Aromasin Vs Arimidex


Mar 27, 2014
I fucked up on a start of a cycle and took .5mg pr. day. The shit had me so sick I thought I was going to die. I was laying on the floor each day in a pile of cramps. But not clenbuteral cramps - DEATH CRAMPS .
So I will take Arimadex .5mg every 4 days if it's the only one I have. Every day afterI take the arim -I feel like crap for the whole day.
For me I hate arimadex. - it doesn't do shit for me and it make me feel like shit.
Aromasin- I can tolerate a little more
The letro - I like but need to take a little more then most..
Four most of my 30+ years on juice I didn't take any thing for estrogen. I always felt better with the bloat and the tits- I had most of the glands out - you read it right - my right side the doc cut threw the cotlige (we're the fuck is spell check) so the other side he got shy and didn't get all the gland - so I still get a little gyno-
(wow - where the hell am i going with this)
Tough part about going senile (serious - we're is this fucking spell check)
Ok-for me
Arimadex - bad
Letro - good
Aromasin- good
Novadex- good
Proviron- if I take it each day of a cycle or throw it in the middle of my cycle were every thing is ramping - I did great and never need my estrogen stuff really.
Masteron- in my cycle for me keeps estrogen sides at bay 90%- was going to say 100% but don't want to lie to much.
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WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
I fucked up on a start of a cycle and took .5mg pr. day. The shit had me so sick I thought I was going to die. I was laying on the floor each day in a pile of cramps. But not clenbuteral cramps - DEATH CRAMPS .
So I will take Arimadex .5mg every 4 days if it's the only one I have. Every day afterI take the arim -I feel like crap for the whole day.
For me I hate arimadex. - it doesn't do shit for me and it make me feel like shit.
Aromasin- I can tolerate a little more
The letro - I like but need to take a little more then most..
Four most of my 30+ years on juice I didn't take any thing for estrogen. I always felt better with the bloat and the tits- I had most of the glands out - you read it right - my right side the doc cut threw the cotlige (we're the fuck is spell check) so the other side he got shy and didn't get all the gland - so I still get a little gyno-
(wow - where the hell am i going with this)
Tough part about going senile (serious - we're is this fucking spell check)
Ok-for me
Arimadex - bad
Letro - good
Aromasin- good
Novadex- good
Proviron- if I take it each day of a cycle or throw it in the middle of my cycle were every thing is ramping - I did great and never need my estrogen stuff really.
Masteron- in my cycle for me keeps estrogen sides at bay 90%- was going to say 100% but don't want to lie to much.

You can run nolva as a stand alone. It helps with shin splits in Thai fighters and shoot bigger loads....porn style. When I would bounce Tuesday was ladies night with male strippers and these guys were INSANELY ripped. A few did porn and told me they take like 60-80 mg a day for 2 weeks and try not to wack off and then on shoot day they just hose the hoes down LOL


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
You can run nolva as a stand alone. It helps with shin splits in Thai fighters and shoot bigger loads....porn style. When I would bounce Tuesday was ladies night with male strippers and these guys were INSANELY ripped. A few did porn and told me they take like 60-80 mg a day for 2 weeks and try not to wack off and then on shoot day they just hose the hoes down LOL

Bigger loads thing I've heard before, but shin splints? That's a completely new one on me. Why would Nolva help with shin splints? That's such an odd thing for it to do.


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Bigger loads thing I've heard before, but shin splints? That's a completely new one on me. Why would Nolva help with shin splints? That's such an odd thing for it to do.

off label use for osteoporosis. But results are done in women during menopause not used in men. some off site experimenting on horses showed increases in bone density. How effective it is in real research not sure, but I have friends that swear by it. SO THIS IS HEARSAY But some thai coaches also drink cobra blood to increase aggression....take it with a grain of salt.

I used it for my accident and did have a doctor tell me that my bone fractures healed way faster than expected, but given the other shit i was taking it's hard to tell what was what in that stew.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
off label use for osteoporosis. But results are done in women during menopause not used in men. some off site experimenting on horses showed increases in bone density. How effective it is in real research not sure, but I have friends that swear by it. SO THIS IS HEARSAY But some thai coaches also drink cobra blood to increase aggression....take it with a grain of salt.

I used it for my accident and did have a doctor tell me that my bone fractures healed way faster than expected, but given the other shit i was taking it's hard to tell what was what in that stew.

Hmmmmm. Very interesting. I gotta do some more reading.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
It amazes me how different everyone responds to these drugs. Every time I've tried anti-E's I felt either pissed off all the time or achy and I'll. I've even tried aromisin at 12.5 2x per week.

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WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
It amazes me how different everyone responds to these drugs. Every time I've tried anti-E's I felt either pissed off all the time or achy and I'll. I've even tried aromisin at 12.5 2x per week.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

Some guys can get away with out antiE's. Your body just doesnt have that much estrogen to being with or you handle it better. Its called being alpha as fuck :headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:


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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
Some guys can get away with out antiE's. Your body just doesnt have that much estrogen to being with or you handle it better. Its called being alpha as fuck :headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:
I wish. But thanks. [emoji6]

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Registered User
Aug 13, 2017
I find them comparable for E2 cmanagement, but with adex my skin is always perfect, aromasin makes it oily and gives me a few zits.


Registered User
Sep 11, 2014
only used aromasin at 6.25mg 2-3×/wk but fortunately I'm not estro sensitive at all.omly started using it over 1 uear ago&only when running high test,adrol or dbol.if ur not too sensitive.u can maybe start at 6.25-12.5mg eod to start since it is a suicide ai


Donating Member
Jul 25, 2012
I prefer aromasin, as needed.

I've tried several different brands of arimidex and got blood work and it doesn't seem to work for me and I still have no idea why that is. On blasts I would always end up on nolvadex. Since switching to aromasin I haven't had any issues.

It amazes me how different everyone responds to these drugs. Every time I've tried anti-E's I felt either pissed off all the time or achy and I'll. I've even tried aromisin at 12.5 2x per week.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

More than likely you don't need one. Do you know what your e2 level is at on an average blast for you? It's very individual, and just because the reference range says one thing doesn't mean it's right for your body. If you feel good, aren't retaining a ton of water and your BP is in check then chances are you are fine.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
I'm in NY. Need a script for the tests. It's fucked up. But whenever I use an AI and my joints hurt and my mood gets sour.

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Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2012
I know Big A used Nolvadex Monday through Friday and Arimidex on Saturday and Sunday. Keep in mind that Arimidex has a harsher effect on HDL than Aromasin. You guys need to get blood work too! Those that are having joint issues, I'm sure you tanked your e2. If you tanked it with Aromasin, it will take longer to build it back up since it's a suicidal aromatase inhibitor.


Donating Member
Oct 8, 2017
1. Progesteron boogey man is bull shit. Really got to fuck your self up to have that problem. Most people just repeating bro science. IT'S NO ONES FAULT. Just the way shit is.

2. estrogen causes gyno.....just estrogen.

3. IF prolactin is a problem with lactation stop touching it. SWEAR TO GOD, prolactin is activated bny nipple stimulation. Ask any OBGYN.

4. Caber is bullshit and often fake.

5. Prami is dangerous and shouldn't be fucked with. These are are PARKINSON DRUGS DAMN IT!

6. You can use nolva on deca. That old myth that you can't has NO evidence to prove it. It doesn't even make sense.

Natty I know!!! It's aldosterone, more people need to get with updated info. People believe weird drug facts like Weider principles LOL!!!

I'll be in my scrubs talking to someone and they will say some shit they heard off a board. I'll explain to them that's not a thing. They will disagree and I'm standing there in scrubs with my stethoscope like "you're right!!! fuck medical knowledge, bobbybuttfuckbodybuilding forum must be right!!" Let me inform the doctors!!!! LMAO

If you don't mind me asking are you PA or Nurse or DR? thanks for the info you share.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Apr 20, 2007
going to have to review this thread more closely. i have only ever used adex never aromasin.


Donating Member
Oct 8, 2017
Aromasin, hands down. Start at 12.5mg daily, move up to 50 mg daily if needed. And as long as you keep your estrogen under control you shouldn't need the Caber.

I didn't realize it was more affective above 25 mg. Does the same hold true for Adex? I was under the impression for Adex that .5 is almost as affective at 1mg.

I am on 250- 500 of test. have been much higher over the years but despite have no gyro problems decided I want no bloat what so ever. How much of which AI would you suggest. I am about to get human grade generic so I'm sorta also looking for best bang for my buck.

I have been taking .5 adex a day from a research company but doubt its accurate.


Registered User
Nov 11, 2011
I prefer low dosed aromasin but most ai's are fine as long as I dose them low. Many dose ai's far too high and that can cause more issues than it fixes.


Registered User
Mar 5, 2016
I prefer aromasin because of its more forgiving nature, but I have noticed that some guys have an issue with hair loss and prostate issues with it.