

Registered User
Mar 16, 2007
I want to jump into another cycle in the beginning of july cause im going on a cruise on the 21st of aug. before this I did a cycle of sust 250 a week and 20mg dbols for 12 weeks and started it on feb 1st. so i was on till april 14th do you think it is cool to start a cycle up on the first of july? im gonna do sust 250 /deca 200 and 30mg of dbol. I know some may not like the cycle but i dont want to go crazy. thnks!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kingleo said:
I want to jump into another cycle in the beginning of july cause im going on a cruise on the 21st of aug. before this I did a cycle of sust 250 a week and 20mg dbols for 12 weeks and started it on feb 1st. so i was on till april 14th do you think it is cool to start a cycle up on the first of july? im gonna do sust 250 /deca 200 and 30mg of dbol. I know some may not like the cycle but i dont want to go crazy. thnks!

The usual rule is time off = time off

That should exclude PCT imo. So that would give a date of 28th July (if finished on 14th April). That date is if you don't count your 3 weeks PCT (so 15 weeks after finish date).

I don't get how you said it was 12 weeks and finsihed on 14th april as 12 weeks after your start date is 25th April. Do you mean you stopped your sust on 14th? Sust has an active life of 3 weeks so did you wait 3 weeks till starting PCT? It's hard to advise cos the numbers don't really add up.

All I can say is you shouldn't go so much on numbers but feel. If you feel you have recovered PROPERLY and things are good then I would say yes. But of course you have to ensure you have had a decent amount of time for recovery. Like I am starting a new cycle and it will be considered early if you go on the time on=time off rule but I feel fine so it will be good.

My main concern is you say 12 weeks. Did you do dbol for 4-6 weeks and the sust for 12. Or do you mean both for 12 weeks? If so you need to be giving your liver some serious recovery so I would advise not too. I don't taht is the case cause I can't imagine someone doing dbol that long cos it is not advised anywhere (cos it is stupid). If that was the case you could just do sust and deca and that would be fine.

I hope that has helped. I am thinking but why does it have to be in time for the cruise. Too many people do cycles interms of holidays etc and that can be wrong. It's not if you have lots of time and plan it so you go on holiday just after... loads do that (including me). I just mean starting a cycle far too early cos they decided to go away so they rush it. Plus do you really want to be doing a dbol cycle just before a hol? If so then cool... everyone has different goals. I would have thought you would want a more cut/toned appearance for a summer holiday and not to have 14 pounds worth of water in your system. But again if you want that look that is cool cos many aren't bothered about looking toned and just want size.

My biggest question is do you plan to take the stuff with you on the cruise? Cos by the sounds of it you wanna get it done b4hand. But it is approx 7 weeks you will have from the start to your cruise. It would be pointless to do deca for that long. Is the cruise 1/2/3 weeks? Let me know then I can give a better opinion because 1 week would be fine cos you could inject just b4 and the day you get back. But for longer it's totally different. I hope you plan to carry it on throughout. But it this way I would never take a gf on a cruise when I had just finished a cycle. I would be fine but you would wanna be at your best if you get what I mean!

If you feel fine I would do it if you really want to/have to. But I would take stuff with me on the cruise. So many are so scared to do that and I don't get it in certain ways. Pills in vitamin tub. Sachets in toiletries bag. If amps then stick them in your suitcase. Needles in suitcase too... so many take needles for a variety of things. I am not advising that but just saying I would do it everytime.
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Registered User
Mar 16, 2007

yea i did the last shot on the 14th
and I did a pct for 3 weeks, but I feel fine so I think ill do it

I did the sust for 6 weeks, I know 2 long, so im gonna do it for 4 eeks, You think Ill get a lot of water weight ? I plan to eat mostly protein and go really low on my carbs to get a little cut I have about 13% body fat so Im not that bad in that department.

thnks for the info, very helpful,


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kingleo said:
yea i did the last shot on the 14th
and I did a pct for 3 weeks, but I feel fine so I think ill do it

I did the sust for 6 weeks, I know 2 long, so im gonna do it for 4 eeks, You think Ill get a lot of water weight ? I plan to eat mostly protein and go really low on my carbs to get a little cut I have about 13% body fat so Im not that bad in that department.

thnks for the info, very helpful,

If your doing it for so short a time sust is not good. I think it's always best to run test for atleast 6/7 weeks to get some results but obviously 12 is better. You do know sust is active for 21 days and not 14? Sust is good if you want to bulk but with little water. It is the likes of test e or c that hold more water but even when using them that can be near minimal with effective diet and protection (AI's). Test P is more for cutting but hits you straightaway. I would do that or test e.

But you have confused me by stating how you want to be cut (going really low on carbs to get alittle cut). But you have picked dbol which is one of the strongest anabolics/androgenics around and will defo give you water weight. I suppose at a low dose that could be reduced significantly and will just give you nice gains. But if it was me and I was doing a very short cycle I would defo do tbol at a higher dose. Maybe start at 30/40 and go up to 50mg per day. That is often described as dbol without the bloat and thats why I am starting it in the next week or so.

Do you have the stuff yet or are you waiting on it? Cos you never know how long it will take. Let me know. I would suggest though if you going on a cruise with your gf that you don't stop a cycle just before you leave. How long you going for? I imagine you are gonna inject until you go and then start PCT on your return... that would be the best option besides just doing a longer cycle. That way you have the test effects on the cruise and then you get back for PCT. Is the cruise 2 weeks? If so sust as I said is 3 weeks. Test C is 2 weeks and Test E is about 10 days but just go on 2 weeks due to half life etc. Those 3 are your options if you inject up to your leaving date. You can take PCT with you like I said but you don't want to be going through PCT when your with your girl.

Anyway let me know and reply with your progress if you go ahead with it.


Registered User
Mar 16, 2007

yea Im going for 8 days and i plan to pct a couple of weeks when i get back, I had extra sust and deca and dbol so that is what it has to be right now cause my gf just told me as a surprise that we were going or i would have did a cycle like what you have there..... so I guess Ill just lower the dose of dbols.

also when your on a cycle do you measure your gains?

last time I was on I added 2 inches to my arms like 5" to my chest and back


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kingleo said:
yea Im going for 8 days and i plan to pct a couple of weeks when i get back, I had extra sust and deca and dbol so that is what it has to be right now cause my gf just told me as a surprise that we were going or i would have did a cycle like what you have there..... so I guess Ill just lower the dose of dbols.

also when your on a cycle do you measure your gains?

last time I was on I added 2 inches to my arms like 5" to my chest and back

If your only going for 8 days you are fine to do a longer cycle. Instead of just 4 weeks you could do 8 or 9 or 12 etc etc. Just inject the day you leave and the day you get back. I would inject sust twice weekly but once weekly is fine too. Do twice weekly but the 8/9 day gap will be fine. Just carry them on on your return. All you can just do it the way you have planned but I think it would be much better extending to a decent amount of time. Even if it is just 8 weeks injections (11 week cycle).

In regards to the other thing... well just do whatever you feel best. But with me I don't measure body parts. I mainly go on appearance. But I understand why you measure. Hey I might try it next time. Cos when you are gradually going up size you don't notice it so much. But say you went forward 8 weeks (on cycle) you would see a huge difference. But day to day it's not easy to judge but with measuring weekly you could see the difference/gains.

Let me know how you get on


Registered User
Mar 16, 2007

im going to start the 2nd of july, do you think I could do the sust in my glute, and the deca in the arm?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kingleo said:
im going to start the 2nd of july, do you think I could do the sust in my glute, and the deca in the arm?

You could even mix them together. I have funny views on that... I just mean I would mix certain things but not others (no particualr reason). Yeah you could do it your way... just rotate injections. It's like my next big cycle will have both test e and mast e in. And I could just mix and have 2 injections per week. But I am gonna do test on tues and fri and mast on mon and thurs. I just rotate all the time. My fav places are chest, delt, glute and tri-cep. As your only gonna be doing 2 per week you only really need to have 2 injection sites. You could rotate a number. But I guess many only like doing certain areas so just pick your fav 2 and do them.

What areas have you injected in b4? The delts are a very popular area and I find them pain free. My chest is probably my fav... you do it about 2 inches above your nipple so right next to your arm pit.... but many feel weird about injecting there... I can understand why but once you do it first time that all goes away (or it did for me).

If your gonna do your arm do your tri-cep as your bi-cep can be extra dangerous. Any area can but that is one area many fuck up on. Tri-cep again is painless for me. Just flex so it stands out alot. Many like to then put a black mark on the spot next to where you inject. Then relax your arm and inject next to the black dot (not on it). Best needles for tri-cep would have to be something like 23, 25 etc and length 5/8. Of course length doesn't have to matter if you have a steady hand but with the 5/8 you should be able to put it all in. I just use 21's for everything and never had a problem... most are puzzled with that cos they are quite wide. Anyway sometimes I don't realize how much I write! Just chilling listening to some tunes. I will let you know how I find the tbol it should be here in the next 10 days.


Registered User
Mar 16, 2007

Ive done the glute and the shoulder that is really the only spots I like to hit....I use 1" 23 gauge, and I think Im gonna mix them, my friend said that he did sust/deca 2ml in all and got sick a bit, but I think ill b fine, he said that there is deca in the sust so I should do half ml of the deca to add to the sust. what do you think?


Registered User
Mar 16, 2007

what is your workout split

sat=bis and tris

what do you think?
when im on a cycle I feel if I should be doing more, cause I want to work out all the time lol


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kingleo said:
Ive done the glute and the shoulder that is really the only spots I like to hit....I use 1" 23 gauge, and I think Im gonna mix them, my friend said that he did sust/deca 2ml in all and got sick a bit, but I think ill b fine, he said that there is deca in the sust so I should do half ml of the deca to add to the sust. what do you think?

There is no deca in the sust! Unless your mate made it for you in the bath! If your planning to do 250mg test and 200mg deca than would be 1ml of each... going on 90% of brands. That would mean just 0.5ml of each for each injection (so two 1ml shots per week). I would personally up the doses alittle but you should be cool.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kingleo said:
what is your workout split

sat=bis and tris

what do you think?
when im on a cycle I feel if I should be doing more, cause I want to work out all the time lol

That looks fine. Just cause you are on AAS shouldn't mean you overtrain. I imagine you are lifting heavier so your old routine would be good. Alittle extra is good but don't go over the top as it just has a negative effect. Your muscles grow in recovery... and although recovery is faster whilst on you still need a decent amount. 4 days per week sounds good if your on and want to get good results. It shouldn't just go on the days on but the intensity whilst in the gym. In your routine each day should be about 1 hour and it is to the limit. When doing 4 days I personally prefer the Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri routine. It gives more balance then the above. I would also seperate leg and back days more and include squats on leg days and deadlifts on back day. There really is 1001 ways and endless right answers. Just make sure all your workouts are to the max and kept intense but short. Ensure you have a decent amount of sleep. Ensure you are consuming atleast 200g of protein per day (atleast). Shakes are good for that especially just after training. Your body isn't ready for a big meal just after training. I always try to have a shake straight after then a big meal with lots of protein about 1 hour later. I could really go on for hours but I will just list my routine and see what you think. Bearing in mind my routine changes most months. It is important to have stability but flexibility in your routine. So core exercises are kept in most of my routines but I swop over other movements. I will have times when I take away such things like squats and deadlifts (like I am doing now) but they will be back soon. By the way I have had a simialr routine to this for a few months but have changed it most weeks.

Mon= Back, Bicep, Calves
Tues= Chest, Tri-ceps
Thurs= Legs, Shoulders
Fri= Back, Chest, Tri-ceps

I do cardio maybe 3 days per week and those days change every week. I do abs quite alot... maybe 2-5 days per week. I have a method for my abs and it really works. You maybe thinking chest and back twice per week. But I do it in a certain way. I mainly concentrate on my lower back for the Mon back routine and my Fri is upper back. And I concentrate on my lower chest on Tues and upper on Fri. So chest tues will be stuff like dips and decline bench press and sometimes normal press. The fri chest will be incline presses and incline flies etc etc. I do 3-5 exercises for each part and 3-5 sets for each. So I should be doing approx 12 sets per bodypart. That can vary from 8 to 15 throughout the year. Oh I will be starting deadlifts and squats soon so I do them on mon (deadlifts) and thurs (squats). I alays change it about and I change actual training methods too (supersets, drop sets, lighter weights higher reps etc etc).

For you I would give the guideline of not training a bodypart more than twice per week. But once usually works best for most people. My tip is to work out each part once but if you have 1 or 2 parts you want to improve more then others then do them twice per week. But it is important to space them out effectively. An example I want to improve my calves so I do them Mon and also Thurs (my leg day).. ensuring a sufficient break in between. So do your 1 or 2 parts twice but if it feels too much just go back to once.. don't go to 3 ever. You can swop the parts you want to improve most every few months or so.

They are a few guidelines I follow. I hope it helps.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am sure you don't need any help but if you want I am happy to draw you up a gym regime for the next few months. You know I said the Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri routine is good for 4 days well you might be busy a certain day etc. So if you want me to just list the days you can go to the gym. And list 1 or 2 bodyparts you want to improve most. I know your goals are size but be fairly cut so I will use that. How many cardio sessions do you do per week? Just answer if you want me to.


Registered User
Mar 16, 2007

I usally do cardio 2 a week but i got to up it to 1 more day i just hate cardio lol....

yea fri. i cant work out, but that regimine looks good i might use that, thanks for the tips....

have you ever herd of GPL by gen-pharma labs? and if so are they good....I got sust from them


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kingleo said:
I usally do cardio 2 a week but i got to up it to 1 more day i just hate cardio lol....

yea fri. i cant work out, but that regimine looks good i might use that, thanks for the tips....

have you ever herd of GPL by gen-pharma labs? and if so are they good....I got sust from them

I believe they are a UGL. What I have read I have only heard good things... great things infact. You have to be careful with UGL's. If they are trusted then fine. But many dont sell stuff of great quality (but many do). I don't just mean relating to gains but health issues (they could give great gains but be harmful). But like I said I have only heard great things. But it is not a lab by any means. Let me know how you find it. Is it painful when injecting? I am not bothered about that but just curious of alcohol content etc etc.

I just use Alin for most of my stuff but will be using labs for many too. Gonna try Norma Hellas test e next. But again everyone has a different opinion... like my mate is on Schering test e now which is suppose to be the best around but he doesn't like it.


Registered User
Mar 16, 2007

the last time I had nutrivet and after 2 weeks I started getting boils like 3 4 and then they went away.

it was the sust 2

im gonna put 1 ml. of sust and 1 of deca in the same pin, that should b cool right?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kingleo said:
the last time I had nutrivet and after 2 weeks I started getting boils like 3 4 and then they went away.

it was the sust 2

im gonna put 1 ml. of sust and 1 of deca in the same pin, that should b cool right?

That should be cool. I am not sure of that brands dosing but I imagine 250mg/ml for sust and 200mg/ml for deca. Is that right? If it is and you want to do 250 and 200 I would do 0.5ml of each to make a 1ml injection... and do that twice weekly. But doing the 2ml injection once weekly will be fine too but I would say 2 times would be best.


Registered User
Mar 16, 2007
y do you think that would be best, what is the difference? the sust is 300 mg and the deca is 200

do you think If I take a multi-vitamin and the dbol at the same time it would b ok?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kingleo said:
y do you think that would be best, what is the difference? the sust is 300 mg and the deca is 200

do you think If I take a multi-vitamin and the dbol at the same time it would b ok?

Maybe not so much with the sust but most others things I just think 2 weekly injections work best. Obviously with short esters that would be ed, eod or e3d injections. Injecting deca once per week is fine but I would do twice. You can just use 2 different bodyparts or just do the 1 inj and you will be cool too.

A multi-vitamin is great to take... it will add to any cycle. I personally think you should be on it throughout the year. And not stop and start cos your body needs them and it is hard to get them from just eating/drinking.

I have done so much research on multi-vitamin use you know. Mainly because of all the recent reports in this country. Basically they are great but not when they superdose them like many do. So get a good one and make sure it doesn't go above 100% RDA of any particular thing. I don't know about the US but many major companies here follow that rule so are good to go. But with many others you get silly things like 5000% RDA of a particular thing. I used one in the past and it had about 40 different things and they would range from 1% to 5000%... at the time I thought on it is a good company and cost me £20 so most be good. They have been linked to early death but even if that wasn't true they simply do more damage then good. They are actually getting banned in the near future (superdosed). That went on abit! Ha... so yeah a multi-vitamin would be good.

Look into liver support... take synthegine from synthetek industries (banner on here) when on dbol. It's not a must as your dose it low but good things are also LIV-52 and Milk Thistle.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
You can usually pick from the norm or a multi-vitamin with something else (1 thing). Usually things like iron, copper, zinc etc.

My tip would be to try and find a mv with either zinc or ginseng. Zinc is good for many things (including libido) and ginseng is good for energy. You get zinc in any mv but just extra with the above. Or even find one with minerals too.