out of stuff


Registered User
Mar 16, 2007
Im gonna run out of stuff for my 8 week cycle Im on 300mg of deca, and the sust I ordered never came in so I need to more shots do you think its worth it to get 2 shots of sust for the end of the cycle? cause that is all he has


Nov 13, 2005
kingleo said:
Im gonna run out of stuff for my 8 week cycle Im on 300mg of deca, and the sust I ordered never came in so I need to more shots do you think its worth it to get 2 shots of sust for the end of the cycle? cause that is all he has

your post is very confusing, I have no idea what your asking

Also, this is a great example of why you need to have everything in hand before you start a cycle, including PCT. Remember the 6 p's

Proper Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I agree with drob completely. Are you saying you only ended up doing a 8 week deca cycle? And your source has 2 amps (shots) of sust so you was thinking about doing them at the end....:confused:

Or have you done 8 weeks of deca and sust and you wanted to do extra sust? If that is the case it's not that bad cos yojust end up doing a nice cycle there (11 weeks). You do have PCT? Please tell me you have PCT sorted. You should have all your stuff before you start a cycle unless they are not necessities.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Reading it over it sounds like you done a deca only cycle. I can't think of much worse than that alone (maybe tren alone). You should always wait till you have everything unless they are not completely needed.


Registered User
Mar 16, 2007
I know

I never do this but I booked a last minute cruise and I had extra pct plan and the deca, I was supposed to get sust too. so the question is I have 6 shots of deca and that is it, I wanted to know If I could take 2 shot of sust for the last 2 weeks of an 8 week cycle or is there no point.....? thanks


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
kingleo said:
I never do this but I booked a last minute cruise and I had extra pct plan and the deca, I was supposed to get sust too. so the question is I have 6 shots of deca and that is it, I wanted to know If I could take 2 shot of sust for the last 2 weeks of an 8 week cycle or is there no point.....? thanks

There is absolutely no point. There isn't really any point in doing the deca for 8 weeks either. Deca takes ages to properly kick in. Moreover your 1st injection would have completely shut you down. So you are shut down straightaway and you need a long cycle for it to be effective. If running deca I would say a min of 12 weeks. Usually 14 weeks is a nice amount for deca.

Good injectables for shorter cycles are stuff like test p with tren a (8 weeks) etc. Doing Sust for 2 weeks at the end is just pointless. It will unnecessarily mess you up for no proper gains. Your blood plasma will be effected plus it has an active life of 3 weeks so you end up doing a long cycle (longer recovery compared to an 8 week cycle) without getting proper gains.

I would just stop now and do a proper PCT. Or if you must do the rest of the deca and then do your PCT. I would start PCT about 8 days after your last injection. Make sure you recover properly then start a planned out cycle.... basically something with a test base.

Don't get me wrong I am one for trying different things. And you don't always have to use conventional cycles to be successful. I just think deca only is terrible. Although I have heard of people doing that before with success. It's like now I am doing tbol only but I am not even looking at it as an actual cycle (it's not a cycle). More just to see how I react to it and to give me little gains without shutting me down completely. But deca will shut you down badly so you should always take it with a test base.. then you have a good cycle.

Atleast doing this has taught you not to do it again. That way you will always be planned for future cycles. You shouldn't need that long to recover so things will be cool. You could jump back on 6-10 weeks after your PCT has finished.