Gone To Soon


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
I just wanted to open an honest discussion about this I've been on this board for a while now and I've seen way to many brothers pass way before their time.

What are you guys thoughts? Coincidence? Lifestyle? Abuse? Meds accelerating preexisting conditions?

Shits getting kinda ridiculous figured there needed to be some discussion on it.

Thoughts and prayers to all our brothers in iron and their families that we've lost over the years.
Jan 26, 2015
It seems that most have passed from heart related problems. One would assume with this lifestyle that abuse was involved. I hope we don't see too many more.



Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
Ditto, I cant ignore the stats here. The coincedence between BBing and heart issues is hard to ignore, period. Many will disagree with me, and even the medical world would disagree, until and unbiased double blind study was done. Hell, if you go extreme in ANY sport or ANY lifestyle there is consequences. Our bodies try to stay in a balance, us as bbuilders, most of anyways never let our bodies reset. IM guilty of it. ANd at the age of 50, I am really taking this seriously, although my panels come back non impressive. I have never been a heavy doser (well maybe a couple times), I need to look in the mirror and do some real evaluation of safety and risk assesment, for what? Looks? answer: yes, and it feels good as F*CK to be on a good cycle....this will prove difficult for me to "tune in down", and I still have some youngsters at home to care for....I have to be honest I really enjoy f*cking my wife, last time I checked there is no sex in heaven. Conclusion: It aint worth heavy --- to moderate heavy and especially ulta heavy cycles.

My humble opinion at age 50 and 30+ years in the IRON.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
I lost my brother last year and He was in pretty good health. Just cant figure it out. Something in the genes that clicks like a timer. Last year at 48 i began having knee issues. Torn meniscus and acl. Definitely sports related but being big and strong comes with a cost. Gravity doesn't care if your fat or muscular. I guess the heart can only handle so much stress. Some people abuse themselves and live a long life. Some never touched anything bad and get cancer......I say its a crap shoot. You can increase or decrease your odds but that's it.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
I am having a fucking hard time tuning it down. I don't want to accept the inevitable but I am trying. Some of us cant take it easy.

Ditto, I cant ignore the stats here. The coincedence between BBing and heart issues is hard to ignore, period. Many will disagree with me, and even the medical world would disagree, until and unbiased double blind study was done. Hell, if you go extreme in ANY sport or ANY lifestyle there is consequences. Our bodies try to stay in a balance, us as bbuilders, most of anyways never let our bodies reset. IM guilty of it. ANd at the age of 50, I am really taking this seriously, although my panels come back non impressive. I have never been a heavy doser (well maybe a couple times), I need to look in the mirror and do some real evaluation of safety and risk assesment, for what? Looks? answer: yes, and it feels good as F*CK to be on a good cycle....this will prove difficult for me to "tune in down", and I still have some youngsters at home to care for....I have to be honest I really enjoy f*cking my wife, last time I checked there is no sex in heaven. Conclusion: It aint worth heavy --- to moderate heavy and especially ulta heavy cycles.

My humble opinion at age 50 and 30+ years in the IRON.

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
Well being the youngest here I think, Ill be honest and say im worried. Is it related to aas use or other stuff? Shit has me thinking about a lot.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Jan 13, 2013
I've started to tone down dosage to trt test with some gh and just added some primo to the mix. Also started to really start eating better. And added some injectable vitamins to the mix in a hope to keep me here on gods green earth longer. I feel we do a lot of the damage to ourselves but try to blame something else. Or fool ourselves that one more monster cycle won't hurt.


Registered User
May 1, 2015
I think it is the abuse that comes so easily in our lifestyle. How many of us know people who cruise at 1mg of test a week? That makes you well above the upper normal limit and you stay there forever...the body simply is not designed to handle that.

The occasional jaunt into the upper atmosphere of levels is fine, but keep it short and sweet. Then cruise at normal levels. Sucks, but the body needs it that way.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
Had a buddy tell me one time the heart doesn't realize if it's keeping up with 300 lbs of muscle or 300 lbs of fat. I would prob agree with what's been said above about the abuse and I'm guilty as fuck our nature tells us if 500 mg is good 1.5 grams will be fucking awsome (and it is) but the repercussions on the back side of those doses can seriously fuck a guy up I think...
I think I/We need to be more diligent in coming off give our bodies some time to reset if you will a d be smarter with our dosages.....maybe this will keep some of out of an early grave.
Jan 26, 2015
That's exactly why I used the word abuse! I've been in the business for 25 years and it's sad to say that I have lost 43 iron brothers along the way to heart failure! Cycle on and then stay off for extended periods of time. Cardio is a must to strengthen the heart!



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
That's exactly why I used the word abuse! I've been in the business for 25 years and it's sad to say that I have lost 43 iron brothers along the way to heart failure! Cycle on and then stay off for extended periods of time. Cardio is a must to strengthen the heart!

I think Cardio has helped me a lot. I've always included cardio with my workouts. And I think when some guys I knew were just going hard and heavy I was always trying to take things to try to mitigate the side effects.

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
I've started to tone down dosage to trt test with some gh and just added some primo to the mix. Also started to really start eating better. And added some injectable vitamins to the mix in a hope to keep me here on gods green earth longer. I feel we do a lot of the damage to ourselves but try to blame something else. Or fool ourselves that one more monster cycle won't hurt.
The most test I've used lately is 300 mg. I try to stay at 100 a week. But I'll be honest. When I get my knee fixed I would love to do an anadrol cycle. [emoji6]

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Registered User
May 1, 2015
I will continue the need to stress cardio. Everyone needs to have a good cardio regimen in their routine. Yes, you can lose some muscle with it, but your heart will love you for it. Just work up slowly...


Mar 27, 2014
I am 48 and doing a lot of stuff right now. Was a little worried about the tren and high test but am doing great.
I see 1 huge problem with this sport- our docs look at us nd say- you look great
You don't need a prostate check.
You don't need a stress test.
Chest pains- na- just gas- your in to good of shape.
Don't let you docs be smucks.
Make them do there job


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
There's no easy answers to any of it, guys. I wish there were. Been struggling with this same issue myself for the last few months. After almost 2 years of being off and stockpiling plenty of gear, now I'm not even sure I want to use any of it again. Our priorities change with age, and so does our perspective.

I've always said that I didn't want kids, and meant it. Always said I didn't want to get married and meant that, too. And the other day I saw an older gentleman, maybe 80, playing with his granddaughter at the park. And for the first time in my life I thought, "I hope I get to do that someday." That moment really struck me hard. I've never had a thought like that before, ever. Would I ever live to have that moment for myself if I keep using gear? Maybe, maybe not. Damned if I know.

All I know for sure, is that life is nothing but a series of choices. Some choices have a clearly defined right and wrong answers. But, for the great majority of choices we are simply deciding between multiple shades of grey. And sometimes the choice we make has little, or even nothing to do with the outcome of the situation. So, where does that leave us and our dilemma? I suppose it all boils down to simply making the best choices you can.


Donating Member
Oct 29, 2012
I don't think people pass away here more than any other group of people out there

The shit we all put in our bodies these days doesn't do anyone good, including food, medicine, etc. etc.
I'll probably get slammed for this one but no one relay knows the long term effect of all the BS supplements out there either, just stick with the old tried and true test and stuff plus a little GH never hurt either :headbang:, fuck all these peps, etc. , The FDA never approved this stuff for good reason probably IMO ONLY no research done to back up my statement so don't hate me or slam me :D !!!!!!!!

Look at all the older generation that smoked, had steak and eggs for breakfast, and everything else, all that shit was natural even the tobacco way back in the day
Now you read a label and there is fucking 100 different chemicals in it, there is too many people in this world and they can't grow or make enough food to feed it with out all those damn chemicals or make money doing it, which is what it really boils down to

Take a group the size of us and look at the death rates
Fucking Fat people
Drug Addicts
Anorexic people
Reg everyday people
Etc. Etc.

I would bet it is pretty close, you just don't here it on the news when a fat person dies, or a drug addict dies, or a Joe Smoe from down the street kicks the bucket
If they had a fuckingfatslobs.com forum hey would have just as many deaths if not more probably than us

All the shit I have put my body through over the years doesn't help but I don't have any kids or really much family left anyway ( never will have kids I can't stand them, give me a dog over a kid any day:D )
So I am living and enjoying my life now
I am not going to live in a bubble, fuck it if I kick, I kick, at least I had a wild ride and enjoyed it
Would Rather live 60 goods years than 75 fucking boring years
I wanna drink and eat like shit on the weekends on my boat, lift weights and feel and look good doing it, I am never getting on stage don't have the will power or desire to do so , just wanna have fun
I don't do insane amounts of gear, and anymore now my cycles are only 8 weeks max no matter what gear I am running, plus self prescribed TRT
Fuck it IMO you only live once, you better make it good while you are here
Last edited:


New member
Jan 5, 2017
Yalls friends that have passed! Any clue what kind of cycle they were running?

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Jan 5, 2013
I don't think people pass away here more than any other group of people out there

The shit we all put in our bodies these days doesn't do anyone good, including food, medicine, etc. etc.
I'll probably get slammed for this one but no one relay knows the long term effect of all the BS supplements out there either, just stick with the old tried and true test and stuff plus a little GH never hurt either :headbang:, fuck all these peps, etc. , The FDA never approved this stuff for good reason probably IMO ONLY no research done to back up my statement so don't hate me or slam me :D !!!!!!!!

Look at all the older generation that smoked, had steak and eggs for breakfast, and everything else, all that shit was natural even the tobacco way back in the day
Now you read a label and there is fucking 100 different chemicals in it, there is too many people in this world and they can't grow or make enough food to feed it with out all those damn chemicals or make money doing it, which is what it really boils down to

Take a group the size of us and look at the death rates
Fucking Fat people
Drug Addicts
Anorexic people
Reg everyday people
Etc. Etc.

I would bet it is pretty close, you just don't here it on the news when a fat person dies, or a drug addict dies, or a Joe Smoe from down the street kicks the bucket
If they had a fuckingfatslobs.com forum hey would have just as many deaths if not more probably than us

All the shit I have put my body through over the years doesn't help but I don't have any kids or really much family left anyway ( never will have kids I can't stand them, give me a dog over a kid any day:D )
So I am living and enjoying my life now
I am not going to live in a bubble, fuck it if I kick, I kick, at least I had a wild ride and enjoyed it
Would Rather live 60 goods years than 75 fucking boring years
I wanna drink and eat like shit on the weekends on my boat, lift weights and feel and look good doing it, I am never getting on stage don't have the will power or desire to do so , just wanna have fun
I don't do insane amounts of gear, and anymore now my cycles are only 8 weeks max no matter what gear I am running, plus self prescribed TRT
Fuck it IMO you only live once, you better make it good while you are here

I'm more inclined to agree with this^^^^^

When people in our world talk about "Genetics", we always speak about people's ability to take the least amount of gear while maximizing gains. In my 30+ years of AAS usage, I believe that "Genetics" include people's genetic ability to remain healthy. Let me expand on that. I have never spent a night in a hospital. I have never had any surgeries, never had any health issues at all. Now, that is not to say that tomorrow, or in the future, I will not begin to experience major issues. All I'm saying is this, if you are 24 years old and are already experiencing health issues or have a family history of cancer, heart problems, etc. I would be very careful about AAS usage. Of course, that is only my opinion and observation.