Summer 2019


Mar 22, 2014
When bulking I usually eat 2 bowls of cereal per day. But my bowls are not what most people have. I can go through a box of cereal in 2 big bowls. That can be 400g carbs just in cereal. It's fine for me but when you add the milk plus if it's nut muesli a lot of added fat so it can be too much. I was super bloated before starting this log and that was from going through loads of nut muesli and full fat milk.

I agree though cereal can be a great source of carbs even when dieting if you know what you're doing and use common sense. Even the kids cereal can be very low fat and high carbs so ideal post workout. As long as someone processes/digests it well it's a great choice and very satisfying. I like rice krispies or coco krispies but there are so many. Right now I have a shredded wheat type cereal with frosting on so a good mix of slower/faster carbs and fibre. I usually put blueberries in the bowl as well and it goes great with dairy, coconut, rice or cashew milk. I prefer coconut milk as it's so low in calories. Cashew is nice but it's essentially fat and sugar and next to no protein so not ideal.
Entire box? Been there, done that. That was part of the reason for all of my IBS like symptoms.

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Registered User
Sep 28, 2018
I was bulking and it was going great but I just lost motivation which is not like me. I always train hard but started eating loads of cereal and started suffering from digestion issues. Some nights the distention was crazy bad. It's time to start feeling good and dropping some weight in all the right places. I do this for fun so if I am not feeling good it's pointless.

I started a keto diet today just for a change and to challenge myself. My main aim is to get my waist down and hopefully I can knock off approx 3 inches in the next few weeks. I will make adjustments a long the way and will reintroduce carbs at some point. So for the foreseeable future my meals will consist of the following foods:

Beef Mince



Whole Eggs




Broccoli and Green beans etc.

Mixed nuts (pecans, walnuts, macadamias, almonds)

90%+ Dark Chocolate

Low net carb berries such as blackberries and raspberries.


I recently started a new cycle and started at 30mg test p, 20mg tren a and 20mg mast p per day. I am now up to 40mg test p, 30mg tren a and 30mg mast p. I also added in avar at 40mg preworkout a few days ago. I won't go much higher simply due to the sides going against results. I have to be careful with tren and I feel crap on higher test. I am thinking max doses of approx 50mg test p, 50mg tren a, 40mg mast p and 60mg avar. I have 1 kit of Genotrope and I wish I could run 5iu+ per day but I simply get too tired on it. I will add in 1iu very soon and see how I am at that dose in 2 weeks. Last time 4iu then 2iu per day was too much for me. I will probably add in LR3 later in the summer as it's the one thing I can high dose with great results and minimal side effects.

Training has been brutal recently and a Push, Pull, Leg routine. Bascially going as heavy as possible in different rep ranges but usually between 6-15 for most working sets. I will start something new soon I just need to draw it up and I will post all the details very soon. Below is what legs looked like yesterday. Please note I wanted to hit calves extra hard that day and I also trained in a gym that has a great seated leg curl so I decided to focus just on that movement for hams. My new split will have legs split up in the week which I prefer for me.

Seated Calf Raises... 4 working sets with the last being a massive drop set.

Standing Calf Raises... 4 working sets with the last being a drop set (1 drop halving the weight but doubling the reps).

Tibialis Raises... 1 working set.

Glute Raises... 1 working set for each side.

Seated Hamstring Curl... 4 working sets with the last being a massive drop set.

Hack Squat (2 different foot placements) supersetted with Leg Extensions... 4 working sets.

I am using 3ml synthetine at the moment and I plan to add in syntheselen soon. Obviously no carbs and no slin either for the next few weeks. I have 2 bottles of synthelator to play about with at the end and will do before and after pics for that. Syntherol will be added as I want my arms to really stand out especially as I get leaner and leaner. More on that later.

Whey protein has started to bloat me more so I may just do EAA's only and will drink them between all meals. I have loads of different brands coming and will post about that when I receive. I also have various preworkouts coming to play about with as well. I don't use many fatburners (synthetine and tren are great) but I do have some Animal Cuts in my cupboard and used 1 pack preworkout today.

It's time to get ripped. Here is a pic I had taken earlier in the gym after training back...


Looking nice my fellow steel worker!!!! Keep it up

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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
You have tightened up. I am buying some vodka :D How tall are you?

I am 6ft 2.

Entire box? Been there, done that. That was part of the reason for all of my IBS like symptoms.

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Yes the entire box. I think many of us are the same. I could do 3000 calories of nut muesli in 20 mins and love every second of it :D

Looking nice my fellow steel worker!!!! Keep it up

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Thanks. Although those are my starting pics. I just posted new pics on the last page.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
So much to update. Obviously I went to Marbella and had fun. I then went back to Spain for just over 1 week and had a more relaxed holiday. Although I did go out twice and one night was very heavy. I trained twice whilst I was there which consisted of 2 massive full body workouts.

Since I got back I decided not to stress about things and just ate what I wanted. So mostly clean food but I would have post workout cereal and quite a lot of fruit juice some days. The problem is I got ill probably due to the weakened immune system from all the partying. I never get sick ever but 5 days of no sleep and drinking definitely weakened me. I felt it in Marbella and had a bad cough for over 2 weeks afterwards. Then I developed a bad fever but tried to push through for a few days I was quite bad. So I concentrated on resting and taking in quality food and I am feeling better now and planning the rest of my summer.

For me I looked great the other week considering everything. The introduction of more carbs had me fuller and with the stress free approach I seemed to thrive. Being really sick knocked me a little but right now things are gtg and I plan to start dieting again. Moderate carbs and protein with low fat. I also plan to increase my daily activity in the form of walking Flex daily in a local woodland area (full of hills).

My gear is low right now and I am using 150mg test e and 75mg mast p e3d's (well usually e4d's). I am using the mast p just to use it up but I pick up mast e very soon. So I will move over to 150mg mast e e3d's and probably up the test to 300mg e3d's. I also have adrol and winny coming and plan to use 50mg and 25mg daily for approx 5 weeks. I want to finish the summer with a bang.

My strength is down but most of my workouts in the last month have been pump based. However I have pushed the intensity recently and incorporated some heavy sets. It's a complete mix though full of different techniques and it's feeling great. My split has been...

Chest, Shoulders, Tri-ceps
Back, Biceps

Calves and abs are trained when I want. One rotation calves were done with legs and chest etc. The next they were done with just the back day. My volume has been lower recently and some training days are very basic with minimal movements. I am starting to up things though. My last 2 training sessions looked like...

Seated Calf Raises supersetted with Standing Calf Raise... 5 sets
Machine Glute Raises... 3 sets each side.
Leg Abductor/Abbuctor... 3 sets each.
Seated Leg Curls supersetted with Lying Leg Curls... 5 sets
Hack Squats... 5 sets
Vertical Leg Press... 3 sets
Leg Extensions... 3 sets

I use a mix of weights for calves but recently have generally used much lighter weight. Really slowing down the reps and pausing at the top and bottom. I do that with higher weight as well but I like the feeling and it's going great. Calve training was brutal. The glute and abductor/adductor work was nothing crazy but will be in the future. The seated leg curls were brutal and I feel safe going all out of them. The lying was more just to pump as much blood in there and to finish off but with a relatively light weight. Hack squats I done 15 reps moving up in weight. The 4th set was hard and the last one was brutal. The vertical leg press was a relatively light weight but approx 20 slow reps. I rested approx 20 secs and done another set to failure and repeated for the 3rd set. This was the hardest I have pushed things in a long time and I was on the floor shaking. Leg extensions to finish just to pump blood in there and I used light weight. So not every movement I am going all out and I save myself for certain sets.

I have to be careful with squats though. If I train like I have I minimize any injury risk and would be shocked if I ever get injured. I want to improve my quads though and decided to incorporate a squat movement and see how I get on. It's an old school hack squat machine with a weight rack and you have to pump up the rack using a hand pump. It feels very heavy though even with just a standard weight rack. Anyway when doing my shoes today I felt my lower back nearly go so I know to be careful. I actually can barely walk today so know I pushed it.

Earlier I trained shoulders, chest and tri-ceps. I don't want to put too many pressing movements in one session. As a result a lot of my shoulder work in the foreseeable future will be a variety of lateral raises. I want to work on my median delts. My front delt gets hit hard with my chest pressing and I was overdoing my overall pressing volume so gonna back off a little.

Shoulders, Chest and Tri-ceps
Warm ups
Partial DB Lateral Raises... 4 sets of 20 reps going up in weight.
Incline Bench Lateral Raise... 4 sets of approx 12 reps going up in weight.
Cable Lateral Raises... 4 sets of approx 8 reps.
Incline Bench Chest Flyes... 3 sets of approx 15 reps.
TG Chest Press... approx 5 hard sets.
Machine Flyes... approx 3 hard sets.
Machine Press... 1 set.
Tri-cep Pushdowns... pump sets then 1 hard drop set.
Machine Dips supersetted with Standing Overhead EZ Bar Tri-cep Extensions... 3 sets.

The shoulder work felt great today. The incline chest flyes were mainly to open my chest up before the heavy pressing. My strength is down but I pushed the pressing to the max. Failure sets at different weights. I can press 5-6 pps on most plate loaded machine for approx 10 reps but this machine is very heavy. So I maxed out at 3pps whereas it's usually 4pps. I also like to use pauses on these presses. So I will fail then usually rest for 15 secs and narrow my grip and go again. The machine flyes were brutal with a moderate weight but slow reps with full stretch and paused contraction. I done 1 set of machine presses with no rest after the last set of flyes. That consisted of approx 8 reps using a pronated grip and then about 7 (to failure) using a neutral grip. Pushdowns were 1 set with the full weight rack for 10 reps then half the rack for 20 reps. Machine dips with a decent (nothing crazy) weight for 15 slow/controlled reps then the overhead extensions to failure.

Post workout today I had 2 scoops of synthepure, oats, banana, frozen berries and almond milk. Then about 1 hour later I had chicken with a salad drizzled in olive oil and apple cider vinegar with 6 rice cakes on the side. My next meal was cottage cheese with blackberries, kiwi and organic lemon juice.

Gonna carry on training hard and upping things as I move a long. Time to get serious again. I will post some updated pics soon.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I trained back tonight. I wanted to do abs but my lower back is tight so left them out. If I train like I have I am 99% sure I wouldn't get injured even going crazy with certain movements. That's because I decided to never rack pull or deadlift (etc) again. Squats is another problem movement for me and adding in those hack squats the other day has resulted in this tightness. I want to do them 2moro for legs again but I will be smart. I enjoyed them though so will just be careful and will likely add them in every 2 rotations.

Nutrition has been different tonight (just ate what I wanted). Post workout I had 300g beef mince by itself. Then about 90 mins later I had a bowl of wholegrain cheerios with almond milk. It's been about 30 mins and I plan to have another 300g beef mince in about an hour. I will probably end the day with some cottage cheese, blueberries/blackberries and lemon juice as it's a fav of mine.

I am going to start taking away mince meat meals and replacing them with chicken breast for a change plus it's less fat. I tend to get between 7-15% fat. I will also be slightly lowering fat consumption from other areas as well (less whole eggs). Cereal will just be post workout now as well. Basically mod protein/carbs and low fat but nothing complicated and something easy for me to stick to. I like rice cakes as they involve no cooking, they fill me up and mentally I prefer them to eating rice. So they will be utilized a lot with lean protein meals. I have iodized salt on all my rice cakes as well. I am also a fan of bags of frozen Asian vegetables. Occasionally I will throw in a salad with some added fat. I like to do a combo of olive oil and apple cider vinegar as a salad dressing. I will still have my smoothies which now are always synthepure, oats, mixed berries, banana (if pre/post workout) and coconut or almond milk. It's time to sharpen up for the rest of summer.

Tomorrow I pick up my aas and finally my supplement order after 3 months. So I will add in EAA's between all meals and have some new preworkouts to try out. I will add in 50mg adrol and 25mg winny tomorrow. Plus I have decided I will start dosing 250mg test and 150mg mast e3d's. I will up that to 300mg test and 200mg mast later on. I don't want anything too complicated or toxic and that is plenty for the look I want to attain. I may even lower the test if I start feeling lethargic which is not uncommon for me with higher test.

From tomorrow I will also add in 3ml synthetine pre workout and 4ml synthergine per day due to the addition of adrol/winny. My health supps are minimal right now and I will go over that in a later post.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Feb 19, 2018
I trained back tonight. I wanted to do abs but my lower back is tight so left them out. If I train like I have I am 99% sure I wouldn't get injured even going crazy with certain movements. That's because I decided to never rack pull or deadlift (etc) again. Squats is another problem movement for me and adding in those hack squats the other day has resulted in this tightness. I want to do them 2moro for legs again but I will be smart. I enjoyed them though so will just be careful and will likely add them in every 2 rotations.

Nutrition has been different tonight (just ate what I wanted). Post workout I had 300g beef mince by itself. Then about 90 mins later I had a bowl of wholegrain cheerios with almond milk. It's been about 30 mins and I plan to have another 300g beef mince in about an hour. I will probably end the day with some cottage cheese, blueberries/blackberries and lemon juice as it's a fav of mine.

I am going to start taking away mince meat meals and replacing them with chicken breast for a change plus it's less fat. I tend to get between 7-15% fat. I will also be slightly lowering fat consumption from other areas as well (less whole eggs). Cereal will just be post workout now as well. Basically mod protein/carbs and low fat but nothing complicated and something easy for me to stick to. I like rice cakes as they involve no cooking, they fill me up and mentally I prefer them to eating rice. So they will be utilized a lot with lean protein meals. I have iodized salt on all my rice cakes as well. I am also a fan of bags of frozen Asian vegetables. Occasionally I will throw in a salad with some added fat. I like to do a combo of olive oil and apple cider vinegar as a salad dressing. I will still have my smoothies which now are always synthepure, oats, mixed berries, banana (if pre/post workout) and coconut or almond milk. It's time to sharpen up for the rest of summer.

Tomorrow I pick up my aas and finally my supplement order after 3 months. So I will add in EAA's between all meals and have some new preworkouts to try out. I will add in 50mg adrol and 25mg winny tomorrow. Plus I have decided I will start dosing 250mg test and 150mg mast e3d's. I will up that to 300mg test and 200mg mast later on. I don't want anything too complicated or toxic and that is plenty for the look I want to attain. I may even lower the test if I start feeling lethargic which is not uncommon for me with higher test.

From tomorrow I will also add in 3ml synthetine pre workout and 4ml synthergine per day due to the addition of adrol/winny. My health supps are minimal right now and I will go over that in a later post.
Hatfield Squats if you have a safety bar.

They are so much better on my lower back and knees then a traditional squat. I haven't done a regular Bb squat in ages


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Hatfield Squats if you have a safety bar.

They are so much better on my lower back and knees then a traditional squat. I haven't done a regular Bb squat in ages

Thank you. Matey even hack squats in a machine are a problem :eek::D I have tried everything. I can do belt or db squats but I still have to be super careful. It often gets to the point even with those movements I think I can't push the intensity enough to elicit worthwhile gains so even they are stopped. The negatives far outweigh the potential positives.

I like the hack squat with the back rest because I can really push without fear. The issue is even with that is how my back will be the next day. I wouldn't even attempt any free bar squat these days though. The same for rack pulls (or deadlifts) even with the pins above my knees.

To be fair things have been going good. I just wanted to improve my quads so figured I would give them another go. It's playing with fire though. I don't even have big goals now in regards to growing. So I will see how things feel after a 2nd day of hack squats and go from there. I would rather be able to train injury free and make decent gains than keep on injuring myself for a maybe an extra 5% in my quads. I made the same decision with rack pulls etc and literally won't do them again. After 15 times of injuring my back over 5 years retrying the same movements I need to be sensible and strong minded and not make the same mistake again. Plus even if I start rack pulling 8 plates a side I honestly don't think it would improve my back that much.

I am working on things to help matters though including improve hip, ankle and well all body flexibility. That includes daily stretching and foam rolling. I am also trying to strengthen my abs, hips and glutes etc. Even lowering shots to my glutes incase the inflammation and swelling could lead to added tightness in the hip area that could effect my lower back. I will start seeing a physio again as well. Plus just working on my agility and general fitness more. Trying to cover all bases but missing the basic/obvious thing of finding out what exactly is going on in there right now. I will try to sort out an MRI scan it's just awkward where I live. It would make interesting viewing though :eek:


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Slight change of plan and instead of 50mg adrol and 25mg winny I have added in 50mg proviron and 25mg winny. On top of will be 250mg test and 150mg mast e e3d's. Pre workout will be 3ml synthetine. I may up things gradually in the form of 300mg test, 200mg mast, 50mg winny (if my joints are ok) and 4-5ml synthetine.

My nutrition today has consisted of...

10g eaa's in water.
Chicken, asian vegetables and rice.
Intra (20g eaa's and 25g carbs).
Synthepure, oats, banana, mixed berries and almond milk.
10g eaa's in water.
Chicken, asian vegetables and rice.
10g eaa's in water.
Cottage cheese, grapes, blueberries and lemon juice.

Training has been great the last 2 days. Although each time I had to push it mentally.

Seated Calf Raises... 4 working sets
Tibialis Raises... 2 working sets (high reps).
Glute Raises... 1 working set each side.
Seated Leg Curl... 3 working sets (higher reps).
Lying Leg Curls... 1 working drop set.
Hip Adductor... 1 working set.
Vertical Leg Press... 4 working sets. The last 3 going up in weight each set with approx 20 secs rest between.
Leg Press (quad focused)... 3 working sets.

Shoulders, Chest and Tri-ceps
Warm up with db's.
Standing DB Partial Lateral Raises... 4 sets of 20 reps going up in weight.
Incline Bench DB Lateral Raise... 4 sets of approx 15 reps going up in weight.
Cable Lateral Raises... 3 sets of approx 8 reps.
High Incline Smith Press... 1 working drop set (3, 2.5, 2, 1.5 and 1pps) with dead stops.
Flat DB Press... 1 working drop set (just 1 drop).
Incline Bench Cable Flyes... 2 working sets.
Standing Cable Press... 1 working set (higher reps).
Tri-cep Underhand Pushdown... 1 working set.
Tri-cep Overhand Pushdown... 1 working set.
Machine Overhead Extension... 1 working set.
Flat Bench DB Tri-cep Extension... 3 working sets rotating right to left with no rest.
(Tri-ceps took me about 5 mins total).

Tomorrow will be back, biceps and abs :)

Today I also got up and took 1 scoop of Utopia by De Novo Nutrition then took Flex out on a 90 min walk (hills).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have ate out a few times recently. Not ideal but I kept things sensible and adjusted calories (if needed) for later in the day. The rest of my meals have been very similar to what I posted the other day.

My libido has gone up since adding in proviron etc. Nothing great to report just yet but it hasn't been long. My joint are ok so far using 25mg winny.

Generally my training volume is lower now. I aim for about 2 off days per week as well. I had a great back workout the other day. I am really focusing on form with my back and have lowered the weight for some movements to enable perfect execution. The same for calves as well and it's working well. I incorporate various techniques so go heavy as well but I am thinking less about the weight and more about making the muscle work as much as possible and minimizing any momentum etc.

Earlier I started with seated calf raises and as the above mentioned fairly low weight but perfect reps. I started supersetting them with calf presses on the horizontal leg press (with straight legs). For the calf presses I went up to the full weight rack. Then some hip adductors and finished with 1 working set with the full weight rack. Then it was sumo stance leg press and making sure I go as low as possible. I only went up to 6 plates per side for those but higher reps and I supersetted those with leg curls as well. I even added 1 set of glute raises after one set as well. Then the horizontal leg press using a close stance and some brutal sets. For those I kept the rom fairly limited but constant tension on the quads and heavy weight for high reps. I supersetted the last few sets with some leg extensions. Not heavy weight on the leg extensions but enough to get an insane pump. The pump in my legs today was insane and I can see they are improving.

Post workout I had steak with Asian vegetables and 7 rice cakes (with added salt)...


Here is one of my cottage cheese bowls...


Tomorrow will be shoulders, chest and tri-ceps. I plan to do the same as last time for shoulders but just push the intensity/weight. I will also transition into an incline press (shoulders/chest) again then probably some flyes and a machine press movement. Tri-ceps maybe some pushdowns and floor skull crushers with dead stops.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
A very eventful week. Flex was in a freak accident and was weirdly ok (landed hard on concrete) but went into shock later that night and I had to take him to the emergency vets at 1am. He is back to his normal self now so all is good.

I had some great training sessions. More of the same and really focusing on form and feeling the muscle work through the entire range of motion. I also tried a new gym one day as I got a trial code for 1 day. It's a very nice gym but not for bodybuilders. You know the new age fitness type of gym. It had just 8 machines with 2 cable stations but a free weight area. It had the brand new technogym kinesis machines that feel good. The problem is they are not heavy at all. I had trained back the day before but due to the lack of equipment and it being a new gym I basically done everything. I wanted to just go for pump but the full weight rack on all the kinesis stuff is easy to do for high reps.

Obviously if I could free bar squat/deadlift etc the new gym would be better for me but even so it is limited. The db's only went up to 24kg as well which apart from a few hotel gyms is the lowest I have ever come across. Nevertheless I really liked the gym and may even join. I have 2 gym memberships and one runs out soon so may add this in for my 2nd gym. I want to start doing more cardio and this gym would be perfect for that. A big bonus is it has a slay with fake grass so I stuck 120kg on there and just destroyed myself for about 20 mins instead of doing conventional cardio. It also has some great cardio equipment and a decent kinesis squat/step up machine.

One weird thing about this new gym when I checked the membership contract it stated they don't want any doping. If you are suspected of taking "stimulants or other banned substances" they will drug test you. Moreover if you fail they will cancel your membership and may even report you to the police. I doubt they would be bothered and I would be fine as long as I am not in a vest grunting doing deadlifts. Although just the very cheek of that statement and the discrimination makes me think don't join just out of principle.

I also had a hand tattoo done and was told no gym for 2 weeks. I left it for 3 days but trained legs and abs earlier. I want my hand to heal properly to minimize fading/damage so I will stick to legs again in 2 days time. Even typing on the computer makes it burn so I want to keep it as relaxed as possible. Training legs with machines is fine though and any plate loading can be done with my left hand.

Today was a simple workout that consisted of warm ups using cables, seated calf raises, calf presses, glute raises, standing leg curls, hip adductors, leg press, leg extensions, lying ab crunches, leg raises, seated ab crunches and stretches. I used a mixture of weights and trained hard but nothing crazy but it felt good.

I have been to a few dinners recently so my diet fell off but I reduced calories for the rest of those days. Now things will be more consistent and restrictive to catch up so I can attain the look I have in my head by the end of September.

Tomorrow (this post is getting too long) I will post about new supplements and new food product I have added which is perfect for dieting. I also need to post some updated pics when I get the chance. Here is my hand tattoo...



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things are good but my hand is so itchy it's really annoying. It's worse than getting the actual tattoo. It's just started to peel today which is normal. I trained earlier and it was legs again. I don't want to grip anything until my hand is healed more so no upper body training. I also added in standard cardio for the first time in awhile. I plan to add in more cardio solely for fitness/health and for something new.

When doing cardio I prefer to go for it and sweat a lot. I can't do steady state on a low setting for 1 hour for example. I have limited time so I would rather just take Flex on a fun walk instead of doing that. So when doing cardio in a gym I like doing intervals or a moderate-high intensity for 10-30 mins. As I posted above I done slay pushing the other day with a moderate weight (120kg) and I love doing that as it hits everything. I plan to incorporate that atleast once per week after I join that gym next week.

My workout today was very basic but felt good...

Bike for 10 mins to warm up.
Seated Calf Raises.
Leg Press Calf Presses.
Leg Press (very wide stance with feet low).
Leg Press (close stance with feet low).
Leg Extensions.
Ab Crunches (centre, right and left).
Quick Stretching.
Bike for 20 mins (just level 5 but fast paced for the entire duration).

Here are the supps I received recently...

I have opened 3 tubs of aminos so far and they all taste great. They include:

Like a Pro EAA's Cherry Limeade.
Like a Pro EAA's Peach Rings.
Alex & Sledge The Grind Unicorn Blood (rainbow sherbet).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am now consuming 4-5 meals per day. Usually 2 meat meals per day which I rotate between lean beef/chicken mince or chicken breast. I usually have them with asian stir fry vegetables and/or a small amount of rice cakes. Occasionally if I want higher carbs I have pasta or rice. I do also buy bags of turkey breast meat and throw them in occasionally either alone or with rice cakes or whole grain bread. I usually have 2 meals that consist of quark, yoghurt or cottage cheese with some type of fruit. I throw in smoothies occasionally as well in the form of 50g protein from synthepure, oats, mixed berries, almond milk and either a banana, kiwi or apple. A treat I have occasionally post workout is cereal with coconut milk and that's usually with a protein shake or lean meat before or after.

My meals consist of the above and I simply rotate them in depending upon mood. Most days it's 4 whole food meals and usually 2 meat ones and 1-2 yoghurt style with 0-1 smoothies. I also have EAA's between most meals and that's when I take in most of my fluids. As posted previously I have an EAA intra shake as well. Depending upon the workout planned and/or carb intake prior I may add in a small amount of intra carbs as well. At the moment that's 25g from Axe & Sledge's demo day but I did have 37.5g when I trained legs the other day. My fat intake is currently low but I do add some higher days sparingly (avocado, eggs, olive/coconut oil and mixed nuts etc). I also have 1 serving of Animal Omega pre bed everynight.

Below is what I have been eating a lot recently and have 10 tubs in my fridge right now. Per tub it's 48g protein, 16g carbs and 0.4g fat and I usually add in a piece of fruit or approx 200g blueberries/blackberries.



AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things have been good. Training has been a complete mixture. I am enjoying cardio now and performed slay pushing twice last week as well. I am doing all of this more for health and less about the way I look. I will try to progress in cardio timing and also weights (slay pushing) over time. My weightlifting volume is lower than in the past but still plenty. Although somedays I go in and my workouts are very basic for me. Tonight was a prime example of a basic workout. Recently when I haven't been in the mood to train I have allowed myself an off day but tonight I forced myself. Although I ended up having a great session but kept it basic so I could just concentrate on a few movements.

Machine Glute Raises... 3 hard (not failure) sets each side.
Ham focused Leg Press rotated with Quad focused Leg Press... 14 hard sets so 7 sets each.
Leg Extensions... 2 drop sets.
Seated Calf Raises supersetted with Calf Presses... 3 working sets.
Abs for 10 mins.

I had a higher carb day today as I felt like some cereal and more fruit. I have also had 2 beef meals with asian vegetables. One quark meal with 200g blueberries. One smoothie with synthepure, oats, mixed berries, banana and almond milk.

I added in 20mg halo pre workout and noticed the androgenic sides straightaway. I felt a little bump in aggression and have had some spots (acne) on my face recently but nothing bad. I also lowered my test dose and upped my mast dose. I will see how I am in 1 week but may change things around slightly (more on that later). I don't even think what day I inject but aim for every 4 days or so. So this is my dose every 8 or so days but let's call it per week...

Test E 300mg per week.
Mast E 400mg per week.
Winny 25mg per day.
Proviron 50mg per day.
Halo 20mg per day.
Synthetine 3ml preworkout.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
How do you find the Like a Pro eaa's?

They are great. They are high dosed and contain all EAA's. I haven't tried pineapple yet but both the cherry lime and peach rings taste great. I also like the 5g glutamine addded to each serving as I planned to add that in as well so it saves me the hassle.


Donating Member
Feb 19, 2019
Things have been good. Training has been a complete mixture. I am enjoying cardio now and performed slay pushing twice last week as well. I am doing all of this more for health and less about the way I look. I will try to progress in cardio timing and also weights (slay pushing) over time. My weightlifting volume is lower than in the past but still plenty. Although somedays I go in and my workouts are very basic for me. Tonight was a prime example of a basic workout. Recently when I haven't been in the mood to train I have allowed myself an off day but tonight I forced myself. Although I ended up having a great session but kept it basic so I could just concentrate on a few movements.

Machine Glute Raises... 3 hard (not failure) sets each side.
Ham focused Leg Press rotated with Quad focused Leg Press... 14 hard sets so 7 sets each.
Leg Extensions... 2 drop sets.
Seated Calf Raises supersetted with Calf Presses... 3 working sets.
Abs for 10 mins.

I had a higher carb day today as I felt like some cereal and more fruit. I have also had 2 beef meals with asian vegetables. One quark meal with 200g blueberries. One smoothie with synthepure, oats, mixed berries, banana and almond milk.

I added in 20mg halo pre workout and noticed the androgenic sides straightaway. I felt a little bump in aggression and have had some spots (acne) on my face recently but nothing bad. I also lowered my test dose and upped my mast dose. I will see how I am in 1 week but may change things around slightly (more on that later). I don't even think what day I inject but aim for every 4 days or so. So this is my dose every 8 or so days but let's call it per week...

Test E 300mg per week.
Mast E 400mg per week.
Winny 25mg per day.
Proviron 50mg per day.
Halo 20mg per day.
Synthetine 3ml preworkout.

Hey Elvia, glad your training is going well. I was wondering why you include the winny in a stack that already has a fair bit of DHT type aas (mast and proviron)? What benefits do you feel it conveys for you that the others don't already provide?

By the way, how do you like halo? I used it once in the past and absolutely loved it. Probably made the biggest improvement on my mood and workout energy levels of anything I've ever taken.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Hey Elvia, glad your training is going well. I was wondering why you include the winny in a stack that already has a fair bit of DHT type aas (mast and proviron)? What benefits do you feel it conveys for you that the others don't already provide?

By the way, how do you like halo? I used it once in the past and absolutely loved it. Probably made the biggest improvement on my mood and workout energy levels of anything I've ever taken.

It's funny you posted this as I have just dropped the proviron. I have wrote out a post and will copy it below. There was no real thought that went into my cycle. Just simply picking things I can run without nasty side effects. I have been fine but I didn't realize my skin would react so poorly to all the DHT deriatives. My thought process was simply I will run test and mast. No tren as last time I dropped it and all my sides disappeared and test and mast felt fine. Proviron and masteron is not really needed but figured just add them in. I didn't want to use avar as I did last time. Winny I generally hate due to it's effects on the joints but I figured let's just try it at a low dose. Plus halo just to add something strong. I was thinking dry dry dry so the reason for my choices.

Sometimes I can be very scientific in my approach but most of the time I literally just do anything. People over complicate this stuff and there really is no need. Although it probably was a little overkill but I wanted my total mg's to be half decent as I am very limited to what I can run without getting nasty side effects. I don't want to really up the doses of anything I am using. I may up the winny to 50mg but time will tell.

The halo I am very happy with. I think that's the main thing causing the acne but it's not that bad and I have noticed a big difference since adding it in so that was definitely staying. I chose between the proviron and winstrol and I think I am getting more from the winny in this cycle. So I figured nothing major but just drop some of the androgenic properties of this cycle and see how I am. All in all I am happy though and things are starting to come to life now :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Lot's to update. I am not happy with acne on my face. I don't usually get acne (especially like this) but I don't usually take so many DHT derivatives so I will drop one. I have decided to drop the 50mg proviron. It was that or the 25mg winny. My joints are dry as fuck but they are ok and I think mg/mg I am getting more from the winny. Halo is still at 20mg and I can see the difference since adding that in so that is definitely staying. I only have 50 tabs so I will just stick with 20mg for 25 days.

My diet today...

Cottage Cheese, grapes and blueberries with lemon juice.
1 serving of Like a PRO EAA's in water.
Chicken, rice and greens.
1 serving of Like a PRO EAA's in water.
Oats, coconut whey and banana made with coconut milk.
TRAIN... 2 servings of Like a PRO EAA's in water.
Chicken, rice and greens.
1 serving of Like a PRO EAA's.
High Protein yoghurt with blackberries and raspberries.
1 serving of Like a PRO EAA's with 1 serving of Animal Omega.

I have trained the last 3 days and it's been a complete mixture. 1st day was shoulder, chest, triceps and cardio in my new gym...

Warm Up.
DB Partial Lateral Raises.
Incline Bench DB Lateral Raises.
Cable Lateral Raises.
Seated Barbell Presses.
Machine Kinetic Presses (different angles).
Standing Cable Press supersetted with Chest Dips.
Standing Close Grip Bench (long bar attached to either side of cable station).
Tri-cep Pushdowns.
15 mins on Stepper.

I didn't want to train on my back day but forced myself and glad I did. I went to my other gym as it has good equipment. Recently for back I have been going much lighter using perfect form and a slow rep speed just to change things up. However this night and wanted to be explosive and used much faster reps. Not gonna list my workout as I went mental and done about 8 back movements fairly quickly. Literally Branch Warren style and I went very heavy. More of the same for bi-ceps and then I finished with 20 mins on the stair master. I was a complete mess at the end.

My leg training recently has been a complete mixture. I feel safe on leg presses so have used that as my main quad movement. I use a combination of 2 styles of reps including as deep as possible with a wider stance and a more partial rom with constant tension on the quads. My glutes and hams were sore for days after my last leg press session (see above). Anyway today was legs in my new gym which is very limited (especially with my lower back issues) but it felt good.

Warm Up.
Supersets of Cable Glute raises, cable hip abductors, cable hip adductors and cable knee raises.
Standing Barbell Calf Raises.
Seated DB Calf Raises. Great movement and I place a db above my knee area. I lead forward pushing down on the db to add resistance and perform reps one side at a time. When I am failing I stop the added resistance and carry on with the db only. I also use different angles starting with my foot closer to the bench and move forward as I fatigue.
Lying DB Leg Curls.
Cable Leg Curls.
Machine Kinetic Squats supsersetted with quad focused lunges.
Hanging Knee/Leg Raises.
20 mins on the stepper.

I am enjoying the cardio I am doing now. I try to make it as productive as possible. An example is on the stepper today I am always aware of my leg muscles. For a few mins I will concentrate mainly on my hams and glutes and squeezing them on every step. Then I swop over to my tip toes and squeeze my calves on every step. I try to make it as hard as possible and spent a decent amount of time on level 25 so by the end of it my legs were so pumped up and I was a mess.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Things are coming to life now. My gf come the gym with me so I got some very quick pics done. I will be leaner and much drier in a few weeks so don't go too much by these pics. Things are starting to change fast now though so I expect to make some good changes in the next few weeks. Mainly my waist will come in more and I will be tighter/drier in general.

I hadn't ate much before the gym today and made the mistake of taking a strong preworkout. This has happened before and by the time I was near my gym I could feel myself going hypo (no insulin). There is literally 1 place to eat nearby which is McDonalds. Fuck having a sugary drink I got a chicken legend burger, fries with sweet and sour sauce and an apple pie for dessert. My hands were shaking eating so it was good I was so close to somewhere. So no more strong preworkouts unless I have ate some solid meals beforehand. I did enjoy the McDonalds but I couldn't stop farting (very bloated now) in the gym afterwards :eek::D

Today was shoulders, chest and tri-ceps. Basically very similar to my last workout. I added in a drop set of plate front raises going from 25kg, 20kg, 15kg and 10kg. No barbell shoulder presses but I did start chest with some incline presses. I also added in some db presses and flies but the db's only go to 24kg so lot's of slow and controlled reps with pauses at the bottom. Chest was finished with some machine kinetic presses supersetted with chest dips. Tri-ceps included standing close grip bench (long bar between 2 cables), tri-cep pushdowns and overhead tri-cep extensions.

Here is 1 pic but expect a much sharper (and less hairy and sweaty :eek:) me in a few weeks...