Drug testing/Dbol


New member
Sep 14, 2008
The only steroid I ever took and am continuing to take is d-bol. So I was wondering if companies test for methandienone when drug testing employees. I am planning on being a pharmacist. And for all the haterz of d-bol only cycles, of coarse the gains aren't as dramatic if I were to use testosterone but the d-bol really does help. It still helps prevent overtraining as well as increasing strength and size. I only take 30mg a week anyway because I workout 3 times/week while doing abs on off days. People think 10 mg/d-bol isn't enough yet 10mg increases anabolic activity 5 times over normal and provides a reduction in natural cortisol activity of between 50-70%. Also, don't jump to the conclusion that I'm afraid of needles because I am not the least bit. I just choose this way based on my knowledge and judgement ,and am not going to change because it proves to work from my own experience. Just making my point with d-bol only cycle since anyone who mentions it is immediately attacked by people on a steroid forum.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
jsmith2008 said:
The only steroid I ever took and am continuing to take is d-bol. So I was wondering if companies test for methandienone when drug testing employees. I am planning on being a pharmacist. And for all the haterz of d-bol only cycles, of coarse the gains aren't as dramatic if I were to use testosterone but the d-bol really does help. It still helps prevent overtraining as well as increasing strength and size. I only take 30mg a week anyway because I workout 3 times/week while doing abs on off days. People think 10 mg/d-bol isn't enough yet 10mg increases anabolic activity 5 times over normal and provides a reduction in natural cortisol activity of between 50-70%. Also, don't jump to the conclusion that I'm afraid of needles because I am not the least bit. I just choose this way based on my knowledge and judgement ,and am not going to change because it proves to work from my own experience. Just making my point with d-bol only cycle since anyone who mentions it is immediately attacked by people on a steroid forum.

You should be fine. Drug testing for steroids is very expensive and doesn't take place for any of the usual employee tests. They will be testing for rec drugs so I wouldn't worry about it.

Not gonna attack your method... if it works for you it works for you. I am surprised the water weight doesn't bother you. Please tell me you still do a normal PCT after the dbol. Otherwise you just continue what your doing and goodluck to yeah. I personally wouldn't just do all oral (over and over) but like you said it works for you. If you ever want a change and less water I would try turinabol only at 50mg per day for 6 weeks. I just done one myself and I was very pleased.


Aug 28, 2005
jsmith2008 said:
The only steroid I ever took and am continuing to take is d-bol. So I was wondering if companies test for methandienone when drug testing employees. I am planning on being a pharmacist. And for all the haterz of d-bol only cycles, of coarse the gains aren't as dramatic if I were to use testosterone but the d-bol really does help. It still helps prevent overtraining as well as increasing strength and size. I only take 30mg a week anyway because I workout 3 times/week while doing abs on off days. People think 10 mg/d-bol isn't enough yet 10mg increases anabolic activity 5 times over normal and provides a reduction in natural cortisol activity of between 50-70%. Also, don't jump to the conclusion that I'm afraid of needles because I am not the least bit. I just choose this way based on my knowledge and judgement ,and am not going to change because it proves to work from my own experience. Just making my point with d-bol only cycle since anyone who mentions it is immediately attacked by people on a steroid forum.

I imagine you will just be tested for rec drugs and not AAS.