Lightning Fast Tren A log/review

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Dec 14, 2012
Shadow lands
I will be starting a short log of LF's tren a. Most of you know who I am I have lots of pics here on AnaSci and other forums like PM where i will also post this. I will post a before pic tomorrow morning after I finish off this Thanksgiving pie tonight and start back eating more healthy.

First right off the bat let me say Lightning Fast is not just the name of the Company its how these guys operate, without going into detail the product was received today, which is pretty incredible this soon after a holiday.

The appearence of the tren is a beautiful golden color, i pinned 1cc just awhile ago and will report on any pip tomorrow, the oil is very thin. I normally use a 29g slin when just pinning 1cc to cut down on all the scar tissure i have if pinning more 2 to 3 cc i use 25g. During this trial the only other thing i will be on is my trt dose of test which i receive every 10 days.

I will be running this at 500mg/week unless sides become a factor because of potency if so i will adjust down or even up according to how good it turns out.

Let me also say I have no affiliations what soever with LF and have not been promise anything for my review, I do beleive there are a couple other PM members that will also be reviewing LF tren, so noone has to take my word on anything this will be just my own honest opinion of how good there tren a is.
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New member
Oct 30, 2012
Mount Olympus
Thank you brother for taking the time to review and log our Tren A... This is going to be one of several that will be logging as well as here on Anasci which we are sponsoring a top level Ifbb super heavy weight for the Aussie Pro in March! Thunder please feel free to contact me at any time with any questions and or concerns. We value your opinion as a competitor and would like your feedback as well.


Dec 14, 2012
Shadow lands
day 2 starting pics

This is day 2 first pin yesterday and there is no pip, swelling, or nots at inject site. Here is my diet, my stats, and starting pics.

stats: 5'10

Off day diet

Meal 1- protein- and Fat- 2 whole eggs, 1 scoop whey protein carb- 3/4 cup old fashioned oats.

Meal 2- carb- ½ bag Uncle Bens 90 rice protein- 5 oz 96% lean burger or chicken

Meal 3- protein- 5 oz 96% lean burger or chicken - 12 ounce potato (sweet), green veggies,

Meal 4- protein- 1.5 scoop whey protein fat- 30 almonds or 30 grams pbutter weighed out on digital scale

Meal 5 - protein- 5 oz 96% lean burger or chicken 2 tablespoons dressing, green veggies

Meal 6 protein and fat-1.5 scoops whey protein, and natural pbutter (30 grams weighed out

training day diet

Meal 1- protein- and Fat- 2 whole eggs, 1 scoop whey protein carb- 3/4 cup oats

Meal 2- Fats- 30 almonds carb- 1 medium apple protein- 5 oz chicken

Meal 3- protein- 5 oz chicken - 30 almonds , green veggies,

Meal 4- protein- 1.5 scoop whey protein carb- 1 low fat poptart, 15 mins before hitting the weights.

Right after training, 1 multi vitamin, 1 tsp creatine monohydrate, 1000 mg vit c, take 1 scoop whey protein mix it up and pour over 1.5 cups any kids cereal you want. 1-2 hours later eat meal 5.

Meal 5 - protein-5 oz 96% lean burger , carb- 12 ounce potato

Meal 6 protein and fat-1.5 scoops whey protein, natural pbutter (30 grams weighed


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Dec 14, 2012
Shadow lands
Also forgot to add my workouts will be

Monday: Back, bi's and abs 30min cardio
Tues: chest and tri's 30min cardio
Weds: off
Thurs: legs 30min cardio
Fri: delts and abs 30min cardio

This subject to change depending on my work schedule i work alot of overtime so sometimes i have to move missed workouts to the weekends but i try to leave weekends for family. Everyother weak i do rack deadlifts i can't do them all the time because of a bad back (degenerative dics) i have two ruptured in my lower back.
My goal is to slim down abit while maintaining muscle, i took some time off after the summer and let myself go to much so i would like to see my abs again


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2013
midwest usa
I still can believe you are almost 50. You look incredible at any age and are going to look even better after this run. Cant wait to see the end result.

Im with magnus you look fuckin great thunder at any age you must have some really good genes in your family tree brother!
Im on a heavy run of LF all american blend and sust and so far its been great no pip, knots, of any kind just smooth muscle growin goodnes from the brothers at LF!


Dec 14, 2012
Shadow lands
Ok folks i'm into day 3 nothing to significant to add yet, feeling great had a good workout tonight the aggression was definitely there maybe cause i'm pretty hyped about running this log and getting my fat butt back inshape. Hit back and bi's tonight

pull-ups: 10 sets of 10 (had a pretty massive pump going on after that felt great.)

deadlifts: 6 sets 3 warmups 3 working sets (stop at 250#)

Now before anyone ask i am not looking for PR's in this lift just working on good form as to not aggravate my bad back and have to miss any workouts but i did feel strong but i will not let myself get hurt this year I've had to many injuries last couple of years so i realize i can't push this old body as hard as i use to i finally got my shoulders to heal and be pain free.

Bi's: 10 sets of 10 EZ bar curls (95# for all sets)

30min on stationary bike

All in all felt very good tonight, looking forward to the end of the weak to see where i am and to the changes to come, absolutely no pip of any kind I have hit delt, quad, and glute and its been the same each time, so I can give a A+ right now in that area


Donating Member
Apr 4, 2013
200? Looks like you're carrying alot more muscle than the scale indicates.


Dec 14, 2012
Shadow lands
Its getting close to a week and i can see my body getting tighter, when i get up in the morning the veins are beginning to show. Yesterday was a off day but i decided to do a little cardio and ab work before bed, sometimes once i get into training mode i have to make myself keep to planned days off, as someone once said you stimulate growth in the gym, but you grow outside of the gym so got to get those recovery days in and rest. Sticking strict to the diet and getting all meals in.

Should be in full swing next week, had some insomnia last night but a couple of tylenol pm and melentonin and i was able to get 6 hours no other sides some slight sweating but not soaking the bed, other than that i feel just great looking forward to every workout.


Super Moderator - RIP
Nov 18, 2012
Nice log T46. Pro bud will be prepping on LF's tren(s) as well .
looking forward to your posts T46.. thx... T
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