Cycle Questions


New member
Jan 27, 2008
Hi guys.... first post so be gentle....

Just about to embark on first cycle and would like some advice.

Cycle as follows:

Wk 1-8 200mg Deca
Wk 1-8 250mg Sustanon
Wk 1-8 20mg/day Nolvadex (from day 3)
Wk 3, 5, 8 500ui HCG

I know its a shorter cycle than most I've read about, and also the inclusion of Nolvadex during the cycle is not always the norm. I want to air on the side of caution first time round and see how I adapt to the cycle.

What I'm a little confused about is the PCT. I have included Nolvadex after reading Mick Hart's layman guides to steroids, but I can't see any mention of PCT. Is this not required as Nolv has been included in the cycle? If not what would you guys recommend as a PCT?

thanks in advance.....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
sharger said:
Hi guys.... first post so be gentle....

Just about to embark on first cycle and would like some advice.

Cycle as follows:

Wk 1-8 200mg Deca
Wk 1-8 250mg Sustanon
Wk 1-8 20mg/day Nolvadex (from day 3)
Wk 3, 5, 8 500ui HCG

I know its a shorter cycle than most I've read about, and also the inclusion of Nolvadex during the cycle is not always the norm. I want to air on the side of caution first time round and see how I adapt to the cycle.

What I'm a little confused about is the PCT. I have included Nolvadex after reading Mick Hart's layman guides to steroids, but I can't see any mention of PCT. Is this not required as Nolv has been included in the cycle? If not what would you guys recommend as a PCT?

thanks in advance.....

Before you start a cycle you need to think are you mentally prepared. Saying that the fact you mention about wanting to air on the side of caution and see how you adapt is a good start. But what are your aims for the cycle. How old are you? Have you trained to your full potential (or near to) naturally?

If it's your first (and for most anyway) it is best to keep it simple. You don't really need deca (although it is a fab substance). I would rec 400-500mg of sustanon per week. To be injected 2 times so 200-250mg Mon and the other Thurs. I know you want to be careful but there is no point just doing it for 8 weeks. I would rec 12 weeks with a min of 10 weeks if you are concerned. Really though if you are gonna do it 10 you might as well do 12 cause you should be getting the best you can from each cycle then doing effective PCT and having sufficient recovery time so it is important to do it right.

I would advise you to take Nolvadex during your cycle. The best thing to take during is Armidex and you would only need a small amount (0.5mg per day). That would keep water weight down. But Nolva is great also. You don't really need to do 20mg so 10mg would be good. By the way if I am doing a mild or medium cycle I would do 10. If I am doing a just above medium or strong cycle I would do 20mg (but never anymore during).

HCG is a good addition to any cycle. It will make your cycle better and prevent your balls going the size of peanuts. You are best doing just 500IU every 7 days. You wouldn't need to start HCG until weeks 2 or 3 in the cycle.

PCT is a must otherwise your recovery will be fucked and your gains are likely to literally run away from your body. You should start PCT 3 weeks after your last shot of Sust. So continue the nolva (or armidex) till that day. Then you should do clomid and nolvadex for PCT. Below is a plan for you with dosages:

Week 1-12 = Sustanon 250 at 400-500mg per week (2 injections)
Week 1-15 = Nolvadex at 10mg per day or armidex at 0.50mg per day
Week 1-13 = HCG at 500IU every 7 days or as and when you need it

Week 15-18 = Clomid Day 1 200mg (you don't need 300), days 2-11 100mg per day and days 12-21 50mg per day
Week 15-17 = Nolvadex at 20mg per day
Week 18 = Nolvadex at 10mg per day

The usual rule is number of days on = number of days off until your next cycle. I would try something like Tribulus after your PCT to give you that extra boost. But remember the key is diet in any cycle and make sure you drink lots of water and little sodium (salt).

By the way even though it is your first cycle I always think kickstarting with tabs is good. So try a mild compound that does not convert too much. I would rec Anavar or Turinabol. Tbol is like dbol without the water weight and the sides. Anavar would be class for you too. If you wanna throw them in start them week1 and do them for 6 weeks (either one would be good). Just keep the dosage fairly low. I would rec about 30-35mg oper day of Anavar for you. Oh and remember to get a liver protector for when your on your cycle (and after). You can get a good one from either sponsor on here. I always like to do a good multi-vitamin too when on cause your body really is working overtime and all that working out means you need all those vitamins and minerals. I hope it helps
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New member
Jan 27, 2008
many thanks for your advice.... much appreciated.

Couple of more questions if ok..... Why do you not think Deca would be usefull in my cycle?

Also is it ok to administer the HCG on the same day as Deca/Sust or is it better to space the days out?

again many thanks in advance.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
sharger said:
many thanks for your advice.... much appreciated.

Couple of more questions if ok..... Why do you not think Deca would be usefull in my cycle?

Also is it ok to administer the HCG on the same day as Deca/Sust or is it better to space the days out?

again many thanks in advance.

I didn't say Deca wouldn't be useful for your cycle (it is a great compound). I just meant it is not needed on account it is your first cycle. Less is more usually is the way. Cos if you start off with 2 or 3 you will want 3 or 4 next time. Best just keep it simple cos if it is your 1st cycle just test alone will give you excellent results. But I am far from the cautious type. If you wanted to add other compound I would rec a mild oral like I said. It will give you good solid gains and will get you used to cycling. Not to mention the fact Deca is one of the worst for your libido (during and recovery) so it might be best to just use other compound first time round. You will experience all the changes anyway with the test but they are likely to be more severe if you throw in deca. But again I done tren e in my first cycle and that is suppose to be the worst. Both Deca and Tren are bad for increasing prolactin levels too. Prolactin is basically released everytime you cum and is the reason you have to wait alitttle before you can get it up again (and sometimes the guilt feeling)! Hey but 10mins instead of 3 doesn't really bother me! :)

It is fine to do HCG on the same day. HCG actually makes the other compounds work better. It has an active life of about three days too so it doesn't matter if you take it during the same day as the Sust. Do you know about sub-q injections? You can take HCG IM or Sub-Q. The later being injecting between the fat and muscle so you do it at a 45* angle. You can just pinch a layer of fat about an inch from your bellybutton and do it there. Or just inject it like you inject your gear. I prefer to do my thighs for HCG injections. If your doing once per week HCG and compunds such as Sust then you could have them on different days anyway. Say Sust on Mon and Thurs and HCG on Wed every week. Hope it goes well for you.
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Nov 13, 2005
Sharger, pleas post full stats:

bf% (if known)
lift history
cycle history
current diet

be as specific as you can with each one please

Elvia1023, how can you possibly provide ant AAS reccomendations without a full set of stats? What if he is 17yo, 6ft 2, 145 lbs? or 23 yo, 5ft 3, 285lbs?

It is foolish and irresponsible to provide cycle suggestions without knowing basic stats. I mean, come on bro....:eek:


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
drob29 said:
Sharger, pleas post full stats:

bf% (if known)
lift history
cycle history
current diet

be as specific as you can with each one please

Elvia1023, how can you possibly provide ant AAS reccomendations without a full set of stats? What if he is 17yo, 6ft 2, 145 lbs? or 23 yo, 5ft 3, 285lbs?

It is foolish and irresponsible to provide cycle suggestions without knowing basic stats. I mean, come on bro....:eek:

Your completely right. I should always ask. I have stopped a few in the past from starting gear cos it wasn't actually what they needed or it was simply diet and/or training they needed to change. Your rigth cos he may not be ready physically or mentally (or both). I do find they usually do it anyway regardless what people say. But your right I defo should have asked. I do find most wanting to start have researched a few compounds so when they mention some it is obvious what their aim is (bulking usually). Won't happen again.
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Nov 13, 2005
Elvia1023 said:
Your completely right. I should always ask. I have stopped a few in the past from starting gear cos it wasn't actually what they needed or it was simply diet and/or training they needed to change. Your rigth cos he may not be ready physically or mentally (or both). I do find they usually do it anyway regardless what people say. But your right I defo should have asked. I do find most wanting to start have researched a few compounds so when they mention some it is obvious what their aim is (bulking usually). Won't happen again.

glad to hear bro :)

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