1000mg of fina---
weel 21----------3500mg test susp--1500mg of fina
week 22----------4500mg test susp--20oomg of fina
week 23 ----------5000mg test susp---2500mg of fina
week 24 ----------1500mg test prop-----500mg anadrol
week 25-----------2500mg test prop-----500mg anadrol
week 26 -----------3500 mg test prop----300mg anadrol---1000mg masterone/day
week 27------------1500mg test susp-----200mg anadrol---200mg winng/day
week 29------------1500 mg test susp-----200mg anadrol---200 mg winny/day
week 30 ------------1500mg test susp------100mg anadrol---300mg winny/day

a dorian yates cycle 'supposidly'

As far as sully you're entitled to your own opinion. While the rest of know he's full of shit. If all the other pros have already admitted to cycles like stated above. You're not gonna tell me he won on a little cycle like he's saying now.

I think jj1 posted this so maybe he can elaborate more.

Phoe, I will have to check out the link when I get home tonight, and I don't have a clue to what Dorian has taken....i've seen about a dozen different cycle proposals and fakes out there over the last decade and a half.

My only concern with the above is that 1-2 of those compounds in that cycle were hard to get during his reign as Mr. Olympia. For example, when they state "fina," i'm assuming trenbolone acetate because people did not call parabolan fina during that period. The problem with Tren Ace/Fina during the mid to late 90's is that it wasn't readily available in injectible form (after being d/c'd in the early 90's or late 80's....I can't remember....it was available in mexico though before it was d/c'd), and while "fina" refers to the pellets that were available easily at the time, it wasn't until the end of the 90's that guys figured out how to make an injectible from them (depending on you you believe, either Animal or Kneller). Not saying it was impossible, but it is something to keep in mind.

IIRC, I think during the 90's, Masteron was also not readily available. I am not saying that with much certainty, but I do remember guys from the 90's who posted on these very boardfs, and guys who were in the know, would mention how they wished Mast was still available.

That said, this is going off memory 20 years ago now...lol.


Jun 10, 2013
I agree there's a few different proposals I've seen and none of them were 600/600/600 or whatever he's claiming. I guess its just now more of we all know better stop lying to the ones who know the truth type of thing. Is it something I really care about? No ofcourse not I'm gonna sleep just fine either way. Maybe he's trying to protect the bodybuilding society and the younger generations by saying this who actually knows


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Sep 24, 2006
I'd be lieing if I stated it didn't still pique my interest even today:D

However, in bodybuilding there has always been so many lies and cover ups (good and bad), and even when somebody tells the truth, it is hard to even trust them. It's the nature of the beast especially here in the USA where it is illegal. I know Dorian lives in the UK, or used to, but with money/career/sponsors on the line, they almost have to lie. Obviously he doesn't have to really care now, I mean I don't think people really cares if he used 200mg/wk or 5 grams, as long as it was verified as legit.

I'll still read/watch it regardless of there being any truth:D It has alway sjust interested me.

I think when you get guys together like what is being proposed/planned by the MD article, it's a matter of whether these guys want to admit to using more than the guy next to them, or in this case, their own nemeses. I think there is and always will be the mind-game of "even if I use more, i'll make it seem like I use less than what was needed by my competition." I mean, assuming Dorian used very large doses and the other 2 used way less.....will he want to admit that to them? That has and will always be the biggest question to me when these guys get together. Bodybuilding is a weird sub-culture....some don't care, and others are self-conscious.

What I see happening is them telling the truth on what they used at times, but possibly not what their extremes were. It's obvious that through the many years, many cycles and protocols would have been used....or at least dosages, so they may be telling the truth for a particular time period, but not for other times. It could be already pre-planned on what they will say ahead of time so that each person is in alignment with the other guys....or they can feel each other out and wait for the first person to open up.

I'm just throwing possibilities out now. lol

We'll see, or at least I will. I'll read/watch it....it will be interesting to see how they go about their answers:D


Mar 27, 2014
I liked it - he wasn't the nicest guy at the fan booths back in his Hay day but boy did he put on a show - remember I asked him a question about calories - he gave me a wise ass reply- then he laughed at me with his blokes - I went back and forth with him for a bit until the promoter got me out of there - I was half his size but on and crazy - his cave was bigger then me then.what was I thinking going after him - he showed great restraint - wish I had - young and stupid - the other one that was never nice was Mike Quinne


Dec 20, 2013
I've already said it before, I'll say it again.

Another Mr.Olympia besides Dorian(between years of 1975-1990), who was smaller(but not TOO much smaller) was on 3-4grams year round. I'm going to ASSUME they both had similar genetics...meaning their genetics kicked butt.

With that being said, I think it is VERY safe to logically conclude Dorian was taking AT LEAST 3-4 grams year round, as well as pharmacy grade HGH @ 8ius+ since he has already admitted he used 8iu of pharm GH.

I think really all we need to do, is to multiply his proposed doses by 2x to get more accurate dosages..

Example(comparing his proposed amount vs. what he really used)
750 test -->1500 test
500 deca-->1000 deca
50dbol ---->100 dbol
8iu GH ---->16iu GH
152 tren ---> 300 tren

Looking at a 1500test/1000deca/100dbol ED/16iu GH/300 tren combation does indeed look very believable.

He has not spoken about insulin use, but it's safe to say he most likely added insulin in there. Regardless of whether he did or did not, his anabolics ratio certainly looks "correct" on paper when looking at the doses multiplied by even 2x. This is not to say he possibly went higher(eg: 2000test/1500deca/150dbol ed/600tren/20iu GH)....but I could actually 100% believe he did in fact just use 3-4grams.

The difference between him and the other Mr.Olympia I'm talking about that had very similar size could have been achieved simply by using GH. The person I'm talking about did *NOT* use GH. Dorian DID use GH, and has admitted to it.

Take 3-4grams and add 16iu+ of GH(and possibly some insulin), and voila.

Just my 2cents.

Regardless- I'll 100% tell all of you with a guarantee that the cycle listed above is complete garbage and laughable. It's fake beyond belief.
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Mar 27, 2014
Fina would stand for Finaject 30- 50ml
from France in the late 80's early 90'-was pretty available - it was the most incredible thing I have ever done my self
Wow- for 1000mg you would have to take 20 cc pr week seeing it was 50mg pr ml
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Jun 10, 2013
Hey that's the first one o found I know there's upteen million. I can't find one where his ex trainer or someone posted but either way its not what he's saying now


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 29, 2012
Damn Derek hitting the nail on the head...old rule of thumb lie for 90's pros was say 1/2 of what You're really on...2 grams test, 5-600 deca & 50-150mg of an oral (depending dball or drol)in the 90s was norm


Dec 20, 2013
^^^^ in response to MightyJohn....

Some of the pro's you have to multiply by 3x, possibly 4x IMO.

Kevrin Levrone . He stated the following cycle:

500 test
400 deca
100 anadrol/ed
50 winstrol EoD

This cycle is laughable at best. I have a very very reliable source telling me they knew Kevin was taking a TON of anadrol. Not 100mg a day, but more like 300mg a day(it could have been higher). During Ronnie Coleman/Kevin's time, Anadrol was *routinely* being used at 300-400 mg, and EVEN UP TO 500MG!!!!! (Think of all the people right now that are shocked because they're scared of a measly 50-75mg a day on their liver,lol).

If we take Kevin's doses, and multiply them all by 3 , since we can rest assured he was definetly on 300+ anadrol:

-1500 test
-1200 deca
-300 anadrol/ED(2.1k grams per week)
-150 winstrol EoD

This comes out to a whopping total of ~5.5 grams per week!!!!

5.5 grams sounds MUCH more likely -- and this isn't taking HGH/Insulin into account.

It is very believable that he took 5.5 grams IMO. I have a feeling all Kevin did was divide his doses by 1/3rd. I hope to god it wasn't 1/4th...but that is also possible: 2000 test....1600 deca...400 anadrol ED(2800 per week)...200 winny EoD. Sadly, at that size and level, it's not uncommon to use 2k Test/Up to 2K Deca/up to 400 Anadrol ED.....



AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 29, 2012
Levrone's steroid doses I don't know but a close friend of his told Me he was one of the 1st GH MEGA-Dosers...1 kit of Serostim/week 18iu day


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
Dang reading all this makes me think their guts are just from insane hepatitis from 300mg drol per day and not the gh lol


New member
Feb 15, 2014
So two questions is...

Is truth that more gear ( mgs/amount of compounds in one stack ) = more muscles/better look etc. in Your opinion? And the best way to reach Your maximum muscle limit is taking as much as your body is able to hold? :confused:


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 29, 2012
One thing to keep in mind is the genetically elite/many pros body's handle WAY more side effect free then most of Us...years back when I was running a sports training program with several NFL'ers in it many were on 3000mg of test a week like it was nothing(just assuming 2-3K was the norm)