just don't understand it


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
I guess this is more of a vent but I just don't get it .

I've been screwed over,ripped off,held back,stabbed in the back,fucked over etc. most of my life and it just fuels my fire and pushes me to push back that much harder, whatever it takes.

I just heard a kid I knew and watched grow up in my old neighborhood killed himself, he didn't have that bad a life going, he had a kind of shit childhood but who didn't, he wasn't going to be a millionaire but was liked and didn't have it bad as far as I ever knew, I just don't get it....I could understand if it were a backed in the corner going out in a blaze kind of thing......but not just throwing in the towel and quiting when there options and friends to turn to.....

I haven't gotten the details yet and I really hope I heard wrong but just damn giving up at a young age when you still have the world ahead of you ......and the options to just drop whats bothering you and start over different.......I just don't get it


Sep 17, 2003
There is nothing perfect in life, even for someone in paradise. For some people the fight just isn't worth it!

That's what life is for most of us, a constant fight. We may see our fight as harder then others but what we can handle and what others can handle can be two totally separate things.

I have personally known many that have killed themselves over the years. Some were too young to have even lived life yet, others in my opinion at the time had not even known what hard times were. For all of them, this life was just never going to work and it didn't matter what anyone said to them, they were just not built to handle life's day-to-day stresses.

We are all given just a brief moment in this world. The only thing we can do is find what makes us happy and hold onto it tightly.


Super Moderator - RIP
Oct 28, 2012
Who knows what goes on in people's minds? Mental illness and depression do not follow a normal thinking process. I think it puts them in such a dark corner, they don't even see reality sometimes, just a dark pit and they allow themselves to be pulled in. They see it as escape from pain. I had a good friend that took his own life years ago. He left behind a wife a 3 very young children. I never understood, and I felt angry he did that... even to this day.


Registered User
Dec 6, 2014
It is hard to hear about people taking their own life. I agree with (why someone would do such a thing) underlying causes such as mental illness, and also that they dont see the full picture, That life is not just that moment. Some people cant see past Saturday. Life is a journey, your going to have some big hills and small ones. Just remember you can over come them. Also if a friend is struggling with related issues, best to get them help.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
This one kind of caught me off guard....he stayed over with the kids when younger, they hit high school together etc...I would have never seen it coming .....I still don't have the rest of the story yet I really don't think many do at this point .....I can't imagine what his family is going through....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Just to add to this know what's going with those you give a shit about .....my younger.kids still at home will definitely have a no sugar coated approach when it comes to this area and I would recommend the same for those you care about......from what I've noticed a good number of body builders have depression/ anxiety etc.... unless your facing certain death,the pen, etc know there always options ....walking away and starting over is a hell of a lot better than dead.....there's no coming back from dead....but there is always a tomorrow if your alive and you have a choice what that tomorrow is and where it is.....if your life is shit change it......if you end it you have lost the game without ever trying to play


Donating Member
Jan 16, 2014
Island life
I had numerous co-workers and friends committ suicide, no one see's it coming. Although if you are trained to see the subtle markers they are there. Once the person has committed to it, you will see them at peace (if thats the right term for it). The markers are usually slight and most people do not see it. I will say this, I am in a very high stress work environment on a daily basis. usually twice a year a commrad takes thier life, for me.... thank god for bodybuilding.