Short Cycles


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have a good knowledge of cycles and the many different steroids. I am just about to start a cycle of:
Week 1-10 = Test C
Week 2-10 = Deca
Week 1-5 = Anadrol

I have HCG, Proviron and Nolvadex to be taken at the appropriate times. My main question is peoples opinions on very short cycles. I am thinking of doing one after the cycle above because I wanna do a cutting cycle before the summer and there are not enough weeks in the time up to summer (I don't wanna be on a very long bulking cycle leading up2 summer). So this short cycle would be for around Feb time.

I know test supression can be as much as 40% in the first week when using the likes of dbol. I was just wondering peoples opinions on taking dbol with a test for 2 or 3 weeks. Say you just wanted an extra 6 pounds or so after the water weight had dropped off. I am looking at this as a non competition (bodybuilding) style thinking. Meaning I don't need to have the hormonal balance throughout the year.

I know keeping the weight gained will be harder due to the short length of cycle but my thinking would be it would be worth while. And the side effects will much less due to the short time. What are your opinions? Do you feel the sides would not be much less than if I was to do a 6 week cycle. I ask also because they have sent me 100 free dbol tabs with my last order and I could do 30mg per day for 15 days. Or 25mg for 20 days. I am certain if I done it for 15-20 days I could put on about 16 pounds and keep 11. Oh what do you think would be a good protection cycle. My thinking would be about 2 weeks of Nolvadex after the test A. Even though it is a short cycle it is a precaustion and the AAS's are strong so should always be taken with some protection. I would throw in some provirnon too to help with hardening. What you guys think?

Week 1-3 Dbol and Test A
Week 2-4 Proviron
Week 2-5 Nolvadex

I know many people will just say do test alone for 6 weeks etc. But I want one just for 2/3 weeks. I reckon I would put on lots in that time too.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Im not sure Im understanding your question?

Your planning on running the cycle below correct - ???
Week 1-10 = Test C
Week 2-10 = Deca
Week 1-5 = Anadrol

Your wanting to do another "cycle" right at the end of this?
(which realy wouldnt be another....it would be extending the first one)

You lost me a bit there. Or are you just asking what people think of Short Cycles? I think they work BUT it needs to be fast acting gear.
You mentioned "Test A" a few times... Im not even sure what that is?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
rAJJIN said:
Im not sure Im understanding your question?

Your planning on running the cycle below correct - ???
Week 1-10 = Test C
Week 2-10 = Deca
Week 1-5 = Anadrol

Your wanting to do another "cycle" right at the end of this?
(which realy wouldnt be another....it would be extending the first one)

You lost me a bit there. Or are you just asking what people think of Short Cycles? I think they work BUT it needs to be fast acting gear.
You mentioned "Test A" a few times... Im not even sure what that is?

Thanks for the reply. Maybe I wasn't too clear. I am gonna do the above cycle and then do the PCT etc. Then wait for the time I was on (so about 10 weeks after PCT). So it would not be an extension but a seperate cycle with sufficient time off b4 I start it. I was meant to start the above cycle about 6 weeks ago but have been waiting on the tabs to be delivered (all the rest has come). I was planning to do a cycle of dbol with test afterwards. Then do a cutting cycle for summer. But duw to the delay for this one I can't fit in the 2nd one as there is not enough time leading up2 summer. So I was thinking about doing a short bulking cycle with dbol and test b4 the cutting one. I think it would be good for me. I just need to know the PCT people think would be best for it (my thinking would be 2/3 weeks on then 2/3 weeks on pct just to make sure).

Obviously deca or test c or e would be pointless as they need many weeks on to see effects plus they have a active life of 15-16 days. So I just wanna know do any of you guys think the side effects would be much different from a 2/3 cycle compared to a 6 week one (my last and first cycle was 6 weeks long and great). I would imagine the 2/3 weeks cycle would have minimal sides in terms of getting your test levels back to normal. Or would they take the same amount of time to get back compared to a longer cycle?

I made a mistake with the test a. I meant test propionate or even suspension. As they are fast acting (just a base for the dbol). Thanks


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Well In my opinion it Just depends....
It depends On how long your in this for (life?)
How Old a guy you are?
What exactly your goals are and will you be happy to come off and stay off?
Just trying to Stay on long enough to reach a goal then Plan to Let your body Hopefully go back to Normal?

Ask yourself this...... which is worse for your body AND your mind....????
To stay On a moderate Dose Of testosterone the entire time... and On and Off Stack Other compounds with it Thru-out your steroid "career" lol
(With Bloodwork Done to Make sure everthing is in check and Normal)

Or You can "cycle" On and Off. Some will will advise Just as you mentioned, equal time Off as what they stay on.. Constantly Over the years Going Up and Down, Jacked Up to Crashing over and over x amount of times thru-out the year(s)

My simple thinking tells Me for someone that will be in this For the biggest part of there life ( I know many that have Juiced for more then 20 years)
Option One would be the better way.
If your a younger Man that is Just Looking To add some Size and Get in and get Out (which is probably the smartest choice Honestly)
I think a Cycle here and there with proper PCT and Time off would be the best bet. I know from experience though It Just has a way Of sucking you In
and One year leads to Two...Two to Four and before you know it you started in your 20`s and Now your into your 30`s or 40`s Still Pumpin the Iron and Injecting Testosterone :smoker:

Theres a million ways to go about it. Ive learned in reality for most its Not a sprint its a Marathon. It takes year of Hardwork and serious dedication
again of course depending on your goals and when/If you ever are satisfied.

Im no Dr or Expert... Just a guy giving his opinion here.


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Boereson (sp) Was Big on short High dose Cycles.
Now His Doses were Insane so I deffinatey would never reccomend Following his doses But he did Have some intersting theories and beleifs.

Try searching for Articles from Paul Borreson(sp)
I think I may seen a few Ill try and dig up. There worth reading But again would never try those doses he mentions...Not if you care about your health.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
rAJJIN said:
Well In my opinion it Just depends....
It depends On how long your in this for (life?)
How Old a guy you are?
What exactly your goals are and will you be happy to come off and stay off?
Just trying to Stay on long enough to reach a goal then Plan to Let your body Hopefully go back to Normal?

Ask yourself this...... which is worse for your body AND your mind....????
To stay On a moderate Dose Of testosterone the entire time... and On and Off Stack Other compounds with it Thru-out your steroid "career" lol
(With Bloodwork Done to Make sure everthing is in check and Normal)

Or You can "cycle" On and Off. Some will will advise Just as you mentioned, equal time Off as what they stay on.. Constantly Over the years Going Up and Down, Jacked Up to Crashing over and over x amount of times thru-out the year(s)

My simple thinking tells Me for someone that will be in this For the biggest part of there life ( I know many that have Juiced for more then 20 years)
Option One would be the better way.
If your a younger Man that is Just Looking To add some Size and Get in and get Out (which is probably the smartest choice Honestly)
I think a Cycle here and there with proper PCT and Time off would be the best bet. I know from experience though It Just has a way Of sucking you In
and One year leads to Two...Two to Four and before you know it you started in your 20`s and Now your into your 30`s or 40`s Still Pumpin the Iron and Injecting Testosterone :smoker:

Theres a million ways to go about it. Ive learned in reality for most its Not a sprint its a Marathon. It takes year of Hardwork and serious dedication
again of course depending on your goals and when/If you ever are satisfied.

Im no Dr or Expert... Just a guy giving his opinion here.

Thanks for the thoughtful reply. I am not here to get into competitions etc. But weightlifting, exercising is a passion and I love the gym. I have the best will power and know I will still be pumping iron in my 50's. I understand what you put about 2 years turning to 3 etc. I must add I have a good knowledge of steroids and could plan out great cycles for the future. Some novices really are hopeless. They ask silly questions like what is HCG and thinking it is a strong steroid (just google it). But I am a complete novice in terms of personal experience. I understand the ideal 1st cycle would be around 10 weeks of test. But my 1st cycle was 25mg of dbol per day and trenbolone enanthate. I done that for 6 weeks and the results were great. I would say I am coming back to my normal state. I must add I noticed a few changes interms of hardness (I think you will get that). I would say that area is almost back to normal but still not the way it was (better by the week).

I will think about what you said. A possibility would be a long cycles with a a smaller dosage of test (about 500mg per week). I could use orals at certain times. And use HCG throughout to prevent the other side effect I experienced during my 1st cycle (they went about 20% of the original size!). I can see all the benefits of using test the entire time and adding in other compounds at certain times. But I think for my needs I would probably be best just having an odd cycle per year. Maybe 2 per year max. But like you said about 2 turning to 4 etc. I was thinking about my 2nd cycle when I was in the middle of the first. And I had planned my 3rd to be dbol (25mg 6 weeks) with test e (500mg 10 weeks) and deca (400mg 10 weeks). I know the danger of that sort of thinking so I will simply stop myself getting carried away (but still plan).

I am 24 by the way. I am about 6ft 2/3. I have always been of slim build but extremely toned. I weighed around 12.5st (175 pounds). I now weigh 14st (196 pounds). I am not huge by any means (I know many will laugh at that cos they are about 250) but I am very happy with my body. I am big but I never want to huge. I suppose my only insecurity is the width of my chest. I tend to look much bigger topless compared to wearing t-shirts. That is solely due to genes, my body type and height all combining. I have great routines in the gym so have noticed a huge difference in recent months. I just want to be abit bigger. I don't wanna be walking around with no neck etc. I would say the ideal body would be Ryan Reynolds and I am not too far off that. I know bodybuilders would say his is rubbish in terms of their targets etc. But I am sure they will realize for a non-competitor that is a great target.

Thanks again


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
Sound Like a smart guy, Glad to see you researching and getting a Plan.
Like I said theres Many different ways to go about.
Goodluck to ya and Nice to meet you.
Ill see if I can dig Up a few of those articles on the Short cycles.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
rAJJIN said:
Here is a good thread that more resonable and up to date IMO then
the Borresen Articles and interviews.


Its a few years Old but deffinatley some real good info in there.

Thanks alot. That link cemented all the things I already thought and I learned so much more. I just try and use logic with most things. There are good and bad points to most things. My needs are different to pro bodybuilder needs who couldn't possibily deal with the many crashes throughout the year. I always thought short cycles would be harder to keep gains just down to the obvious reasons. But I also know the huge bad effects long cycles bring.

With weighing each up I would stick with short cycles everytime. I was just unsure of the difference in test suppresion between the likes of 2, 4, 6, 8 weeks etc. Meaning if test suppresion shoots up at the start it obviously slows down dramatically. So say it took 6 weeks to fully recover from a 4 week cycle would it take 8 weeks on a 6 week cycle etc etc. They are just examples. It is obvious to me that doing cycles for even 3 weeks the recovery would be greatly reduced. I know the yo-yo effect is not good but I don't plan to do 5 cycles per year etc. I know that if I done a 3 week cycle of say 25mg dbol per day and 500 test p or s my gains would be good and I would keep most of them. I know the many benefits for 12+ week cycles but to me it would not be worth it because gains would not be greatly improved. Not to mention the build up of cortisol over the months. I think there is a price to pay for playing with your hormones for such long periods. Just like with anything if you do it for long enough you get used to it so if your doing 500mg of test for 20 weeks your body may never recover from it (back to your natural state). I know that can be true for short cycles too but I would much rather be doing 6 weeks on and lots of off time than having it in my system for over 1/2 of the year.

I am gonna use gear like I use training regimes. I believe the key is to trick the body into growing. Like you change your routine to trick your muscles to grow (higher weight, more reps, always evolving). I am gonna do the same with gear. But have enough time to normalize so my body actual knows what normal is (or near to it). I think if your on gear for 20/30 weeks your body will lose track of just what normal is.

The body fights off gains (it doesn't add to them naturally) so I would surely want to change my routine and provide sufficient recovery time. Thanks for all your help. Is it Rajjin? My name is Kev by the way. I had other profile but done this one instead simply because I used my real name (not the best idea).


Aug 28, 2005
ive never been a fan of the short high dose cycles even after trying them myself and with other clienst the results were never as good as a longer term moderate dose AAS cycle.