Clen for PCT


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have a few weeks left on my current cycle. I was gonna do about 3 weeks of clen or 2 weeks on 2 weeks off X2. I now know the best routines to do for that type of usage. Obviously that all depends upon tolerance etc but I would do the usual of 20mcg, 40, 60, 80 etc.

However aside from it's fat burning properties I know it is also used during PCT due to it's anti-catabolic effects. Thus, maintaining muscular gains following a steroid cycle. I want it to cut me up more but I also don't want to be losing too much weight so I am likely to do it this way. I just want to know people opinions on this and if they have done it this way b4. The dosage would be 40mcg daily for the entire 3 weeks of PCT. This suggestion was made by a moderator on other site (called partyboy). He had some decent views. Just want to know what you guys think.

I am planning during the summer to do a normal regime of clen increasing the dose gradually up to a max of about 120mcg.


Aug 28, 2005
Elvia1023 said:
I have a few weeks left on my current cycle. I was gonna do about 3 weeks of clen or 2 weeks on 2 weeks off X2. I now know the best routines to do for that type of usage. Obviously that all depends upon tolerance etc but I would do the usual of 20mcg, 40, 60, 80 etc.

However aside from it's fat burning properties I know it is also used during PCT due to it's anti-catabolic effects. Thus, maintaining muscular gains following a steroid cycle. I want it to cut me up more but I also don't want to be losing too much weight so I am likely to do it this way. I just want to know people opinions on this and if they have done it this way b4. The dosage would be 40mcg daily for the entire 3 weeks of PCT. This suggestion was made by a moderator on other site (called partyboy). He had some decent views. Just want to know what you guys think.

I am planning during the summer to do a normal regime of clen increasing the dose gradually up to a max of about 120mcg.

You could run it with your PCT or right after you have finished PCT. 40-80mcg daily should be perfect for this purpose.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
ALIN said:
You could run it with your PCT or right after you have finished PCT. 40-80mcg daily should be perfect for this purpose.

Thanks Alin that confirms it then. What would you say is best out of during PCT or afterwards? I know most would say after but I mean for the above reasons. I think I might do during cos I have a few things in place I am gonna take after my cycle.

Oh I know the many meds you can't take with clen but one that I have never seen brought up is dostinex. I was wondering if any of you guys know if taking dostinex is fine with clen? As that is a dopamine agonist and will effect my nervous system so I would appreciate it if you guys could help me out. Thanks
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Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
I would suggest taking it during your pct as it will help increase lipolysis and/or inhibit lipogenesis. It may also help with nitrogen retention, and should offer a boost in performance during your recovery period, helping you maintain/continue gains. Plus Testosterone and maybe others increase Beta-2 receptor sensitivity making clen more effective during and immediately after a cycle.

Dostinex will be fine with Clen.... Why are you taking it post-cycle? to help relieve prolactin? Post-cycle it will take care of itself without it in my opinion. To relieve a depleted sex drive? What else are you planning on taking? Will you need a pct for your pct?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
AlphaMale said:
I would suggest taking it during your pct as it will help increase lipolysis and/or inhibit lipogenesis. It may also help with nitrogen retention, and should offer a boost in performance during your recovery period, helping you maintain/continue gains. Plus Testosterone and maybe others increase Beta-2 receptor sensitivity making clen more effective during and immediately after a cycle.

Dostinex will be fine with Clen.... Why are you taking it post-cycle? to help relieve prolactin? Post-cycle it will take care of itself without it in my opinion. To relieve a depleted sex drive? What else are you planning on taking? Will you need a pct for your pct?

Thanks Alpha. I shall do the 40mcg per day for the 3 weeks of PCT. My sex drive is cool... actually it is probably too high cos no regular gf makes for sad and frustrating times!

I have had no issues of pro gyno but I do think my prolactin levels are high. That is why I ordered dostinex. I know it is alittle too late. But I have heard great things about it. I have read up on it lots. I know many only use it for gyno related issues and for a small time during cycles. But it can be used for long periods. If I like it then I plan to use it for 6 months and then have a big break. Taking it for 1 year is not uncommon so 6 months is fairly conservative. I am mainly taking it for the sexual benefits (I don't need them but might after my cycle). Plus it is a dopamine agonist so that can't be bad... feeling extra happy all the time is good in my books. I am only gonna be using 0.25mg twice weekly then after a few weeks go up to 0.5mg twice weekly. This cycle I used adrol for 5 weeks (just finished that 1 day ago) and deca for about 13 weeks upon completion which is 2moro (last injection). I also used tren e in my previous cycle. Those 3 major players in raising prolactin levels.

Cos like many of the drugs we use their bodybuilding purposes are not their original uses so they can bring about many benefits. Saying that most a used for treating breast cancer etc but dost is different. Why what are your views on it? Have you used it b4? I would like as much advise as possible and your educated opinion would be appreciated.

I am gonna be having a break of about 4 months (after PCT) until my next cycle so recovery is full. I am just gonna atake the likes of bulgarian tribulus and ZMA after my PCT. Then after a month or so LA muscles Norateen Heavyweight 2 to give me alittle boost. All are nothing major but just give me that little kick. Gonna do creatine amongst others (about 3 months after PCT). Nothing major and just little adds ons. I should have my dost 2moro so will start it straightaway.
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Registered User
Dec 21, 2007
Looking for some imput, guys. I have a woman friend who wants to do clen only...wanted to know a good dose for a woman to take and for how long???


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
gippywool said:
Looking for some imput, guys. I have a woman friend who wants to do clen only...wanted to know a good dose for a woman to take and for how long???

What I have read the most women should do is 4-6 tabs. I have never even done it yet and I reckon I can state that 6 is far too much. Most people say 7 is the most men should do (anymore just causing a rapid down regulation of receptors). I have seen a few suggestions for women. Get her to do the 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. If she wants more then just repeat other 2 weeks after the break. You can take it longer and gain great results (4 weeks straight).

Obviously it's all about tolerance and I imagine many women would struggle on higher doses and it simply wouldn't be needed. What I have seen I would say-

Day 1= 10mcg
Day 2= 10mcg
Day 3= 20mcg
Day 4= 20mcg
Day 5= 30mcg
Day 6= 30mcg
Day 7= 40mcg
Day 8= 40mcg
Day 9= 50mcg
Day 10= 50mcg
Day 11= 60mcg
Day 12= 60mcg
Day 13= 60mcg
Day 14= 60mcg

Through all my research I have read many times you don't need to taper down. But if she felt more comfortable that way then taper down alittle. It has a pretty long active life so that will act as a taper so maybe just do 60 then 50, 40, 30, 20 and finish on 10. So the cycle is 19 days. IMO I would not taper cos like I said I have read so much on it saying that. I will be able to tell you from personal experience soon cos I will be trying it. Oh and if she is comfortable with it then maybe go up the dose faster (not so slow like above) so she is on the higher dose for more days.

If she can only manage the sides on say 30mcg then just have her on that till the end of the 2 weeks then finish... and again if she wants to taper down do 20, 10.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Oh and Alpha if you have the time I would appreciate your opinion on the dostinex. I remember reading something by A Roberts than sealed it for me. I have just checked out Alinboard too and there is loads on it. Then I came across a great thread - this might interest you as it contains some of A Roberts words (he wrote alot more about the other good effects).



Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
Elvia1023 said:
Oh and Alpha if you have the time I would appreciate your opinion on the dostinex. I remember reading something by A Roberts than sealed it for me. I have just checked out Alinboard too and there is loads on it. Then I came across a great thread - this might interest you as it contains some of A Roberts words (he wrote alot more about the other good effects).

I really enjoy the effects of Dostinex myself, I almost find it addicting. It causes a increase in mood to me (the best way to describe it is everyday is a sunny day), major increase in libido and slight reduction in recovery time between orgasms - not nearly as noticable to me as others say though. My opinion of it's uses for mood and libido are very high, but again you might like it too much.

As far as it's use for gyno - there is no way to say that one is having prolactin-induced gyno and really no proof that I know of that it actually causes it anyway, but it is possible, so for safety sake during a cycle I would take it to counter high raises in prolactin - not for progesterone as many misconcept.

Overall though; it's a drug and all drugs have sides. I personally do not notice any from dostinex except for the first week I get a little drowsy. I recommend as much frequency as possible to keep levels steady - it has a 5-day half-life if I remember correctly. The liquid form is easy to take between .125mg-.25mg per day or every other day rather than .5mg (1/2 pill if being economical) every 2-4 days. I find 1-2mg per week to be the ideal dose for me. It is a very interesting drug and has many off-label uses. It is one that I would say to be careful of abuse though as it is an enjoyable drug on many levels. The two drugs that I find hard to resist are Dostinex and Provigal, and Ironically I do not keep them on hand as I do others like Dbol, Halo, etc, - I can't, I use it until there gone. Lol


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
AlphaMale said:
I really enjoy the effects of Dostinex myself, I almost find it addicting. It causes a increase in mood to me (the best way to describe it is everyday is a sunny day), major increase in libido and slight reduction in recovery time between orgasms - not nearly as noticable to me as others say though. My opinion of it's uses for mood and libido are very high, but again you might like it too much.

As far as it's use for gyno - there is no way to say that one is having prolactin-induced gyno and really no proof that I know of that it actually causes it anyway, but it is possible, so for safety sake during a cycle I would take it to counter high raises in prolactin - not for progesterone as many misconcept.

Overall though; it's a drug and all drugs have sides. I personally do not notice any from dostinex except for the first week I get a little drowsy. I recommend as much frequency as possible to keep levels steady - it has a 5-day half-life if I remember correctly. The liquid form is easy to take between .125mg-.25mg per day or every other day rather than .5mg (1/2 pill if being economical) every 2-4 days. I find 1-2mg per week to be the ideal dose for me. It is a very interesting drug and has many off-label uses. It is one that I would say to be careful of abuse though as it is an enjoyable drug on many levels. The two drugs that I find hard to resist are Dostinex and Provigal, and Ironically I do not keep them on hand as I do others like Dbol, Halo, etc, - I can't, I use it until there gone. Lol

Yeah the sunny days are because it is a dopamine agonist. Things like cocaine use up all your dopamine and thats why users have such a great high but then a huge comedown as dopamine levels are depleted. Dostinex simply increases dopamine so thats why you feel more happy. Dopamine is the reason why prolactin is lowered too. Thanks for all the good info. Your right about it being hard to resist cos I can tell I will have to tell myself to stop cos you should never take anything with such efefcts for too long. Me thinks I will do about 3-4 months if I like it then have the same off and then maybe other 3 months again! My dose will be 0.25mg on Tues and Friday. Then up to 0.5mg on those days. No higher so I just get a nice effect and not over do it. The most common side is dizziness and maybe feeling alittle sick (nausea) but like your drowsiness should go after a week or so. The difference between dost and brimo is basically brimo is more harsh and the sides are common. I think there was a study and brimo sides were encountered in 80% of users and I think the figure for dost was 15%.

Seen provigal mentioned in studies but don't know what it is so one word comes to mind. This word seems to be unknown but most who do first posts on forums - the work is GOOGLE. I check most forums and the amounts of what is dianabol, what is HCG, what is.... etc etc etc... shocking. Thanks again. I should have my dost any day as it's been about 10 days I think and it said 2 weeks max.


Registered User
Jul 23, 2004
Charlotte, NC
ALIN said:
You could run it with your PCT or right after you have finished PCT. 40-80mcg daily should be perfect for this purpose.

Alin, What about running T3 with it as well, for fat loss if that is what the desire is PCT?


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
Elvia1023 said:
Yeah the sunny days are because it is a dopamine agonist. Things like cocaine use up all your dopamine and thats why users have such a great high but then a huge comedown as dopamine levels are depleted. Dostinex simply increases dopamine so thats why you feel more happy. Dopamine is the reason why prolactin is lowered too. Thanks for all the good info. Your right about it being hard to resist cos I can tell I will have to tell myself to stop cos you should never take anything with such efefcts for too long. Me thinks I will do about 3-4 months if I like it then have the same off and then maybe other 3 months again! My dose will be 0.25mg on Tues and Friday. Then up to 0.5mg on those days. No higher so I just get a nice effect and not over do it. The most common side is dizziness and maybe feeling alittle sick (nausea) but like your drowsiness should go after a week or so. The difference between dost and brimo is basically brimo is more harsh and the sides are common. I think there was a study and brimo sides were encountered in 80% of users and I think the figure for dost was 15%.

Seen provigal mentioned in studies but don't know what it is so one word comes to mind. This word seems to be unknown but most who do first posts on forums - the work is GOOGLE. I check most forums and the amounts of what is dianabol, what is HCG, what is.... etc etc etc... shocking. Thanks again. I should have my dost any day as it's been about 10 days I think and it said 2 weeks max.
I like your dosing schedule as I like to split things into a week and know what days I need to shoot or whatnot. I never could get into that e3d or e4d rountine as I would forget if it was a shot day or not and have to think about it or write it down, lol. I ran/run it ed or eod simply because it fit/fits my routine, though now days I'd probably run it twice a week like the rest of my routine seems to be. Anyway, many are disappointed with Dostinex as they expect miracles or even a drug high from it - it is very mild in it's mood effects. But, you obviously look into compounds that you are considering for you body and that is something that we all should do, but unfortunately most don't. If you have any questions about Provigal (aka Modafinal, Modalert, etc.) let me know.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
AlphaMale said:
I like your dosing schedule as I like to split things into a week and know what days I need to shoot or whatnot. I never could get into that e3d or e4d rountine as I would forget if it was a shot day or not and have to think about it or write it down, lol. I ran/run it ed or eod simply because it fit/fits my routine, though now days I'd probably run it twice a week like the rest of my routine seems to be. Anyway, many are disappointed with Dostinex as they expect miracles or even a drug high from it - it is very mild in it's mood effects. But, you obviously look into compounds that you are considering for you body and that is something that we all should do, but unfortunately most don't. If you have any questions about Provigal (aka Modafinal, Modalert, etc.) let me know.

Thanks alot. I googled it and I just read it briefly. That it increases alertness etc. What do you feel on it? I would imagine it would be good for workouts and give you that extra energy and drive. Caffeine isn't great to be taken lots but I do have the occasionally cup of coffee b4 workouts.

Yeah I will stick to the Tues and Fri routine with the dost. I would have to write it down myself otherwise. Every 4 days would just be awkward if not written down. Especially with all the other things we inject etc. Looks like I can start straight away as I got them today. I also received all my clen which is good. That is for PCT in a few weeks. I will take the dost in the nights (b4 bed) so it helps me sleep and I don't feel the sides so much. Thanks again


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Alpha been doing extra research (dostinex) and as I had already done lots didn't find much more. One thing I did find though is the reason the most common side is dizziness is because when you first start dost it lowers blood pressure fairly fast. So if I was just doing it on a break that would be bad. But as I have been doing a cycle for 12 weeks now is other benefit in my books.

But one bad thing is like many orals it is liver toxic. I don't know the full extent and obviously it won't be extremely bad but I will take extra precausions. My liver got badly damaged by the adrol this cycle so I will be careful. I started synthergine about about 5 days ago and have been taking LIV52 double strength too. I even stopped my nolva during (few days ago) as that is liver toxic. I just used it to help combat the water weight due to estrogen (and 25mg of proviron) but will cease if till PCT in about 4 weeks time.

I am gonna get all tests done in the next few days so will see where I am at. Although I have only taken one dose (about 5 hours ago) I feel fine so that is a good sign and is likely due to my bp being high at this time. Anyway happy training and I will let you know how I find it. Not the best time to be taking dost for the sexual benefits when my last deca shot was a few days ago and I finish my cycle soon! But I will be on it many months so I will find out more then me thinks! To be honest in the past I was fine in the bedroom department just after my cycle but I was like 50% my usual self (actually probably 30%) and if I was with some whore (or 1 night stand) I wouldn't be too bothered but anyone I liked I just wouldn't bother! 30% is fine but not when you want to impress! But this is the first time doing deca so I will see how I am. I am not gonna do it again even though it is many peoples fav and very common I would rather just do other compound that isn't associated with such sides so commonly.
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Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
Elvia1023 said:
Alpha been doing extra research (dostinex) and as I had already done lots didn't find much more. One thing I did find though is the reason the most common side is dizziness is because when you first start dost it lowers blood pressure fairly fast. So if I was just doing it on a break that would be bad. But as I have been doing a cycle for 12 weeks now is other benefit in my books.

But one bad thing is like many orals it is liver toxic. I don't know the full extent and obviously it won't be extremely bad but I will take extra precausions. My liver got badly damaged by the adrol this cycle so I will be careful. I started synthergine about about 5 days ago and have been taking LIV52 double strength too. I even stopped my nolva during (few days ago) as that is liver toxic. I just used it to help combat the water weight due to estrogen (and 25mg of proviron) but will cease if till PCT in about 4 weeks time.

I am gonna get all tests done in the next few days so will see where I am at. Although I have only taken one dose (about 5 hours ago) I feel fine so that is a good sign and is likely due to my bp being high at this time. Anyway happy training and I will let you know how I find it. Not the best time to be taking dost for the sexual benefits when my last deca shot was a few days ago and I finish my cycle soon! But I will be on it many months so I will find out more then me thinks! To be honest in the past I was fine in the bedroom department just after my cycle but I was like 50% my usual self (actually probably 30%) and if I was with some whore (or 1 night stand) I wouldn't be too bothered but anyone I liked I just wouldn't bother! 30% is fine but not when you want to impress! But this is the first time doing deca so I will see how I am. I am not gonna do it again even though it is many peoples fav and very common I would rather just do other compound that isn't associated with such sides so commonly.
Dostinex has a fairly long half-life, around 5 days I believe. Anyway it will take awhile for the full effects to hit you; while your blood levels are peaking is when I noticed sides, but after a few weeks nothing but sunshine.

Not to say that liver damage isn't real or that liver detoxifiers don't work, but I never have liver values elevated much off of anti-estrogens, dostinex, etc and really only had high values after some Turinabol - much higher than dbol and others for some reason, Winstrol and Tbol effect my liver much more than anything it seems, but even those don't do anything serious. Get some tests done and see where you are truly at, if your liver really did get badly damaged then you really need to take care of that first by diet, exercise and avoidance of anything that might impair recovery. I'll bet that you are fine though, with some raised Liver Enzymes and minor blockage, but no true damage - but I don't know and you really should get some tests done anyway so you know when and what to take/do since you said/think that you badly damaged your liver.

Regarding the Provigal: It has a very mild effect, nothing like a ephedrine pre-workout boost. If you only got a few hours sleep and feel crappy it will make you feel like you got all that you needed. Air Force pilots, Jet Airline Pilots and Doctors use it frequently and given the nature of their jobs you could see how it would effect you - no jitters, no over-stimulation, optimize alertness and reaction. It has a active life of around 17 hours I believe, so morning only doses if you plan on getting any sleep. It is something you don't really notice until you think about how you should be feeling or you do something that requires high concentration or reaction.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
AlphaMale said:
Dostinex has a fairly long half-life, around 5 days I believe. Anyway it will take awhile for the full effects to hit you; while your blood levels are peaking is when I noticed sides, but after a few weeks nothing but sunshine.

Not to say that liver damage isn't real or that liver detoxifiers don't work, but I never have liver values elevated much off of anti-estrogens, dostinex, etc and really only had high values after some Turinabol - much higher than dbol and others for some reason, Winstrol and Tbol effect my liver much more than anything it seems, but even those don't do anything serious. Get some tests done and see where you are truly at, if your liver really did get badly damaged then you really need to take care of that first by diet, exercise and avoidance of anything that might impair recovery. I'll bet that you are fine though, with some raised Liver Enzymes and minor blockage, but no true damage - but I don't know and you really should get some tests done anyway so you know when and what to take/do since you said/think that you badly damaged your liver.

Regarding the Provigal: It has a very mild effect, nothing like a ephedrine pre-workout boost. If you only got a few hours sleep and feel crappy it will make you feel like you got all that you needed. Air Force pilots, Jet Airline Pilots and Doctors use it frequently and given the nature of their jobs you could see how it would effect you - no jitters, no over-stimulation, optimize alertness and reaction. It has a active life of around 17 hours I believe, so morning only doses if you plan on getting any sleep. It is something you don't really notice until you think about how you should be feeling or you do something that requires high concentration or reaction.

Yeah I am ware of the active life but still I am cool so I don't expect anythign to change. In 4 weeks I will go up to 0.5mg twice weekly so I may feel something then but it should be fine. I know Nolva is not very liver toxic and the high levels of protein would do much worse but I just thought I don't even need it now so anything toxic I can take away I will. The pro is doing it's job good. I will put that up to 50mg per day for the 2 weeks b4 PCT.

That is interesting about the tbol. I would have thought dbol might be worse as they are very similar but you carry more water with that too. My next cycle is gonna be a kickstart of tbol or dbol. With Sust and Masteron E. I think it is likely to be tbol over dbol for this one. I do love dbol but I have hear great things of tbol and want to try everything to find out for myself.

I will be getting tests done soon. My liver was badly damaged. I could yellow eye which can only be bad. But that is slowly going. They look so much better now and fatigue is not so bad. No drinking for me (haven't in months anyway) and I will be watching things so I will be fine. I will get the test done in about 2 weeks and I reckon I will be cool. I am taking a girl out so gonna delay that till after the tests. Then if I am good I will be able to drink. But after that no drinking for me till after my PCT.

What I said about the Dostinex basically meant it is best not to take it with an impaired liver or heart. But with any medication you get a list iof possible sides longer than your arm and you get other rec's. That was near the bottom so I know it is fine to take. I could take that and nolva and pro and the test etc and I would be fine. But just thought it would be best to just take away to help. Thanks for the info.

I don't really need the provigal. Thanks for the info cos that was my learnt something new for that day. I usually have lots of energy anyway
(and usually alert) so don't really need it. But gonan start doing the old school coffee b4 training as I like the feeling and it will be extra good for cutting periods.