new cycle stacking question need help please bros


New member
Mar 19, 2006
Hey guys this will be my 3rd cycle and i was hoping to run test ethanate winny and deca all injectable ina pyramid cycle so here are my questions... First off i heard u are only supposed to use winny for at most 7 to 8 weeks so should i start the winny later then the rest or at the same time i wanna do a 10 or 12 week cycle and then of course pct. If anyone has done this stack i would appreciate your input on dosages and also on what you used for your pct. I am 22 185lbs 6'1" and right now about 15 percent body fat. Please do not reply back with something mean or ignorant i am looking for help. Also i would like to know is alin still reliable i heard he had a lot of negative feedback recently. I only bought from him once but it was legit so if anyone has any personal experience with him lately let me know. Thanks guys i know that was a lot of questions.


Registered User
Jun 30, 2009

Hey guys this will be my 3rd cycle and i was hoping to run test ethanate winny and deca all injectable ina pyramid cycle so here are my questions... First off i heard u are only supposed to use winny for at most 7 to 8 weeks so should i start the winny later then the rest or at the same time i wanna do a 10 or 12 week cycle and then of course pct. If anyone has done this stack i would appreciate your input on dosages and also on what you used for your pct. I am 22 185lbs 6'1" and right now about 15 percent body fat. Please do not reply back with something mean or ignorant i am looking for help. Also i would like to know is alin still reliable i heard he had a lot of negative feedback recently. I only bought from him once but it was legit so if anyone has any personal experience with him lately let me know. Thanks guys i know that was a lot of questions.

I think you can gain more without AAS for the moment.
You have much room on your frame to grow without steroids.
This is your 3rd cycle what was your WT. when you started ?Im just trying to help out a as i am older with a little more experience.If i knew then what i know now i wouldnt touch the stuff until 24 or 25.Good luck whatever you decide.:cool:
By the way alin is g2g.:D

The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
I think you can gain more without AAS for the moment.
You have much room on your frame to grow without steroids.
This is your 3rd cycle what was your WT. when you started ?Im just trying to help out a as i am older with a little more experience.If i knew then what i know now i wouldnt touch the stuff until 24 or 25.Good luck whatever you decide.:cool:
By the way alin is g2g.:D

Couldn't have said it better myself.
Welcome BTW slim...



Registered User
Jun 19, 2009
Alin is a good guy and smart. Always reliable. No worries.

I agree that you may not need aas yet and could make great gains just from eating and learning how to train. If you are hell bent on doing a cycle at this point, just stick with 12 weeks of test, eat like there's no tomorrow, and forget the winny and deca at this point. What kind of doses were you thinking?


New member
Mar 19, 2006
i appreciate everyones thoughts however i have low testosterone levels and doing it naturally got me almost no where whereas my last cycle with was a test only cycle gained me 25 lbs of muscle after pct and the water retention went away it was up at 40lbs but i looked bloated a little so it was water i wanted to use the winny in this cycle to keep cut and tone the mass ill put on and the deca because i used it with test on my first cycle and it did my joints pretty good not to mention helped a lot with gains. Ive never used winny so i would like to know what the proper dosage is and for the deca i kept it at 250ml the first couple of weeks then increased it to 500ml each week after and then tappered down like the test the test never got higher then 750ml and that was at the peak of my pyramid cycle. Will all three work together in a good way or am i missing something? Also what kind of things would i need for the pct for this cycle? Thanks to all who replied hopfully i can get som mods opinions or even alin


New member
Mar 19, 2006
bump come on guys alin? Mods? Anyone have any experience using a stack like this or know if it would be a worthy stack and dosage im getting ready to order through alin but wanna get it all squared away instead of missing something


New member
Mar 19, 2006
bump... Bro's im kinda stuck here bc id like to have some input b4 i go and spend the money on it all


Registered User
Feb 6, 2009
i appreciate everyones thoughts however i have low testosterone levels and doing it naturally got me almost no where whereas my last cycle with was a test only cycle gained me 25 lbs of muscle after pct and the water retention went away it was up at 40lbs but i looked bloated a little so it was water i wanted to use the winny in this cycle to keep cut and tone the mass ill put on and the deca because i used it with test on my first cycle and it did my joints pretty good not to mention helped a lot with gains. Ive never used winny so i would like to know what the proper dosage is and for the deca i kept it at 250ml the first couple of weeks then increased it to 500ml each week after and then tappered down like the test the test never got higher then 750ml and that was at the peak of my pyramid cycle. Will all three work together in a good way or am i missing something? Also what kind of things would i need for the pct for this cycle? Thanks to all who replied hopfully i can get som mods opinions or even alin
imo, you should stick to either a bulk cycle or cutting cycle. for me test E and deca would be bulking so i would be eating that way. adding winny at the end would pretty much be wasted for me. If i use winny i would do tren, prop, EQ with it and eat for a cutting cycle.