deadlift said:
allright I won't even look at that pic...cause i'm so freaked out
by the thought of it. so i'll take your word, thats it prettty disgusting...
but the question is : what is the best PCT program? and i mean everything form diet to drugs? (oops did i say that?) serious, i need to place an order and start my PCT.
before I start Cycle #2 (thanx)
pct typically involves either clomid or nolvadex. it should start right after the 1/2 life duration of the drugs you are taking so if using test enanthate it will start the beginning of the third week after your last injection. nolva pct runs like this:
week 1 of pct nolva at 40mg ed
week 2 of pct nolva at 30mg ed
week 3 of pct nolva at 20mg ed
clomid pct would run like this:
day 1 of pct clomid at 300mg
days 2-7 of pct clomid at 150mg ed
days 8-14 of pct clomid at 100mg ed
days 15-21 of pct clomid at 50mg ed
you do not need to run them together unless you are doing a very heavy cycle with high dosages then you would also add some hcg. you should also always have plenty of nolva on hand incase of gyno symptoms such as itchy nipples, lumps forming under or around the nipples, soreness around the nipple. if you do get any of these symptoms while on cycle, start nolva immediately at 40mg ed till they go away then drop it down to 20mg for the duration of the cycle. this will also tend to tell you that you are gyno prone and should include nolva for each cycle after that.