Great Luck With Side Effects!


Perfection Personifide
Dec 7, 2004
stealthmeister said:
LMFAO deca! Although, it did spoil my image of her.....I coulda swore she was a virgin when I first saw that avatar :D

yours has to definitly be a virgin ;)


Mar 1, 2005
On My Boat in Texas
ben johnson said:
im on cip(500)/deca(400) and high bp and a few sweats r my only sides. ok my nuts have disappeared but....hardly any acne and im lookin and feelin great....

sounds funny ben,-How' bout this AS advertisement?
Ive suffered a stroke,my blood pressures 210 over 160, I bleed out my ears and my testicles have turned to ovaries...But damn I feel and look GREAT


Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
I am extremely prone to the estrogenic sides of steroids. If i don't take at least nolvadex with test or dbol, I get gyno very quickly. I also retain an enormous amount of water when using aromatizing drugs, unless I use an aromatase inhibitor. And my nuts shrink badly if I don't include an AI. So most of them are caused by estrogen conversion in my case.

I've never gotten zits or lost any hair from using steroids, though. Even when using Masteron or similar DHT-related drugs (5aa-cypionate which is a pro-hormone to DHT, Mestanolone which is methyl-DHT)it doesn't happen. And unless I'm using an aromatizing steroid minus an AI my nuts really don't shrink in size. But I honestly could not use test at all if I didn't have access to arimidex or femara.

mr.nitrofish said:
that reminds me when my doctor asked if I check my balls, I replyed, all the time every 15 minits or so.

she explained that if one of my balls where to swell up to the size of a baseball there may be a problem.

damn, ya think!

how could you not realize that your nuts are fucked up?

Actually this hits close to home. My own brother had this happen to him recently and now he's in chemotherapy. He started taking Propecia around 2000 (he also has done a few cycles in that time period), and about 6 months into it his left nut shrank to about 1/4 of its size. Even though I told him it wasn't normal, he just put it off as a side-effect of the drug and never went to a doctor to have it examined. I guess for almost 6 years it stayed tiny, and then...

This November the same nut suddenly swole up to major proportions and he finally saw a doctor about it. The next week he underwent surgery to remove the testicle b/c a tumor was wrapped around it. It was malignant. Turns out that the cancer has spread to the nearby lymph nodes and he has stage II seminoma. Now he has to get IV chemo for the next couple months to fight/kill off the cancer.

They think he's had the cancer for awhile, and it spread most likely because his dumb ass decided not to go to a doctor when he first had symptoms (i.e. the left nut shrinking up badly). Only becuase it swole up and was painful did he decide to see a professional. When he first told me about the shrinking nut I advised him to see a doc and told him it wasn't normal, but he didn't listen. He tells me he really wishes he would've gone now.
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Registered User
Dec 4, 2005
Nitrateman said:
I bet he does. Hindsight is always 20-20
Keep us posted on how he's doing.


Thanks for the concern, Nitrateman.

He's physically holding up to the chemo very well even though he just started. So far he's just been a little tired and had some headaches. He hasn't started losing hair though. It is very ironic that the Propecia he took (and thought was causing the nut to shrink) will actually end up CAUSING him to lose hair in a round-about way (through chemo). He's depressed, as most cancer patients are, especially since he is very picky about his personal appearance (always was tanned and shaved his body hair, was a metrosexual type guy before it became popular despite being a 230+lb football player, LOL) and he knows chemo will cause him to look a little wasted.

We expect him to beat it though, stage II seminoma is usually 95% non-fatal, and someone his age/strength (he is very strong-willed in addition to having good physical strength) should be able to do better than most. His fiance is a nurse, and is a great woman--she lives with him and she's his rock right now so he should be okay. At least we all hope so. He'll be done (hopefully) with the chemo by april, so if all goes well that will be the end of it.

This has spooked him enough for him to pull a "Lyle Alzado", though, which kind of irks me. He tried to talk me out of ever using steroids again because, in his opionon, even though steroids didn't cause his cancer, he feels that they may have excabberated the growth of the tumor/metasiticiation (he ran a few cycles from the time "they believe" the cancer began until its detection). And tried to preach to me that my use could cause any potential malignancies I may have now or in the future to grow at an accellerated rate due to my AAS use (and sometimes, abuse). Needless to say, we agreed to disagree on that:)

Thanks again, and guys--be careful for odd side effects concerning your nuts. Testicular cancer is (IIRC) the number one cancer in males 21-35, and with the changes in size/etc. so when cycling AAS serious problems may fly under the radar. So have your girlfriends or wives check them often--if you're lucky you might get some play out of it:)


Aug 28, 2005
Just wondering how many of the brothers (and Sisters) have had little or no sides on their cycles? I have been shooting 500mg of Tren A, and Prop a week, and have not experienced any sides that I would consider "nasty" ( a little insomnia, and perhaps some sweating.) The same goes for Masteron, which I have also used in the past. Am I just getting lucky, or are some people just less prone to the sides due to something in their genetics? Just curious.

Ive never had many sides that were severe in my 20+ yrs.