Synovex Conversion (Pics)


Sep 21, 2007
By: Lord Humungous

Note: This is a compilation of information gathered pertaining to the process of converting Synovex-H to Testosterone propionate . All information contained within is meant for educational purposes only.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Synovex-H?

A: Synovex-H is a cattle implant given to heiffers to increase thier feed efficiency. It comes in 100 dose boxes, although some may find smaller quantities. Each dose contains 200mgs of Testosterone Propionate and 20mgs of Estradoil Benzoate. Each box contains 10 cartriges, or "carts", and each cart contains 10 doses. There are 8 pellets in one dose. Thus, one 100 dose box of Synovex-H would yeild 20 grams of Testosterone propionate in a perfect world. However, some will be lost in the process.

Q: Wait there's estrogen in that! Isn't that a bad thing?

A: Yes, but if you do the conversion correctly, the estrogen will be removed. While it's almost impossible to remove 100% of the estrogen, if done correctly, the trace amounts left over will be inconsequential.

Q: Wouldn't just getting the powder be easier?

A: Of course! But sometimes people may not have a source for powder, or thier source is out of stock. Or perhaps they just want to avoid the added risk.

Q: While doing a search something called "Synovex-S" and "Synovex-Plus" came up. Are these the same?

A: NO! One of them contains Trenbolone Acetate and Estradiol, and the other contains Progesterone. What you want is Synovex-H.

Q: Do I need a kit or anything?

A: Not necessarily. But there are kits available. The only one I would reccomend is the complete kit from d****. Do some searching, you'll find it. At the very least, get the estrogen solubulizer from him.

Q: Can't I get a kit from somewhere else and make prop? D****'s kits are pricey!

A: There are other options available, but not to make Testosterone Propionate. Most of the other kits at the time of this writing use NaOH to salt the estrogen out of solution. While this is effective, it strips the Prop ester from the Test and leaves you with TNE (test with no ester, or base). If you mixed this solution with an oil base, it would allow for every day injections at the minimum. In this author's opinion, why bother? And in my personal experience, there is at least one particular Researchkit company that will outright take your money and not deliver the product. Stick with d**** and you won't regret it.

Q: So what do I need?

A: You will need:
-2 large clean jars (enough to hold at least 900ml of fluid)
-2 painter's caps per each 5 carts (yes the kind you wear on your head from Home Depot)
-1 18 guage 1"-1 1/2" pin
-1 23 guage 1" pin (for venting)
-1 60ml syringe
-1 5-20ml syringe (for purging)
-at least 3 .45 whatman syringe filters per 5 carts, 5 is preferred
-2 50ml or 1 100ml sealed, sterile vial for final product (per 5 carts)
-1 125 or 100ml open vial for mixing
-1 rubber stopper for vial
-1 rubber band
-1 bottle of Heet per each 5 carts (get the yellow bottle ONLY, should be pure methanol)
-1 gallon of distilled water per 5 carts
-5ml benzyl alcohol (per 5 cart conversion)
-15ml benzyl benzoate (per 5 cart conversion)
-75 ml usp grade oil (grapeseed, sesame, etc) per 5 cart conversion
-digital scale accurate to .1 grams
-estrogen solubulizer from d****
-a toothpick (to poke the pellets from the cartridge)
-a new, clean muffin pan

Optional: Extra heet for backflowing syringe filter, explained later
1000 ml beaker (makes life MUCH easier)
Apparatus for adding water by the drop (use your imagination)


Sep 21, 2007
Q: How much will this make?

A: A typical 5 cart conversion yeilds about 8-9.5 grams of prop crystals. I like to do 20 carts at a time. This usually gives around 35 grams of crystals, and this is made up into batches using 5 or 10 grams each time at 100mg/ml. So one box of Syno will give you about 160-180ml at 100mg/ml

Q: Is a scale really necessary?

A: Scales are cheap, do a search. Why would you guess on dosage?

Q: Do I need to be a chemist to do this conversion?

A: Absolutely not. But you do need to be patient and pay attention to details.

Q: After I make my solution, can I heat it up in a microwave to sterilize it?

A: NO. Although the jury is still out on this one, the general thought now is that a
microwave can damage your hormone . if you feel you must heat it, use an oven (but vent the seal with a pin). If you do this conversion correctly, there should be no need. But this step is up to you.

Q: After I make up the crystals, can I put it in the oven to dry them out?

A: Yes you can, at 170deg for about 30 minutes, any more and you're asking for disaster. And then you need to let it sit overnight anyway, or your solution might be cloudy. So why bother with this step? Just be patient, or you will melt the crystals.

Q: Why make crystals? Wouldn't powder be easier? What's the advantage?

A: Crystals yeild a more pure final product. They are time consuming to make, but worth it. They also make the final filtration (argueably) go more smoothly.

Q: I want to store these crystals for a while. How do I store them?

A: Put them in a tightly sealed plasic bag or airtight (clean) bottle, and keep in a cool, dark, dry place.

Q: OK, I'm going to do this. Is there anything else I need to know?

A: Make sure you have everything you need before you begin. I can't stress patience enough, this conversion can take a day or two. Pay attention to what you're doing, go slow and keep everything clean and you will be successful. Happy converting!


Sep 21, 2007
Step 1

Using a large, clean jar, (I used a flask), poke out 5 cartriges worth of Synovex-H pellets and place them in the container. Add a whole bottle (350ml) of Heet. Let this solution sit for about 30 minutes, then crush up the pellets and swirl the solution. Let this set overnight and dissolve.

It will dissolve in less time (about 2 hours from my experience) but I would suggest letting it sit overnight to be sure it's all dissolved.


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Sep 21, 2007
Step 2

This step is optional, but I wouldn't do it any other way. The crystals are a lot bigger when the solution is clear.

Be sure the binders have settled to the bottom. Using a 60ml syringe, draw up the clearer solution on the top.

Install a .45 whatman syringe filter, and filter this solution into a large, clean jar. Repeat this process until there is about 50ml left at the bottom, which will be full of binders and gunk.


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Sep 21, 2007
Step 3

Install a painter's cap onto the mouth of another clean, dry jar. Pour the remaining solution (with the binder gunk) through the painter's cap and let it drain.

Squeeze the painter's cap so you get every drop you can, and discard the painter's cap with the filtered out binder.

Now draw up this final remaining solution (it will be a little milky) and install the syringe filter, adding this to the rest of the solution you just filtered.

You can get away with using just one whatman filter during this process. After you get done filtering the "clear" part of your solution, draw up about 20 mls of heet through the filter, backwards into the syringe. (Backflowing the filter) This will allow you to finish this filtering without clogging the filter.


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Sep 21, 2007
Step 4

Now that you have a clear solution in a large, clean container, add the estrogen solubulizer. Let this sit one hour exactly before the next step.


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Sep 21, 2007
Step 5

At this point, you have 2 choices. You can either make powder or crystals.

If you want to make powder, add 500ml of distilled water. Let this sit a few hours, it will become milky white. Then you can filter it.

However, I chose to make crystals for purity's sake.

After exactly one hour, I began adding 500ml of water drop by drop. I rigged up an IV type set-up and set the drip at about 2 drops per second. At this rate, crystals will begin forming in about an hour and a half. Don't touch anything, don't stir it. Just let it be and watch the magic.

After a couple of hours when the water is totally added, cap the container and let it set for about another hour to let all the crystals form. They should be nice and fluffy.


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Sep 21, 2007
Step 6

Now you want ot harvest the crystals.

Place a painter's cap over another jar and seal it down. it works faster if you vent one edge so air can escape from underneath. I used an assistant.

Pour the crystals and solution through the painter's cap. The crystals will get cought in the cap and the solution will run through. After you pour it all through, add about 50ml of distilled water to your original container and slosh it around to get all of the crystals and pour it through.

Now begin your rinsing process. This is where you remove that nasty estrogen, so take your time and do it right. Use a whole gallon of distilled water and rinse thoroughly.


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Sep 21, 2007
Step 7

Now that you have thoroughly rinsed your crystals, the water going through should be crystal clear. Don't panic if a few crystals get through, just let it go, it's not much.

Squeeze the heck out of the cap and get all of the water out that you can, this will speed up the drying process.

Lay the filter on a dry paper towel and break up the crystals with a razor blade. They dry better chopped up than they do in a big tight ball.

Let this sit overnight at least.


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Sep 21, 2007
Step 8

After letting the crystals dry, you need to weigh them. To be sure they are dry, just use your finger and feel it. If it sticks to your finger or feels clumpy, it's still damp. if it breaks up easily and only barely dusts your finger, it's ready to weigh.

Use a good digital scale, and don't forget to subtract the tare weight of whatever you're weighing the crystals in or on. Just pour the crystals off, and roll, thump and tap the filter to get as much off as you can. You won't get it all, but that's life. If you scrape you'll get filter material in your crystals and filtering into solution will be more of a pain than it already is.

You should have between 8 and 9.8 grams of crystals. Some loss in the conversion is unavoidable, so suck it up big guy.

Now that you have crystals, you need to put it in solution.


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Sep 21, 2007
Getting it into injectable form

There are no pics with this part, but that's because none are really necessary. Just follow the directions and you won't have a problem.

Harvey Balboner, our illustrious mod, wrote up a great recipe for prop and it's the one I highly reccomend for first timers. It's practically fool proof. Word for word, it goes like this:

Test Prop for 10 grams

10 grams powder
72.5 ml sesame oil
5ml Benzyl AlcoholA 5%
15ml Benzyl Benzoate 15%
Sterile Vial
Whatman sterile filter

1. Weigh out 10 grams of powder.
2. Place powder in vial.
3. Add BA & BB to the vial.
4. Heat oil in the oven to help sterilize it, heat to at least 212 degrees F. I usually heat my oil at 275 to be sure, I put the oil in a muffin pan, just fill one of the indentions this is plenty for these experiments. Also heat more oil than you need, as you will not be able to get it all out of the pan.
5. Add oil to the vial, save 2 ml of oil in the syringe for later. Gently shake vial.
6. Heat mixture if necessary. I like heating my powder products, by placing the vial in a frying pan, and placing it on the eye of the stove.
7. Place a 18 or 20 gauge needle in the sterile vial attach whatman sterile filter.
8. Place another needle in the sterile vial to relieve the pressure.
9. Draw out solution with a syringe, run though whatman filter.
10. Take other syringe with 2ml oil, run through whatman into solution.

Makes 100 ml @ 100mg/ml


Now let me clear a few things up. It's best to do this 10 grams at a time, and that makes 100ml at 100mg/ml.

Firstly, be sure and heat your oil in an oven to sterilize it. This is a good step to take and I wouldn't make anything without it myself.

After you mix everything together, boil a pot of water. Place the solution in a vial and cap it with a rubber stopper. Shake it up, and poke a pin into it to vent it. Place teh whole vial in the water and let it get HOT. The hotter it is, the easier it is to get through the syringe filter.

I filtered 25ml at a time, then changed filters. Purge each filter with air or oil. They tend to get REALLY stiff after about 18ml or so.

Now you should have a nice, crystal clear solution of Testosterone Propionate . Enjoy!