Cycles & Wife/Gf


New member
Aug 6, 2014
Hi everyone :D

So I've never done a cycle before and I'm doing my research extensively before I start one, but what I am worried about is my wife noticing and asking questions when I do decide to do my 1st cycle.

I'm afraid she would notice when I start my 1st cycle.

Has anyone been confronted by their wife/ gf? and what did you do?:naughty1:

(I don't plan on starting my 1st cycle for awhile yet - till I've lost more weight)
About ME:
Age: 25
Height: 6' 1"
Weight 320 lbs
Bicep: 19"
Calf: 20"
Chest: 56"

I'm far from being in shape. People would call me a "big guy". I'm definitely done growing (height). My goal in (around 10 years or less) is to become an IFBB Pro. I figured with my genetics that I could really push the limits on size.

I workout every day (1 rest day each week). I do cardio and weights. I've been losing weight slowly (25 lbs the past 2 months) and will be continuing my workout.

I've changed my eating habits and have stuck to them and will continue. (No processed foods)

Also, I've been looking into DNP to help with the weight and I've read that having a higher BF % that there really isn't any side effects. Any suggestions/ thoughts?:confused:


May 19, 2014
About 2 weeks she will notice your higher sex drive and your eating more. Blam3 it on tbe certain


May 19, 2014
But I would personally suggest dont do any cycles until you platu. You should have a fee years experience training before you consider anything. But then you will do what you want so my advice is text only at 509 mg a week


New member
Aug 6, 2014
But I would personally suggest dont do any cycles until you platu. You should have a fee years experience training before you consider anything. But then you will do what you want so my advice is text only at 509 mg a week

Thanks for the advice.

I used to train a lot in college and powerlifted in HS, then my last year of college and 2 years of a 9-5 desk job I gained weight.

I don't plan on any cycles till after I've lost a good amount of weight, hoping to get down to about 260.

On top of my bachelors, I'm studying personal training and nutrition.

Do you think DNP would help get the weight down?


Mar 27, 2014
You will blow up from muscle memory alone- If she asks about juice - when she says it - are you doing juice? You just reply - wow do I look it? Do I look good? Get a little excited, strip down and get some. Never confess - never be guilty ever-increasing isn't shit
Just me


New member
Aug 6, 2014
You will blow up from muscle memory alone- If she asks about juice - when she says it - are you doing juice? You just reply - wow do I look it? Do I look good? Get a little excited, strip down and get some. Never confess - never be guilty ever-increasing isn't shit
Just me

That's actually really good advice. Distraction. She will never know. THANKS!:D


Mar 27, 2014
They think they know but never really do- I was thought to never confess any thing ever


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
Personally I wouldnt keep it from my wife if it was a girlfriend sure I would hide it but my wife i wouldnt...Im very honest with my wife about what I do hell shes even done some really low dose test and peptides with me worked wonders by the way.. Running a cycle would be hard to do and keep from the wife like stated above you blow up sex drive goes thru the roof maybe a little edgy at times gotta be able to explain all that i would just be honest with her about what your wanting to do and your goals.


Registered User
Aug 26, 2013
san diego CA
No matter what honesty is the most important thing in a relationship. I would tell her before you start...explain why your considering it and you may be surprised at her reaction...my wife was quite supportive......it actually helps with the "rage" side effect for me...I'm running tren/test/drol so I can get pretty irritable at times and she's able to look me in the face and tell me "calm down roid rage" which makes me realize that I am being crazy and we walk away calm down and shits better. The flip side of that scenario is your hiding the gear use you go into a little "rage" she's wondering why starts calling you crazy etc you defend yourself and the fight progresses cause she has no idea that there's a reason WHY and it's just all bad for both of you when one simple HONEST conversation could have circumventedthe whole ordeal......

Just my 2cents and I'm speaking from personal experiance
Good luck to you bro!


May 19, 2014
My wife knew every time and she was kind of understanding. The only thing she hated is she said I made her feel like a piece of meat. But her way of getting me back was when I come off and have low test she would seem to get a sex drive..

Old Man River

Registered User
Feb 14, 2013
Man up Big Guy !

JSTALIN , you are 25;young man's age . I am 57; elite man's age ! Man up Big Guy! Are you chickenshit or confident about talking to your wife? Your wife is your best friend bar none other!If you are worried your wife will notice! Please,is she dimwitted on intelligence? Of course she will notice! She better notice great gains and quality of life if you do things smart.If you are in it for life, do it for your health also. You are a freshman in the University of Bodybuilding.You are going to school at this website. A lot to take in,but be selective and smart about the right way to do this life of bodybuilding and competition. 10 year game plan. Sounds great ! 35 years young, IFBB Pro! If you think ahead,3 ,5, 10 years, are there children in the picture? Post cycle every fucking time you come off of scheduled compound cycles thru the year. Blood work is a must. Be smart, tell her and show her its all about the love of life. Later, OMR


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
No matter what honesty is the most important thing in a relationship. I would tell her before you start...explain why your considering it and you may be surprised at her reaction...my wife was quite supportive......it actually helps with the "rage" side effect for me...I'm running tren/test/drol so I can get pretty irritable at times and she's able to look me in the face and tell me "calm down roid rage" which makes me realize that I am being crazy and we walk away calm down and shits better. The flip side of that scenario is your hiding the gear use you go into a little "rage" she's wondering why starts calling you crazy etc you defend yourself and the fight progresses cause she has no idea that there's a reason WHY and it's just all bad for both of you when one simple HONEST conversation could have circumventedthe whole ordeal......

Just my 2cents and I'm speaking from personal experiance
Good luck to you bro!

Thats funny as hell bro my wife does the same thing Ill get irritated or edgy about something and shes like "did you up your dose or something?" Or "did you start a cycle" lol


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
I told my last g/f and my current up front. Not hiding it. Always said if you like to travel and do fun shit I need to compete and this is part of it. My current g/f new on the second date when she was like "Did you get bigger?" and at the movies I put my arm around here and she new my arm was heavier.

Never had a girl complain just get jealous when we go out.

Complains that when we lay on the couch i'm like a stone chair.

She can have all the covers cause i'm piping hot! My g/f is only 105 pounds so she's always cold.

Sex is amazing, just not when I can't cum and then I'm like "it's not you it's me" LOL!!!!

But every time I talked about it, I explained it, showed them how (takes the stigma away), and always am strict about my diet, training, no booz, sleep etc. So they know I'm serious and not just joy riding this shit.

Working in medical field helps too.

Just have an adult conversation about it.

Also DNP is serious shit. Try something milder first like ephedrine and coffee.
Young guys hop on clen to readily and then end up hating it or not being able to handle it. I say ephedrine, it's cheap, get it at walgreens, not as harsh as clen or DNP.


Dec 20, 2013
Tell your wife about everything. If you two are not best friends and able to be extremely open about everything, there is a much deeper issue at hand imo.


AnaSCI VIP / Donating Member
Oct 29, 2012
Yeah I have told every gf, although I'm the man in the relationship so they deal with it or walk, doesn't hurt many are figure, physique competitors ;)


Nov 11, 2012
Mûnich , Germany
No on the dnp. Wont notice much at your weight plus its not really something someone like you need..do more cardio. Say no to burgers and most of all Go get a blood screen of current estrogen and testosterone as men who are over weight seem to have high estrogen . Thanks ib


New member
Aug 6, 2014
Hey guys, thanks for all the advice.

I spoke with her briefly about it the other night. She is a nurse and is concerned about risks and side effects. I was trying to reassure her about correct dosages and not over doing it that I wouldn't hurt my body at all.

She kept bringing up having kids in the near future. I know I want to but I am hearing guys are still fertile enough in the middle of a cycle to get their wives pregnant.

I feel like I shouldn't be worried about fertility, but I would die [emotionally] if I couldn't have kids because of test.

I won't keep anything from my wife, we are best friends and she may not be as supportive as first, but I feel like the more I research and talk about it with her that she will start becoming more supportive over time.

Thanks for the advice on the DNP, I won't bother with it. I'll just stick to my cardio. I'll start up-ing to get the weight off.


Mar 27, 2014
JSTALIN , you are 25;young man's age . I am 57; elite man's age ! Man up Big Guy! Are you chickenshit or confident about talking to your wife? Your wife is your best friend bar none other!If you are worried your wife will notice! Please,is she dimwitted on intelligence? Of course she will notice! She better notice great gains and quality of life if you do things smart.If you are in it for life, do it for your health also. You are a freshman in the University of Bodybuilding.You are going to school at this website. A lot to take in,but be selective and smart about the right way to do this life of bodybuilding and competition. 10 year game plan. Sounds great ! 35 years young, IFBB Pro! If you think ahead,3 ,5, 10 years, are there children in the picture? Post cycle every fucking time you come off of scheduled compound cycles thru the year. Blood work is a must. Be smart, tell her and show her its all about the love of life. Later, OMR
I'm a chicken shit my self- I'm not manning up ever


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
Most if not all of the horror stories people hear about aas is either untrue exaggerated or it some fucking moron that abusing the shit out of it I mean tylenol is a good thing helps alot of people manage their pain but take a whole bottle at once and your taking a dirt nap....aas is the same as most things dont abuse it it use it responsibly (blood work & proper protocol) and its all good