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thebrick's - What are you Training Today?


Registered User
Chest day rocked but...
Cardio 20 min to circulate the cialis
Acctrainer inner outer rotator warm up with front and read delt warm up , I do a good 15 min or my strings will break
Close Pec deck 150 final set
Wide Pec deck 120 final set
Hammer strength decline. Mello 375 for 10
HS incline 355 for 10 on final set
Here's where I fukd up...goal 30% incline Db w 120s. Nope lol
Worked up to 110 and had to toss a tampon on the gym floor as I peaked out at 3 reps.. Next time the bitch is gonna go .
Seated cable low to high Accutrainer flys
Standing wide cable flys.
Finished off with a behind low back cable stretch for my antique shoulders . Basically the Weight stack pulls opposite arm across lower back for serious therapy.
Did 8 sets of forearms and hit the road..

Sunday I may need recovery. Lol. But prob not. ..

Love the intensity!!


Registered User
Hey everyone!

Thank you all for the support. I really helps with any goal knowing that someone is supporting you and gives a fuck.

I have had 1 cigarette since Friday afternoon. I think I pretty well have it on the ropes. Day by day, right?

Did shoulders yesterday and going back for some legs today.

I am having some real pain from the tendon in my left elbow. I need to do some research, I know I have seen things people can put on their arm to keep that pain down. Anyone have any experience with this?

I dont know you in person man, But if i did i would rip those smokes out of ur hand. You dont need them buddie! But im happy you cut wayyy back and your on the right path! Wish you all the support in the world man!!!


Registered User
Ok legs was ok yesterday. was the w/o I needed rather than wanted.
I'll be back full speed soon. IB I never use pads eeew. Pons only!
Brick have you warned the doc working on you that you may dull a scalpel
due to muscle density?! Phoe you have a lot of muscle on you keep adding
while I play catch up and maybe we cut together in the warm weather?
I'm not letting my fatass go over 280ish though. Just getting back old muscle lost during down time surguries etc.
Phoe when you do cut and do it right you will be bad! Where the fuck is our human dynamo today? Where are you AA ?. Guy could probably light a small town if you could harness that power output. I'll be hollering at Grim later today..
Last but not least Is Mikey. Mikey good to have you here. you are fitting in like a champ. Cool!... Ok let me get ready and head out for a chest and shoulders recessitation session . Happy jan 26th !!! T

Thanks man, Ya this place is like my 2nd home. cool thing is.. 2 home came with a 2nd family! :)


Super Moderator - RIP
Nice chest w/o . Starting a simple bench cycle . 10lb weekly increases till
last two sets come up short on reps. followed flat bench with inclines . very light high reps. Felt pretty good. Delts follwed with very light hi rep sets .
Rest tomorrow. which is fine with the 40-50 windchill crap coming tonight. .
Have great start to your weeks . this one's in the books in about 10mins.


Li Well shit!!!
Back day and I ripped it up and hit my peak grove an hour in.
I got told I can't hang a 45 off center of a weight stack with my trusty stainless long was only doing 12 rep 255 vrope seated chest pulls so I got out my pearls and tossed it on the floor ..set over. All I wanted was 2 / 45s added ..but noo
Hit the hs wide grip ISO lat machine ..
Seated wide grip cable rows
Chins dangling a 45 off my light switch.
I do some cool movements that have really hit my back as planned
No haloday today cause I needed to pet her cat.

Lc u got mild tendonitis..cure .use a weight stack with a single handle start at say 50lbs and walk away from stack and let arm totally relax and stretch. U can twist wrist as more stretch and lay off the skull crushers and do more downward press close grip instead go to tricep build is the close grip bench mild 235 for 10 as my middle session exercise . Everytime u feel like a smoke have D hand u a kotex. ..I'll give her a

I'm ok just a 3 person cat fight todayT..
Brick I'll make sure the surgical sawzall in on the order sheet to cut your steel brutha. I got u covered..:)


Super Moderator - RIP
Good morning! Getting ready for some grip work ,calves , abs.
Was taking a rest day but can't sit still so here I go to the gym.
IB you gotta get that insomnia in check. heading out into 30 below windchill.
See you guys a little later. T


Super Moderator - RIP
Morning brothers! Going to train some chest today. Last workout for a while. Tomorrow is clear fluids only. Surgery is Wednesday and I'll be in the hospital 2-4 days. Hoping this fucker has not spread and I won't need chemo. Just ready to get this done. The waiting is tough.

Let's make some noise with the iron today!


Super Moderator - RIP
Just back in from the gym... I did a combo chest, bi and tri workout today. Thought I would hit a bigger overall group since I'll be away for a short while. Felt great!


How have u been feeling brick? I just read u have surgery this week goodluck brother. We're all pulling for you and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


Super Moderator - RIP
Phoe, physically I feel fine. I didn't even know something was wrong until I had all the blood in my urine. Then they found the "mass". I'm ready to get this done. Mentally, its been very stressful. I'm OK though. Everyone has been great and very supportive. I'm lucky.


Registered User
Chest got a pretty good pump today.
heavy bench press (shoulder warmed up first - IB)
incline db press superset with cable flys (mid chest)
dips superset with seated incline cable flys
then finished off with a few sets of machine chest press and db pullovers.


Chiseled my delts and traps into a fuking masterpiece since Brick waves of positivation are pouring out as i blast up my granite shoulders.. You got this brick im gonna need the room number for my nurse strippers headed your way.
T.. I need a hobby the cats cost too much..


Phoe, physically I feel fine. I didn't even know something was wrong until I had all the blood in my urine. Then they found the "mass". I'm ready to get this done. Mentally, its been very stressful. I'm OK though. Everyone has been great and very supportive. I'm lucky.

We will all be praying for you bro! It's going to be tough cause you are tough. We will all be thinking of you! I trashed the legs today. Squats, leg press, leg ext, leg curls, lunges and wall sits to failure. Time for bed brothers


Registered User
Chiseled my delts and traps into a fuking masterpiece since Brick waves of positivation are pouring out as i blast up my granite shoulders.. You got this brick im gonna need the room number for my nurse strippers headed your way.
T.. I need a hobby the cats cost too much..

U related to charlie sheen?


Rest day today bro's! Really enjoyed sleeping in getting a big breakfast and now off to work. Hit that iron hard brothers and leave no rocks unturned.


Super Moderator - RIP
Good morning! Getting ready for a good back session. IB got me feeling like a jilted prom date! Just funnin.. Man I mention PTP then calling and yo ass must a scurried out the door for your own ptp conquest . If unfamiliar might be best to keep it to PTF..... Brother Bricks day tomorrow! Need all the positive thoughts and vibes directed towards our fine friend ! Where the hell is the dynamohum?! AA you ok out there my intense friend?
OK nuff jawing .... Talk soon . T