Cycle/body response question


Registered User
Oct 11, 2008
It's benn almost 3 years since I touched any gear, and have maintained everything quite well and gained back what I lost. I'm planning on going back on, but was wondering, now that my recepters are pretty cleaned out do I need to take the high dosages I use to take, or can I make good gains from a beginers cycle now that my body isn't use to it?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
It's benn almost 3 years since I touched any gear, and have maintained everything quite well and gained back what I lost. I'm planning on going back on, but was wondering, now that my recepters are pretty cleaned out do I need to take the high dosages I use to take, or can I make good gains from a beginers cycle now that my body isn't use to it?

You should defo gain from a beginners cycle. Your right the 3 years gap will make your body more efficient in gaining from cycles. I was gonna use sensitive but that is not a good word cos you know what to expect from AAS and your body is used to the changes.

I am not sure what you have done in the past. But I would personally just do slightly above a usual beginner cycle to get amazing gains. But just keep it nice and simple. If you want to bulk then 500-650mg of test will do and added to that 25-40mg of dbol. You may want to add something like mast e at 400mg (I defo would).

So imo I would just keep your doses fairly low cos thats all you need if your diet is good. No need to be injecting huge amounts of test. I would use the below doses for the following compounds.

Test (E, C or Sust) at 500-650mg per week

Maybe adding one of the following
Mast at 400mg per week
Deca at 300-400mg per week
Tren E at 300-350mg per week
Eq at 400mg per week
Primo at 400-500mg per week

Dbol at 25-40mg per day
Adrol at 50mg per day

Test P at 75-100mg eod
Mast P at 75-100mg eod
Tren A at 75mg eod

Winny at 40-50mg per day
Anavar at 40-60mg per day

They are just a few dose guildlines I would pick for someone with plenty of AAS experience but has had a break. Obviously it is not a rule and less or more could be used with great success. You would gain lots with just 500mg of test e for 12 weeks but I always think it is good to add something like mast to the test. It acts as a mild anti-estrogen and is a great compliment to test. The just a decent dose in an oral if you want but again it is not needed. I don't see the need for 99% to be on huge doses. You get better and more sustained gains from lower doses and hard work. Hope it helps
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Registered User
Oct 11, 2008

That's around the dosage range I was thinking of. I've always responded well to Test C better than any of the other tests, but was thinking of doing a cycle of sust and deca. I thought this would be a good combo since they both last in the system longer, and that way I can avoid a big crash at the end. It's always more phycological than anything. I saw that you mentioned 400mg of equpoise a day. Really? That much? When I took it years ago I always thought it was 300-500mg a week was the recommended(bodybuilder recomended) dose? Maybe this is why I never made huge gains from it.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
That's around the dosage range I was thinking of. I've always responded well to Test C better than any of the other tests, but was thinking of doing a cycle of sust and deca. I thought this would be a good combo since they both last in the system longer, and that way I can avoid a big crash at the end. It's always more phycological than anything. I saw that you mentioned 400mg of equpoise a day. Really? That much? When I took it years ago I always thought it was 300-500mg a week was the recommended(bodybuilder recomended) dose? Maybe this is why I never made huge gains from it.

Oops I meant per week. I best change that now :eek:

No 400mg per week is plenty and it's what most would need. Just because the likes os Sust has a long active life doesn't mean you will avoid a crash. It has 5 different esters so they play about with your system even more. But of course it's long active life will enable a smooth end to a cycle. Meaning you inj and then wait 3 weeks for your pct. But if your on for a decent amount of time your gonna crash regardless. Simply cos your natural test supply is stopped.

My best tips to avoid heavy crashes would be to not take huge doses, to not stay on a long time and to avoid using too many compound when on. Although there is no set rule. Like the last point is not fully correct cos if on your naturally supply is eventually cut off. So adding something like 50mg of tbol isn't gonna greatly alter things due to it's properties. But adding dbol to the mix would change things alot. I will rec a cycle below and although I say 3 compounds and many will think you will only need 1/2 due to the break. The compliments have been mentioned due to their milder nature (hormonal) but effective results. Adding mast to a fairly high dose of test I think will actually help matters and give your cycle a more well rounded outcome.

The above mention of time on is one of the main factors in avoiding a huge crash. There is no set rule and everyone is different. But I would say recovery starts getting more and more effected after the 12 week period. Like I said there is no set rule and if your on for 6 weeks you might crash fairly hard. But for the future I am gonna limit most of my cycle for 12 weeks. There will be a few cycles that will be12-16 week range as compounds sych as eq and deca and mast work more effectively when you add on those extra few weeks. But you know how you react and you know your stuff so I am sure you will pick the best option. Deca does shut you down straightaway and I am not a huge fan as I think there are better options around. But again it's one of the most popular compounds around and for a reason... it does great things for many people.

I assume you want to bulk but not go huge. Then your suggestion of test c and deca would be good. I would personally do 500mg of test c/e with 400mg of mast for 12 weeks and a kickstart of tbol at 40-50mg for 5 weeks. I should add tapering down the test over the final few weeks until you are left with tiny injections in the final week (Mon 75mg and Thurs 25mg).

Let me know what you decide to do and how you get on.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My current cycle is planned at 12 weeks but when I do the taper I will likely increase by 1 week or so. I am doing 12 weeks of test e (500mg) and mast 200 (400mg). With a kickstart of dbol (approx 40mg per day) and the final 4 weeks doing winny at 50mg per day.

I am about 17 days in and have put on about 12 pounds. The strange thing though is that my 6 pack has come out more and I don't look bloated. Even though I am on dbol that is simply because my diet has been fairly clean and my carb intake is not huge but I plan to increase it week by week.


Registered User
Oct 11, 2008
Thanks again!

I'd love to bulk, but I am currently holding a little more bodyfat than i would like, and would like to avoid gaining anymore. When I bulk huge there usually is no limit of food intake or what I eat. God I love it! lol If I was smart I'd diet down first before I start a cycle, but I hate that feeling of getting smaller and having my strength drop. I could do a cutting cycle, but after not touching the stuff for 3 years, what fun would that be. I'm hoping having more testosterone in me will help burn a little fat if I keep my diet somewhat clean. I never had any blood work done after my last cycle, but I can tell my test levels are low from years of using. You could show me a hot big boobied woman, and a sandwich, and say choose one. I'd go for the sandwich. lol


Registered User
Oct 11, 2008
What if?

What if I stacked Masteron with the Test and Deca? Would this be a waste, or would it be benificial?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
What if I stacked Masteron with the Test and Deca? Would this be a waste, or would it be benificial?

It wouldn't be a waste. They are all different compounds and do different things so it could be good. I wouldn't personally do it but can only see good results. You do know deca doesn't convert to estrogen? Imo test/deca or test/mast would be simplier and give great results. It is up2 you. I know you have done 3 compounds at once b4 so the 3 you mention would work well. I would personally swop the deca for tbol at 40-60mg for the first 5/6 weeks. But the 3 above would provide an interesting cycle. Although I would rather just do more test then adding deca. I am loving my mast 200 now. I have been on dbol for 4 weeks and put on alot of weight but my 6 pack has come out much more. Obviously that is because my diet is fairly clean and my genes plus having high test in my system. But even I was shocked. You wouldn't think it by looking at it's properties/values (mast) but I defo feel/see what it is doing. Gonna add mast to all my future cycles or tren in the stronger ones.


Registered User
Oct 11, 2008

I'm looking forward to seeing how I react to Mast. The only reason I would throw the deca in there is for the joints. I couldn't find much info on anyone stacking Deca and Mast together. Like you said it is an interesting combo along with the test. Makes me curious. I decided on dropping a little weight(fat) before I juice up, so I have some time to plan it all out and decide what combo I'll stack. I'll keep you posted.


Aug 28, 2005
It's benn almost 3 years since I touched any gear, and have maintained everything quite well and gained back what I lost. I'm planning on going back on, but was wondering, now that my recepters are pretty cleaned out do I need to take the high dosages I use to take, or can I make good gains from a beginers cycle now that my body isn't use to it?

I would try something low to moderate,,,if you have had success with those type dosages in the past.