Too much?


Donating Member
Dec 11, 2017
Hey guys,

I'm starting my first blast and cruise and wondering if this cycle is too much if I plan on cruising. I have ran cycles in the past but never cruised afterwards.

My plan is to run:
150 test cyp twice weekly
150 Deca twice weekly
50 mg tbol split daily
25 mg test prop ed
Mk677 25 mg split daily
Rad 140 pre workout

My routine will be w,f,sun broken up into push, pull and legs maybe switching some exercises up to shock my muscles.
Diet will consist of 3,000 calories or more of clean food and whey isolate.
Cycle support will consist of NAC, TUDCA, fish oils and anastrozole. I also plan on having my blood drawn 3 weeks in and 9 weeks in.
I've been running mk for about two months now and respond very well to it without much BP issues or BG issues.
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Registered User
Apr 19, 2014
Hollywood, CA
What’s the 50mg split daily in your cycle? Personally, I’m not a fan of test propionate. It always causes too much swelling, redness and discomfort for me. I would just do 200mgs more of test cyp and leave the prop out. If you really want the prop in there, you can get away with 50mgs every other day instead of daily injections. Or you can do 50mgs a day of propionate for the first 10 days to kickstart your cycle. Up to you. Overall your cycle looks mild to me, I don’t think your going to get any serious side effects. If your sensitive to estrogen, you could get gyno symptoms...but you have arimidex on hand, so that’s not going to be an issue. Regarding training, why only 3 days a week? Are you only able to make it to the gym 3 days a week? If that’s all you can get in, then that’s great, get it in when you can. But if you have time available, I always like training 5 days a week, 4 days minimum.


Donating Member
Dec 11, 2017
The 50mg split is only for the mk and tbol which I take 12.5 in the am and fast for two hours and 12.5 in the pm before I go to bed. I do it with tbol due to the short half life and I feel like I get more benefit by splitting it up.
The prop I don't necessarily need I just happened to have some on hand and figured why not. The only downside of running prop is the need to run anastrozole more frequently than if I was pinning only twice a week.


Donating Member
Dec 11, 2017
I like my rest also. Main reason why I have 3 days in. Also the days I planned my gym is a ghost town except for weds. Depending on how I feel through out by cycle I may add in another day.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I’m confused, is all that gear for the blast or for the cruise?


Donating Member
Apr 2, 2013
I’m confused, is all that gear for the blast or for the cruise?

I'm pretty sure that's his blast.
Blast dosing is something guys will just have to decide for themselves on based on goals.

I'll add this though, when it comes to cruising, a lot of guys might call 250mg of a test a week a cruise but IMO that is a misuse of that word cruise. IMO if you're taking more than 100mg of a week of anything you ain't cruising. One can maintain quite a bit on 100mg a test a week or even 50 test/50 mast which is what I personally do. Plus its just better for the body long term having periods where you are at or near normal physiological levels.
I'm not judging or preaching either. 5-6 years ago I would have called 500mg of test a week my cruise too. But older and wiser now, too many vets who are over the age of 50 have convinced me that genuine cruising needs not exceed 100mg a week; it just doesn't.

Getting off the soapbox Getbiger your blast I suppose is fine, not sure you have a show this summer or what you're gearing up for but good luck.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I figured it was his blast too, except the way this sentence was worded really threw me off and made me wonder.

wondering if this cycle is too much if I plan on cruising.

Over the years i’ve known some guys that were pretty extreme with their doses. Several of them would use 3-4 grams of gear a week on a blast and cruise between 600-1000 mg/wk. I take very little for granted when people I don’t know are outlining things and asking for advice.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Getbiger, What is your cycle history and stats? What is your average total mg amounts for a cycle? Percentage of body fat? Any faceless pics?

Maybe there's a way better angle to approach this from? :)


Registered User
Dec 26, 2008
Your blast looks fine. As concreteguy posted what are your stats and cycle history. From your post you have done cycles in the past so nothing is too much about that planned blast. What do you plan to cruise on?


Donating Member
Dec 11, 2017
It's for sure my blast. I meant to put "if I plan on cruising afterwards"

My cycle history is intermediate. I have experience with all of the compounds I plan on using and have also ran tren, superdrol, and the dbol inject arl used to carry. My current bf percentage is higher than I'd like it to be 13% but in the past I'd run a bulk come off for a month or two then run a cutting cycle and look damn good.

On my cruise dose I plan on running 200 mg test cyp a week. That puts me around 900 which is the high side of normal.


Feb 6, 2012
It's for sure my blast. I meant to put "if I plan on cruising afterwards"

My cycle history is intermediate. I have experience with all of the compounds I plan on using and have also ran tren, superdrol, and the dbol inject arl used to carry. My current bf percentage is higher than I'd like it to be 13% but in the past I'd run a bulk come off for a month or two then run a cutting cycle and look damn good.

On my cruise dose I plan on running 200 mg test cyp a week. That puts me around 900 which is the high side of normal.

How do you plan to inject the 200mg? Have you ever tried daily or eod shots of test? I would recommend a mini cut before you start your blast.


Donating Member
Dec 11, 2017
For my cruise dose I just planned on following the trt protocol I'm currently prescribed. 100 mg every 3.5 days. All of my test cyp and needles are covered by insurance so I can run my cruise for free if I follow that. Needles aren't all that expensive but pinning every day isn't something I'd want to do constantly.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Your cycle looks good. Have you used RAD-140 before? 2 x test injections per week is fine. Although if you can run the same dose but inj it eod that would be better on your cruise. You can inject with slin pins to make injections easier. Many often find the more frequently you inj your test on your cruise the higher your total/free test levels become. Moreover, very frequent injs can also lower aromatization so for many they can cruise without an AI and their estrogen stays in range. It's important to get bloodwork on your cruise to see exactly where you stand if you try more frequent injs and adjust dose accordingly.


Donating Member
Dec 11, 2017
Your cycle looks good. Have you used RAD-140 before? 2 x test injections per week is fine. Although if you can run the same dose but inj it eod that would be better on your cruise. You can inject with slin pins to make injections easier. Many often find the more frequently you inj your test on your cruise the higher your total/free test levels become. Moreover, very frequent injs can also lower aromatization so for many they can cruise without an AI and their estrogen stays in range. It's important to get bloodwork on your cruise to see exactly where you stand if you try more frequent injs and adjust dose accordingly.

I've ran rad140 before but only as pre workout and never with a cycle. Sarms are pretty foreign to me so this wilk be the first time incorporating it with a cycle.

I've read that you can get a lot more out of ed or eod injections with less aas. After pinning ed for twelve weeks it will be nice to go back to twice a week. I'm planning on doing site specific injections with prop this cycle and if the muscles I plan on injecting respond well I'll probably try eod site injections with trt.


Feb 2, 2007
I like the cycle. RAD gave me many side effects. Have you tried LGD-4033 or MK-2866? With 50mg tbol in there you will we good even without a sarm.


Donating Member
Dec 11, 2017
I like the cycle. RAD gave me many side effects. Have you tried LGD-4033 or MK-2866? With 50mg tbol in there you will we good even without a sarm.

I have not. SARMs are completely new to me. I wouldn't have even tried rad 140 if it weren't for my local nutrition store. What sides did you experience from red 140?


Registered User
Oct 25, 2012
What is your target? I guess a lean bulk from your wording and cycle. Do you think 3000 cals will be enough? Will it be the same cals everyday? What do you weigh now? How tall are you? Pics?


Donating Member
Dec 11, 2017
Lean mass is my goal yes. I'm 5'9 200lbs 13% bf. 3000 calls is the bare minimum I will consume. I don't really have a target weight but id be happy with putting a solid 5 lbs during my blast. As far as pics I have way to many identifying marks on my body to I'd rather refrain from posting pics.


Registered User
May 15, 2017
I'm pretty sure that's his blast.
Blast dosing is something guys will just have to decide for themselves on based on goals.

I'll add this though, when it comes to cruising, a lot of guys might call 250mg of a test a week a cruise but IMO that is a misuse of that word cruise. IMO if you're taking more than 100mg of a week of anything you ain't cruising. One can maintain quite a bit on 100mg a test a week or even 50 test/50 mast which is what I personally do. Plus its just better for the body long term having periods where you are at or near normal physiological levels.
I'm not judging or preaching either. 5-6 years ago I would have called 500mg of test a week my cruise too. But older and wiser now, too many vets who are over the age of 50 have convinced me that genuine cruising needs not exceed 100mg a week; it just doesn't.

Getting off the soapbox Getbiger your blast I suppose is fine, not sure you have a show this summer or what you're gearing up for but good luck.

I completely agree. I thank god I learned this before it was too late. I realized I dont need much to maintain as long as Im training hard and my diet is in check. I really dont need much in the off season when I am running gear as well because I have all the food. Its when Im getting ready for a show that I really push it, Then shut it down and let the body rest.
My receptors reach over saturation real fast then I just walk around lethargic feeling like crap