CG's return to the game!


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Guys there's only one way to describe tonight's work out. FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!!!


Killer back routine tonight.
Rack deads
seated rows (narrow grip)
seated rows (extreme wide grip)
Straight arm rope pull downs
Bent over one arm rows

I walked out of there cold and shaking. I said God Damn................. Time to feed it!
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
First off, your before and after pictures look really good. That’s how you show a dramatic difference.

Are you sure your BP is under control? The headaches and pressure in your head when you bend over are classic signs of high BP. I’m getting really sensitive to increases in my own BP as I approach 40, and am having to change the gear I use and how much of it. It’s just something we all have to deal with as time catches up to us. It could also be related to an increase in red blood cells from the gear. You might consider donating blood, or even doing a double red blood cell donation.

Also, make sure that even you, or whomever takes your BP, use a large BP cuff. The smaller cuffs don’t give accurate readings for guys like us. If you’re checking it at home with an automatic machine, it’s likely to be highly inaccurate.

High BP is nothing to fuck around with, especially as we get older. It’s called the silent killer for a good reason.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
^^^As usual your right about the BP numbers.^^^ I noticed at the gym when things started getting ramped up and nasty my head would be blowing up inside. It was the same feeling I'm complaining about. I realized then it had to be BP issues. I have a smaller automatic cuff that self inflates. It's hit and miss with it. My wife is a F.A. at a dialysis company and had here bring home her cuff. It's not bad as I said earlier, but there s just times when something is spiking it. I'm doing morning cardio. I'm assuming it's got to be the gear. No gear and this whole program implodes. If I start low dosing that will put the kiss of death to the log and putting back on real size.
In our other conversation in open forum "the tren thread".........maybe I could low does much stronger gear and trick my system? I keep extensive records of cycles and food. I have never had issues running anything 50% stronger than what I'm now doing.

One more thing, thank you for your comment on the before and after pics. I've been pounding away as hard as I can. It's a little scary entering into an online log not knowing what the hell is going to take place. All I can do is change the plugs and air cleaner and hope this old motor has one more in her. lol
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
^^^As usual your right about the BP numbers.^^^ I noticed at the gym when things started getting ramped up and nasty my head would be blowing up inside. It was the same feeling I'm complaining about. I realized then it had to be BP issues. I have a smaller automatic cuff that self inflates. It's hit and miss with it. My wife is a F.A. at a dialysis company and had here bring home her cuff. It's not bad as I said earlier, but there s just times when something is spiking it. I'm doing morning cardio. I'm assuming it's got to be the gear. No gear and this whole program implodes. If I start low dosing that will put the kiss of death to the log and putting back on real size.
In our other conversation in open forum "the tren thread".........maybe I could low does much stronger gear and trick my system? I keep extensive records of cycles and food. I have never had issues running anything 50% stronger than what I'm now doing.

One more thing, thank you for your comment on the before and after pics. I've been pounding away as hard as I can. It's a little scary entering into an online log not knowing what the hell is going to take place. All I can do is change the plugs and air cleaner and hope this old motor has one more in her. lol

You might want to get blood work done to see where your RBC is at. Combined with an accurate reading on your BP will give you a better idea of what is or isn’t causing your issues. Do you have a script for any BP meds from your GP? That might be something to consider if you don’t. I’m not even 40 yet, but I’m considering asking my GP for BP meds just as a preventative measure. There’s no shame in it.

When it comes to age, just because we used to be fine with it a year or 2 ago doesn’t mean that our body will tolerate it now. I used to be able to run pretty substantial amounts of EQ, but now it sends my RBC and BP through the roof within just a week or 2 or starting it. And that change just happened within the last 2 years. Maybe you need to consider different compounds, or more compounds at smaller doses? I dunno, hard to say what the answer is.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Dec 3, 2012
Bro you look great for your age!
Also little tip I found out from a budy off mine that is trained by Stan Efferding. For chicken and rice put some dextrose on it, just a sprinkle. The sweetness helps you make more saliva and it's easier to chew and swallow. Do the same thing to psych patients when they get dry mouth from antipsychotics. We use honey...

That’s genius, by the way. Never heard of it before, but I’m gonna use it. Chicken is so dry that it gets stuck in my throat after I swallow.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
My wife draws blood on a regular bases. I also take a baby aspirin a day. I do have some BP meds but it points my junk dead south. "Man Down!" Think I may give that a shot? Another good idea Sully.


Registered User
Jul 2, 2017
A little Cialis will fix that right up!
Cialis will help BP and strengthen erections. CG if you're not on it, get on it. I take 10mg daily. And no it won't tank your bp. It only lowers bp for people with high bp.


Mar 27, 2014
Cialis will help BP and strengthen erections. CG if you're not on it, get on it. I take 10mg daily. And no it won't tank your bp. It only lowers bp for people with high bp.
If I take Viagra - I get real bad heart burn
Ciallis makes me have the worst stuffy nose ever.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Cialis will help BP and strengthen erections. CG if you're not on it, get on it. I take 10mg daily. And no it won't tank your bp. It only lowers bp for people with high bp.

Rambo, I just ordered some with the Oxford Log I'm going to run in this log. That should work out perfect. I had no idea the stuff actually helped with high BP. How does that work? It opens the capillaries and intern lowers BP? Just guessing........


Registered User
Jul 2, 2017
Rambo, I just ordered some with the Oxford Log I'm going to run in this log. That should work out perfect. I had no idea the stuff actually helped with high BP. How does that work? It opens the capillaries and intern lowers BP? Just guessing........
Yes, basically it's a vasodialator so it opens things up which in turn lowers bp. But it won't lower a normal bp so no worries of going too low, this is my understanding.

Check these out,




Feb 2, 2007
My wife draws blood on a regular bases. I also take a baby aspirin a day. I do have some BP meds but it points my junk dead south. "Man Down!" Think I may give that a shot? Another good idea Sully.

I agree with low dosed cialis ed. That should lower your bp and help with all the other fun stuff. The supplement carditone is worth looking into if you need something else and don't want to use meds.


Registered User
Jul 2, 2017
I agree with low dosed cialis ed. That should lower your bp and help with all the other fun stuff. The supplement carditone is worth looking into if you need something else and don't want to use meds.
From what I read, carditone is a good one. Also, the doses for cialis for hypertension are 20-40mg so I would recommend he move up to 20mg or more if 10mg isn't doing the job. Check bp in the morning upon waking. Take the cialis. Then test a few hours later.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
I'm back

Well guys I just got over another bad chest cold. Can't tell ya what the fuck is going on. But it sucks getting sick!

I'm changing up my diet to a keto diet. I'm going to out line a day of eating for you so you can get an idea of what I'm up to.

-5 whole eggs mixed with ripped pieces of ham and 4 slices of American cheese on top. I sprinkle bacon bits on top also.

- Stake, I cut it up and fry it with a medium sliced onion with a green leaf salad and zero carb dressing.

-stir fried chicken in coconut oil. I over fry it so it browns. I like it that way.

-fried shrimp in butter. Again browned because the little crusties add flavor to it.

- in between all these meals I'm snacking on cheese sticks I roll in ham slices. I found a pickle that's 1 carb for two pieces. For some reason it all tastes good together.
-I found cashews that are 7 carbs for a quarter cup that I'm snacking on just before bed. Don't knock it till ya try it.

Flavored water and sugar free gum in MASS amounts.

Now here it comes. Once I know I'm in keto I'm going to start Basel insulin and step it up along with the hgh to find a limit. I'm fascinated to see what insulin will do with such high concentrations of protein and with my body fighting it for the fat (I'm guessing) I think it could be "THE WAY" to bulk with zero to very little fat gains. We will see.

Why change the diet? No reason at all. Doing what I was doing was working out wonderfully. Maybe too well. I'm having a problem living with the added size. I'm thinking if I slow the roll I can grow with this thing instead of just having a seat on board the train. Hope that makes sense. A log is about learning. Lets try some shit you guys aren't used to and make it interesting. What do you say? :)


Registered User
Feb 9, 2018
Yes, basically it's a vasodialator so it opens things up which in turn lowers bp. But it won't lower a normal bp so no worries of going too low, this is my understanding.

Check these out,



I just started BP meds low dose.i was wondering if cialis would drop it too much.i break 20 mgs in half all i need..does get me congested bad though


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
I'm doing the keto and lovin it so far.

I have figured out a brownie I have with my coffee that's 100% keto and works pretty good.

1/2 cup egg whites
1/2 cup chocolate whey
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 packs of sweat and low
mix it up and microwave for 1 1/2 minutes

BAM.........chocolate brownie baby!