wow .......just friggn wow


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
I don't know what's in the f#$$n water now a days but tonight just beats all. I've been slow work wise for a few so I've been taking advantage of the time and hitting the gym middle of night while its empty and getting a good 2 to 3 hours in.
Well tonight like usual by the time I finish cardio the gym is empty,so I'm hitting back ,last set of rows and I just get that spidey sense going off, I look around and this dood is talking to me from across the room like I can hear him with my music. Anyway I just catch the end of what he's saying and really not sure what he's talking about but it something to do with the moon. So even though he smells like he smoked a carton of cigarettes ,and is obviously not a gym user, out of respect I try to figure what he's talking about. Well he's got me looking out the window at the moon by the time I comprehend he's trying to tell me that it's not the moon but actually a space ship.
At this point I'm thinking what the fvuck is this guy on, but you can tell a tweeker so I'm thinking dood looks like an average guy maybe he's just trying to play a joke ect. So I just say well if it is I'm not big enough to do anything about it and go back to lifting. A second later he's showing me pics on his phone telling me that , what was obviously glare, was a tail section.
OK at this point I'm sizing the guy up, he's obviously lost his friggn mind.
I've been in some rough situations in my time , but with what crazys have been doing lately, this is the first time in my life I feared I may have to end someone.
Well I went on and done some calf raises and the dood disappeared so I looked out the window and this dood is walking around the parking lot of my gym taking pics of the friggn moon like its about to attack. So I'm on my last set for the night and dood comes back in and heads for bathroom with a back pack as I'm heading out so I'm guessing he's living in his pickup using gym for showers.

All I can think is what the f@$k , you see that shit in shady places,inter city ect. but never thought I'd have to worry about ending someone in a good area at the gym.
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
Just to add I think what got me is it was like the dood thought I new already and he wanted me to confirm it since he figured it out......like it was my ship and I traveled to bfe to get a pump.....friggn people.....lol....I guess I can build a space ship but can't build a friggn gym........


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 10, 2012
What shocks me is when relatively sane people start doing that shit. I'm like WTF did you just say......


Mar 27, 2014
If you listen - they will talk
I'm one of those guys that pace back and forth with a kill look on my face


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Once I put my ear buds in at the gym, I'm done talking to people. I don't make eye contact or even acknowledge anyone until the work is done and I'm about to walk out. People probably think I'm an asshole because of it, but it helps me avoid the crazies and time wasters. Things like what happened to you are exactly the reason I am the way I am. There aren't enough hours in the day for me to accomplish the things that I want to get done, so I definitely don't have any time to waste on crazy people and their stupidity.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 10, 2013
dark side of Olympus
As a few above have said from now on when the ear buds go in there staying in till the work outs over..... My wife was LHAO when I got in and told her about it......

101st Ranger

Registered User
Aug 29, 2013
Once I put my ear buds in at the gym, I'm done talking to people. I don't make eye contact or even acknowledge anyone until the work is done and I'm about to walk out. People probably think I'm an asshole because of it, but it helps me avoid the crazies and time wasters. Things like what happened to you are exactly the reason I am the way I am. There aren't enough hours in the day for me to accomplish the things that I want to get done, so I definitely don't have any time to waste on crazy people and their stupidity.
im the same way. But there is this one old ass lady who is one of my.neighbors and snytime she sees me she just comes up and starte talking like Joan fucking Rivers. Last time it happened, headphones are in and I'm holding 100lbs dumbells. I was so pissed but she doesn't relent. I had to put the fuckers down and pull out the earplugs and listen to her dumbass for at least 15 mins. :sniper: