

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Just wondering but what are your fav cycles for both bulking and cutting. Not just individual compounds but what 2, 3 etc are your fav combo's. An example being dbol, test c and masteron for bulking. Would be interesting reading for me. Thanks


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Some of the Ones Ive found that seem to work the best on me Elvia are-
Test #1 always...cyp,enan or sust doesnt matter to me as long as its real.

Some others that have worked real good for me (Not together, and in no certain order....

Tren ace (Fina)
Nan deca (Deca)
Boldenone (EQ)
Winstrol (inject, waterbase)
Masteron (works ok..Like a weak version of tren imo)

#1 Anavar (if you can find some thats real it Kicks ass!!)

HGH (Id use this year round if Money was not an issue)
Melanotan II (for tanning, not muscle)

Hard on pills-

For me Ill use the test and maybe 2-3 others depnding on goals, Money, availability etc etc


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
rAJJIN said:
Some of the Ones Ive found that seem to work the best on me Elvia are-
Test #1 always...cyp,enan or sust doesnt matter to me as long as its real.

Some others that have worked real good for me (Not together, and in no certain order....

Tren ace (Fina)
Nan deca (Deca)
Boldenone (EQ)
Winstrol (inject, waterbase)
Masteron (works ok..Like a weak version of tren imo)

#1 Anavar (if you can find some thats real it Kicks ass!!)

HGH (Id use this year round if Money was not an issue)
Melanotan II (for tanning, not muscle)

Hard on pills-

For me Ill use the test and maybe 2-3 others depnding on goals, Money, availability etc etc

Thanks Raj. Something you wrote really interested me. I had never heard of Melanotan. Elvia is my ex gf who was from Venezuela but sadly unlike her I have fairly pale skin (my name is Kev). I have never used any tanning products ever but Melanotan II really interests me. The look a good tan gives his great. I just briefly researched it but I would appreciate you sending me the source you use. I will do more research as it's past 4am here and I am off to bed. It did say Mel 1 carries less sides and is easier to use. But Mel 2 increases libido etc but the bad sides are much more apparant. Could you tell me what you experience on it and what dose you do? Do you use it at certain times in the year or throughout?

It sounds good cos I would imagine the tan would just be all over. Because when people use lotions their feet and hands look silly. I will defo have to order myself some but of course will do lots of research in it later. One thing that did sound bad was the freckles. I have a few freckles on my body and they can come out on my face so would they become more visible? Would that be temporary and they would fade away over time? Anyway I would appreciate your help.

Thanks for the list too. My next cycle is gonna be Sust, Dbol kickstart and Mast E or Eq (haven't decided).

You haven't tried tbol have you? I might do that instead of the dbol. I think i probably will and leave the dbol for when I do a cycle in the winter... plus wanna see what the tbol is like cos I hear great things. Thanks again


Registered User
Jun 1, 2006
Well, first must warn that my favorites were made during my short-ester days:

My absolute favorite cycle with accessories was:
Prop 50mg/day
Tren 50mg/day
Mast 50mg/day
Dbol 25mg/day
Cytomel 50mcg/day
Letro .625mg/eod (1/4 tab every other day)
Dost .25mg/eod (1/4 tab every other day)

Other favorites have been:

Testosteron Enanthate
Drostanolone Enanthate(Mast E)
Dbol (kickstart)

I pretty much use Testosterone and Masteron (Drostanolone) as a base and my favorites with something else added.

Favorite additions:

Not a big fan of:
Turniabol (except when my lady takes it in very small doses, wink wink)

Elvia, I'd recommend trying the Tbol over the Dbol even though I prefer Dbol so that you can see what you think; I just got wicked back pumps without much gains, Dbol doesn't bloat me much, if at all, at sensable doses and the mood effects are nice off Dbol.
I'd also recommend the Masteron over the EQ, especially the Enanthate version which is so hard to find these days. Let us know what you do.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
AlphaMale said:
Well, first must warn that my favorites were made during my short-ester days:

My absolute favorite cycle with accessories was:
Prop 50mg/day
Tren 50mg/day
Mast 50mg/day
Dbol 25mg/day
Cytomel 50mcg/day
Letro .625mg/eod (1/4 tab every other day)
Dost .25mg/eod (1/4 tab every other day)

Other favorites have been:

Testosteron Enanthate
Drostanolone Enanthate(Mast E)
Dbol (kickstart)

I pretty much use Testosterone and Masteron (Drostanolone) as a base and my favorites with something else added.

Favorite additions:

Not a big fan of:
Turniabol (except when my lady takes it in very small doses, wink wink)

Elvia, I'd recommend trying the Tbol over the Dbol even though I prefer Dbol so that you can see what you think; I just got wicked back pumps without much gains, Dbol doesn't bloat me much, if at all, at sensable doses and the mood effects are nice off Dbol.
I'd also recommend the Masteron over the EQ, especially the Enanthate version which is so hard to find these days. Let us know what you do.

Thanks. Yeah I was 99% sure I was doing Sust and Masteron E. Then choosing between dbol, tbol and avar for a kickstart. I love the feeling dbol gives but want to try most compounds so will probably pick the tbol. I have tried tren e which I loved and will probably do a test p and tren a cycle in the next 2 years (probably summertime 09).... added to that clen etc for a good cutting cycle.

Thanks for the info. I will probably start my next cycle about Aug/Sept as I want a few about 4 months recovery from my current cycle. That was the thing if I was to do Aug then tbol or avar might be the choice cos I am likely to go away for a holiday. If it is Sept/Oct/Nov I might move towards dbol... even though the bloat I get is not huge from it. Not that bothered about bloat etc so will just see how I feel closer the date.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Elvia1023 said:
Thanks Raj. Something you wrote really interested me. I had never heard of Melanotan. Elvia is my ex gf who was from Venezuela but sadly unlike her I have fairly pale skin (my name is Kev). I have never used any tanning products ever but Melanotan II really interests me. The look a good tan gives his great. I just briefly researched it but I would appreciate you sending me the source you use. I will do more research as it's past 4am here and I am off to bed. It did say Mel 1 carries less sides and is easier to use. But Mel 2 increases libido etc but the bad sides are much more apparant. Could you tell me what you experience on it and what dose you do? Do you use it at certain times in the year or throughout?

It sounds good cos I would imagine the tan would just be all over. Because when people use lotions their feet and hands look silly. I will defo have to order myself some but of course will do lots of research in it later. One thing that did sound bad was the freckles. I have a few freckles on my body and they can come out on my face so would they become more visible? Would that be temporary and they would fade away over time? Anyway I would appreciate your help.

Thanks for the list too. My next cycle is gonna be Sust, Dbol kickstart and Mast E or Eq (haven't decided).

You haven't tried tbol have you? I might do that instead of the dbol. I think i probably will and leave the dbol for when I do a cycle in the winter... plus wanna see what the tbol is like cos I hear great things. Thanks again

Ahh man Kev Tell me that isnt Elvia in your avatar. If so Im a jealous Bastid!

On the M2 I used it one time so far (last summer)
And the stuff absoloutley works!
Within 8 days I was Darker then Ive ever been in my life...Darker then the Dark skin people around here. Theres was No wondering if it worked!
I was already pretty Tanned up when I started it from working in the sun all day and aslo Using the tanning beds..This stuff though takes it to another level. Heres is how I used it-

Day1 .25 mg
Day2 .50 mg
day3 1mg
day4 1mg
day5 1mg
day6 1mg
day7 1mg
day8 1mg
Day9 1mg

That was it...By day 8 or 9 I was super Dark and stopped using it.
I didnt do any maintenance doses like some suggest But stayed dark for a good long while.

Now the downside...
It Made me feel like Crap! Even at a VERY small amount the first day I instantly felt my stomach cramp a bit and Face was Flush. The feeling went away quik But For the first 2-3 days I felt Like I was Carsick. Not unbearable
But deffinatley not an enjoyable feeling. It got better as time went on.

FReckles- They got darker, almost black. I had One or two new ones show up
But nothing that made me look bad or that bothered me.
They faded and the new ones that showed up went completley away a within a month or so after dropping it.
It also made my Lips turn a Bit purple! I may have overdone it a bit on the sun and tanning But I was set on getting DARK.

I think it works real good But theres a price to pay for it, feeling crappy.
Its not something id use year round But Ill sure use it again. I think it would be great for a special event or certain times Like Getting ready for a Vacation,Springbreak,wedding,BB Show or Photoshoot.... Something like that.

Mine came from www.Tanresearch.com


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
rAJJIN said:
Ahh man Kev Tell me that isnt Elvia in your avatar. If so Im a jealous Bastid!

On the M2 I used it one time so far (last summer)
And the stuff absoloutley works!
Within 8 days I was Darker then Ive ever been in my life...Darker then the Dark skin people around here. Theres was No wondering if it worked!
I was already pretty Tanned up when I started it from working in the sun all day and aslo Using the tanning beds..This stuff though takes it to another level. Heres is how I used it-

Day1 .25 mg
Day2 .50 mg
day3 1mg
day4 1mg
day5 1mg
day6 1mg
day7 1mg
day8 1mg
Day9 1mg

That was it...By day 8 or 9 I was super Dark and stopped using it.
I didnt do any maintenance doses like some suggest But stayed dark for a good long while.

Now the downside...
It Made me feel like Crap! Even at a VERY small amount the first day I instantly felt my stomach cramp a bit and Face was Flush. The feeling went away quik But For the first 2-3 days I felt Like I was Carsick. Not unbearable
But deffinatley not an enjoyable feeling. It got better as time went on.

FReckles- They got darker, almost black. I had One or two new ones show up
But nothing that made me look bad or that bothered me.
They faded and the new ones that showed up went completley away a within a month or so after dropping it.
It also made my Lips turn a Bit purple! I may have overdone it a bit on the sun and tanning But I was set on getting DARK.

I think it works real good But theres a price to pay for it, feeling crappy.
Its not something id use year round But Ill sure use it again. I think it would be great for a special event or certain times Like Getting ready for a Vacation,Springbreak,wedding,BB Show or Photoshoot.... Something like that.

Mine came from www.Tanresearch.com

That is not my ex gf but she was just as good. When I say ex gf it was a long distance thing so not really a gf I suppose. She did have a tiny waist and I have to say huge arse! Really cute face too! My other ex looks like my avatar. She is amazing... half Egyptian but looks more black than arab. She looks like Beyonce (skin tone etc) but not the massive thighs! My avatar is actually a Japanese model (I think). I will find out and post her name up.

I might be going on holiday with my ex. I feel like a break in the sun so will try some M2! I will take it the week b4 my holiday. Will be quite funny cos she used to tease me about being pasty and I should be the colour of her so that will be fun seeing the look on her face. I will find out the active life. I mention that becuase if I take it leading to the holiday I want to know if the time spent in the sun will add to the tan and make it extra effective. Or will I have to take it for a few days whilst I am over there - which I don't want to do if it makes you feel like crap.

Thanks for all the info. I wil probably just use your doses and see how I get on. I am looking forward to trying it. Probably May/June time.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
My lazy response.....

Because I'm too lazy to type right now, I'll just use rAJ's and add (in red) the things that work best for me:smoker:Thanks rAJ :D

rAJJIN said:
Some of the Ones Ive found that seem to work the best on me Elvia are-
Test #1 always...cyp,enan or sust doesnt matter to me as long as its real.
I agree, multi or single estered Test (although I prefer Test blends) doesn't matter though, as long as it's in there

Some others that have worked real good for me (Not together, and in no certain order....

Tren ace (Fina) Gotta love Tren Ace...I also like the Stealth SuperTren200, can feel that kick really quick
Nan deca (Deca) Same
Boldenone (EQ) Doesn't do much for me
Winstrol (inject, waterbase) Same (much better then the tabs, imo)
Masteron (works ok..Like a weak version of tren imo) I agree, although it's smoother then Tren, would rather use Tren

#1 Anavar (if you can find some thats real it Kicks ass!!) Can actually say that I've never used this, (had 500 on hand, just ended up offing them to a friend for some injectables and never ended up getting anymore)
Dbol Same
Halotestin Although I can feel major pumps and power, Halo gives me major headaches to go with the pumps - I usually just stick with Adrol as it works great for me, which is good because some (I think rAJ is one) get nothing from Adrol, same as some get nothing from Dbol

HGH (Id use this year round if Money was not an issue) Definitely
Igf-lr3 Same
Melanotan II (for tanning, not muscle) I'm a milky-white mofo (me and my finace are looking into getting a residential tanning bed for the house

Hard on pills-
Cialis Have never used them...Wanted to, but the woman won't go for it...Had a problem with my wood once for a week and she was happy for the break

For me Ill use the test and maybe 2-3 others depnding on goals, Money, availability etc etc
Test is a definite and like rAJ said, the other compounds just depend on many different variables


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kawasaki1 said:
Because I'm too lazy to type right now, I'll just use rAJ's and add (in red) the things that work best for me:smoker:Thanks rAJ :D



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Raj been doing more research and I am definately gonan get some. I owuld have done more but my comp is so slow... me thinks the huge amounts of porn.

It strange cos M2 is alot stronger than 1 so effects will be seen straightaway as in your case. But most take it for huge amount of time (months, years). There is even a huge forum on just M1 and M2. It had lots of good info and b4 and after pics. It mentions all the sides etc. Good thing I am taking it after my cycle cos the increased libido would not be good at this time... I will probably end up grapping some lady in the street cos it is off the scale now! An interesting one is (and very common) darkened facial hair, eyebrows, eyelashes even. It's strange as my dad and bro are very dark and my mum is pale with brown hair and my sis pale with black hair. I am more like my mum but still not very pale I have brown hair and very dark eyebrows (which I really like)- so I don't want them going any darker cos that will look silly. Like many men I have brown stubble but ginger in it so looking forward to that going dark! The above are all strange sides and they may not happen but only one way to find out.

The doses you stated are spot on and most usually do that for a few weeks then go onto a maintenance dose of 2 injections weekly instead of the daily ones. Becuase you have only used it once I will copy and paste some things that may be of interest to you.

Melanotan may be an effective preventative treatment for people at risk for skin cancer. That is good as it runs in my family.

Clinical trials to determine efficacy of the drugs have typically used dosages up to 0.21mg/kg daily for Melanotan (16mg for a 75kg (165lb) individual), and up to 0.03mg/kg daily for Melanotan II (2.25mg for a 75kg (165lb) individual). More typically however, trials have used the dosages of 0.16mg/kg (12mg) and 0.025mg/kg (1.875mg) respectively. At this level of dosage, one such study involving Melanotan indicated the following incidences of side effects from subjects:

Nausea 85%
Facial Flushing 75%
Fatigue 44%
Vomiting 26%
Injection site reactions 13%
Zero incidence of erections
No change in vital signs or haematological parameters, blood biochemistry (liver and renal function)

Both MT and MT II can be used for extended periods, whereby there is an initial daily administration of perhaps 2-3 weeks or until desired level of pigmentation has been achieved, followed by a maintenance phase of two injections per week.

An example of a good solution would be to mix 10mg of Melanotan II powder with 4ml of bacteriostatic water. This now provides:

10mg/4ml or 1mg/0.4ml or 0.25mg/0.1ml

0.1ml can be accurately measured using a 0.5ml or 1ml syringe.

Obviously, as your dosages become higher, you may dilute subsequent vials with lower amounts of water to reduce the volume of each shot. I would recommend that when you are using a dosage of 1mg, you reconstitute the vial with 1ml or 2ml of water so that each shot will be 0.1ml or 0.2ml respectively.

I know you know everything about doses etc but just included the above cos I think that is how I will do it (and anyone who wants to do it).

I have just found 10ml for £30. But will search more cos I wanna get 30ml and that was just a single seller offering one set of 10ml. Gonna start it a few weeks b4 my holiday then be on a maintenance dose during my holiday. I will be off cycle too so I won't have to do numerous injections each day.

Just wondering but did you just inject in the abs? Or did you use any other ares. Thanks again.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Raj it sounds like your cycle was spot on. But as it was short you probably never noticed some of the more strange sides. Through all my research it seems that a lower dose but longer cycle is best. Meaning your max on 1mg is spot on. If I like it I will do about 2 weeks for the loading phrase. If I want to be darker than 3 weeks. Then go onto the maintenance for maybe a few months. Just see how I feel.

It seems to not have any long term effects- but you can't really say that about most thing in life cos you never know. Many asked about it effecting future tanning ability but it doesn't - if anything it improves it.

Anyone thinking of trying it please research it because it does carry sides I have not really mentioned and as Raj says it will make you feel very sick. Many overdosed and done 1-2mg first dose and literally said they thought they were gonna die (which is extreme) but it shows me it is strong stuff and is likely to make me feel ill for the first few times. The things we do to look good... silly really!
Last edited:


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007