Blue-Eyed Devil...
- Jun 25, 2006
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Lol, powerlifting sounds like waaaaay more fun than bodybuilding!
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Lol, powerlifting sounds like waaaaay more fun than bodybuilding!
9 out of 10 guys would not make it through the 1 week,
If they can even make it through breakfast on day 1
The thing that gets me is similar to what psyche and others have alluded to and that is the discomfort. When I was messing around with 3 grams total I could hardly train. Head aches, back pumps, cramping and the inability to bend over. Shit even breathing was hard work. Now, maybe these guys had all the meds to counteract high BP and water retention, but I did not. And that was eating 70% clean.
I could hardly squat or deadlift without some issue coming up. Now, I am convinced that it is more about training than the rx. I can train harder and without injury on lower amounts of gear and still get good gains. I also like to point out that the guys in the 80's were as strong as today and not doing half the shit. Drugs are becoming a crutch for many.
This is so true. It's finding that balance of the right dose you can tolerate while maintaining and efficient and we'll functioning body. Absolutely no point runner mg 3 grams of gear and 15ius gh if you can't get out of bed or get winded on 5 stairs. I've found I achieve very similar results on trt and 20mgs superdrol for 4 weeks than 12 weeks of moderately dosed test/tren/npp. Now I'm not saying I feel great on sdrol, but it's only about the last week and on time is cut considerably. As I get older, shorter cycles are becoming more and more appealing, plus I love how I feel when I cruise.
Just a fast way to get fat and unhealthy.