M4BTeam Pre-Summer Transformation Contest


Mar 22, 2014
Weight is 181

Yesterday's I did chest, calves and abs. Followed by some sprints in the back of the gym.

First higher volume workout I've had in about three weeks.

Felt good. Kept a rather quick pace too.

Went to see Jay yesterday and he suggested that I start cycling my carbs.

Hey, did you guys know, he hates veggies too? Ha, I'm not alone.


Registered User
Apr 3, 2014
Still think its crazy that lowring my tren and upping my npp has actually leaned me out more than high tren and mid npp. Anyways i want to post some progress pics because im on the come up! but id rather wait and show from beginning to end :D.. Got arms today, Lots of carbs = Big massive arm pump. I suggest you fuck with the straight bar and add chains on each side. same thing with the straight bar and chains for skull crushers. Massive nasty pump. Sooooo got my adrol dbol and anavar in. Can't decide what i want to do. If I should just strart anavar run it 6 weeks take off a couple and run it another 6 orrrrrr should i run anadrol (which i never have ran before) for 4 weeks take off 4 and then run anavar for 6 to lean out. Im so back and forth i want to put some size on and try drol but im nervous about hair loss, to much water retention, all the bad sides. or if maybe i should even run a mid dose of drol and dbol for 4 weeks. I know im all over the place with this one lol. Any help guys. Goal again is lean mass


Jul 10, 2013
Just did chest and biceps. Always love these workouts.

Tan is helping a lot. Also clearing up a lot of acne.

Letro and Prami has really started to soften my gyno. Already getting smaller.

Vascular as fuark. And getting nice an dry.

Lowering carbs again this week.


Mar 22, 2014
Back and traps yesterday. Another good workout. Followed it by 20 mins on the treadmill. That's all I had time for so I bumped up the intensity to a min of 3.8 and max of 4.1 mph.

Today will be my first low carb day since I did Keto at the start of this thing. I'll probably do about 75 grams. Should be an interesting day.


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
Weight is holding around 227. Veins coming out on my delts and upper chest.

Feeling pretty good these days! I hate to say it, and it's not my nature, but I may need to incorporate some cardio........crap!

Today was the following work sets, all to failure

Leg Press x 12, 16, 18
Seated leg curls x11
SLDL's x12
Hammer curls x12
EZ Bar currls x12
Concentration curls x15
Pressdowns x9
Lying BB Extensions x10
Lying DB extension x14

Started anavar yesterday.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Been a busy couple days. Life seems to know when you're needing to focus on something, and throws distractions at you left and right.

Weight has been holding steady at 245 the last week, even though my diet has fallen apart.

Today was chest, tris and delts. Changed up the order of my workout again, and felt really good about it. Did decline chest press first and was really strong, with everything except the final failure set in the 20 rep range. Delts felt good, form was on point. I've been doing pec-deck single a single arm at a time, and I'm really liking the additional range of movement and strength of contraction. It really seems to hit the center of the chest where the pectoral muscles meet better.

Yesterday was legs, and I'm having an odd issue. My squat and leg press lifts are going down for a weird reason. I think, as my gut gets smaller my range of motion increases and I lose that extra compression from having my legs wedged against my abdomen at the bottom of the motion. It's not discouraging, just something to get used to. Suddenly I'm putting up a lot less weight, but on the other hand, my stomach is flattening out nicely. I'll take the smaller gut.

Gotta get my diet back on track, and drop a few more pounds before the end of the contest.

On a side note, does anyone get shakey from T3? My hands have been shakey, and my legs have felt almost unstable the last few weeks. Like walking up a flight of stairs is getting to be an iffy prospect. I suspect it's from the T3, just not 100% sure.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Yesterday I trained calves, hams and arms and it was great. Today was calves, shoulders and some abs. 2moro gonna train chest and quads with abs. I have a slight injury in my upper back but nothing too bad. I done some heavy shrugs today (stupidly) and felt it go a bit so stopped. I then had my back cracked by the physio. It only took 20 secs. When he pushed the area it was extremely painful. 2moro I will be careful but shouldn't have any issues. I have physio booked for next week.

I have been in two minds with my goals and I know that is bad. I was thinking do I go for size or get leaner. I am sure you have all been there too. For the next 4 weeks is gonna be all about fatloss and getting ripped. I have been using GHRP-2 which is amazing but horrible for me cutting. The appetite increase is just ridiculous. I had it before and had 3 meals in less than an hour! I had 2 large pieces of fish with broccoli and cauliflower then some chocolate :eek: Then I had a very large chicken breast with raspberries. I was still very hungry so I then had oats. I always feel like oats after ghrp-2. I had a massive amount with banana and dried fruit and added a scoop of strawberry whey isolate. Literally the oats alone was well over 100g carbs. I then had some dark chocolate and 2 cups of green tea with mushroom.

Gonna hit the gym hard over the w/e. I never take fat burners but gonna start clen 2moro. I started letro the other day too. I will take tadalafil preworkout from 2moro too :D I will swop over the ghrp-2 to hexarelin and I shouldn't have any issues after that!

Good to read all the posts in here :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Almost forgot I will be adding in Marssel's Adrol very soon too :D I think I will be extremely strict with my diet for 1 week then start the adrol.

My legs are killing me as I have been abusing them. I can barely get up stairs but I wouldn't have it any other way :D


Mar 22, 2014
Weight is 180

40 mins of cardio yesterday then jumped in the tanning booth for my first session.

BF checked out at 9.2% yesterday.

Also yesterday was a low carb day. Felt like I was on Keto although I took in about 90 gms of carbs.

Already had 40 this morning!


Mar 22, 2014
Woke up this morning and I'm 178. WTF!!!!!!!!

Hey, I knew it was going to happen eventually if I was going to try and win this thing.

Thankfully today is High carb day. Should end up going over 400.

In fact the post workout meal I have planned has about 150 gms in it alone.

Yesterday was an awesome calves and delt day. Even did a little ab work at the end. Per Jay, I added more volume and worked at a quick pace. Ended up training for about an hour.

Then 30 mins of cardio. Not doing any cardio today. Shooting for a 1.5 hour leg workout instead.


Registered User
Jul 1, 2013
I feel you bro I'm down to 175-177 and not happy about it at all I know it's all fat Los and I still look bigger than I ever but the scale is a mind trip. Hadn't been able to update most of the week been busy as a one legged man in an ass kickin contest. Got arrested Friday morning for not stepping out of my vehicle the got tagged a few time by mr popo man. First time in my life to ever be in any sort of trouble they didn't charge me with anything other than unpaid tickets but now I can't feel my thumb and have some nasty bruises. That will teach me not to talk back.


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
I have decided, rather I've figure out, that I'm a test kind of guy.
This is the second attempt at higher tren and lower test and I don't like how it makes me feel or how I look. I'm feeling flat and dragging a bit.
I looked back over my past history and when I felt/looked best I was on moderate test low tren, so I'm doing that for this next month.
Dropping the tren to 350/week, upping the test to 900, to go along with the mast and anavar.


Mar 8, 2014
I feel you bro I'm down to 175-177 and not happy about it at all I know it's all fat Los and I still look bigger than I ever but the scale is a mind trip. Hadn't been able to update most of the week been busy as a one legged man in an ass kickin contest. Got arrested Friday morning for not stepping out of my vehicle the got tagged a few time by mr popo man. First time in my life to ever be in any sort of trouble they didn't charge me with anything other than unpaid tickets but now I can't feel my thumb and have some nasty bruises. That will teach me not to talk back.

Man that sucks! I got pulled from my vehicle by the cops years ago and thrown on the ground and roughed up too. I deserved it tho, that was in my heavy drinking days and left the scene of an accident cause i was almost blackout drunk.lol was like something you would see on the show "Cops" :D


Registered User
Jul 1, 2013
It wasn't fun but still didn't have to be pulled from my truck at 5 in the morning going to work......side note anyone else lose their appetite on tren?


Registered User
Mar 19, 2014
It wasn't fun but still didn't have to be pulled from my truck at 5 in the morning going to work......side note anyone else lose their appetite on tren?
If anything I would say I get more hungry on tren especially carb cravings. But the damm acid reflux gets in the way!

I agree on the lowering of tren. Some of these UGLs make this shit strong and its already what 5x stronger than test. I really dont see any differnce past 350 a week and the sides get to bad. I started recently competing and unless your competing at a high level I dont really see the need to go higher especially how it makes most of us feel kinda shitty,angry and cant sleep. The benifit to side ratio just aint there to justify IMO. Id rather feel good, go a little lower for looking %2 less shitty LOL.


Registered User
Mar 19, 2014
So my Chrons is acting up big time. I cannot keep food down. direaha like crazy was on the bowl 20x yesterday alone throughout the night too. This sucks!
Im dropping a little weight too. I still have great appetite and feel strong.
Had to stop a few times during training today to hit the can I hate that! Still was strong in the gym. Hopefully this passes Im already on heavy meds and it can only get worse.
Keep going guys few weeks left.


Registered User
Nov 6, 2012
It wasn't fun but still didn't have to be pulled from my truck at 5 in the morning going to work......side note anyone else lose their appetite on tren?

For me tren is a damned if I do damned if I don't.
I don't have as much of an appetite but if I don't eat enough I feel hypo, but most of the time when I eat, especially carbs, I get the acid reflux.......

At 50 years old I've decided this is my last tren run, no matter how low I go on it. Just don't see the value in trade offs anymore.