new to sachets


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
Im new to sachets I read something (a post from someone)one time about how to draw from sachets. I cannot remember wher I read it. Has anyone read anything on that? has anyone used sachets before? It looks pretty easy just looking at the sachets but I would like to read that post from someone again befor I start. I remember them saying something about steaaming it to liqui. fy the oil more


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
kaju said:
Im new to sachets I read something (a post from someone)one time about how to draw from sachets. I cannot remember wher I read it. Has anyone read anything on that? has anyone used sachets before? It looks pretty easy just looking at the sachets but I would like to read that post from someone again befor I start. I remember them saying something about steaaming it to liqui. fy the oil more

Check out the Stealth section on http://alinboard.com/ Anything you want to know about the Stealth line!!

For me, the best way was, with 4 hands ;) Best if done with 2 people!!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kaju said:
Im new to sachets I read something (a post from someone)one time about how to draw from sachets. I cannot remember wher I read it. Has anyone read anything on that? has anyone used sachets before? It looks pretty easy just looking at the sachets but I would like to read that post from someone again befor I start. I remember them saying something about steaaming it to liqui. fy the oil more

I remember writing something about them so I just looked back and you replied in that thread about what compounds come in sachets - so I assume it was that one. I will just copy and paste what I wrote

"It couldn't be easier. Just boil a cup of hot water (small cup). Then place the sachet on top (so it is not touching the sachet but the steam is warming it up). That way you can extract it much easier (softens the oil). I use a 21G needle to extract it. 19G would be best. I even inject with a 21G but most would use 23 or 25.

Anyway you just stick the needle into the sachet and start extracting. Moving it about to get all the oil. The sachets are made using a heating method that sticks the 3 sides together (I think). A tip to get every drop is once you have taken most out in the above method. Just get some scissors and cut the side where you put the needle in (there are 3 sides stuck together and the 4th side you need to use for the needle part and the scissors part). That way when you cut across at the top you are left with the oil at the bottom (like a little pouch). Then you just have to keep it veritical and simply just put the needle in and get every drop. They say 5ml but you should get atleast 5.5ml from each sachet.

If you are using a fair amount then because most use 5ml syringes for sachets just take out about 4 then swop needles and then inject as normal. Then swop back over to the extraction needle and get the rest of it intot he syringe. As you are injecting alot you can keep it in the syringe. But if you are only doing a small amount (200mg, 300mg, 400mg etc). Then you need a sterilized container to put the oil in and you just take out the amount you need each time. If you do it that way your best taking out your weeks worth of injections (2) into syringes at the start of the week. Keep everywhere in a cool dry place. Away from sunlight and heating. I just have them in a bag in my wardrobe. Hope it helps."

Like I put above if is easy to do. I only got on to the fact if you cut a certain side it makes alittle pouch and makes it easy to get every drop on about my 10th injection. Just follow the above and you should be fine.


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
Thank you Elvia. Im glad to see you back again my englis friend. I noticed you had been gone for a while. It does help. :D