Cutting belly fat


Registered User
Mar 2, 2017
I need to cut my belly fat, need to know any specific exercises which i can do easily at home and any diet which i should be following for the purpose.


Registered User
Mar 3, 2017
Hey what's your weight and height?

I might inform you about a few techniques that I used When I was above 100KGs.

But for that I need to know your current status.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
There are no specific exercises for spot fat reduction. This idea is one of the oldest, most exploited myths in the fitness industry. The accumulation of belly fat is almost entirely regulated by genetics. Some people are programmed to put it on in their belly first and fastest. The first place it goes on will be the last place it comes off. For males it's usually our stomach, for women it's typically in their breasts.

There are 3 steps you can take to improve your waist, though.

1. Diet and cardio. Getting lean overall will make your waist smaller, eventually. It's sort of a "no shit, asshole" statement, but it bares repeating. Especially if you can get down to single digit body fat and reverse diet your way back up into the teens. Putting on body fat slower rather than in a short period of time tends to cause a more even distribution of adipose tissue in the body.

2. Waist training. A lot of guys are sensitive about this concept, as waist training is still seen as a feminine endeavor. But nonetheless, waist training works. Squeams and similar waist belts use compression to shorten the transverse abdominal muscles which, over time, leads to a reduced circumference around the waist. Getting over the stigma attached to wearing a waist training device for a man would probably benefit bodybuilding as a whole. The bloated, huge gut look in bodybuilding is only making everyone that's associated with the industry look ridiculous.

3. Anavar- I'm actually a little loathe to include this one because it's still slightly controversial, and I don't want to be the guy that always suggests more drugs as the first solution. There have been one or 2 studies, in humans I might add, that have shown Anavar to have the ability to target and burn stomach fat. The jury is still out somewhat, but I feel that it is worth considering for those that want to focus on their midsection, especially since Anavar is commonly used during cutting cycles anyway. The fact is, if you're going to be using gear during a cutting cycle, Anavar should probably be the AAS of choice.
Jan 26, 2015
There are no specific exercises for spot fat reduction. This idea is one of the oldest, most exploited myths in the fitness industry. The accumulation of belly fat is almost entirely regulated by genetics. Some people are programmed to put it on in their belly first and fastest. The first place it goes on will be the last place it comes off. For males it's usually our stomach, for women it's typically in their breasts.

There are 3 steps you can take to improve your waist, though.

1. Diet and cardio. Getting lean overall will make your waist smaller, eventually. It's sort of a "no shit, asshole" statement, but it bares repeating. Especially if you can get down to single digit body fat and reverse diet your way back up into the teens. Putting on body fat slower rather than in a short period of time tends to cause a more even distribution of adipose tissue in the body.

2. Waist training. A lot of guys are sensitive about this concept, as waist training is still seen as a feminine endeavor. But nonetheless, waist training works. Squeams and similar waist belts use compression to shorten the transverse abdominal muscles which, over time, leads to a reduced circumference around the waist. Getting over the stigma attached to wearing a waist training device for a man would probably benefit bodybuilding as a whole. The bloated, huge gut look in bodybuilding is only making everyone that's associated with the industry look ridiculous.

3. Anavar- I'm actually a little loathe to include this one because it's still slightly controversial, and I don't want to be the guy that always suggests more drugs as the first solution. There have been one or 2 studies, in humans I might add, that have shown Anavar to have the ability to target and burn stomach fat. The jury is still out somewhat, but I feel that it is worth considering for those that want to focus on their midsection, especially since Anavar is commonly used during cutting cycles anyway. The fact is, if you're going to be using gear during a cutting cycle, Anavar should probably be the AAS of choice.

Ok Sully,
I'm gonna chime in here. I totally agree with the anavar statement. At 100 mg a day for 6 weeks it has taken the love handles right down where I wanted them.


Marky boy

Donating Member
May 13, 2014
Interesting on the anavar statements.

Have you noticed it effecting your sex drive and possibly lowering it whilst on the anavar?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
Gonna have to do the anavar thing.....believe it or not it's prob the only thing I've never used lol


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Interesting on the anavar statements.

Have you noticed it effecting your sex drive and possibly lowering it whilst on the anavar?

Never. Although, it's worth noting that I always run Tren and Var together with a very low amount of Test (<150mg/wk). It would seem like an odd thing, for Anavar to have a negative effect on someone's sex drive. That's not something I remember ever being talked about before.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Clen and anavar or ephedrine and anavar. Sully and and sandpig have good advice.

Sandpig, whats up man, you have been MIA.


Registered User
Dec 28, 2007
Mostly it is about calories in verses calories out. And the best diet is the one the person is willing to stick to.


Registered User
Apr 22, 2017
I would imagine the best exercise to lose body fat would be running on a treadmill. There is a whole lot more to help with losing fat but you only asked for an exercise. ;)


WPF Champion / Donating Member
Nov 4, 2013
Jump rope or swim. Did that for rugby. Great muscle and fat burning combo, if your diets right.


Registered User
Mar 28, 2016
Dropping wheat is my go to for getting my gut down. I generally lose 3-4 inches in a month. Wheat bloats me like nothing else. For fat reduction in general, training strongman events and clen do a pretty good job for me.


Registered User
Mar 2, 2017
I don't know it

Jump rope or swim. Did that for rugby. Great muscle and fat burning combo, if your diets right.

Somewhat feeling ashamed but i don't know how to jump rope. I have tried various times but each time i fail.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Hey Grace, I personally do not like recommending compounds to females unless it is necessary. With that said, a popular thing here in San Diego is cool sculpting. You can also do it at home with ice packs and if done properly will show results in about 4 weeks. I will be trying it on myself and logging just for the hell of it, but give it a shot.


New member
May 19, 2016
There are no specific exercises for spot fat reduction. This idea is one of the oldest, most exploited myths in the fitness industry. The accumulation of belly fat is almost entirely regulated by genetics. Some people are programmed to put it on in their belly first and fastest. The first place it goes on will be the last place it comes off. For males it's usually our stomach, for women it's typically in their breasts.

There are 3 steps you can take to improve your waist, though.

1. Diet and cardio. Getting lean overall will make your waist smaller, eventually. It's sort of a "no shit, asshole" statement, but it bares repeating. Especially if you can get down to single digit body fat and reverse diet your way back up into the teens. Putting on body fat slower rather than in a short period of time tends to cause a more even distribution of adipose tissue in the body.

2. Waist training. A lot of guys are sensitive about this concept, as waist training is still seen as a feminine endeavor. But nonetheless, waist training works. Squeams and similar waist belts use compression to shorten the transverse abdominal muscles which, over time, leads to a reduced circumference around the waist. Getting over the stigma attached to wearing a waist training device for a man would probably benefit bodybuilding as a whole. The bloated, huge gut look in bodybuilding is only making everyone that's associated with the industry look ridiculous.

3. Anavar- I'm actually a little loathe to include this one because it's still slightly controversial, and I don't want to be the guy that always suggests more drugs as the first solution. There have been one or 2 studies, in humans I might add, that have shown Anavar to have the ability to target and burn stomach fat. The jury is still out somewhat, but I feel that it is worth considering for those that want to focus on their midsection, especially since Anavar is commonly used during cutting cycles anyway. The fact is, if you're going to be using gear during a cutting cycle, Anavar should probably be the AAS of choice.

Curious but do you have any experience with waist training? Always thought it was just bs and never bothered reading up on it.


New member
May 19, 2016
Hey Grace, I personally do not like recommending compounds to females unless it is necessary. With that said, a popular thing here in San Diego is cool sculpting. You can also do it at home with ice packs and if done properly will show results in about 4 weeks. I will be trying it on myself and logging just for the hell of it, but give it a shot.

Interested in seeing what results you get from it.