Taking Gear Abroad


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I live in the UK. I am gonna be going away sometime in the next few months. Could be Eqypt could be Margarita in Venezuela (not decided) etc. It may not be for this cycle but if not is likely to be for my following one. Do you guys think I would be ok with taking over some gear? The Test C sachets would be cool and I would put them with my toiletries. They are marked as massage oils and I would only need to take 2 or so. But I would have tabs. Not sure when I am going but these will likely be nolva, proviron, and maybe anadrol etc. I could put the first 2 in aspirin and paracetamol tubs as they are both white tabs. If I am taking the anadrol I could put them in a multi vitamin container cos they are big green tabs and many vitamins look similar. I would put them all in my toiletries bag which I would put in my suitcase so I seriously doubt I will have any problems. I could put the paracetamol and aspirin in hand luggage but either would be cool. The only problem is syringes and needles. Obviously they are legal but when they show up in an x-ray they may attract attention. What you guys think? I would put them in my hand luggage cos they are potential weapons (sharp) so I would be stopped when they are x-rayed. But if I put them in my suitcase do you guys think it would be cool. Cos lots of people take needles for insulin etc and genuine medical reasons. So if they see them I doubt it would cause too much attention and even if they searched my bags I doubt they would think the oils would be what they are. Or would you guys recommend me purchasing needles when I am over in the other country?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I imagine some of you guys have taken stuff away as many are on it most of the year. I ask for future ref too. I know laws are different for each country but the US and the UK are pretty much the same apart from security being far more apparant in your airports compared to in the UK. I have heard you can buy gear over the counter in the likes of Venezuela and Mexico too. Is that true? I heard it is common practice due to the prices over there. Has anyone ever done it and brought it back (I wouldn't risk it for a minor saving in £/$)? I brought over about 10 cases of cigars from Venezuela once and I just walked through without being checked. Quite funny really cos I got them £40 per box and they sell for £600 in this country. I had them more or less everywhere and kept thinking any sudden movement and they may fall down my pants! Saying that would have been fine compared to what happening to me in France. I was holding 2 crates of beer (48 large bottles) and was standing in the middle of a busy shopping centre. Then the bottom of the lower crate just give in and all 24 bottles hit the tiled floor. And because of the sudden movement the other 24 bottles hit the floor and I was just stood there in the centre of a beer circle spanning about 20 metres and with about 100 people staring at me with wet shoes!


Registered User
Mar 3, 2006
Man I take stuff with me all the time. I stay on year round. But Im 43 and can afford a lawyer LOL...
Really unless you got a sutecase full a gear its low risk. the bag checkers arnet looking for pinz and vials ect they are looking for bombs...besides that the pills if in a vitamin bottle, prescription bottle, or even a baggie they dont know what the fuck it is... I take test, GH and Pins with me whenever I travel and have never had an issue...But keep this in mind..and it could be very detrimental (sp) in your case. I dont travel in europe..so dont take my word or advise per say...I just wanyted to give you an awnser... give it a little time and if you dont get someone in the countries you are refering to chimimng in with some advice let me know and I'll ask around..


Registered User
Mar 3, 2006
forgot sumpin....I have in ythe past also sent my stuff to my destination the day I left with other misc items in the box...send it express overnite AM ...never a prob.. Next day it arrives at you hotel...


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Thanks alot. I know it is different for the US and Europe. But I would say things are more strict in the US so I will be fine. I thought it would be cool. Obviously I am not gonna have my suitcase full of gear and like you said small amounts will be fine cos they won't know the difference. Thanks again.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I should add if you would have said it was a bad idea I still would have done it! I was just wondering peoples opinions and I thought they must as they are on throughout the year.


Aug 28, 2005
Orals: Aleve, Ibuprofen, anything OTC bottle just exchange content.
find pins or order at your destination.


New member
Dec 26, 2006
This probably dont help ya much but I'm in Canada and cross down to the US a lot. I have a script for test C here so when I travel I pack everything including pins in my kit and pack vials in the prescription boxes. I been searched a lot of times and they dont even slow down once they see the pharmacy label.