Does anyone not use AI on Test Cycles?


New member
Feb 13, 2018
Is it possible to run 500mg+ of test per week without having to use an AI?

As estrogen is essential for muscle growth, why take an AI? Do you believe in the theory that it is the T:E ratio that matters? So if you take 500mg and more of test, it is normal to see higher estrogen levels as your body tries to find homeostasis?

Or Do you all take AI?


Donating Member
Jun 12, 2018
We all know who you are from Professional Muscle. You've posted this same thread countless times there. You're not going to get different answers here.


Donating Member
Mar 7, 2018
We all know who you are from Professional Muscle. You've posted this same thread countless times there. You're not going to get different answers here.
Not true. I dont know who he is.
I'll answer your question and in idgaf who you are on any board in the known or unknown universe.
Some people will have estrogen problems on trt doses.
There are a lot of variables: age; liver clearance; amount of shbg; % of bodfat ; if you drink alcohol et al. Other meds.
Too much to name and analyze with no info about you.
I need an AI at anything over 250mg/wk/t.
Ratio of t to e does matter but its still needs to be closer to bottom.
People may not agree but you still have various body tissue like prostate and breast not giving af about the ratio. If it's high its high and will be dealt with according to your individual system.
With that being said you need to run labs and see what's going on.
Walkin labs is cheap and easy. It will tell you exactly what's going on.

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Donating Member
Jul 31, 2018
Everyone is different. I usually don't use an AI at that dose. If I have any issues I use Nolva. I use an AI as a last resort because it's hard on my lipid profile.


Registered User
Apr 28, 2019
Is it possible to run 500mg+ of test per week without having to use an AI?

As estrogen is essential for muscle growth, why take an AI? Do you believe in the theory that it is the T:E ratio that matters? So if you take 500mg and more of test, it is normal to see higher estrogen levels as your body tries to find homeostasis?

Or Do you all take AI?

definitely need AI or your estro will be 2-3x normal levels (normal level being 30)


Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
Everyone is different. I usually don't use an AI at that dose. If I have any issues I use Nolva. I use an AI as a last resort because it's hard on my lipid profile.


I do use an AI on cycle but no one can give a definite answer to this as you posted everyone is different. Some would be fine on no AI with 500mg test. I prefer to use 1/4 aromasin tab daily on 500mg.


Registered User
Jul 14, 2018
I only need an AI with deca. Lucky i guess

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Not true. I dont know who he is.
I'll answer your question and in idgaf who you are on any board in the known or unknown universe.
Some people will have estrogen problems on trt doses.
There are a lot of variables: age; liver clearance; amount of shbg; % of bodfat ; if you drink alcohol et al. Other meds.
Too much to name and analyze with no info about you.
I need an AI at anything over 250mg/wk/t.
Ratio of t to e does matter but its still needs to be closer to bottom.
People may not agree but you still have various body tissue like prostate and breast not giving af about the ratio. If it's high its high and will be dealt with according to your individual system.
With that being said you need to run labs and see what's going on.
Walkin labs is cheap and easy. It will tell you exactly what's going on.

Sent from my SM-J737P using Tapatalk

No Daniel is correct this guy is getting pretty well known as the face bloat guy on promuscle. Started multiple threads on the same subject. Starts the thread barely ever posts then starts another thread on a similar subject and the cycle repeats. He had 25 threads and 100 posts when I checked. Seems obsessed with facial bloat. When you respond with detail and the thought of trying to help him out you get no reply and within 1 week a new thread is up. I tried to help him on promuscle the other day but he hasn't replied to me.


Donating Member
Mar 7, 2018
No Daniel is correct this guy is getting pretty well known as the face bloat guy on promuscle. Started multiple threads on the same subject. Starts the thread barely ever posts then starts another thread on a similar subject and the cycle repeats. He had 25 threads and 100 posts when I checked. Seems obsessed with facial bloat. When you respond with detail and the thought of trying to help him out you get no reply and within 1 week a new thread is up. I tried to help him on promuscle the other day but he hasn't replied to me.
Yea I honestly thought he would post back something in response.
Is he trolling or just a dumb fucking kid? Or maybe both?
I'll take the time to help people 99% of the time. But if they're just stupid/incapable of being helped because they have some shit stuck in their head somebody's told them and arent going to quit until they either read that or meet a quota with replies they want, I would just as soon they fuck off and die.

Irl I get asked so many questions all the time and I make a judgement call about if I should answer and to what depth or just give them a bullshit nothing answer.
Most often it's a waste of breath because people are never gonna do shit and in their heads its "one day I'm gonna hit the gym and do roids" or wtf ever when really they're never gonna do jack shit and if they did their minds are too polluted into thinking it's all about just taking the right drugs and they'll be a superstar.

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Donating Member
Apr 11, 2017
No Daniel is correct this guy is getting pretty well known as the face bloat guy on promuscle. Started multiple threads on the same subject. Starts the thread barely ever posts then starts another thread on a similar subject and the cycle repeats. He had 25 threads and 100 posts when I checked. Seems obsessed with facial bloat. When you respond with detail and the thought of trying to help him out you get no reply and within 1 week a new thread is up. I tried to help him on promuscle the other day but he hasn't replied to me.

He does post back but only when you tell him what he wants to hear, if you try to actually help he ignores you. At this point I’m fairly certain he’s just a messing with us, he has dozens of threads on the same subjects with hundreds of solid replies but still keeps making more...


Donating Member
Apr 11, 2017
Either troll or one of those jackasses that doesn’t stop until he hears what he wants to hear whether it’s true or not, those ones pop up a lot too.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
He does post back but only when you tell him what he wants to hear, if you try to actually help he ignores you. At this point I’m fairly certain he’s just a messing with us, he has dozens of threads on the same subjects with hundreds of solid replies but still keeps making more...

As FrancisK posted dozens of threads on the same subjects. Yes he is averaging about 4 posts per thread and he does reply to select posts. He basically ignores anything worthwhile and just agrees with anything that matches what he thinks. The obvious question should be why start all the threads then if you don't take people's advice.

I honestly don't think he is a troll... well not purposely. Some guys are just mental. I don't think there will be anything wrong with his face. In 2017 he was 6ft 1 and 160 pounds so there you go. I assume he started eating more and added some fat/water and that's what his obsession stems from. I have asked him all the necessary questions (stats, diet, goal, drugs, water intake etc) on pro muscle so just waiting for a reply.

As you all know anyone eating a surplus of calories could get a more bloated face. Add drugs into the equation such as test, adrol, dbol and that bloat could be increased. He created a thread about adrol recently as well. Moreover if he is now using 500mg test with no AI that is an obvious answer. I have had a bloated face many times and who cares. I have asked to see his pics as well just so we can see what he means and maybe help out.


Donating Member
Apr 11, 2017
Guys like him pop up all the time, they already have their mind set and just want affirmation doesn't matter if it's right or wrong. His discussion isn't necessarily a bad one it's just been beat to death by his own doing. That and what really bothers me is that he contributes absolutely nothing, every one of his posts is a self serving question, those guys are the worst of all of them. You know, that guy who gets on here says he's being doing gear and lifting for 30 years asks a question gets his answer never responds and then disappears until he needs another self serving question answered, those guys piss me off.

I bet if you searched hard enough online you would find someone somewhere touting the benefits of drinking bleach and there is someone out there reading it and nodding their head.


AnaSCI Major Sponsor
Jul 3, 2013
I bet if you searched hard enough online you would find someone somewhere touting the benefits of drinking bleach and there is someone out there reading it and nodding their head.

You don’t have to search very hard. Several women have been in the news lately because they had to be arrested to prevent them from making their kids drink bleach, in order to “cure the autisms and kill all the toxins in their bodies.”


Donating Member
Apr 11, 2017
You don’t have to search very hard. Several women have been in the news lately because they had to be arrested to prevent them from making their kids drink bleach, in order to “cure the autisms and kill all the toxins in their bodies.”

I was totally joking just coming up with the most outlandish thing possible....

Fuck this gay earth!


Registered User
Aug 24, 2014
Many pros use nolva over an AI, I know John meadows has been very open about this. There is quite a bit of data coming out on the dangers of ai’s causing micro blisters in the arteries. I’ve never just used nolva, that scares me but I might give it a shot. Last cycle I didn’t use anything and was fine, I think the mast helped.


New member
Nov 3, 2013
Overall it is all based on yourself.. some guys can run 500mg test with no AI and get minimal estro spike related issues.. then we have others who run 4-500 and start to get itchy nips, puffiness, lethargic etc.. I can run 750 test with 0.5 adex every 3-4 days if that and be fine.


Feb 6, 2012
These days I tend to run low test so I try to avoid using an AI when possible. I sometimes use 20mg nolva on cycle but never for long periods.