Cutting Cycle


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
What do you guys think of this outline for a cutting cycle I might try in the summer.

Weeks 1-10= Test P at 100mg eod (Virormones by Nordic)
Weeks 1-10= Masteron at 100mg eod (NEGMA Laboratories)
Weeks 1-8= Anavar at 40-60mg per day

Possibily throwing in some Zambons (Winny) somewhere in there at a fairly low dose. I plan to swop mast for tren a for the summer after. Thanks


Registered User
Mar 21, 2005
Elvia1023 said:
What do you guys think of this outline for a cutting cycle I might try in the summer.

Weeks 1-10= Test P at 100mg eod (Virormones by Nordic)
Weeks 1-10= Masteron at 100mg eod (NEGMA Laboratories)
Weeks 1-8= Anavar at 40-60mg per day

Possibily throwing in some Zambons (Winny) somewhere in there at a fairly low dose. I plan to swop mast for tren a for the summer after. Thanks

I'm currently in about week 5 of: Test P 100mg eod, Masteron 100mg eod, Tren E 300mg/week. I was going for the cutting with a little bulking. So far I have went from 22% bf to 17% and went from 220 to 230lbs. I had a some nice chubby fat i needed to get rid of from an injury and boozing and eating to much. However, at about week 4 -5 my gains were stagnant so I actually bumped all inj up a 1/4: Test P 125mg eod, Masteron 125mg eod, and Tren E 350mg/week.

I did this for a few reasons: side effects were obsolete, gains were stagnant, and I was also told that you should try to go atleast 400mg/week of Masteron to see some real effects and since I was not getting any bad side effects I upped my doses.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
illinios said:
I'm currently in about week 5 of: Test P 100mg eod, Masteron 100mg eod, Tren E 300mg/week. I was going for the cutting with a little bulking. So far I have went from 22% bf to 17% and went from 220 to 230lbs. I had a some nice chubby fat i needed to get rid of from an injury and boozing and eating to much. However, at about week 4 -5 my gains were stagnant so I actually bumped all inj up a 1/4: Test P 125mg eod, Masteron 125mg eod, and Tren E 350mg/week.

I did this for a few reasons: side effects were obsolete, gains were stagnant, and I was also told that you should try to go atleast 400mg/week of Masteron to see some real effects and since I was not getting any bad side effects I upped my doses.

Let me know how you get on. 22% is high to start of on (for cutting gear) but I see it is doing the job. My plan is (depending upon results) to up the mast to 125mg and keep the test the same. But if I want more bulk at the time to up the test too. Let me know how you get on as your cycle looks good. What brands are you using?


Registered User
Mar 21, 2005
22% bf is what i get for eating shitty and partying to much. the gear that i currently have in Genysis Pharmacuticals. Some underground shit but it was through a good source that I know so I didn't ask further questions.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
illinios said:
22% bf is what i get for eating shitty and partying to much. the gear that i currently have in Genysis Pharmacuticals. Some underground shit but it was through a good source that I know so I didn't ask further questions.

I haven't had any personal experience with them or even know a single person who has tried them (that I can remember). But online it says they are a great company so you should be good. I am sure many on here could tell you more about them. Let me know how your cycle goes. How long you planning to do it for? By the way not sure if commenting on this forum about certain companies is allowed so if not just let me know.

With me when I try to cut I just want a cycle that will give me that helping hand and will put some solid weight on me whilst I cut up. Diet is the key with everything (especially when cutting). Like now I look more ripped than I have in a year and I have moreorless had a 2 month break from the gym and done no ab work at all. Just cos I haven't been eating that much stuff and having protein regularly.
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Aug 28, 2005
What do you guys think of this outline for a cutting cycle I might try in the summer.

Weeks 1-10= Test P at 100mg eod (Virormones by Nordic)
Weeks 1-10= Masteron at 100mg eod (NEGMA Laboratories)
Weeks 1-8= Anavar at 40-60mg per day

Possibily throwing in some Zambons (Winny) somewhere in there at a fairly low dose. I plan to swop mast for tren a for the summer after. Thanks

if your diet and training are right,,,should be a good one.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Goodluck Elvia! Looks Good Buddy.
Ive had real good results with Zambons But man its tough on your body. Makes me feel Old and achy after just a few weeks :( Bones Popping and hands hurting.
Might try some tren acetate sometime if you havnt had the pleasure of using it yet!
Im getting ready to use some t.suspension (Pharma tech in mexico) and some Fina (tren ace) Currentl been completley off for a few months But it seems like a few years!!
Strength is still somewhat there But I deffinatley dont look "On" at the moment.
Ill give it a few more weeks then Jump back on and step it up!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Goodluck Elvia! Looks Good Buddy.
Ive had real good results with Zambons But man its tough on your body. Makes me feel Old and achy after just a few weeks :( Bones Popping and hands hurting.
Might try some tren acetate sometime if you havnt had the pleasure of using it yet!
Im getting ready to use some t.suspension (Pharma tech in mexico) and some Fina (tren ace) Currentl been completley off for a few months But it seems like a few years!!
Strength is still somewhat there But I deffinatley dont look "On" at the moment.
Ill give it a few more weeks then Jump back on and step it up!

I just wrote out a reply and deleted it by accident!

I know the feeling. I have been off for ages now. I waited about 4 months after my last cycle then ordered my bulking cycle and it has been other 4/5 months since then. I see the funny side in the fact that I always try to give out good/sensible advice and then I have done the opposite. I know the score but I just decided to put my trust in a supplier that none of you have probably heard of (I have done it b4 with great success). There are scammers everywhere so a sponsor should always be used. Anyway I know 100% I have been ripped off. Like I said I see the funny side. Not bothered about the money (you can't change the past so no point in being annoyed).

I am alittle pissed I didn't get my stuff though. It was $900 worth too but I will just order from a good source. Gonna do that anyday cos I want my stuff asap. Money has been so tight but things will be cool soon. I am running my own little shop now so gonna make my order 2moro.

I am defo gonna do the above cycle next Spring. I will try the Zambons at a fairly low dose as I will probably be doing them at the same time as the anavar. I am defo gonna try tren a... if not in this cycle then the one after (swopping mast for tren). Thanks for the opinions