What would you do


Registered User
Jun 30, 2009
I figure i will post something real since we all have been wasting our time with hey i got a new website guy.
I just got word from a-shop my order that was siezed about 3 months ago is on its way,part of it anyway.
Needless to say i am pumped and cant wait to get started.I have been laid off for 3 months so i did not have $$$ to get anything else.
The only problem is this package is only d-ball the other 2 are sustamed and stealth deca.I dont know when those will get here so what do you guys think should i wait till it all gets here or just start the d's and hopefully the other stuuff will be in shortly.Be honest what would you do?
I know i should wait but the temptation might get the better of me.


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
sorry to come in on this so late.
let me help you. I once was in your situation. I started my cycle thinking the rest of my gear would come in. well it never did. the worst thing was the part of what didn't come in was my pct. I had to just deal with it. If you have ever done that I wouldn't want to put that on any body. I had this depression I was emotional I thought I was turning into a chick because I was wanting to cry watching a fucking commercial. I got soft looking and didn't keep my gains and I didn't even want to go to the gym. I had to almost kick my own ass to get to the gym.

to do a Dbol cycle alone lets not even get into all the things wrong with that but a Dbol cycle will shut you down and if you do not have pct in place Your fucked.
in short Wait till you have everything.


Registered User
Jun 30, 2009
Thanks kaju i needed to hear that.
I see that you have had problems with customs so i know you understand.
Have you had any luck getting a response from them?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Thanks kaju i needed to hear that.
I see that you have had problems with customs so i know you understand.
Have you had any luck getting a response from them?

Defo listen to Mac and Kaju... they are smart guys. You will only regret it if you don't wait. Plus say you do get the stuff in a few weeks not the best start to a cycle running tabs before your inj's. Best waiting till you have all your stuff (including pct). Abit different for me as I can get hold of stuff locally. Thats why I started my cycle before getting my pct. But for most they should always wait till they have everything. Then you can get the most from your cycle and not risk anything. I have had mates who have fucked themselves up in the past because they took their dbols beforehand then started injs about 4 weeks later and had no pct for afterwards. I have heard about alot of guys having problems with their deliveries. Let us know how you get on. I just ordered from a new source to me so should find out soon if things are good (sponsor on linked site).


Registered User
Nov 27, 2007
Thanks kaju i needed to hear that.
I see that you have had problems with customs so i know you understand.
Have you had any luck getting a response from them?

Who do you mean by them.
well I'm not going to contact customs so that answers that question. I cannot get an answer from alin even though he guarantees a a reship in case of a seizer. hejust symply will not answer my emails. I understand this sometimes happens and I would have not demanded a reship. I just wanted an answer to my emails.
To top it off I made a second order and I did not get that order not even a leter from customs. he had done good business with me for years. Thats to bad because he would have had a loyal customer for life.
I was always one of those guys defending him. oh well I guess that is just part of the game.
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Registered User
Jun 19, 2009
I would be tempted to start now. I have started with d-bol before, and then added in the test at 4 weeks or so when I shut down, then kept them both going for another couple months or so. If the test hasnt arrived at 4 weeks, then double the dose of d-bol and keep it going.

I realize that conventional wisdom nowadays is to only run d-bol (or anadrol) for 4 weeks as a "kick start." But I have run them both for months at a time with no problems, especially d-bol.

Another conventional wisdom is that you must always run test as a base in every cycle. But remember that even if all you run is test, and you never touch a d-bol, you are still going to shut down about a month into it unless you do some hcg periodically or something to keep you running. Running test first does not keep you from shutting down.

I think the dangers of running d-bol by itself are exaggerated. imo

Now we have something to talk about other than website guy!


Registered User
Jun 30, 2009
I have not recieved anything yet so I am safe from those little pink things tap dancing on my brain.
I thank all of you guys response and i will definetly keep you posted on what happens and do some before and after pics.
kaju i did mean alin and I think that sucks.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I would be tempted to start now. I have started with d-bol before, and then added in the test at 4 weeks or so when I shut down, then kept them both going for another couple months or so. If the test hasnt arrived at 4 weeks, then double the dose of d-bol and keep it going.

I realize that conventional wisdom nowadays is to only run d-bol (or anadrol) for 4 weeks as a "kick start." But I have run them both for months at a time with no problems, especially d-bol.

Another conventional wisdom is that you must always run test as a base in every cycle. But remember that even if all you run is test, and you never touch a d-bol, you are still going to shut down about a month into it unless you do some hcg periodically or something to keep you running. Running test first does not keep you from shutting down.

I think the dangers of running d-bol by itself are exaggerated. imo

Now we have something to talk about other than website guy!

I am not one for conventional methods in the slightest. But at the same time somethings are conventional for a reason... usually because those methods can work best for most people. I by no means think test should be a base to every cycle. I ran tbol only last year for various reasons. But I do think your advice is very irresponsible. Reason being you get some lads new to this read your suggestion of just doubling the dbol and it is cool. And they don't want to inject cos they are new to this. They read 40mg is the best dose so they do 4 week of 40mg then do another 4 weeks of 80mg. I hope you see my point. I know many in the past have taken it all year round. But it is evident and proven it is very toxic to the liver amongst many things. So just be careful in your suggestions cause this is a newbie forum in many ways. I spoke to some 19 year old in the gym the another day who was on 120mg dbol daily cos his mate recommended it... his mate being twice the size and about 10 years older... just cause it works doesn't make it the best pathway for most. Most have to be very careful with the 17aa compounds because they are bad for the body.

I also think the dangers of running d-bol by itself are exaggerated. I think that can be an ideal cycle for some 1st time users or others just wanting a boost. I have just put my mate on a dbol only cycle cos he wants some help but doesn't want to inject. And your right about getting shut down with test. I know many who have just done an oral only cycle and experienced no sides and got some good gains. But of course they are not sustainable gains. There is only so much lean muscle you can put on in a standard dbol cycle. I have friends on 250mg of dbol a day and they are huge... doesn't make it right though.

I would say running test as a base is best in most cases. But everyone is different. I have a friend on here who can't touch the stuff. But on the whole it is the best and will keep one ticking over... but of course they will crash... but thats is moreorless part of this business.

Don't start your cycle now. The longer your on the harder it is to recover. You want to be on a decent amount of time in which you put 100% into diet, training, recovery etc. You don't want to extend it just for the sake of it. Plan effectively but of course go on experience and how yout body reacts. The only way you know how you feel after a 16 week cycle (compared to 12) is to do one. But just be careful. I have seen too many people on here get too impatient and start early and every single one of them regretted it.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have just ordered from UncleZ but they have taken awhile to ship it. They said this week so that is 2 weeks just to ship it out (after payment). I know thats nothing but I was alittle disappointed. By the way I am not one of those freaks complaining after a few weeks. I usually give it 3 months for most orders before complaining. But my usual online supplier delivers in less than 2 weeks so I am used to fast service (I am close to the host country). I will let you know how I get on. I am expecting good things. Hopefully I will have my stuff in the next 2 weeks. But it's cool for me cos I have a few local suppliers I can just visit and get stuff off straightaway. Let me know if Alin sorts things out. I was gonna try some stealth againin the future but might leave it now.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2009
Point taken Elvira.

On the other hand, the description for this particular section of the board is "Anything related to hardcore anabolic steroid bodybuilding."

Calling me irresponsible was a bit of a low blow Elvira. Nikko was asking a hypothetical question "What would you do?" He was specifically requesting honest answers and I answered it truthfully.

If we all have to dumb down our responses to the level of the least experienced teenaged reader then we might as well forget about a thriving board on steroids, and just slap up an advertisement for protein powder.

Further, there is not enough action here on this board for the few active members that remain to start taking shots at each other or labeling each other irresponsible. If we are not going to discuss steroids here, and allow for differing opinions, then just go back to talking about web site guy, and the monitors here who are so bored they have fallen asleep, and I'll check back in a couple of months.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Point taken Elvira.

On the other hand, the description for this particular section of the board is "Anything related to hardcore anabolic steroid bodybuilding."

Calling me irresponsible was a bit of a low blow Elvira. Nikko was asking a hypothetical question "What would you do?" He was specifically requesting honest answers and I answered it truthfully.

If we all have to dumb down our responses to the level of the least experienced teenaged reader then we might as well forget about a thriving board on steroids, and just slap up an advertisement for protein powder.

Further, there is not enough action here on this board for the few active members that remain to start taking shots at each other or labeling each other irresponsible. If we are not going to discuss steroids here, and allow for differing opinions, then just go back to talking about web site guy, and the monitors here who are so bored they have fallen asleep, and I'll check back in a couple of months.

Point taken. I hadn't slept for 2 days when I wrote that. I hadn't even read it properly so my fault. Your right. I just try and be careful with what I write because of the precise reason I mentioned. Too many people have followed posters advice on certain threads then come back 2 months later saying how they have regretted it. But your right everyone should write their own opinions and thats what makes a board a good one. Even if you do get the 200mg dbol daily users doing the same. It's up2 the reader to use common sense. Not my fault if some idiot decides to do my current cycle for a first cycle. So sorry about that. A board wouldn't be interesting without all types of users... no matter how hardcore they are.

So please stay around. I am sure things are only gonna get better here from now on. We should all start posting lots of interesting stuff we are all experiencing and making an effort to overshadow all the spammers. Then when some mods are sorted they will disappear.


Registered User
Jun 30, 2009
I got my resend of d-boll from alin yesterday.
Have not heard anything about my sus. and deca.
I have another local source that will trade 30ML of cyp for 300 D's so here we go.
Im thinking about starting the d-boll 2 weeks before the cyp.
Reason,I have done this cyp before but not BP d-boll.I want to see how i react to this d-boll. Thinking of running 6 weeks of them and 12 weeks of cyp.
Standard PCT


Registered User
Jun 30, 2009
Good luck bro. You did liven things up a bit with your post. I think you'll like this cycle.

Thanks ,was trying to get things movin a bit
There are some guys here with real knowledge just trying to keep us sharp.
I started the d's today 40mg have the cyp on hand but gonna wait 2 weeks like i said and will keep you guys posted.:


Registered User
Jun 30, 2009
I have just ordered from UncleZ but they have taken awhile to ship it. They said this week so that is 2 weeks just to ship it out (after payment). I know thats nothing but I was alittle disappointed. By the way I am not one of those freaks complaining after a few weeks. I usually give it 3 months for most orders before complaining. But my usual online supplier delivers in less than 2 weeks so I am used to fast service (I am close to the host country). I will let you know how I get on. I am expecting good things. Hopefully I will have my stuff in the next 2 weeks. But it's cool for me cos I have a few local suppliers I can just visit and get stuff off straightaway. Let me know if Alin sorts things out. I was gonna try some stealth againin the future but might leave it now.

2 weeks after payment
I would be a little disapointed thats along time
what are you getting from uncle?


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
2 weeks after payment
I would be a little disapointed thats along time
what are you getting from uncle?

Just getting 1 vial of test p, proviron, nolvadex and clomid. Just to cover my pct and give me some spare supplies. I should have ordered it weeks ago. But like I said I can always sort it out locally. But I would rather get the above online. I just done my last inj of tren a so gonna carry on the test p a few weeks more. I will do pro at the same time. I have some hcg for the run up to my pct. Then the usual pct.

Good news they sent it on Friday so hopefully I will get it in the next 10 days or so. I have some test p left. If it doesn't come I will just have to pay out for stuff locally.

Gonna do a 4 week pct... might even add in alittle clen but I doubt it. Gonna take my shortest break (probably 2 months) then start my bulking cycle. Gonna do test e, eq with a kickstart of dbol and adrol. Gonna run it for about 12 weeks. Doses will probably be about 750mg of test, 400mg of eq, 40mg of dbol and 25mg of adrol.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I should add my pct for nolva and clomid are about 4 weeks but I go down the herbal route for a further 4 weeks maybe even 2 months.