bigguns said:
Mr Nitro,
My 0.02 but if your wife believes you are both truly trying to conceive and nothing happens then she may feel that something is wrong with you or with her. Not looking to tell you what to do here but I think the outcome could be a very worried/depressed/confused wife, with you having to come clean later on. Might be better to be straight with her about you not wanting a baby yet and you two talking it through.
Best of luck whatever you decide! :yesway:
well stated bigguns. if you really dont want a kid right now what are you going to do if:
A) she does get pregnant
B)she doesnt get pregnant and thinks something is wrong even though you are going behind her back and using something that you hope will keep you from getting her pregant.
i can say this from experience, having kids is a major issue in any relationship whether you are married or not. i was in the same boat, not wanting a child due to the very bad experiences my ex-wife put me through with my son. it almost ruined my marriage and caused my wife to start an affair with a coworker but the bottom line is that i saw how much it meant to my wife, i realized how much i loved her and so i gave in and now i am very happy that i did because although we ended up not being able to conceive naturally and adopted i have a great daughter and i wouldnt change the outcome ever!!!!
you need to determine if you really want to be in a relationship if there is such a big difference in opinion concerning a child because there is absolutely no compromise, you cant have 1/2 a child or a part time child. either decide to have one with your wife/girlfriend if you love her enough or get out of the relationship so she can find someone who shares her desire to have a child. only bad things will come of it if you stay your current course of action( trust me i know)