Can EQ give you a rapid heart rate and make it hard for you to sleep?


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
Chewy u need a break. Load up on hcg, clomid , novaldex and stock up on amino acids and liver cleansers .. gonna be 3 months pct. 3rd month the toughest. U in ? U will be surprised as myself and good friend did what i just said together and it made It easier via bitch texting . Was actually easy.


Jun 10, 2013
After 3 years I agree chewy you need a break brother take ib up on his challenge.


Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
Chewy u need a break. Load up on hcg, clomid , novaldex and stock up on amino acids and liver cleansers .. gonna be 3 months pct. 3rd month the toughest. U in ? U will be surprised as myself and good friend did what i just said together and it made It easier via bitch texting . Was actually easy.

Woody issues? Muscle loss?


Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
Chewy u need a break. Load up on hcg, clomid , novaldex and stock up on amino acids and liver cleansers .. gonna be 3 months pct. 3rd month the toughest. U in ? U will be surprised as myself and good friend did what i just said together and it made It easier via bitch texting . Was actually easy.

Can you recommend an exact pct protocol?


Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
Can you recommend an exact pct protocol?

How long of a vreak and what are tge bebefits of breaking

Chewy u need a break. Load up on hcg, clomid , novaldex and stock up on amino acids and liver cleansers .. gonna be 3 months pct. 3rd month the toughest. U in ? U will be surprised as myself and good friend did what i just said together and it made It easier via bitch texting . Was actually easy.
How long of a break and to what benefit?


Jun 10, 2013
I am currently using the blast cruise method and still think you need to give your body a break occasionally. One from a break you'll give your body some time to recoup any natty test that you have left. As well as give your liver a break from any other toxins from the gear/orals that might be circulating.

Search for pct protocol and you'll find plenty.

Weeks 1-10

Add hcg at 250ius daily after 14 days

That's just a basic pct protocol if you search for it I've posted the exact amounts numerous times for people.

And I believe ib said 3 months. Have you been running any hcg over the past 3 years while blasting and cruising? I seriously hope you haven't been running tren the entire time. And yes eq mixed with tren e at high enough mgs will give you horrible anxiety.

Also how old are you? I am lazy and don't feel like reading through everything to find it.


Nov 20, 2012
Yeah, I agree with the guys here. I have run eq several times before and never noticed anything like rapid heart beat. What color is your eq?


Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
I am currently using the blast cruise method and still think you need to give your body a break occasionally. One from a break you'll give your body some time to recoup any natty test that you have left. As well as give your liver a break from any other toxins from the gear/orals that might be circulating.

Search for pct protocol and you'll find plenty.

Weeks 1-10

Add hcg at 250ius daily after 14 days

That's just a basic pct protocol if you search for it I've posted the exact amounts numerous times for people.

And I believe ib said 3 months. Have you been running any hcg over the past 3 years while blasting and cruising? I seriously hope you haven't been running tren the entire time. And yes eq mixed with tren e at high enough mgs will give you horrible anxiety.

Also how old are you? I am lazy and don't feel like reading through everything to find it.

35 years old. Never used tren. How much clomid? Also how long should the break be? How much strength and muscle mass will I lose?


Jun 10, 2013
How were your last blood panel?

I agree with ib take a 3 month break

Week 1
Clomid 150mg/ed

Nova 40mg/ed

Week 2

Clomid 150mg/ed

Nova 40mg/ed

Week 3

Clomid 100mg/ed

Nova 20mg/ed

Week 4

Clomid 100mg/ed

Nova 20mg/ed

Week 5

Clomid 50mg/ed

Nova 10mg/ed

Week 6

Clomid 50mg/ed

Nova 10mg/ed

Hcg 14 days after end of your cycle

Day 14-21 week 500 ius
Day 21-? 250iu's ed

*****(after 3 year get bloods done and run til you're back to normal)****


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
I copied this from DATBTRUE. It worked well for me in the past. Its good to come off and let the body normalize. It really feels good to be normal and natural. BUT when you go back on that's Magic.....

As you approach the start of PCT, as your steroids dissipate you introduce an Aromatase Inhibitor. You do this to reduce the amount of estrogen conversion that takes place.

Your externally administered testosterone will drop to nothing and you will not be producing testosterone as you start PCT. So you want to make sure that you have reduced estrogen as well.

This is just going into PCT. You want to create a situation where both estrogen and testosterone will rise together. So the AI of your choice should be used in the last 2 weeks of the cycle and immediately discontinued at the start of PCT.

The choice of SERM and duration may vary but PCT should always start with Clomid. You do not need a huge dose in the first few days.

Here is what I do:
I start with Clomid for three weeks and reduce the dosage and overlap it with Nolva in week four. I dose Nolva for 3 weeks thereafter.

In the first 3 weeks of PCT I use insulin everyday or attempt to increase local IGF-1 w/ Mod GRF (1-29)/GHRPs or both. I use GHRH/GHRP everyday (just as I do everyday of my life)

After 7 weeks in the last day of Nolva I introduce an AI and run that by itself for three or four days.

Then I introduce some lower/moderate Nettle Root extract. What I want to do is slightly increase the free test by occupying just a little SHBG. I don't want to do anything but make a very slight impact. I want to be able to use the Nettle Root for 3 months and have it be effective this entire time AND I do not want it to cause shedding! A prostate pinch is not a good sign either.

If my hair starts to shed I either messed up or it is time to stop. See when you increase free test more test will be converted to DHT.

After 3 months I drop the nettle root extract. The slight increase in free test helped support strength ever so slightly.

Thats about it. My PCTs as you can see are very long. But they are designed to recover from 6 month cycles. My PCT is about as long as the cycle.

Then I stay off and learn to be natural again for another 6 months or more.

In my opinion this approach has allowed me to fully recover after years of experimentation.

Addendum (Dec. 15, 2009)

Another thing I forgot to mention is that I don't wait for the steroid ester to completely clear before starting Clomid. I start w/ moderate dosed Clomid EOD or lower dose ED during the time I wait for longer esters to clear.

This is relevant for something like Cypionate.... so during the 16 days it takes to clear I dose Clomid.

Also HCG is sometimes used but only during the least two weeks before PCT starts. I may choose to dose 1000mcg EOD (5 dosings) for 10 days.
Last edited by DatBtrue; 15th July 2013 at 09:21 PM.


Registered User
Aug 13, 2013
How were your last blood panel?

I agree with ib take a 3 month break

Week 1
Clomid 150mg/ed

Nova 40mg/ed

Week 2

Clomid 150mg/ed

Nova 40mg/ed

Week 3

Clomid 100mg/ed

Nova 20mg/ed

Week 4

Clomid 100mg/ed

Nova 20mg/ed

Week 5

Clomid 50mg/ed

Nova 10mg/ed

Week 6

Clomid 50mg/ed

Nova 10mg/ed

Hcg 14 days after end of your cycle

Day 14-21 week 500 ius
Day 21-? 250iu's ed

*****(after 3 year get bloods done and run til you're back to normal)****

Thanks bro


Mar 27, 2014
I have only had that problem when hitting a vane -did you taste it at all after the shot?


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
There is a million things that can cause tachycardia (rapid h.b.). I was in atrial fibulation and had the ablation surgery. Dr's don't exactly what causes AFib. But leading up to my condition were periods of very rapid hb's. numerous times. Adrenalin will kick in then panic attack., makes much worse. lay off stimulants, when your heart beats fast inhale, hold breath and push like your crapping, it will slow the heart rate. EQ has never done it for me, BUT you never now everyone is different.