I start my cycle 2day with updates


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
I'm starting My cycle today. I'm going to come here from time to time and post my progress. let people know what is happening as I go through this. it is only an eight week cycle but after three months of research and studying this is what i decided to do.
week 1-6 trenabol 75mg eod
week 1-8 testosterone propenate 50mg eod
week 1-6 cytomel (t3)50mcg ed
week 1-10 clenbuterol 80-100 mcg ed 14 days on 14 days off
week 1-10 arimidex .25mg ed
week 1-8 pregnyl (hcg) 500iu every 4-5 days
week 9 40mg nolva 100mg clomid ed
week 10 30 mg nolva 50 mg clomid ed
week 11 20mg nolva 50 mg clomid ed
This will be the tenth cycle for me. this has been over the past 20 years. I have never done the same cycle twice. As I start my body fat is 11.66 I weigh 214lbs I am 5'9" 45years old. I chose this cycle as a cycle to help me cut that last bit of fat that just will not come off. Unlike many of my friends they can eat anything they want, not exercise and not gain one once of fat. where I can eat a clean diet, and exercise and I gain weight. I stay pretty lean. I have been in the gym for the past 25 years. I have taken time off from time to time like last year I took off for about 6 months. Even though I exercise almost daily and keep a clean diet I have a roll of fat that is on my back that just will not come off. we will see what this does.



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New member
Apr 27, 2008
Please don't be insulted, I mean no harm.

I am surprised that this is your tenth cycle. Looking at the picture you've provided, it doesn't look like you've run that many cycles.

What happened to all that muscle from the gear?


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
gimmewings I guess I didn't write it out clearly. ten cycles over 20 years. I haven't done a cycle in over two years. I took off 6 months last year dew to an illness and injury (broken arm and developed an infection from the surgery).
You don't hold on to your gains that long. I have been back in the gym a year now and I waited a year on purpose to make sure I was ready. This is a pic from the day before I staarted the cycle. It is for the purpose to show the gains I make or don't make from the cycle I'm doing. Hopefully to help people make decisions on there future cycles. My metabolism does not allow me to be naturally cut. The week before I started I was doing a bench of 265lbs for ten reps three sets. squats of 215 20reps for three sets. I cannot go heavier because of my knees so I just stay light and do more reps. we will see what happens as I progress through this. today is day three. I have not slept good because of the damn clen. I forgot it does this to me. It also makes it hard for me to concentrate. I'm having a hard time typing this. it is like major attention deficit disorder. it is to soon to see any progress yet I didn't get that tren cough the first day but I got it today about 5 or 10 minutes later. Ive got night sweats and I believe I will sleep tonight. I ran a mile this morning and I got a good leg workout today and I'm tired already and it isn't bedtime yet. Ill write more later.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kaju said:
gimmewings I guess I didn't write it out clearly. ten cycles over 20 years. I haven't done a cycle in over two years. I took off 6 months last year dew to an illness and injury (broken arm and developed an infection from the surgery).
You don't hold on to your gains that long. I have been back in the gym a year now and I waited a year on purpose to make sure I was ready. This is a pic from the day before I staarted the cycle. It is for the purpose to show the gains I make or don't make from the cycle I'm doing. Hopefully to help people make decisions on there future cycles. My metabolism does not allow me to be naturally cut. The week before I started I was doing a bench of 265lbs for ten reps three sets. squats of 215 20reps for three sets. I cannot go heavier because of my knees so I just stay light and do more reps. we will see what happens as I progress through this. today is day three. I have not slept good because of the damn clen. I forgot it does this to me. It also makes it hard for me to concentrate. I'm having a hard time typing this. it is like major attention deficit disorder. it is to soon to see any progress yet I didn't get that tren cough the first day but I got it today about 5 or 10 minutes later. Ive got night sweats and I believe I will sleep tonight. I ran a mile this morning and I got a good leg workout today and I'm tired already and it isn't bedtime yet. Ill write more later.

Just a thought as it might help you with your sleeping. You say day 3 but you are having probs with the clen already. Have you started on a fairly high dose? It is best to slowly work up. Try taking them just before you fall asleep too to help (if your not already doing that). I don't mean 30 mins b4 bed but have water next to you and when your lying in bed and feel like your about to fall asleep then take them. But if your doing upto 120mcg you would be best doing them am/pm or throughout the day. But don't be taking them at 7pm etc as that will be horrible when your in bed. I write this now sweating and feeling uncomfortable cos I took some about 5 hours ago. If you avoid taking them too late it should help (unless just b4 bed).

But saying that it could be the tren you know. Many people have trouble sleeping whilst in tren. Bythe way goodluck with reaching your goals. I am sure you will be great. You have potential and with just losing abit in the ab area you will gain a good shape and actually look bigger cos it will bring out your chest and lats more. Happy training


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
thanks for the advice Elvia! It has been a week now and it is still to soon to see any real results. I still am not sleeping very good. I have never thought of trying to take the clen before bed. Ill think about that. I started taking 80mcg of clen the first few days and I am now up to 100mcg a day I take them first thing in the morning. My first few days in the gym Have been hell. I feel tired and lazy it might be dew to lack of sleep.I feel as if my strength has decreased. I have been feeling this crazy burn in my muscles and I cannot do the weight have been using. I just use less weight and push myself through the workouts. I just didnt feel like doing it. But yesterday was a good day. I felt like an animal in the gym. I still have that crazy burn in my muscles but my strength is still not what it was before I started the juice. I can tell that some time next week I will start feeling the effects and it will kick in good. it has only been a week and I have already started to lean up just a little. It could be dew to my diet though, I have been pretty strict. Have also increased my Cardio. Ill post More results as they happen. and more pics as I progress.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kaju said:
thanks for the advice Elvia! It has been a week now and it is still to soon to see any real results. I still am not sleeping very good. I have never thought of trying to take the clen before bed. Ill think about that. I started taking 80mcg of clen the first few days and I am now up to 100mcg a day I take them first thing in the morning. My first few days in the gym Have been hell. I feel tired and lazy it might be dew to lack of sleep.I feel as if my strength has decreased. I have been feeling this crazy burn in my muscles and I cannot do the weight have been using. I just use less weight and push myself through the workouts. I just didnt feel like doing it. But yesterday was a good day. I felt like an animal in the gym. I still have that crazy burn in my muscles but my strength is still not what it was before I started the juice. I can tell that some time next week I will start feeling the effects and it will kick in good. it has only been a week and I have already started to lean up just a little. It could be dew to my diet though, I have been pretty strict. Have also increased my Cardio. Ill post More results as they happen. and more pics as I progress.

No wonder you feel like shit if you are taking 80-100mcg in one go. Some might be fine with that but others can be really sensitive to it. I have only taken it once myself but had no problems at all. Try taking 40mcg in the morning and 40mcg later in the day. The just before bed is good too. Maybe you could do 40/40/40 when you get up to 120mcg.

When I took it I knew I would be fine with taking 40mcg straightaway but I just thought but it's a matter of a few days difference so I just started on 10 then 20,30,40,50,60,80 etc. It was different for me cos I wasn't doing 2 weeks on 2 weeks off so didn't have go up fast... my cycle lasted just over 3 weeks. But for future ref I think doing 20,40,60,80 will be great for you when starting clen. The thing is if your doing 2 weeks on and 2 off then you don't have to taper down. Maybe do alittle taper but nothing like you read about. And say you finished on 120mcg when you start your next 2 weeks start on something like 60 then 80, 100, 120. Because you done it 2 week prior your body should be able to cope with the 60 just fine instead of starting from the bottom again.

Like you said the stuff will properly kick in soon so just really go for it. Sounds like your gonna do good so just keep the diet tight and keep training hard. With me I am quite big now but I my metabolic rate really is sky high so I find it hard getting big and easy being toned. I originally thought I would do 3/4 cardio sessions per week to cut upa fetr my cycle. Anyway after 2 sessions I could see I was getting ripped but if I carried on 3/4 times weekly it would just drop off me so I am back to doing next to no cardio. I do walk lots though... must have been walking about 8 hours today. Gonna start doing 2 cardio weekly and seeing how that goes. Keep us posted with your results. If I was you and was really happy with the cycle I would carry on the tren and test for 1 more week to gain maximum benefits.
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Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
Elvia you must have job that has you walking so much. I personally have a sedentary job so I dont burn much that way. I have done clen before so I knew what I was in for. Question to you Elvia; how were you able to do your clen in increments of ten? Was it in liquid form? I have to buy it in pills that come in 20 and 40mcg. Me on the other hand I get big easy. my arms were 17" before I started my cycle. I just have a hard time slimming down or some call it cutting some call it getting ripped. That is the whole purpose of this particular cycle. I don't want to get huge. I just want to get lean for the summer.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kaju said:
Elvia you must have job that has you walking so much. I personally have a sedentary job so I dont burn much that way. I have done clen before so I knew what I was in for. Question to you Elvia; how were you able to do your clen in increments of ten? Was it in liquid form? I have to buy it in pills that come in 20 and 40mcg. Me on the other hand I get big easy. my arms were 17" before I started my cycle. I just have a hard time slimming down or some call it cutting some call it getting ripped. That is the whole purpose of this particular cycle. I don't want to get huge. I just want to get lean for the summer.

I simply just snapped the 20mcg tablets in half. They are scored so it is easy to do and you end up with exactly 10mcg.

The reason I walked so much is because I am not working at the moment. I have decent job sorted for 3 weeks time. Just sent off my security check form etc today so I can begin work. But I am actually planning a road trip across the US for next year so I won't be in that job for too long. I am gonna get my certicifates in gym instructing and personal training and they are my main priorities for the next year. Just need a job so I can pay my bills etc and save up alittle for a nice holiday.... and a nice cycle or 3!

Yeah my body is different. I am 6ft 3 too so even if I put on other 20 pounds I would never look like someone say 5ft 6 who put on the same weight/bulk. I did weigh about 210 pounds after my cycle but have gone down to maybe 205. It's strange really cos I have friends who look really big but I can't even get their shirts on.. but I would say they look bigger than me easily. So really thay are smaller but my height makes me look smaller (narrow)... if that makes sense!

Let me know how the trenabol (tren a) goes. I have tried tren e which I loved and I hear from everyone they always prefer the acetate ester version. Goodluck with your cycle. I bet you feel better already with just a few more days on it.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I should add I used the Sopharma clenbuterol from Bulgaria. I got them from a non board sponsor from an old order I done. I don't know what other brands are scored to make it easy to snap as these are the only ones I have tried.


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
ok I'm in to it three weeks now. I have gotten past the two weeks of the clenbuterol I'm sleeping like a baby. I'm in this constant state of good mood. I can see where this stack can be addictive. I'm horny 24/7 I get a hard on when the wind blows and I haven't been like that since I was a teen ager. I'm still slimming down Ive lost five pounds. I haven't lost weight in six months of diet and exercise. Im having good days in the gym. my strength has not increased but my intinsity has.
I still get that crazy burn in my muscles. the other day as I was pumping out some heavy reps my goal was to get ten. when I got to about rep six I got this hot flash that went through my body and chills went through My body at the same time. it felt absolutly wonderful. as I hit rep ten I had maxed out the set but I had this high I didnt want to go away. As my heart rate slowed so did the high. but it incoureged me to stay in the gym and workd harder. I ended up doing about three more sets thatn I usualy do. Im headed to the gym in the minut and I do not want to finish this blog so I can get to the gym I cannot wait to get there. I have not increased my cardio as I have planned on doing but life just gets too hectic sometimes. I stay busy with kids and work. I fell off my diet this weekend. it was the first week end without the kids the wife and I went out I told my self to eat and drink sinsably but I ended up not sticking to that. A new restaurant opened up in the neighborhood. I ordered lobster and salad. I ordered a bottle of wine and that was my down fall. after the wine I ordered another drink and another and another; well you get the point. We had a great time. It was one of the best week ends we had on a long time. There is much more to the story but that belongs on another forum. We went swimming for the first time this weekend since I got the pool ready this season and the wify took a pic. take a look this is the next pic in the series. I will take more as I progress. I will keep on updating and let people know how things go.


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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kaju said:
ok I'm in to it three weeks now. I have gotten past the two weeks of the clenbuterol I'm sleeping like a baby. I'm in this constant state of good mood. I can see where this stack can be addictive. I'm horny 24/7 I get a hard on when the wind blows and I haven't been like that since I was a teen ager. I'm still slimming down Ive lost five pounds. I haven't lost weight in six months of diet and exercise. Im having good days in the gym. my strength has not increased but my intinsity has.
I still get that crazy burn in my muscles. the other day as I was pumping out some heavy reps my goal was to get ten. when I got to about rep six I got this hot flash that went through my body and chills went through My body at the same time. it felt absolutly wonderful. as I hit rep ten I had maxed out the set but I had this high I didnt want to go away. As my heart rate slowed so did the high. but it incoureged me to stay in the gym and workd harder. I ended up doing about three more sets thatn I usualy do. Im headed to the gym in the minut and I do not want to finish this blog so I can get to the gym I cannot wait to get there. I have not increased my cardio as I have planned on doing but life just gets too hectic sometimes. I stay busy with kids and work. I fell off my diet this weekend. it was the first week end without the kids the wife and I went out I told my self to eat and drink sinsably but I ended up not sticking to that. A new restaurant opened up in the neighborhood. I ordered lobster and salad. I ordered a bottle of wine and that was my down fall. after the wine I ordered another drink and another and another; well you get the point. We had a great time. It was one of the best week ends we had on a long time. There is much more to the story but that belongs on another forum. We went swimming for the first time this weekend since I got the pool ready this season and the wify took a pic. take a look this is the next pic in the series. I will take more as I progress. I will keep on updating and let people know how things go.

You can see a big difference already. Looks like and sounds like your doing great... apart from the drinking of course! A few drinks every so often aren't that bad but remember moderation is the key. If you was doing the likes of adrol or dbol I would say you have to stay away from alcohol completely. Obviously it is best to do so now but you should be fine with a treat every so often. The most liver toxic thing you are taking is probably gonna be the arimidex. But all combined you should always limit the alcohol. It's a fairly short cycle so shouldn't be too hard. Keep it up and keep us posted. The only thing I am on now is CEE (start today). Looking forward to Sept when I start my cycle.


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
I am now into week six. I do not have anything that would be exciting news to you guys. What i am happy about is I didn't get the acne I used to get about this time into my cycle. I had a bit of bad luck. My wife planed a surprise mini vacation for me and the kids. I wanted to bitch but I couldn't because she puts up with so much of my shit. I was gone for five days - no gym - no gear and not in control of my diet. :mad: I told myself I will just do some exercises while I'm gone such as push ups and lunges and so forth. The vacation was a camping and canoing trip into the Ozark Mountains. The first day was eight hours driving and after we got there we had to set up camp. By the time we finished and finely eat I was so tired and it was past 10:00pm I just went to bed in the tent and didn't exercise. the second day we hit the Buffalo River in the canoes it was a five hour trip in a canoe paddling the whole time. Many rapids and we tumped over a few times. by the time we got back to camp we had to cook we were so tired we all hit the bed and again I didn't exercise. the same for the third day. on the fourth day Me and the oldest boy climbed a mountain. It was a small mountain but a mountain just the same.it took us about three hours to reach the summit. If you have never climbed a mountain let me tell you it is tough. there were a few times I thought my heart was going to explode. At my age I have to think about weather or not there are some things I should be doing. and this is one of them. I got exercise that day but not the kind you expect. I got back to camp and went to bed early again. the next day was the eight hour drive home. As I was driving back and everyone else was asleep I had time to reflect. I remembered the last time I camped I woke up the next day and thought I was death warmed over I couldn't move I was so stiff. and all I did was camp eat a nd sleep. I didn't canoe and climb and mountain. I took a spill on the mountain and twisted both ankles and took some scrapes on the knees and on my back. I think if I was not on the juice I wouldn't be walking today. I would to stiff and banged up. I feel fine today. Tired but fine. I feel as if I need a day of rest but I'm going to the gym as soon as I finish this blog. The pic I have is one of me taking a bath in the river the second night there. it is not a very good pic and I cannot see any progress but it is the only pic I have at this time. I will repost again next week.


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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kaju said:
I am now into week six. I do not have anything that would be exciting news to you guys. What i am happy about is I didn't get the acne I used to get about this time into my cycle. I had a bit of bad luck. My wife planed a surprise mini vacation for me and the kids. I wanted to bitch but I couldn't because she puts up with so much of my shit. I was gone for five days - no gym - no gear and not in control of my diet. :mad: I told myself I will just do some exercises while I'm gone such as push ups and lunges and so forth. The vacation was a camping and canoing trip into the Ozark Mountains. The first day was eight hours driving and after we got there we had to set up camp. By the time we finished and finely eat I was so tired and it was past 10:00pm I just went to bed in the tent and didn't exercise. the second day we hit the Buffalo River in the canoes it was a five hour trip in a canoe paddling the whole time. Many rapids and we tumped over a few times. by the time we got back to camp we had to cook we were so tired we all hit the bed and again I didn't exercise. the same for the third day. on the fourth day Me and the oldest boy climbed a mountain. It was a small mountain but a mountain just the same.it took us about three hours to reach the summit. If you have never climbed a mountain let me tell you it is tough. there were a few times I thought my heart was going to explode. At my age I have to think about weather or not there are some things I should be doing. and this is one of them. I got exercise that day but not the kind you expect. I got back to camp and went to bed early again. the next day was the eight hour drive home. As I was driving back and everyone else was asleep I had time to reflect. I remembered the last time I camped I woke up the next day and thought I was death warmed over I couldn't move I was so stiff. and all I did was camp eat a nd sleep. I didn't canoe and climb and mountain. I took a spill on the mountain and twisted both ankles and took some scrapes on the knees and on my back. I think if I was not on the juice I wouldn't be walking today. I would to stiff and banged up. I feel fine today. Tired but fine. I feel as if I need a day of rest but I'm going to the gym as soon as I finish this blog. The pic I have is one of me taking a bath in the river the second night there. it is not a very good pic and I cannot see any progress but it is the only pic I have at this time. I will repost again next week.

It can be annoying sometimes when it's hard to get to a gym. When I go away I always try to get a hotel with a gym. But obviously that was not possible with your trip. But the thing is it was only 5 days. It is more a mental thing than an actual physical thing.... meaning cos you didn't go the gym for 5 days doesn't mean you have ruined your cycle etc. Many think like that or atleast feel really bad. If it ever happens again in the future just inject the day you leave and the day you get back so your patterns shouldn't be effected that much. All I can say is your aim is to cut up and I can't think of anything better than climbing mountains! And even canoeing is a great workout. So your wrong when you say you didn't go to the gym... your gym was just outside. Glad to hear you had a good trip. Just keep us posted on your progress and you can see a big difference after the 6 weeks.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
By the way I know you have kids etc. But if I was going away camping I would have just took ready to use needles and put them in a hard plastic container and obviously kept them in my own bag at all times (away from anyone else). No one would ever know and they would be fine. You could even tape them to the bottom of the container to stop them moving. Or not even have needles ready and just everything put in the container. I imagine the was toilets etc by the camp site. You could just do everything in a cubicle

Maybe not do that for 5 days as it doesn't matter so much but if I definately would if gone longer. I am planning a trip to Venezuela and if I am on I will just take my stuff in my suitcase. Tablets in multi vitamin and other containers. Sachets in a shower bag with other toiletries.


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
Yea I know it was all psychological. I knew I got some good workouts while on the trip it just made me angry to be out of control. I thought of doing some of the things Elvia said but I chose not to because I didn't want to chance getting caught by the kids. I am a strong advocate of anti drugs but yet I shoot myself with drugs. I know we are all in the same boat here about aas. I hate illicit drugs with a passion. I have lost too many good friends and family to illicit drugs. As a former police officer I have seen the devastation illicit drugs to to peoples lives and the family and friends around them. To the law and to some people drugs are drugs, steroids or cocaine to them its drugs. if I got busted with Asa I would have a drug charge on my record. And me being a former policeman and preaching and teaching to my kids if I ever cough them with drugs i would call the law on them. And yet here I am doing illegal or controlled substances depending on localities and states. I just didn't want to chance getting caught by the kids so I chose to leave the gear behind. Just day before yesterday I said I was surprised I didn't have acne but this morning I woke up with three giant pimples on my back and stomach. My strength has not increased any as of yet. I am still doing the same amount of weight I was doing before I started my cycle. I still get this crazy burn while doing a set. It hurts like hell but i love it. I still weigh 215 lbs I have gone down one pants size but I Have not lost any weight nor have I gained any weight. All in all i am proud of the progress I have made but That damn roll of fat on my back is still there. When I wake up in the morning before I drink anything and am still dehydrated I have a good six pack going. with deep cuts at the top. i still have not been completely strict with my diet. Let me explain. As far as diet goes I have been really good. but when the weekend comes and the wife and I do not have kids we go out and we have a good time and I always seem to drink it up quite a bit we have an excellent time which would be good subject on another forum:D . Ill write back again later.


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
Today I'm in the middle of week six. I quit the tren last Friday. I can tell the difference already of not having it. I lost 5 pounds since last Friday. I feel like I'm beginning to get stronger now. I haven't gotten any stronger since I started the cycle until now. Of course the purpose of the cycle was not to get stronger but to cut and define. Since I started the cycle I really had to drop or go down on weight a little because of this crazy burn I would get. I'm sure it was from the tren. I didn't get that burn this morning while at the gym. I went up to the old weight I was doing before I started the cycle. I miss the burn. It hurt like hell but I loved it. I could not wait to get back into the gym and produce that burning I would get while doing a pump. This week I'm off the clen also and the cytomel (t3) It is just the test prop and arimidex. one more week and a half and I will be off it all and I will start my pct. I miss the tren already. I have already started thinking of my next cycle I will do next spring it will include test prop and tren. I will have the wify take a pic next week and post it I hope this blog will help someone else in there decision of what they want in a cycle.


Registered User
Jun 21, 2007
I've been following your cycle and your pics and all... I'm completely healed from my hernia surgery and have been lifting for the last 2 1/2 weeks. Feeling good and can't wait to get back to my cycle I started before I had to quit. Which is pretty much the same as your Kaju... I've spoken to you about it already, which is why i'm keeping up with ur blogs so I can see what you're doing and how you're doing it.

Looking forward to seeing your picture since your done with the clen, T3, and Tren...

Happy Training bro


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
At the time of this blog it is in week seven. I have two more injections to do. I am almost at the end of the cycle and about to start pct. I am going to post the latest pics that were taken yesterday. I really don't believe there will be any difference in my body by next Saturday. I will try to take a pic next Saturday anyway. but I am now tapering off so the amount of test I'm taking is small compared to what I had been taken so I really don't expect to see a change by next week. I really didn't reach my goal. but I didn't stay true to my diet. I didn't eat any junk food it was the drinking I didn't control. I didn't think I would be drinking so much while on the cycle. But life has a way throwing curve balls on you. I chose an eight week cycle mostly because I was thinking of pct. (the longer the suppression the harder it is to kick start your natural production.) if you look at blog4a pic you will see I never did loose that damn roll of fat on my back. That was my goal for the cycle. But I don't need AAS to do that. I just need to get a grip on my diet. (I just need to stop drinking for about two months and I believe I can do it.) I don't have a drinking problem I just have allot of Friends that invite me to things that involve drinking. I am not stopping my goal I'm just not going to be taking AAS. I will do another cycle next spring It will be similar to this one. I have already decided it will be a stack of masteron, test prop and trenabolon. I will keep on dropping in and let you know what will going on during pct.


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Registered User
Jun 21, 2007
Well let me congratulate you on a job well done. You may not have reached your personal goal, but if you look at the first picture you took compared to the last picture you took, you can see a big difference, which you should be happy about.

You're right about the other stuff, like does throw you curve balls, and you don't need AAS to reach your goals. But you used them to help you along... If you can keep the physique you have no, you should be almost fat free in the next year if you cycle, diet and lift like you have been...

Good luck to you bro, and ya keep us posted throughout your PCT if you can...


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Ryder13 said:
Well let me congratulate you on a job well done. You may not have reached your personal goal, but if you look at the first picture you took compared to the last picture you took, you can see a big difference, which you should be happy about.

You're right about the other stuff, like does throw you curve balls, and you don't need AAS to reach your goals. But you used them to help you along... If you can keep the physique you have no, you should be almost fat free in the next year if you cycle, diet and lift like you have been...

Good luck to you bro, and ya keep us posted throughout your PCT if you can...

I agree. You have done well. Although you may not have been strict with everything you still have done really good. Plus 7 weeks is not a long time by any means. Just look at your cycle as a great start to achieving all you want.

Your right about not needing the AAS to achieve your goals. I am sure you will be fine. It may be alittle tougher around your PCT (mainly afterwards) cos your energy levels will go dramatically down (compared to when on and even compared to being natural). But I am sure you will be great.

Plus the best tip for anyone wanting cut up is not hammer it out and be so strict for a short time. But to realize it takes much longer and to be strict and good but also allow yourself certain things in moderation. That way you get to your goal but it just takes longer but as a result it is more stable and becomes a way of life as opposed to making such effort all the time. People who like certain foods if they starve themselves and/or don't allow themselves certain things they just fall backwards over time. It's best to just be healthy and have those things in moderation. Like I love getting drunk but I have drank about 4 times in 4 months... maybe even more time. That way I can go away this summer and just enjoy myself and drink what I want everyday etc. In the future before my cycle I will be going out lots. Even when on I will go out 1 weekly but not when on dbol.

Anyway you look good in your pics so you should be pleased. Hope your PCT works out great and your recovery fast. Hey if you are having a few problems with libido and want a tan get MT2. Fucking hell I can't believe how good it is. I know everyone is different but I have literally gone brown starting to go a black/brown and I have only done 10mg! Plus your libido shoots up and I get wood all the time... which is a welcomed change from just after my cycle. I never had a problem in that department at all but I just wasn't horny either... which I missed! I don't get 6 hour wood which would be bad just get it in a good way. Oh and I am naturally very light. I have got freckles from it but I quite like them so not bothered. I saw my mate the other day and he was like fuck where have you been. I am the darkest I have ever been and I have 20mg left! Plus I am gonna get other 30mg to carry it on (maintenance dose) over the summer. So just a tip if you want to improve your libido after PCT. And of course Bulgarian Tribulus from Reflex is great too.

Anyway see you around Kaju