~Transgender Crossfit Competitor~ Poll...

Should this Transgender Man who changed to a woman be allowed to compete as a woman?

  • Absolutely.

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • Hell NO.

    Votes: 12 70.6%
  • I don't know or I don't care.

    Votes: 1 5.9%

  • Total voters


Registered User
Jul 28, 2013
~TransGender Crossfit Competitor~ Poll...
Do you think this Transgender man who changed into a woman should be allowed to compete in Crossfit games should be allowed to compete as a woman??

Is it fair? Should it be legal?


http://www.cnn.com/2014/03/07/us/tra...suit-crossfit/ TO ARTICLE

(CNN) -- A transgender woman prohibited from competing in a strength competition as a female is suing the fitness company sponsoring the competition, seeking $2.5 million in damages.
Chloie Jonnson, a personal trainer, charges the CrossFit company with discrimination, intentional infliction of emotional distress and unfair competition in a lawsuit filed Thursday in Santa Cruz, California.

While her lawyer calls it a case of discrimination against transgender people, CrossFit's lawyer calls it protecting the competition.
Last year, Jonnson sought to compete in the CrossFit Games, a contest aimed at determining the fittest man and woman.

According to the lawsuit, Jonnson has identified herself as a female since her teenage years and is legally recognized by California as a woman. She had sexual reassignment surgery in 2006 and has been on female hormone therapy, according to her lawsuit.
The lawsuit alleges that a CrossFit teammate of Jonnson's sent an anonymous e-mail to the games organizers asking about transgender athletes in the competition. CrossFit determined that competitors in the event had to compete in the gender of their birth.
Jonnson disagreed with its decision and the dispute has escalated to a lawsuit.

"The fundamental, ineluctable fact is that a male competitor who has a sex reassignment procedure still has a genetic makeup that confers a physical and physiological advantage over women," according to theletter from CrossFit's lawyer sent in October.
CNN reached out to CrossFit but did not get a response on Thursday. The letter from CrossFit was provided to CNN by Jonnson's attorney, Waukeen McCoy, who blasted the company's decision.

"(Jonnson) doesn't have an advantage over other women. She's been on estrogen for such a long time," he said about his client.
Hormone replacement therapy for transgender women includes anti-androgen therapy, which nullifies the effects of testosterone to reduce the masculine features of the body. Therapies can also consist of the hormones, estrogen and progesterone to feminize the body.
Transgender men receive the opposite types of hormones -- mainly testosterone to masculinze their bodies with features such as increased muscle and hair growth.

McCoy said that CrossFit should change its rules to be more like the International Olympic Committee, which allows transgender athletes to compete in their identified gender after undergoing sexual reassignment surgery.

"She's female," McCoy said about Jonnson. "She's legally female. A corporation like CrossFit, they're doing business in California. The law precludes from discrimination on gender identity."
He said Jonnson seeks a reversal in the competition's policy.

The lawsuit also alleges that CrossFit's policy of having to compete in a person's original birth gender, would require that transgender athletes would have to reveal their personal histories. In essence, that they'd have to "out" themselves, even if they sought privacy, the lawsuit alleges.
After her sexual reassignment surgery, Jonnson changed all her records to reflect her sex change to female, including her birth certificate, according to her lawsuit. Jonnson kept her background a secret and did not identify herself as transgender, according to the complaint.
In a press release statement, Jonnson said: "If I am going to be forced to out myself, I want it to be for the good for all transgendered people and athletes -- not because of a company's discriminatory policies."


Sep 17, 2003
At first thought I would say no, people should only be able to compete in the gender of their birth.

That being said, I think that there should be some studies done and if it is proven that these therapies do in fact change the body into the desired gender and not just appearance wise, then possibly it would not be an issue as there is no physical advantage.


Registered User
Apr 28, 2013
You are either born a man or a woman. This transgender stuff is complete garbage. There will be lawsuit after lawsuit over this and similar issues which is a lawyer's dream come true.


Oct 27, 2012
Anasci makes a great point.... how do we know for sure the he/she would have a physical advantage? That being said, if I had to make the decision today, it would be no.


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
I bet they just make a different category for the competitor. He/she/it would be alone unless another transgender shows up.

What if you had a transgender female to male-person. She takes test, she competes against women???? She would have to go against men.


Jun 10, 2013
Before we get into another big discussion about "evolution" again or god I think personally if you're born a man u should be made to compete against man regardless if u cut it off same with a woman. This is the way your born and u should be made to provide a birth certificate at each competition to prove it but again this is just MHO


Registered User
Apr 28, 2013
Before we get into another big discussion about "evolution" again or god I think personally if you're born a man u should be made to compete against man regardless if u cut it off same with a woman. This is the way your born and u should be made to provide a birth certificate at each competition to prove it but again this is just MHO

And if you try to compete as a he-she you should be ridiculed for being a complete weirdo, not glorified as a hero by the media.


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Before we get into another big discussion about "evolution" again or god I think personally if you're born a man u should be made to compete against man regardless if u cut it off same with a woman. This is the way your born and u should be made to provide a birth certificate at each competition to prove it but again this is just MHO

Where did we get into evolution or God?

I would hope we wouldn't go into those debates cause this play will turn into Tnation really fast......


Jun 10, 2013
I was referring to the big long ass thread they were debating about a few months ago about evolution and god just being a smart ass;)


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
I was referring to the big long ass thread they were debating about a few months ago about evolution and god just being a smart ass;)

I know bro. :D

When I saw that thread start I just walked away...

But if this thread picks up later, in a way that isn't about the core subject, I think it should be moved to off-topic.

WeslyInnman this is a great post and thank you for sharing the info bro!


Registered User
Oct 13, 2013
If she has already had the surgery then she has been on a hormone(estrogen) regimen for several years. Also she is obviously not going to be producing testosterone any longer after the surgery and one would assume that if she had the surgery then she has been dealing with the feeling that she was a woman her whole life so I think it would be safe to figure that she wasn't weight training or doing anything to make herself appear overly masculine at any time, therefore it would stand to reason that she doesn't have any significant advantage at this point over her(born) female counterparts.


Registered User
Apr 28, 2013
If she has already had the surgery then she has been on a hormone(estrogen) regimen for several years. Also she is obviously not going to be producing testosterone any longer after the surgery and one would assume that if she had the surgery then she has been dealing with the feeling that she was a woman her whole life so I think it would be safe to figure that she wasn't weight training or doing anything to make herself appear overly masculine at any time, therefore it would stand to reason that she doesn't have any significant advantage at this point over her(born) female counterparts.

Except it is mentally ill.


Registered User
Oct 13, 2013
Well as I am neither an MD nor a psychologist I cannot argue whether it is or is not a mental illness. However I am open minded enough to understand that perhaps it is just a birth defect, maybe the egg split it a way that wasn't intended. I know it isn't for me to decide how someone lives their life or what they do with their body. I would think anyone on this board, that uses any sort of illegal substance to enhance their body would have to admit they were the ultimate hypocrite if they did so. I mean if you really want to take it down the path of someone should be happy with the way they are and not change it in any way medically or chemically, just food for thought. I do not have a dog in this fight but I would expect the people who frequent this board to be a little more open minded than to just right off someone as mentally ill because they want to change their body.


Registered User
Apr 28, 2013
Well as I am neither an MD nor a psychologist I cannot argue whether it is or is not a mental illness. However I am open minded enough to understand that perhaps it is just a birth defect, maybe the egg split it a way that wasn't intended. I know it isn't for me to decide how someone lives their life or what they do with their body. I would think anyone on this board, that uses any sort of illegal substance to enhance their body would have to admit they were the ultimate hypocrite if they did so. I mean if you really want to take it down the path of someone should be happy with the way they are and not change it in any way medically or chemically, just food for thought. I do not have a dog in this fight but I would expect the people who frequent this board to be a little more open minded than to just right off someone as mentally ill because they want to change their body.

Maybe I'm older than you and this is why I feel this way. I've seen this crap coming for years. I haven't been influenced by the politically correct crowd and I use common sense to guide me. Now, there's a big difference in injecting some tren to make me even more of a man than I already am, and chopping off my dick to become a woman. Now if someone wants to do that, yeah it's a free country, go right ahead. But when you want to enter a contest, beauty pageant, etc. that's when things can get totally ridiculous. Then these people sue people like me, who don't agree with their perverted ideas. You have to see the big picture here. They don't just want "rights." They want your blessing as well.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
For those that failed to read and comprehend the story above, providing a birth certificate accomplishes nothing, because birth certificates CAN BE CHANGED! This woman had hers changed to reflect her current sex after her reassignment surgery, as many transgendered people do. All paperwork, including birth certificates, college and high school transcripts, drivers licenses, and a lifetime of medical records can be updated to reflect a persons current sex. There can quite literally be no paper trail left that would identify a transgendered person as ever having been of another sex at any point in their lives.

Reading comprehension, it's not just for 5th graders.


Registered User
Apr 28, 2013
For those that failed to read and comprehend the story above, providing a birth certificate accomplishes nothing, because birth certificates CAN BE CHANGED! This woman had hers changed to reflect her current sex after her reassignment surgery, as many transgendered people do. All paperwork, including birth certificates, college and high school transcripts, drivers licenses, and a lifetime of medical records can be updated to reflect a persons current sex. There can quite literally be no paper trail left that would identify a transgendered person as ever having been of another sex at any point in their lives.

Reading comprehension, it's not just for 5th graders.

So Iris Kyle could in fact really be a man?


Oct 25, 2012
Maybe I'm older than you and this is why I feel this way. I've seen this crap coming for years. I haven't been influenced by the politically correct crowd and I use common sense to guide me. Now, there's a big difference in injecting some tren to make me even more of a man than I already am, and chopping off my dick to become a woman. Now if someone wants to do that, yeah it's a free country, go right ahead. But when you want to enter a contest, beauty pageant, etc. that's when things can get totally ridiculous. Then these people sue people like me, who don't agree with their perverted ideas. You have to see the big picture here. They don't just want "rights." They want your blessing as well.

I couldn't have said it better myself.