First Cycle


Registered User
Jun 1, 2013
For all those looking for advice on first cycles......do your research and take advice....THEN base your first cycle on the best of what you have read and been told...I say this because there is no perfect advice for a first cycle. As you can see by reading all the posts I have went through all sorts of different ideas for cycles...each one of them being shot down by either research or by an experienced member. From what I gather (based on all the things I have read and been told) the bottom line is.......#1 you should wait as long as possible before ever doing a cycle(its to bad nobody listens), #2 you should reach what you honestly think is a peak in your lifestyle and fitness levels (if you think you are there...your not) #3 Anyone can order some compounds and start pinning and you may see results...but if you want to maximise your gains AND protect your body in the long run then do your research and do it RIGHT

After a lot of thought, reading and advice I have decided to keep my first cycle plain and simple. Im going to try to keep a good log when I start this up. We will see what this test only cycle will do for me. Keep in mind I went from wanting to run 3 different compounds at higher doses for my first cycle.....to this. Some might think this is a waste but everyone has their opinion and most of them are wrong.

I plan to run

Test Cyp.- 400mg weekly for 12 weeks
I will have HCG on hand and will only use if i notice testicular atrophy . Currently trying to figure out if I should use it during this cycle. I dont think I will need it. To get my HPTA post cycle I will use Clomid starting 2 weeks after the last pin and run this AI for 3 weeks. This is my first cycle so I will have to see how this works out at these doses but im thinking 100mg first dose then 50mg daily.

Here is a great link for AI info: http://articles.muscletalk.co.uk/clomid-hcg.aspx

But yea its super simple, low doses, and a safe starting point. While you can do all sorts of reading and get great advice, you dont know how your body will respond to and react to these compounds. Dont be in a rush when your wanting to start a cycle. A experienced member posted this somewhere awhile back and it has stuck with me.......it was something like.....(Using these compounds and building your body is like a marathon, not a sprint) So take your time and ease into things, all it takes is one bad cycle to put you in the ER or cause long-term damage to your body.
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Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Dont tell me u bought the sus yet? Terrible first choice due to the roller coaster effect on hormones ..why did u chose it? Proscar? Kiss any sex life away..it ruins the junk period..clomid no need to take during cycle bro.. lets put the car in reverse and ask what would a good first cycle and pct be ? Test cyp 250 mg week with 40 mg a dbol to see how u feel is one option.. thanks ib

Tell me the compounds in your sus250 also and each mg per ml.?
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Feb 7, 2013
(SUST 250mg 10ml) - 1ml two times per week for 10 weeks

CLOM- 25mg daily throughout 10 week cycle THEN two weeks after last pin I will take a loading dose then 50mg daily for 4 weeks

PROSCAR- .5mg every other day during cycle

Low doses is my main concern, due to attempting to save $. Are my AI and PCT adaquate? At these low does with they still be effective?
178 lbs
this is not a routine or anything but this is what i can do at 178 lbs
225lbs bench x 14-18 reps
100lbs+bodyweight weighted pullups x 8-10 reps
225lbs squat x 20 reps
still can smoke most anyone in a 40m or a 1 mile...or a 10 mile
prior military special forces
keep my weight low to avoid injury

At 25 how long we're you spec ops?


Jun 10, 2013
Listen to IB he won't steer you wrong. Only thing I might consider if I was you is maybe some Dbol and deca but if you're completely natty I would run your first cycle test e or test c at 400-600 mgs a week. And do not forget to get some hcg to run with your clomid after your cycle. Best of luck


Registered User
Oct 31, 2012
If you don't want to put on much weight then why AAS? You can have a great lean functional and athletic physique natty.

I think the test up to 600mg for your first cycle would do plenty. Unlike IB I love sustanon. To keep your levels more stable either do a dose every other day OR one big one once a week to 10 days. This is actually how it was made to be administered.

By the time the prop is wearing down the enanthate is coming on and when that is waning longer esters are coming on. When a week goes by you've still got a stable level of T in your blood. Youll get to peak levels after 3 or 4 weeks just like on an enanthate or cypionate cycle.


Nov 1, 2012
^^^IF you have the sust eod is fine... how much weight are you trying to put on?
If not a lot 1/2 cc eod would probably be good for you.


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Well Tri T and Cerberus I'm goin what the matey said . He didnt say eod or even what sus he has cause some ug call their sus cyp and prop. Lol. Anyway we all helped like we do and can't load the pin for everyone. I do like the real sus amps but i always make sure i got 40 or it's a no go...Thanks guys ..


Nov 1, 2012
Well Tri T and Cerberus I'm goin what the matey said . He didnt say eod or even what sus he has cause some ug call their sus cyp and prop. Lol. Anyway we all helped like we do and can't load the pin for everyone. I do like the real sus amps but i always make sure i got 40 or it's a no go...Thanks guys ..

True, I love real sust...but twice a week is a rocky ride. And eod pinning can be a bit much for a first cycle.


Registered User
Jun 1, 2013
Still reading over everyones input. Thanks everyone. I tried to do enought reading to put something reasonable together before I just asked what I should try. I find so much mixed information! Thanks for all your input, im still putting things together, havent bought anything yet.

(707)-i did one term and got the F out


Registered User
Jun 1, 2013
Dont tell me u bought the sus yet? Terrible first choice due to the roller coaster effect on hormones ..why did u chose it? Proscar? Kiss any sex life away..it ruins the junk period..clomid no need to take during cycle bro.. lets put the car in reverse and ask what would a good first cycle and pct be ? Test cyp 250 mg week with 40 mg a dbol to see how u feel is one option.. thanks ib

Tell me the compounds in your sus250 also and each mg per ml.?

No I have not bought the sus yet and now I do not plan to. I read it was a good first cycle since it has several different steroids in it. Thanks for the input on proscar...not getting that either. And I have noted NO clomid during cycle...but do you still recommend for PCT? And your right I would have liked to ask what a first cycle should look like but last time i did that everyone told me to go do my research...so i did that and here I am...confused as hell lol. So if I go with the Test Cyp 250 how much and how often do I pin? What do you suggest for AI and PCT?


Feb 7, 2013
No I have not bought the sus yet and now I do not plan to. I read it was a good first cycle since it has several different steroids in it. Thanks for the input on proscar...not getting that either. And I have noted NO clomid during cycle...but do you still recommend for PCT? And your right I would have liked to ask what a first cycle should look like but last time i did that everyone told me to go do my research...so i did that and here I am...confused as hell lol. So if I go with the Test Cyp 250 how much and how often do I pin? What do you suggest for AI and PCT?

Test-500 every weeks 1-12
Dbol- 50mg every day week 1-4
Winny 50mg everyday week 8-12

Nolvadex 40mg/ed weeks 14-18
Hcg 1000 iu/week 14-18


Registered User
Jun 1, 2013
Test-500 every weeks 1-12
Dbol- 50mg every day week 1-4
Winny 50mg everyday week 8-12

Nolvadex 40mg/ed weeks 14-18
Hcg 1000 iu/week 14-18

So far I got:

test cyp. 250/ml - 500mg/2ml every week for 12 weeks
Winny 50mg/ml - 50mg/1ml weekly during weeks 8-12
Nolvadex 20mg - 2 tabs every day during weeks 14-18
Hcg - 1000iu every week for weeks 14-18

If I leave out the Dbol ($) am I still looking at a good stack/first cycle?
Do you recommend a loading dose on the Nolvadex?
Do I need to take any AIs during the cycle?


Mar 10, 2006
500mgs cyp wk for 12 wks alone is a good first cycle, that was my first cycle 20 yrs ago and it was plenty. Plus I didn't like the idea of doing 2-3 different compounds at once not knowing what each one felt like. I do not load nolva and I do not run anti-e with 12 wk cycles. I make sure I have nolva on hand, if gyno symptoms start up I use the nolva. Take your time wrees, do your research..you're going to hear many different opinions.


Registered User
Jun 1, 2013
500mgs cyp wk for 12 wks alone is a good first cycle, that was my first cycle 20 yrs ago and it was plenty. Plus I didn't like the idea of doing 2-3 different compounds at once not knowing what each one felt like. I do not load nolva and I do not run anti-e with 12 wk cycles. I make sure I have nolva on hand, if gyno symptoms start up I use the nolva. Take your time wrees, do your research..you're going to hear many different opinions.

Thanks for the great input. Using one compound at a time does sound good, as it would be nice to know what the each one is doing. And thank about the PCT and not loading the nolva...save me a few bucks there! I will def have the nolva on hand tho. I will keep the research going for awhile...I was about to order today but Im gonna think things through for awhile and do some more reading. The info i found on winny sounded good...it pointed out how if can give good quality gains that will stay with you. I think 707 suggested i use it for weeks 8-12. I guess maybe ill have time to know how the test cyp is working before I start that winny....I think ill get the winny just cuz its pretty cheap and seems like a good addition. Any suggestions or comments?


Oct 27, 2012
Test-500 every weeks 1-12
Dbol- 50mg every day week 1-4
Winny 50mg everyday week 8-12

Nolvadex 40mg/ed weeks 14-18
Hcg 1000 iu/week 14-18

E, what are your thoughts on using an AI throughout the cycle? Using something like exemestane at 12.5mg/day would keep estrogen minimized and since it is a suicidal inhibitor, once you discontinue use no excess aromatase will be circulating. Exemestane also has been shown to increase testosterone production in males and does not affect IGF-1 levels, whereas nolva has negative effects on IGF-1 and only takes up the receptor space while allowing the aromatase enzyme to still be circulating.

Another thought, what about HCG at 250iu E3D throughout the cycle? This will ensure a faster recovery post cycle and keep the boys healthy and happy.

Just some ideas to throw out for discussion...I'd like to hear what more experienced members think.