By: Lord Humungous
Note: This is a compilation of information gathered pertaining to the process of converting Synovex-H to Testosterone propionate . All information contained within is meant for educational purposes only.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Synovex-H?
A: Synovex-H is a cattle implant given to heiffers to increase thier feed efficiency. It comes in 100 dose boxes, although some may find smaller quantities. Each dose contains 200mgs of Testosterone Propionate and 20mgs of Estradoil Benzoate. Each box contains 10 cartriges, or "carts", and each cart contains 10 doses. There are 8 pellets in one dose. Thus, one 100 dose box of Synovex-H would yeild 20 grams of Testosterone propionate in a perfect world. However, some will be lost in the process.
Q: Wait there's estrogen in that! Isn't that a bad thing?
A: Yes, but if you do the conversion correctly, the estrogen will be removed. While it's almost impossible to remove 100% of the estrogen, if done correctly, the trace amounts left over will be inconsequential.
Q: Wouldn't just getting the powder be easier?
A: Of course! But sometimes people may not have a source for powder, or thier source is out of stock. Or perhaps they just want to avoid the added risk.
Q: While doing a search something called "Synovex-S" and "Synovex-Plus" came up. Are these the same?
A: NO! One of them contains Trenbolone Acetate and Estradiol, and the other contains Progesterone. What you want is Synovex-H.
Q: Do I need a kit or anything?
A: Not necessarily. But there are kits available. The only one I would reccomend is the complete kit from d****. Do some searching, you'll find it. At the very least, get the estrogen solubulizer from him.
Q: Can't I get a kit from somewhere else and make prop? D****'s kits are pricey!
A: There are other options available, but not to make Testosterone Propionate. Most of the other kits at the time of this writing use NaOH to salt the estrogen out of solution. While this is effective, it strips the Prop ester from the Test and leaves you with TNE (test with no ester, or base). If you mixed this solution with an oil base, it would allow for every day injections at the minimum. In this author's opinion, why bother? And in my personal experience, there is at least one particular Researchkit company that will outright take your money and not deliver the product. Stick with d**** and you won't regret it.
Q: So what do I need?
A: You will need:
-2 large clean jars (enough to hold at least 900ml of fluid)
-2 painter's caps per each 5 carts (yes the kind you wear on your head from Home Depot)
-1 18 guage 1"-1 1/2" pin
-1 23 guage 1" pin (for venting)
-1 60ml syringe
-1 5-20ml syringe (for purging)
-at least 3 .45 whatman syringe filters per 5 carts, 5 is preferred
-2 50ml or 1 100ml sealed, sterile vial for final product (per 5 carts)
-1 125 or 100ml open vial for mixing
-1 rubber stopper for vial
-1 rubber band
-1 bottle of Heet per each 5 carts (get the yellow bottle ONLY, should be pure methanol)
-1 gallon of distilled water per 5 carts
-5ml benzyl alcohol (per 5 cart conversion)
-15ml benzyl benzoate (per 5 cart conversion)
-75 ml usp grade oil (grapeseed, sesame, etc) per 5 cart conversion
-digital scale accurate to .1 grams
-estrogen solubulizer from d****
-a toothpick (to poke the pellets from the cartridge)
-a new, clean muffin pan
Optional: Extra heet for backflowing syringe filter, explained later
1000 ml beaker (makes life MUCH easier)
Apparatus for adding water by the drop (use your imagination)
Note: This is a compilation of information gathered pertaining to the process of converting Synovex-H to Testosterone propionate . All information contained within is meant for educational purposes only.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is Synovex-H?
A: Synovex-H is a cattle implant given to heiffers to increase thier feed efficiency. It comes in 100 dose boxes, although some may find smaller quantities. Each dose contains 200mgs of Testosterone Propionate and 20mgs of Estradoil Benzoate. Each box contains 10 cartriges, or "carts", and each cart contains 10 doses. There are 8 pellets in one dose. Thus, one 100 dose box of Synovex-H would yeild 20 grams of Testosterone propionate in a perfect world. However, some will be lost in the process.
Q: Wait there's estrogen in that! Isn't that a bad thing?
A: Yes, but if you do the conversion correctly, the estrogen will be removed. While it's almost impossible to remove 100% of the estrogen, if done correctly, the trace amounts left over will be inconsequential.
Q: Wouldn't just getting the powder be easier?
A: Of course! But sometimes people may not have a source for powder, or thier source is out of stock. Or perhaps they just want to avoid the added risk.
Q: While doing a search something called "Synovex-S" and "Synovex-Plus" came up. Are these the same?
A: NO! One of them contains Trenbolone Acetate and Estradiol, and the other contains Progesterone. What you want is Synovex-H.
Q: Do I need a kit or anything?
A: Not necessarily. But there are kits available. The only one I would reccomend is the complete kit from d****. Do some searching, you'll find it. At the very least, get the estrogen solubulizer from him.
Q: Can't I get a kit from somewhere else and make prop? D****'s kits are pricey!
A: There are other options available, but not to make Testosterone Propionate. Most of the other kits at the time of this writing use NaOH to salt the estrogen out of solution. While this is effective, it strips the Prop ester from the Test and leaves you with TNE (test with no ester, or base). If you mixed this solution with an oil base, it would allow for every day injections at the minimum. In this author's opinion, why bother? And in my personal experience, there is at least one particular Researchkit company that will outright take your money and not deliver the product. Stick with d**** and you won't regret it.
Q: So what do I need?
A: You will need:
-2 large clean jars (enough to hold at least 900ml of fluid)
-2 painter's caps per each 5 carts (yes the kind you wear on your head from Home Depot)
-1 18 guage 1"-1 1/2" pin
-1 23 guage 1" pin (for venting)
-1 60ml syringe
-1 5-20ml syringe (for purging)
-at least 3 .45 whatman syringe filters per 5 carts, 5 is preferred
-2 50ml or 1 100ml sealed, sterile vial for final product (per 5 carts)
-1 125 or 100ml open vial for mixing
-1 rubber stopper for vial
-1 rubber band
-1 bottle of Heet per each 5 carts (get the yellow bottle ONLY, should be pure methanol)
-1 gallon of distilled water per 5 carts
-5ml benzyl alcohol (per 5 cart conversion)
-15ml benzyl benzoate (per 5 cart conversion)
-75 ml usp grade oil (grapeseed, sesame, etc) per 5 cart conversion
-digital scale accurate to .1 grams
-estrogen solubulizer from d****
-a toothpick (to poke the pellets from the cartridge)
-a new, clean muffin pan
Optional: Extra heet for backflowing syringe filter, explained later
1000 ml beaker (makes life MUCH easier)
Apparatus for adding water by the drop (use your imagination)