It's time to get HUGE!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Here is my side salad to go with a steak for my last meal. I recommend lemon juice and balsamic vinegar for a low calorie dressing for salads. Very simple and literally transforms the dish and makes it taste incredible.



New member
Jul 30, 2021
Looks great , is that oregano? They say lemon is natural Viagra , so be safe out there 😂
Here is my side salad to go with a steak for my last meal. I recommend lemon juice and balsamic vinegar for a low calorie dressing for salads. Very simple and literally transforms the dish and makes it taste incredible.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Looks great , is that oregano? They say lemon is natural Viagra , so be safe out there 😂

I have actually been taking 2.5mg cialis preworkout most days so I am covered :D It's only a small dose but when I do 5mg the facial flushing can be bad.

It's just a mixed herb blend by Schwartz. It contains marjoram, basil, oregano and thyme. It really adds a nice flavour to salad dishes.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
This illness is not going away. I tested negative but my cough and just general well being has declined over the last week. I am coughing up green mucus and have headache when I do so I have started antibiotics and I am taking some time off the gym. I literally train through everything (not a good thing) and it's probably set me back this time round because I was still pushing things hard in the gym even though I could barely breathe. It's a lot for the immune/nervous system to take so in order to move forward I have to take a step backwards and allow my body to rest. Once this chest infection clears I will resume. I will just do stretching for the next few days at home.

Besides feeling like death things are going well. I can see changes in my body and I should look sharp in a few weeks. Obviously when you first start dieting you look your worst because you're at your fattest whilst losing that extra fullness from if you eat like me massive amounts of carbs. Things are looking ok though I just need to come down a bit. My training has been great recently and I will carry that on when I am back in the gym. I last trained on Friday (Sunday now) and it looked like...

Incline Bench DB Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
Standing DB Lateral Raises... 2 working sets (the last being partials with 30kg db's then full rom with 10kg db's)
High Incline Barbell Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Pec Deck... 1 working set.
Machine Chest Press... 1 working set (wide grip).
DB Chest Flyes... 1 working set.
Machine Chest Press... 1 working set (partly neutral grip).
2 giants sets of tri-cep pushdowns, machine extensions, machine dips, barbell overhead extensions and rope pushdowns.

Most people associate giant sets with light weight but that's far from the case. Although I wasn't pushing weight and was aiming for at least 10 reps on each movement with good form. I was still doing 3/4 of the rack for most movements and used a 30kg barbell for the overhead extensions (deep rom and slow rep pace). My tri-ceps are very sore now so it done the job. I especially like this approach when you may be in the gym for awhile and have arms to finish but don't want to take too long and you can destroy them whilst incorporating various movements in 10 mins this way.

Carbs were lower that day and have been since as I haven't been active...

Chicken breast with a side salad of baby green leaf, baby red leaf, baby spinach, wild rocket, avocado, raspberries, cherry tomatoes, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar.
Whole egg and bacon sandwich on malted bread, raspberries, black grapes and 2 squares of 85% dark chocolate.

100mcg IGF-1 LR3 (50mcg in each pec) and 3ml synthetine.
TRAIN (EAA's, 60g of carb powder, 10g glutamine and 5g creatine).
Roasted chicken breast (cajun spice mix, pink salt and pepper), aubergine, courgette, red/yellow peppers and chopped onion.
Steak with a side salad of baby green leaf, baby red leaf, baby spinach, wild rocket, feta cheese, blueberries, cherry tomatoes, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar.
Synthepure (approx 75g protein), walnuts and blueberries.

I was planning to have a steak with vegetables before bed but I didn't have anything prepared and I was tired and didn't even feel like eating so just had the shake with some nuts and berries.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have had a few days off the gym and been on antibiotics for those 3 days and I have improved a lot. The coughing is still bad but the amount of mucus is down significantly. I would have had another 3 days off the gym but I am visiting my parents for 2 days tomorrow and won't be training so I figured I would train tonight as I didn't want to go a whole week out of the gym especially as I am feeling ok now. I had a great workout and I am pleased with how I am progressing on my new diet even with all the covid and chest infection crap. I am loving my food now and will continue eating the same before restricting further (lower fats) and following multiple low days with an odd higher day and go from there.

Incline Bench Rear Delt Raises... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB High Row supersetted with Kelso Shrug... 1 working set.
Unilateral High Cable Bench Lat Row... 1 working set for each side.
Barbell Row... 1 working set.
Barbell Shrug... 1 working set.
Rack Pulls... 2 working sets.
1 giant set for biceps.
Calf Presses... 3 working sets.
Stretches plus pso-rite.

My plan for bi-ceps was to do 2 giants sets of approx 5 exercises. Just like I done tri-ceps the other day. A simple way of hitting them hard in a short period. I am being careful with my bi-cep tendon so this time the weight was lighter. The gym was empty and I started but as I was moving around and feeling good I figured just go for it so I done 1 giant set of literally 10 movements. Everything from db curls, cable curls, reverse cable curls, preacher ez bar curls, reverse ez bar curls, rope curls, db spider curls, db hammer curls, barbell curls and preacher machine curls.

Chicken breast with a side salad of baby green leaf, baby red leaf, baby spinach, wild rocket, avocado, strawberries, cherry tomatoes, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar.
Whole egg and bacon sandwich on malted bread, blueberries and 2 squares of 85% dark chocolate.

TRAIN (EAA's, 50g of carb powder, 10g glutamine and 5g creatine).
Roasted chicken breast (cajun spice mix, pink salt and pepper), pineapple, red/yellow peppers and onions.
Steak, aubergine, courgette, red/yellow peppers and chopped onion.
Beef meatballs with a side salad of baby green leaf, baby red leaf, baby spinach, wild rocket, feta cheese, blueberries, cherry tomatoes, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar.

I have ran out of synthetine but getting more and I will restart at 5ml per day when I have it again. The next 2 days will be about rest and then I will come back better than ever.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I stayed in my parents for 2 days and stayed on plan but my diet was slightly different. I started each day with 4 whole eggs, 3 pieces of back bacon, 1 piece of toast and some blueberries for afterwards. The first day I was there my mum made me lamb stew which contained potatoes, lentils, barley, cabbage, carrot and beetroot etc. I had that for 2 meals. On the way there I bought some packs of ready to eat chicken breast and salad ingredients so I made a few salads. The rest of my meals were just chicken breast with literally mint sauce or houmous. I had 1 steak meal with broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and cabbage. I added some 90% dark chocolate in as well. Before bed I had chicken breast, almond butter and berries.

Today I trained legs so decided to have a higher carb day. Everything felt great and I pushed things hard...

Seated Calf Raises... 2 working sets (the last being a drop set).
Calf Presses... 2 working sets (loading and drop off).
Standing Leg Curls... 1 working set for each side.
Seated Leg Curls... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Unilateral Lying Leg Curls... rotated R/L/R/L/R/L all sets to failure with no rest in between.
Hip Adductors... 1 working set.
Leg Press... 3 working sets (1 ham and glute focused and 2 quad focused).
DB Split Squats... 1 working set for each side.
Leg Extensions... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).

Chicken breast with a side salad of baby green leaf, baby red leaf, baby spinach, wild rocket, blueberries, passion fruit, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar.
Whole egg and bacon sandwich on malted bread, raspberries and 2 squares of 85% dark chocolate.

5ml synthetine, 2.5mg cialis and 1 3/4 scoops of Yeti Juice preworkout.
TRAIN (50g carb drink).
100mcg IGF-1 LR3 (50mcg in each quad)
Chicken breast (cajun spices), rice and pineapple.
Coco Pops, banana, synthepure and lactose free milk.
Steak with a side salad of baby green leaf, baby red leaf, baby spinach, wild rocket, feta cheese, raspberries, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar.
Beef Meatballs, almond butter and blueberries.

For the next few days it will be lower carbs and mainly just meat and vegetables for most meals. I have some nice eggs for my breakfast. It will be push tomorrow and I will go crazy. I received some new synthetine so added that back in and will use 5ml tomorrow with lr3 (100mcg) and cialis (2.5mg). My health supps are very simple now as I stopped most of them. Just some fish oil, q10, vitamin c and synthergine. All is good I just need to keep dropping body fat and I will be very lean soon.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Being 6ft 2 with long limbs I always notice a fast difference when I start dieting and become flatter due to lower carbs/calories. My body comes back to life when I get a pump in the gym but I definitely feel the difference for the rest of the day. I am at that stage were I still have fat to lose and I am flatter than usual but it's all part of the process and I just need to keep grinding away. For anyone who wants to get lean you can't be afraid of going flat because that is when you will be burning the most fat. I just do this for fun so nothing needs to be extreme (suffer) but I want to get relatively lean. All the details are coming through so I am on a good path and in about 2 weeks I should be in a good place.

Carbs were higher yesterday for legs but today I restricted things much more but included a variety of healthy foods so my diet is nutrient dense. Whenever I lower carbs I always make sure most/all of them are nutrient dense. In the offseason I will add in loads of jasmine rice (and fruit) but veg is used in much lower amounts as when you add loads of high volume low calorie foods (vegetables, greens etc) with those added fats and carbs (rice) it just leads to digestive/bloating issues as it's too much food volume to process. The key for offseason should be picking foods you process quickly that are macronutrient dense so you can reach your daily calories without any issues. My stomach is very sensitive but it's been good recently on this diet. Well I had an almond coffee today and bloated up badly but it didn't last too long.

My training and diet for today...

Standing DB Lateral Raises... 2 working sets.
Incline Bench DB Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
High Incline Barbell Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Pec Deck... 1 working set.
Machine Chest Press... 1 working set drop set with 2 drops in weight.
DB Chest Flyes... 1 working set.
Flat Bench Press... 1 working set with just 1pps but 3 sec negatives and 5 sec pauses for high reps.
Tri-set of Rope Pushdowns, EZ Bar Overhead Tri-cep Extensions and Cable V Bar Pushdowns... 1 working set.
Tri-set of Machine Tri-cep Extensions, Machine Dips and Cable Straight Bar Pushdowns... 1 working set.
Abs and Stretches.

I decided to add in a few isometric holds today. I do them fairly regularly but don't mention it as it's usually only things like pausing at the bottom of a db flye for 3 secs, pausing at the bottom of a bench press for 3 secs and pausing at the top of a leg extension for as long as possible to finish my final set. Today I done a 3 secs hold for pec deck, 3-5 secs for db flye, 5 secs for chest press and 2 secs for overhead tri-cep extensions.

Whole egg and bacon sandwich on malted bread, blueberries and almond milk coffee.
Chicken breast with a side salad of lettuce (apollo, lollo rosso), cherry tomatoes, beetroot, cabbage, red/yellow peppers and carrot.
Beef Meatballs, carrots, mung bean sprouts, broccoli, red and yellow peppers, red onion, babycorn and water chestnuts.

5ml synthetine, 2.5mg cialis and preworkout.
Chicken breast (cajun spice mix, paprika and pepper) with a side salad of baby green leaf, baby red leaf, baby spinach, wild rocket, strawberries, blackberries, lemon juice and balsamic vinegar.
Beef Meatballs, chargrilled aubergine, courgette, red and yellow peppers.

I was late doing my last shot but I will be carrying on with EOD injs. Currently I am up to 180mg mast e and 150mg test e EOD. Tomorrow I will increase the mast to 200mg and stay at that dose. I still haven't added avar but I will soon and start it at 20mg preworkout and increase to 40mg after a short time. I plan to run the avar for about 4 weeks. I will finish off my UKpeptides vial of LR3 soon but I haven't been impressed. Insulin I will add in a little on my higher carb days. As I mentioned yesterday my health supps are minimal now but I am going to order some curcumin and add that in at 1000mg per day. I should note I am also using 80mg telmisartan (swopped from valsartan) and plan to stay at that dose for the foreseeable future.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am off the anti-biotics now which is great. Those combined with lemsip (paracetamol etc) and cough syrup and I was definitely holding water and not feeling my best. Yesterday I destroyed legs and got back and was going to have a nap but my mate called and said he was coming into town and my other mate was coming so we walked around town for about 2 hours then went for food. I got back about 5pm and I was so destroyed I had to sleep. I woke up at 10pm and my legs were beyond sore so I ate then took Axe & Sledge's Dozer and went back to sleep. I got up at 4am and have been up since (8:30am now). I only had 4 meals yesterday because of all of the sleeping but I needed it so I don't mind and I want to lose fat so not a bad thing. Although as it was leg day I did have higher carbs for those meals. Preworkout I had chicken, rice and mango. Intra I had 60g hbcd's and 2 scoops of aminos. Post workout was coco pops, banana, lactose free milk and synthepure. When I was out and we got food I had a chicken, bacon and avocado salad with bottled water so I pretty much what I eat at home.

The higher masteron combined with the dieting is resulting in me getting drier and drier. As a result all my little injuries are starting to show so I will monitor things. As a result I am having a day off today and maybe tomorrow. I received my liquid curcumin today so started that straightaway. I am also using BPC-157 and TB-500 and I am also going to add 2.5iu HGH back in. I am training the same way but if needed I will adjust that and use some lighter weights for certain movements. I write this because honestly my body today is a complete mess. My left hip, right shoulder and right bi-cep tendon are all very sore so I need to let them rest. I can tell they will be fine and back to normal soon just as long as I give them time to recover. Although I definitely have some issues I need to monitor and be smart about otherwise I will be a complete mess in the future.

Legs included slightly less weight but higher reps and maximum effort. Quite a lot of intensity techniques thrown in as well. I was shaking on the floor after a few of the sets. I also used 40mg avar preworkout and the pump was crazy. I noticed a big difference and sets would hurt much more earlier on because of how pumped up I was getting. I also took 1 3/4 scoops of Yeti Juice preworkout so I was wired :eek::D

Seated Calf Raises... 2 working sets.
Calf Presses... 2 working sets.
Standing Leg Curls... 1 working set for each side.
Seated Leg Curls... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Hip Thrusts... 2 hard sets.
Glute Extensions... 1 working set for each side.
Leg Press... 1 working set for each leg (unilateral) then 1 working set with both legs.
Leg Extensions... 2 working sets.

Here is the new curcumin I have just started and hopefully it's gtg...



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I don't want to be dieting too long and it's time for the next stage. I post my typical days food all the time and people can see it's very healthy and nothing excessive and low carbs (very low for me) now. Now what I don't post is sometimes (not all meals) when I have chicken or beef I will add a sauce or houmous etc. All the sauces I use are nice ones and calorie dense so by removing/swopping those it's means another drop in calories. I don't use much but with things like nandos garlic mayonnaise or heinz tomato ketchup a small amount is still a decent amount of calories. I will still have some houmous as I want some fats at certain times but any other sauce will be removed or replaced by zero calorie (or close to) sauces. I have some MyProtein's zero sugar (5 calories per serving) BBQ sauce now and it tastes very nice so I will add that for some chicken meals. For the rest of my meals I just will go without any sauces as I don't use them much anyway. All my salads will be dressed with lemon juice and balsamic vinegar.

Warm Up.
Incline Bench DB Lateral Raises... 1 working set.
Standing DB Lateral Raises... 2 working sets.
Shoulder Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Pec Deck... 1 working set.
DB Chest Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Chest Dips... 1 working drop set (20kg db between my legs then just bodyweight).
Machine Wide Grip Chest Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Tri-cep Pushdowns... 1 working set.
EZ Bar Skullcrushers (lying on the floor)... 2 working sets (1st with standard reps then 5 dead stop reps and the 2nd with just 3 deadstop reps).
Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working drop set with 2 drops in weight.

I said to myself go lighter but I pushed the weight to the max on some movements as I was feeling good and loaded up on preworkout. Probably stupid with my shoulder issue but I am feeling fine and it's been about 6 hours since I trained. The shoulder press I done was in plate loaded machine and it's very heavy. I have pressed 7pps on a cybex shoulder press in the past for over 10 controlled reps but this machine is basically the same weight as a smith machine would be. My first working set was with 3.5pps so I was pleased with that and the drop off set was with 2.5pps. My gym only has db's going up to 40kg so for the chest press I slowed down the reps and used perfect form and done high reps. I done that because I thought to myself I can't be pushing heavy weight in lower rep ranges for every movement today. All machines were with the full weight rack. The lying skull crushers were with 25kg per side.

Whole egg and bacon sandwich on malted bread and raspberries.
Chicken breast with a side salad of lettuce (apollo, romaine lettuce), edamame beans, carrots and blueberries.

5ml synthetine, 40mg avar, 2.5mg cialis and preworkout.
TRAIN (2 scoops of EAA's and 45g HBCD's).
Chicken breast with a side salad of baby green leaf, baby red leaf, baby spinach, wild rocket, pineapple (with cinnamon), figs, blueberries and a French vinaigrette dressing.
Steak with a side salad of carrots, mung bean sprouts, broccoli, red and yellow peppers, red onion, babycorn and water chestnuts.
Steak with chargrilled aubergine, courgette, red and yellow peppers.

The EAA's I am using now are Man Sports Iso EAA's which include 5g glutamine and 2g taurine per serving so at 2 scoops that is 10g and 4g so a nice amount for intra training.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have so many updates so I will cover everything over a few posts. Firstly, everything is going great and I am getting leaner and leaner. I am training hard nearly everyday. I did drink alcohol on Sat but just at home with a girl. It was actually the craziest first date ever. I was in 2 minds about training that night but was gonna go but a girl from Tinder wanted to meet me so I decided to cancel training and see her. She told me she wanted to drink and could handle loads of alcohol so I didn't think anything of giving her a few drinks. The 2 of us went through a 1 litre bottle of vodka which is literally nothing for me. I had about 600ml and she had about 400ml. Moving forward for a sec I woke up the next day and felt fine and my diet wasn't effected and I trained the following night and had a great workout. I just made sure to drink lot's of water so I was hydrated for training. Obviously alcohol is not good for your results but I like to live a little as well as get results in the gym.

Ok back to the story. The date was going great and we got on really well. Although she told me she had a personality disorder but I later find out so much more. The girl has the worst self harm scars I have ever seen (online included) and some were fresh. She had a massive one on her throat and loads on both arms and legs and they were deep. She told me she would go into psychosis and when I asked her in what way she said her personality would just change and she would go wild. I asked for how long and she said it varies but often many weeks. I am fascinated with these sort of subjects so it was interesting to listen to but obviously not ideal for a potential date/girlfriend. This girl told me a lot of fucked up things I won't mention. Now what she didn't tell me is the effect alcohol could have on here. What happened next was crazy and she went from fine to beyond drunk in 5 mins which I have never seen before and then she started having a psychotic fit. After further research I would call it a dissociative or psychogenic nonepileptic seizure (PNES). Literally shouting and making the craziest noises like she was possessed.

Long story short she smashed glasses and bit my chest and kicked my new printer. That doesn't bother me but earlier on Flex was by her and she hit him. She didn't know she was doing it because she was just flapping her arms around but she hit him hard. So I locked him in the bedroom and kept her in the living room. I called an ambulance and they said it could be 5 1/2 hours... free health care for you :eek::D She would come out of her seizure ever 30 mins or so and act totally normal and within 2 mins go straight back into it. She would come out say sorry over and over then try to kiss me then go back. You would be shocked if you saw it. After the 1st time I called to cancel the ambulance but when I was speaking to the operator she went back into a seizure so I told them to come asap. She went in/out about 7 times in the night so I started to get used to it and when she was normal would ask her how often this happens etc. 6 phone calls later and 3 1/2 hours they finally come and because she had been violent they sent 6 police officers and 1 ambulance crew (she later told me the police know her and that's why they sent so many). So yes an eventful first date :D


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
The areas I need to do improve in are increasing my daily steps as I haven't been going on as many walks asI planned. I am not doing cardio in the gym and prefer to take Flex out as much as possible and whilst I walk a lot it's not enough so they will be increased from now on. It doesn't help that even though it's August it's been cold and raining most days recently which is annoying. I also need to drink more water which is a thing I often struggle with. Again I drink a decent amount but not enough but I now have some grape flavoured EAA's I will be having between every meal. Lastly, I need to increase my protein intake and that will be no problem as the EAA's will be enough for that but I may also add in a whey isolate shake and a little extra meat as well.

One major change as I have just added in 1 cap of Geno's Euro DNP. They are made from the same raws as the US ones but these are dosed at 200mg (US are 250mg). I honestly don't even need them because I am lean now but I figured finish off with a bang. I know the last bit of fat will melt off adding these to the mix. My diet is super clean now and fairly restrictive. I am still having some fat with most meals in the form of low fat houmous with added avocado oil, whole egg (sandwich) and certain vegetables plus my supplements. It's extremely low carbs for me and with the small addition of 200mg DNP that will be enough to finish on. I will see how things go but my plan is to run 200mg for 10-14 days then carry on with the same diet for a few days before reintroducing carbs. I wanted even faster results so that's why I added the DNP but I never use a high dose.

Chicken breast, low fat houmous topped with avocado oil and strawberries.
2 scoops of EAA's to have my supplements with.
Whole egg and bacon sandwich on malted bread, high protein yoghurt and raspberries.
5ml synthetine, 40mg avar, 200mg DNP, preworkout powder, 1 banana and 2 scoops of EAA's.
TRAIN (2 scoops of EAA's, 10g glutamine, 5g taurine and 5g AAKG).
Beef mince with carrots, mung bean sprouts, broccoli, red and yellow peppers, red onion, babycorn and water chestnuts.
Beef mince with carrots, mung bean sprouts, broccoli, red and yellow peppers, red onion, babycorn and water chestnuts.

2 scoops of EAA's to have my supplements with.
Steak with chargrilled aubergine, courgette, red and yellow peppers.

I usually have more carbs around leg training but I have lowered them. I am also not having any intra carbs right now. Preworkout I left it awhile after my last meal so I had a little snack in the form of a banana to give me a boost. Instead of the rice meal postworkout (approx 100g carbs) I went with just vegetables.

Leg Press Calf Presses... 2 unilateral working sets for each leg and 2 working sets with both legs (L, R, B then L, R, B).
Seated Calf Raises... 1 working set.
Seated Leg Curls... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Hip Abductors... 1 working set.
Hack Squat... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
DB Split Squats... 1 working set for each leg.
Machine Leg Press... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off) with feet very low.
Leg Extensions... 1 working set.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have upped my supplements...

Fish Oil (High EPA)- 6g per day.
Cod Liver Oil- 2g per day.
Vitamin D- 10,000iu per day.
Vitamin C- 2g per day.
Goji Berry Extract- 1000mg per day.
Co-enzyme Q10- 240mg per day.
Curcumin (liquid)- 2 servings per day (240mg curcuminoids).
MyProtein Green Superfood Blend- 1-2 servings per day.
ZMA- 1 serving prebed.
Synthergine- 5ml per day.

The above pretty much covers all the areas I have issues with on/off cycle. Words that come to mind include inflammation, immunity, heart, cholesterol, anti-oxidant, sleep, recovery and liver.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am really surprised what effect 1 cap of DNP for 2 days has had on me. All is good but it zapped my energy in the gym. It's worth noting I destroyed legs last night and my sleep was interrupted but it really isn't a factor because once I have preworkout and go to the gym I am usually gtg regardless of sleep etc. Training was good but I really struggled in between sets and I was much slower than usual. I feel a little warmer but that is nothing so far and feels quite nice but if it starts getting hot it could become an issue as things build up. Training was modified slightly due to my shoulder but was super intense just higher reps with slightly less weight.

Warm Up.
Standing DB Lateral Raises... 3 working sets.
Incline Bench DB Front Raises... 1 working set.
Standing Barbell Shoulder Press... 2 working sets.
Pec Deck... 1 working set.
Flat Bench... 1 working set.
Incline (slight) DB Flyes... 1 working set.
Machine Wide Grip Chest Press... 1 working set.
Tri-cep Pushdowns... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB Tri-cep Extensions... 1 working set with each arm.
Superset of Rope Pushdowns, Overhead Tri-cep Extensions, V-Bar Pushdowns and Machine Dips... 1 working set.
Ab's and Stretches.

I was totally out of it at the end but wanted to do abs and once I started I forced myself to do quite a few sets. I am going to add them in most training days from now on. I done a few hard sets of weighted crunches (machine and cable/rope), ab twists (cable), flat bench leg pull in's and broomstick twists. I stretched for no more than 60 secs because I was exhausted.

Chicken breast, low fat houmous topped with avocado oil and blueberries.
Steak with chargrilled aubergine, courgette, red and yellow peppers and onions.

2 scoops of EAA's to have my supplements with.
BLT sandwich on malted bread and an Activia vanilla live yoghurt with granola (30g carbs, 3.3g fat and 8.7g protein).
40mg avar, 200mg DNP, preworkout powder and 2 scoops of EAA's.
TRAIN (2 scoops of EAA's, 10g glutamine, 5g taurine and 5g AAKG).
Cajun chicken with carrots, mung bean sprouts, broccoli, red and yellow peppers, red onion, babycorn and water chestnuts.
2 scoops of EAA's to have my supplements with.
Steak with chargrilled aubergine, courgette, red and yellow peppers.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Today was similar to yesterday. It's my 3rd day on 200mg DNP and I can really feel the difference. My energy is much lower and I have started craving food (treats) since starting. I also soaked my bed sheets last night but nowhere as bad as sometimes on tren in the past. My preworkout collection isn't like it has been in the past but I used one of my better products today and it helped but I was still struggling. I usually do 5ml synthetine preworkout but today I tried 4ml synthetine and 2ml syntheselen (5ml syringes fit about 6ml in) again to give me a boost. I got to the gym very late and I was the only person inside and there was no music on. I never usually need music or people like that but tonight I was struggling so it would have given me a boost. I even considered just walking home because I wasn't feeling it. I just said to myself take it 1 exercise at a time and I pushed through and had a great workout. I trained as hard as possible and when stretching at the end I was so out of it I was going to just go asleep on the floor in the gym but thankfully I didn't.

Incline Bench Rear Delt Raises... 1 working set.
Incline Bench DB High Row supersetted with Kelso Shrug... 1 working set.
Unilateral High Cable Bench Lat Row... 1 working set for each side.
Smith Row... 2 working sets.
Barbell Shrug... 1 working set.
T-Bar Row supersetted with T-bar Shrug... 1 working set.
Machine Preacher Curl... 2 working sets (L,R,B then L,R,B).
Seated EZ Bar Curls... 1 working set.
Standing DB Hammer Curls... 1 working set.
Hanging Knee Raises... 3 working sets.
Stretches plus pso-rite.

I pushed the weight for some movements and others were much lighter. Someone had left a barbell with just 1 pps and the t-bar with 2pps so for those I just repped out as many as I could for high reps with minimal rest between those movements. The Smith Rows were with 3.5pps so much heavier especially for my lower back. The pso-rite has made such a difference I can go heavier now and I feel fairly safe doing so. I have t-bar rowed 10 plates in the past so I am capable of going much heavier but there is no point risking it the amount of times my back has gone and I still went to failure for each movement so the intensity is there I am just careful with certain movements. I was amped up so I probably pushed bi-ceps more than I should due to my distal bi-cep tendon but it felt great. I done 25kg either side for 15 reps for the EZ Bar seated curls then 14 reps with 28kg db's for the hammer curls. I used the same weight for the high row and kelso shrugs so not exactly heavy but it does the job.

Chicken breast, low fat houmous topped with avocado oil and raspberries.
Steak with chargrilled aubergine, courgette, red and yellow peppers and onions.

2 scoops of EAA's to have my supplements with.
Whole egg and bacon sandwich on malted bread, strawberries and a high protein yoghurt.
40mg avar, 200mg DNP, preworkout powder and 2 scoops of EAA's.
TRAIN (2 scoops of EAA's, 10g glutamine, 5g taurine and 5g AAKG).
Cajun chicken and 200g red grapes (35g carbs).
2 scoops of EAA's to have my supplements with.
Cajun chicken with carrots, mung bean sprouts, broccoli, red and yellow peppers, red onion, babycorn and water chestnuts.
Synthepure shake (approx 75g protein).

If I train tomorrow I will add in a miscellaneous day because there is no way my body is ready to train legs (max intensity) again. So my next training day will probably just be calves, abs and some cardio. If I go to a certain gym I will do loads of sled pushes/pulls as I miss doing those and they are super effective.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
As I post I love bodybuilding but I also have a social life but I regret overdoing things on the weekend. All is good now though. The cut with DNP is going fantastic. However as summer is nearly over I said to myself to have a few nights out but be sensible. Long story short I go out with my crazy mate I have an after party at mine starting at 6am and finishing at 6pm. Obviously drugs were involved and I always regret it. If I went home at 6am nothing would be effected. The fact I stayed up meant all I ate the following day was about 500 calories (chicken and pineapple) and it just messed up my routine and well being. I have told myself never again and I will stick to that. Those sort of parties are a complete waste of time. If I was surrounded with pretty girls I may feel different but it was just me and a few mates so a total waste and very bad for my health.

As a result I decided not to take anything and I loaded up on synthergine. I honestly think I took about 20ml synthergine on the Monday and Tuesday and it definitely helped. I have added a few extra carbs in and now I am looking really good. A day of fasting is not a bad thing it's just the reasons why I done that fast are what make it bad. I had a great PUSH workout yesterday. Tonight I trained PULL and also added everything back in (minus the DNP) and it felt really good. As I had some rice pre and post workout I added 5iu slin, 2.5iu hgh and 5ml synthetine preworkout plus all my AAS (200mg mast e, 150mg test e and 40mg avar).

My plan is to add DNP back in tomorrow at 1 cap and resume my standard diet which is very restrictive. After the DNP I will slowly reintroduce carbs and keep fats very low and fill back out. I am actually really happy with how I am looking now so even though I messed up the day of fasting and the water falling off from the DNP has created a good look. I feel much tighter than I did 1 week ago. Now I just need to come down further before filling back out.

I wanted to post about my modified training recently. As I was on DNP the difference in mental/physical energy was huge for me. I had no other side effects apart from struggling through my workouts. I always do PPL and follow similar training plans each time but on my way to the gym because of my lack of energy I wanted to keep it simple. I thought how can I hit each body part hard but keep exercises limited so I don't have to move around the gym. Sounds silly but I just wanted to stay put in 1 place and hit my working sets hard and keep it simple. So I lowered exercises and incorporated 3 working sets for most of those movements. I would warm up to a heavy weight then do a working set for at least 8 reps, take approx 1 min rest and lower the weight and try to get over 12 reps and then rest again and go for over 20 reps. My training day looked like...

Warm Up
Calf Presses... 3 working sets (low, moderate and high reps).
Seated Leg Curls... 3 working sets (low, moderate and high reps).
Hip Adductors... 1 working set.
Hack Squat... 3 working sets (low, moderate and high reps).
Walking Lunges... 1 working set.

My memory is playing tricks on me (no surprise after my weekend) but I think I done the above but I may have added in another movement somewhere. Yesterday I done something similar for PUSH and tonight I done...

Incline Bench DB Rear Delt Raises... 3 working sets (low, moderate and high reps).
Incline Bench DB High Row... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Unilateral Cable Lat Row... 1 working set for each side.
Barbell Row... 3 working sets (low, moderate and high reps).
Barbell Shrug... 1 working set.
Rack Pulls... 2 working sets (1 loading and 1 drop off).
Seated DB deadlifts... 1 working set.
Machine Unilateral Preacher Curl... 3 working sets (L,R,L,R,L,R) using low, moderate and high reps.
Seated EZ Bar Curls... 3 working sets (low, moderate and high reps).
DB Hammer Curls... 1 working set.
Stretches plus pso-rite.

As I have been off DNP for 5 days my energy in the gym is back to normal but I expect it to lower again from tomorrow.

My diet today was...

Chicken breast, garlic and red pepper houmous and blueberries.
2 scoops of EAA's to have my supplements with.
Whole egg and bacon sandwich on malted bread and an Activia vanilla live yoghurt with granola (30g carbs, 3.3g fat and 8.7g protein)

5ml synthetine, 5iu insulin, 2.5iu HGH, 40mg avar, preworkout powder and 2 scoops of EAA's.
Chicken Breast, jasmine rice and goji berries (40g carbs from rice and 20g from goji berries).

TRAIN (2 scoops of EAA's, 10g glutamine, 5g taurine, 5g creatine and 5g AAKG).
Chicken Breast, jasmine rice and honey (40g carbs from rice and 20g from honey).
Steak with chargrilled aubergine, courgette, red and yellow peppers and onions.
2 scoops of EAA's to have my supplements with.
Cottage cheese and raspberries.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
My protein looks quite high but for some meals but I get chicken breast packs and they are only 40g protein per meal so nothing over the top. If I cook chicken breast then it's closer to 60g per meal. Steaks range from 40-60g per meal. Cottage cheese about 35g protein per meal. So it adds up but it's nothing too high but I am now taking in EAA's between meals that help bump things up. Everything else is limited and as I move along I even take notice of food volume so my waist only tightens up through time which I definitely needed :eek::D My PUSH day yesterday was similar to me LEG day approach and looked like...

Warm Up.
Standing DB Lateral Raises... 3 working sets (low, moderate and high reps).
Seated Barbell Shoulder Press... 3 working sets (low, moderate and high reps).
Pec Deck... 3 working sets (low, moderate and high reps).
Machine Press... 3 working sets (low, moderate and high reps).
Superset of Overhead Cable Extensions and Machine Dips... 3 working sets (low, moderate and high reps).

Now for some movements (especially machines) they are too light to do a low rep set so in that event I really slow down the reps (5 sec negatives for example) and may even do some paused reps and I even decreased the rest period between sets just so I could truly fail in the planned rep ranges. Nothing needs to be exact as long as I truly fail but I aimed to fail roughly in the 8-10, 12-15 and 20+ rep ranges.