High Natural Testosterone & Steroids


Registered User
Sep 20, 2008
Hey guys,

I'm new to the board here. Right now I'm trying to make an educated decision about whether to use gear at some point in the future. Earlier this year, I was drug tested (urine test) after a powerlifting meet. I tested clean for all steroids, having been an all-natural lifter all my life. My T-levels were as follows:

Testosterone: 21.8 ng/mL

Epitestosterone: 14.8 ng/mL

T/E Ratio: 1.4

Online research, as well as the claims of my friends, indicate that I have extremely high natural testosterone levels. In fact, many of the people I spoke to said that this was the highest natural level they had ever seen (I did not have my "free" levels tested, so I don't know what those are).

So, I have some questions for you guys:

1) Is it even possible to have levels this high naturally? Could the test be mistaken?

2) Could I benefit from using Test E (or Test C), and if so, could I get the same results that others get from using 400 mg to 500 mg with a lower dose (200 or so)?

I'm in my early 20's, 6' 3", 295 pounds. Strong. Competitive strongman and powerlifter. I trained in my early to mid teens, quit, and just started back in 2006.




Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Tough question. Im not to good with the Lab test numbers and Im no Doc or expert of course. My thinking is why screw up a good thing ya know? If your body Naturally Produces High amounts of testosterone and you go to Pumping more in there it may screw up your Natural levels for good.

6`3 295 Is a Big Ole boy


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I would simply get them tested again. That way you can confirm the previous findings. If your that high then I would say just stay that way. Using AAS (test e etc) will mess with your natural test production. Those levels will naturally drop so if you go lower by 30 or so you could look at using AAS. But for now I would just make the most of your lucky hand.

By the way if you inject test your body stops producing it naturally. That is why people shut down after they stop injecting... basically your body is working on empty and has to start producing it naturally again. Because of that if you was high to start off with (naturally) that won't really have any effect when your running on artificial test. So if your doing 300mg it is moreorless the same as someone else on 300mg. I imagine if you was to use gear you would never get back to your previous high level and would probably have to use gear to maintain your previous high level in the future (TRT).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
By the way when I said if you do 300mg of test it is moreorless the same as someone else doing the same... I was referring to the actual amount of test in your system. But gains experienced from the test could be completely different. I imagine ratios might be the same but you would gain lots more because of your natural size and type of training you do.


Registered User
Sep 20, 2008
Elvia1023 said:
I would simply get them tested again. That way you can confirm the previous findings. If your that high then I would say just stay that way. Using AAS (test e etc) will mess with your natural test production. Those levels will naturally drop so if you go lower by 30 or so you could look at using AAS. But for now I would just make the most of your lucky hand.

By the way if you inject test your body stops producing it naturally. That is why people shut down after they stop injecting... basically your body is working on empty and has to start producing it naturally again. Because of that if you was high to start off with (naturally) that won't really have any effect when your running on artificial test. So if your doing 300mg it is moreorless the same as someone else on 300mg. I imagine if you was to use gear you would never get back to your previous high level and would probably have to use gear to maintain your previous high level in the future (TRT).

Thanks for the response.

Would taking EQ lower my natural testosterone levels, or is it the Test E and C that's really suppressive? I've heard that EQ aids in recovery. This is the main thing I am interested in. I'd like to be able to deadlift every week without fear of overtraining.




Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
^ Other people on this board would know better than me. But if over training and recovery and not disrupting natural test levels are a concern. I wonder if Anavar would be a good solution?


Registered User
Sep 20, 2008
mac762339 said:
^ Other people on this board would know better than me. But if over training and recovery and not disrupting natural test levels are a concern. I wonder if Anavar would be a good solution?

I was under the impression that higher doses of Anavar (e.g. the 40mg ED/8 weeks program) also cause suppression of testosterone.

Am I right about this guys?



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Watchful said:
I was under the impression that higher doses of Anavar (e.g. the 40mg ED/8 weeks program) also cause suppression of testosterone.

Am I right about this guys?


In a rush now but yeah avar will suppress your natural test. Everything mentioned in this thread will suppress. But the suppression will be minimal. Avar is great for strength and hardening so a great choice. But like we said above your best probably staying natural because all the useful compounds do suppress you to some extent.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I should add if I was doing avar I would look at 40-60mg per day for 8 weeks (even for a first/second time user). But starting on 20mg to see how you react and moving up if things were cool.


Aug 28, 2005
Elvia1023 said:
I would simply get them tested again. That way you can confirm the previous findings. If your that high then I would say just stay that way. Using AAS (test e etc) will mess with your natural test production. Those levels will naturally drop so if you go lower by 30 or so you could look at using AAS. But for now I would just make the most of your lucky hand.

By the way if you inject test your body stops producing it naturally. That is why people shut down after they stop injecting... basically your body is working on empty and has to start producing it naturally again. Because of that if you was high to start off with (naturally) that won't really have any effect when your running on artificial test. So if your doing 300mg it is moreorless the same as someone else on 300mg. I imagine if you was to use gear you would never get back to your previous high level and would probably have to use gear to maintain your previous high level in the future (TRT).

I would suggest having them tested again too.
ANASCI board sponsor has home hormone testing kits.


Registered User
Sep 20, 2008
So why else may you keep such a high proportion of what you gained on ´var? Well, I think it may be due to it´s relatively light impact on the HPTA, which brings me to my final point; Anavar will not totally shut down your HPTA, especially at lower doses (unlike testosterone, which will eventually do this even at a 100mg dose, or deca which will do it with a single 100mg dose). This could be due, at least partly, to the fact that Anavar doesn´t aromatize (convert to estrogen).

Serum testosterone, SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin), and LH (Leutinizing Hormone) will be slightly suppressed with low doses of Anavar, but less than with other compounds. FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) , IGF1 (Insulin Like Growth Factor 1) and GH (Growth Hormone) will not be suppressed with a low dose of Anavar, but will actually be raised significantly (12)(13)(14) as you may have guessed, and LH will even experience a "rebound" effect when you stop using anavar (3) If your endocrine system and HPTA are funtioning normally, you should be able to use anavar with minimal insult to it, and can even keep most of your values within the normal range (5).


Can anyone else verify Anavar's weak inhibitory effect on the HPTA?




Registered User
Jul 17, 2005
I can't speak from a scientific stand point. But I am someone who chose Anavar because of its minamal effects on natural test production and the fact it will not convert back to estrogen.I did 40mg a day for 10 weeks had great gains strength , loss of body fat and some lean mass gains. I would even go so far as to say that while on my libido increased. If anyone has an explanation for that love to hear it. I have been off now for 6 weeks and have'nt loss anything other than a little hardness in the muscle. To me its perfect as far as supplementation goes. Thanks to all the guys on here that guided me to do the research on it ,to be well informed before using it. But nothing but good things to say about it.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
mac762339 said:
I can't speak from a scientific stand point. But I am someone who chose Anavar because of its minamal effects on natural test production and the fact it will not convert back to estrogen.I did 40mg a day for 10 weeks had great gains strength , loss of body fat and some lean mass gains. I would even go so far as to say that while on my libido increased. If anyone has an explanation for that love to hear it. I have been off now for 6 weeks and have'nt loss anything other than a little hardness in the muscle. To me its perfect as far as supplementation goes. Thanks to all the guys on here that guided me to do the research on it ,to be well informed before using it. But nothing but good things to say about it.

Thanks for Posting up MAC. Thats the kind of info these forums are for...Guys to share there personal experiences like that.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
mac762339 said:
I can't speak from a scientific stand point. But I am someone who chose Anavar because of its minamal effects on natural test production and the fact it will not convert back to estrogen.I did 40mg a day for 10 weeks had great gains strength , loss of body fat and some lean mass gains. I would even go so far as to say that while on my libido increased. If anyone has an explanation for that love to hear it. I have been off now for 6 weeks and have'nt loss anything other than a little hardness in the muscle. To me its perfect as far as supplementation goes. Thanks to all the guys on here that guided me to do the research on it ,to be well informed before using it. But nothing but good things to say about it.

Yeah it's good to see posts like that. I am gonna try it soon. I will do so after my bulking cycle this winter. I imagine I will be on a TRT dose so will just add avar to that. Or I might combine it into a cycle of test p and mast.

But like I said most (nearly all) of the compounds we mention on this forum will suppress you in some way. Some may be more sensitive to each compound but avar is a safe way to go in my opinion. I just done a tbol only cycle and that is similar in regards to suppression... basically very little (many may not even notice a change). Goodluck with whatever you decide to do. May that be staying natural or trying a compound. I would say if I really wanted to try one and was in your position I would pick anavar for the reasons mac and others mentioned in this thread.


Registered User
Sep 20, 2008
mac762339 said:
I can't speak from a scientific stand point. But I am someone who chose Anavar because of its minamal effects on natural test production and the fact it will not convert back to estrogen.I did 40mg a day for 10 weeks had great gains strength , loss of body fat and some lean mass gains. I would even go so far as to say that while on my libido increased. If anyone has an explanation for that love to hear it. I have been off now for 6 weeks and have'nt loss anything other than a little hardness in the muscle. To me its perfect as far as supplementation goes. Thanks to all the guys on here that guided me to do the research on it ,to be well informed before using it. But nothing but good things to say about it.

Thanks for that man.

Appreciate the feedback guys. Like I said, I'm looking for something that will just help recovery, give me a little more strength, and doesn't affect my natural hormones.

Again, thanks!
