Vets, need serious help Please!!!

BiG KoOlaDe

New member
Jul 5, 2004
hi my name is david and i an about to start my next cycle of roids but this cycle im a little confused. I'v been doing a lot of research and it is getting me even more confused. Some people are saying to use novla during cycle and clomid after and other are sayin only use one. ALso people are saying use Hcg during while others say use it at the end for treatment. also i need a little help with how to plan out my cycle i am ordering the following please tell me if i should take something out and when i should take stuff.

50 anapolon pills
10 bottles deca
200 anabol pills
100 clenutero pills
5 bottles primo
60 nolvadex
2 HCG bottles

please tell me if i should add clomid instead of nolvadex or both.
This is not my first cycle so far i have taken two cycles of just deca and a cycle of deca and dbol. the main items i pretty much have a good idea when and how much to take its just the PCT thats confusing me. I am 5'10 and 235lbs
Thanks soo much


Sep 17, 2003
Dave, you need to take both clomid and nolvadex
nolvadex is an anti estrogen to help you out with gyno issues.
clomid will help you keep your gains by starting your natural test to start going again asap after its been shut down due to taking the roids although some people say it can also be used as an anti estrogen.
clomid is usually taken along with HCG. HCG is taken for a week or two first since its effects will start within a few hours of injection. Then Clomid is taken for a few weeks since Clomid helps regenerate the entire testosterone producing cycle whereas HCG only has direct testosterone stimulating effects on the LH (luteinizing hormone) production to stimulate testosterone production.

BiG KoOlaDe

New member
Jul 5, 2004
thanks for the info

do i take nolvadex everyday or eod or should i take it 2 weeks on 2 off. and is 24 clomids enough to get my natural testosterone back to normal. thanks


Feb 6, 2004
You will get differing opinions, but I take Nolva everyday. If you are using a roid that doesnt aromatize, then you dont need nolva. Or if you are using a roid & your nips dont get itchy or swell, you dont need the nolva. For a first cycle, just take testosterone. You need to stick with it only to see how your bosy reacts to it. Have nolva on hand in case. For your PCT (Post cycle therapy), you can either use nolva or clomid. If your cycle is over 8 weeks long, HCG is a definite plus as well.

If you read through a lot of the posts, you can get a lot of valuable info. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

BiG KoOlaDe

New member
Jul 5, 2004

Hey thanks for the info another question before i start my cycle is after i take my building phase i wanted to cut down a little bit, not being too cut i still rather look larger. I was going to take 100 clenbuterol tabs and 5 bottls of primo for a 4 or 5 week cutting cycle but i was juss informed by my connect that they dont have ne more primo so ill only be getting 100 tabs of clen. i was wondering is the clen a lone going to do a good cutting job or am i just wasting my money. Should i juss take the money for the clen and buy some sust. to put in my bulking phase. Any info real soon would be a bigt help ordering my gear tommorrow. Also this is not my first cycle. THis cycle will consist of
Anapolon Dbol Deca nolvadex HGC
Week 1 50 mg/day 200/week if needed
week 2 50 mg/day 400/week "
week 3 50 mg/day 35mg/day 500/week "
week 4 35mg/day 400/week "
week 5 35mg/day 250/week "
week 6 35mg/day 250/week 20mg/day
Week 7 20mg/day
week 8 1500 i.u.
week 9 1500 i.u.
would clen. be able to help me lose fat from this or should i juss get sustain instead and get even bigger thanks