What test to use


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I am gonna be making a big order on Alinshop in the next week. Just wondering what test you guys think I should try out. By the way I am getting stealth sachets. I am currently doing test c and that seems fine. I hear the test e hurts alot for some strange reason. I am interested in one of the other types (blends). I hear sustanon is ok. There is a supertest that looks really good. Have any of you guys tried the stealth test products and if so what do you recommend. I like to try new ones so text c is out of the equation and leave test e due to what I have heard. Basically what is better supertest or sustanon in the stealth? Fuck I have just put in the stuff I think I need and it comes to $1000. Like a kid in a candy store on that shop - it's so cheap.

Just one other thing I think you guys will say it is fine. I am currently doing eco oils sachets which are great but it will be so much easier and cheaper if I just change to stealth. Do you guys think I can change sachets in week 8 of a 12 week cycle (I am in week 4 now). I will just get the test c like I am using in the eco oils. Thanks


New member
Nov 7, 2007
Elvia1023 said:
I am gonna be making a big order on Alinshop in the next week. Just wondering what test you guys think I should try out. By the way I am getting stealth sachets. I am currently doing test c and that seems fine. I hear the test e hurts alot for some strange reason. I am interested in one of the other types (blends). I hear sustanon is ok. There is a supertest that looks really good. Have any of you guys tried the stealth test products and if so what do you recommend. I like to try new ones so text c is out of the equation and leave test e due to what I have heard. Basically what is better supertest or sustanon in the stealth? Fuck I have just put in the stuff I think I need and it comes to $1000. Like a kid in a candy store on that shop - it's so cheap.

Just one other thing I think you guys will say it is fine. I am currently doing eco oils sachets which are great but it will be so much easier and cheaper if I just change to stealth. Do you guys think I can change sachets in week 8 of a 12 week cycle (I am in week 4 now). I will just get the test c like I am using in the eco oils. Thanks

Ive tried stealth test prop,and sus.both are good products.never tried st because of alot of people claim it hurts.also tried stealth tren a ,eq and they both were great.the short esters hurt alittle more than the longer ones.all gear was from alin.i also need to know how long you want to run cycle and for what reason,mass,strength,fat loss ,etc


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
automatic said:
Ive tried stealth test prop,and sus.both are good products.never tried st because of alot of people claim it hurts.also tried stealth tren a ,eq and they both were great.the short esters hurt alittle more than the longer ones.all gear was from alin.i also need to know how long you want to run cycle and for what reason,mass,strength,fat loss ,etc

I know the in and outs of what the different sachets do. I just wanted to check if people had tried the stealth test and if so which are the best in their opinions. Thanks for letting me know about Eq as I planned to do that in the same cycle. Lots of good info there just need to know if anyone as tried the supertest. Thanks for letting me know about the tren a cause I was gonna use that for a cutting cycle in the future. I know everyone reacts different but I will defo give it ago. I know many people say you are best sticking to test c, e, p or s but I am just curious what the blended ones are like. I am not really bothered about pain but if I hear one is really bad for that and others aren't I would rather take the nicer route.

My cycle will be for bulking. My current cycle is for the same reason. My current and future are:

Week 1-12 = Test C at 600-700mg (3.0 ml sachets but might get 3.5 out)
Week 1-13 = Deca at 300-350mg
Week 5-9/10 = Anadrol at 50mg per week

Week 1-12 = Stealth test probably supertest at arounf 750mg per week
Week 1-13 = Stealth Eq at around 450mg per week
Week 1-6 = Dbol at 40mg per day


Super Moderator
Mar 1, 2006
I havnt used the stealth Line Myself, But sure would.
As Far as the Painfactor goes I cant say from experience.
In the end to me test is test for the most part... the blends are Ok But Ive never realy Noticed Much difference as far as them kicking in faster or working better.
If Bulking is your Plan Id Just stick with the Test Enan or Test Cyp.
From My experiences it seems 7 out of 10 guys prefer Cyp. 2 out of the remaining 3 do Not care either way and you might have that 1 guy Who prefers Enanthate. Realy its Like trying to split hairs between the cyp and enan. Very little difference as far as results from my experiences.


Blue-Eyed Devil...
Jun 25, 2006
I've run the SuperTest and many other Stealth products, and have had no pain from them, for the most part...As far as Test goes, I agree with rAJ, Test is Test.....


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Thanks guys. Test C it is then as that is alot cheaper than the supertest. I suppose test is test like you said. And it is best sticking to a straightforward one. I heard sustanon is not great due to the time on each substance not being balanced. I think it is more as I am new to this I want to try most so I gain a greater understanding. I can imagine you would probably get more sides on the blends too. When I say sides I just mean the modest ones like acne etc. It's strange cos I know test c takes a while to kick in (2-4 weeks) and it's active life is 2 weeks+ but I always get a few spots the day after I inject then they go. It is every time I do it. I can imagine I would probably get alot if I done one of the blends so I will just stick to test c as that is working fine for me now.


Registered User
Dec 21, 2007
I have aways been a big fan of sus! It is the cleanest test you can get. The only thing that I used to like better was testoviron depot by schering.


New member
Dec 11, 2007
Elvia1023 said:
Thanks guys. Test C it is then as that is alot cheaper than the supertest. I suppose test is test like you said. And it is best sticking to a straightforward one. I heard sustanon is not great due to the time on each substance not being balanced. I think it is more as I am new to this I want to try most so I gain a greater understanding. I can imagine you would probably get more sides on the blends too. When I say sides I just mean the modest ones like acne etc. It's strange cos I know test c takes a while to kick in (2-4 weeks) and it's active life is 2 weeks+ but I always get a few spots the day after I inject then they go. It is every time I do it. I can imagine I would probably get alot if I done one of the blends so I will just stick to test c as that is working fine for me now.

Sustanon250, and IMO Test C does sting more in some people that I have talked to than Test-e however, you have to look at it this way. there is already TEST C in sustanon so why not just have them all in two shots a week? I shoot my sustanon two shots a week, Sunday and Wed. and with no problems. Sust does sting, supertest I hear strings more and more, test c has a bite, test e is without a doubt painless. If you haven't ordered yet, consider Sust250, you will not be disappointed. And sust DOES in fact contain test C in it as well. Its a many different types of tests in one shot, what more could one ask for?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Martek said:
Sustanon250, and IMO Test C does sting more in some people that I have talked to than Test-e however, you have to look at it this way. there is already TEST C in sustanon so why not just have them all in two shots a week? I shoot my sustanon two shots a week, Sunday and Wed. and with no problems. Sust does sting, supertest I hear strings more and more, test c has a bite, test e is without a doubt painless. If you haven't ordered yet, consider Sust250, you will not be disappointed. And sust DOES in fact contain test C in it as well. Its a many different types of tests in one shot, what more could one ask for?

There is no better way of knowing than trying. So all things considered by next cycle will defo be:

Week 1-12 = Stealth Sustanon around 750mg per week
Week 1-13 = Stealth Eq at around 450mg per week
Week 1-6 = Dbol at 40mg per day

I am in the middle of other cycle now so will start the above about April. Gonna have a month off after PCT on this one. Might do LA muscles Norateen Heavyweight 2 in that month as it is good and helps with the test/libido etc. Thanks guys


New member
Dec 11, 2007
Elvia1023 said:
There is no better way of knowing than trying. So all things considered by next cycle will defo be:

Week 1-12 = Stealth Sustanon around 750mg per week
Week 1-13 = Stealth Eq at around 450mg per week
Week 1-6 = Dbol at 40mg per day

I am in the middle of other cycle now so will start the above about April. Gonna have a month off after PCT on this one. Might do LA muscles Norateen Heavyweight 2 in that month as it is good and helps with the test/libido etc. Thanks guys

Hell yes bro you do that man. Sustanon is great, and at that many mg a week you'll be gold. The Sust and Eq Cycle and DBOL worked great for me, and it shall with you and let us know how everything goes. GOOD CHOICE on the sust partner!