Belly Fat Help!


Registered User
Nov 17, 2013
And this is why I come here! Give it a day and I have tangible stuff with research. I hate "bro science" from all those retards at the gym. Trust me, my gym has more "great knowledge" that is absolutely more useless than congress!

Magnus: I got the myfitnesspal app. It says my daily net calorie goal is 2,740 and that I should lost 5 lbs by march 28. Guess that is alright. Its a start. But then again that is diet alone, not taking into account weight training. As far as the tren, clen, dnp, eac - I will be looking into eac first, no experience with Tren, Clen, Dnp.
I am incorporating Supersets from now on. I have done them this week (first time ever going a whole week with them), and I liked it. Been stepping up the stair master this week, and running more in the evening.
Coming off the fall/winter bulk. Just didn't think I would have so much trouble with this damn belly.

Jim: My Water intake: probably about 1.5-2 Gallons a day. I'm thirsty a lot. As far as diet goes, I eat Deer, Chicken, Fish, little pork (very little). Carbs though are an issue, we have lots of pasta in my family. Slowly changing that. Winter brings in the pasta. Spring brings out the grill more, less pasta, less carbs. Guess its a good time of the year for this :)

Medical Issue: Fatty Liver. Gotta lose weight, doc can't prescribe anything to accelerate because I am not "Morbidly Obese". But then he tells me to find something. So yeah. He wouldn't recommend anything either, says most of the good things require a prescription.
So I will be checking out the: sac stack <--wal-mart $20.00 Yeah I'm down for that

Lycan: I will look into the Anavar thing. Gotta research that. Thanks for the link!

Formula1069(Great name): DNP - gonna look at that too. Obviously not do all the above at one time, might get some crazy results, then again, might have bad outcomes. Not my cup. Research! Thanks for the input there.

Humpthebobcat: Yeah I won't be chasing down a bobcat ha ha. Yes it would seem I am backwards. I eat about 4 eggs in the morning. The problem I have is that I am not hungry that early. Guess I will try a force feeding method. Read about that in regards to eating more in the morning for weight loss. So I;m gonna try it.

If I missed anyone, I apologize and mean no disrespect. It's good to be back on here after my few months gone. Personal things, medical crap, moves, holidays. Great time!


Registered User
Nov 17, 2013
In case anyone missed it:
Fatty Liver Disease (nonalcoholic)
Anyone know of anything that speeds up fat lose IN the liver? Heard of a B-12 mixture that might. Can't figure out the mixture, or where I read this at. DR said this might effect my overall fat loss.


Registered User
Nov 17, 2013
Paranoid: Yes I have read this. Its good. I was in the medical field (combat medic, nurse) for 8 years; so I am always on Mayo. Unfortunately Mayo is limited in areas that many of the guys on here are not. I was diagnosed with FLD 4 years ago (give or take) and by looking at my labs, the DR figured I had it way before that. My grandfather died from it. So obviously I am trying to kick this thing. Visceral Fat (belly) is the worse kind, and causes more medical issues than any other kind. FLD exacerbates this because the Liver is already compensating. The benefit I have is that my DR knows everything about me: History, what goes in my body, goals, fears, what I am willing to do. He is supportive and on board. SO anything I find, I bounce off him (obviously with research done), and he will do some research and see as well.
Basically guys, and on a very serious note:
I want to see my son grow up. Best estimations with Ultra Sound place my liver between 50-60% Fat. Hate to get serious like this. But I'm a little emotional about this. (HA HA, so much for High Test causing temper issues, myth BUSTED)

You guys are awesome!


Registered User
Nov 17, 2013
Magnus - Found that "2 weeks to shred". Great article. I like that. That actually makes sense.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
I would be a little hesitant about the Anavar if u have FLD. Oral AAS put stress on the liver, even the milder ones like Anavar. Might not be the smartest thing to do for someone that already had diagnosable liver issues. No need to exacerbate a known issue.


Registered User
Nov 17, 2013
Yeah, DR said laughably "I would rather see methods that don't go directly through your liver, even though some anavar is not really touched by the liver."

I loved the "don't go directly through the liver". Good Dr. funny. Subtle ha ha


Registered User
Nov 17, 2013
Nope, no diabetes. Just Fatty liver. Which is apparently pretty common, just not with my fat level.


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
if it were me...I would go on the bill clinton whole foods veggie diet until my body returned to health (did you see his before and after cardiac angiogram? absofcukinglutely amazing transformation)...worth a try


Registered User
Dec 22, 2013
also look up the gerson therapy! really amazing german/jewish doctor that cured people from any know disease even tuberculosis and cancer...most notable for his work curing cancer....with organic fruit and vegetable juice, distilled water, and organic coffee enemas...the enemas were supposed to flush the liver free from toxins i believe which might be of interest to ya


Oct 27, 2012
Well, some suggestions, reduce the amount of dietary fat and the fat you do consume should be high in polyunsaturated fats. This medical review provides some guidelines: http://www.medicine.virginia.edu/cl...eam/nutrition-articles/NaniwadekarArticle.pdf

Additionally, this full text review compares the effects of various diets on patients diagnosed with NAFLD: Comparative review of diets for the metabolic syndrome: implications for nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Taken from that review, "here is no consensus as to what diet or lifestyle approach is the right one for NAFLD and NASH patients, largely because of a lack of scientific evidence. It is likely that there will be no one correct approach for all NAFLD patients, and diets will therefore need to be tailored to individual needs. The inclusion of n−3 fatty acids, high-MUFA foods, fruit, vegetables, and low-GI, high-fiber foods and reduced intakes of saturated fats, simple carbohydrates, and sweetened drinks may be universally recommended to NAFLD patients."

Some additional advice from a Duke physician is here: Clinician Q&A: Fighting Fatty Liver Disease - DukeHealth.org

It appears that reducing overall caloric intake, reducing saturated fats, refined sugars, foods high in fructose which eating polyunsaturated fats, losing weight and incorporating more vitamin e into your routine tend to be beneficial. Also, inflammatory foods, from the reviews, tend to be harmful in patients with NAFLD. I would suggest going gluten free as to reduce the inflammatory effects of wheat.

Hopefully these lead you in the right direction
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The Grim Repper

Super Moderator
Sep 26, 2008
Making it Happen Somewhere
You mentioned not being hungry that early in the morning. If you eat your last meal at 1800 (6pm) you should be starving after waking.
I say like Jim mentioned, unless you're 120 lbs, you need to eat more, drop processed carbs and replace them with green/fibrous veggies and healthy fats like nuts and healthy oils. Avoid oral AAS like the plague, if you have NAFL then those will not be good.


Registered User
When it comes to that belly fat no one's mentioned liposuction...just sayin" :)

I didn't mention earlier that my brother has the same NAFLD.
He doesn't drink.
He also avoids NSAIDS as well as any medication that's liver-toxic.
He pretty much doesn't take any medication and would never think of running any AAS, let alone oral.

With your medical training you're aware of the do's and dont's.


New member
Feb 28, 2014
When it comes to that belly fat no one's mentioned liposuction...just sayin" :)

ha.ha. very funny :naughty1:

How about Intermittent fasting ?

New research is quickly finding intermittent fasting to have more purpose than just to those who do it religiously.

Increased fat loss, increased HGH (whaattt??), reducing oxidative stress, eliminate cravings, lower high triglyceride levels, etc.

Intermittent Fasting

Also worth a read is High-Intensity Interval Training

High-Intensity Interval Training and Intermittent Fasting - A Winning Combo.

Dr Mercola always has great articles