My Gift to ALL AnaSCI Members!


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Apr 20, 2007
Havn't started mine yet.I am waiting to get all my bood work and testing done first.
So probably end of September

looking forward to following your progress!

wasnt there someone else here that was ready to run the protocol, cant remember which thread that was from?


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Yes, I did say that I would be in a position to try this protocol in September if all the information was out there...But there are a couple factors involved in that and you should think the same:

1) If there are going to be people running this then they should also be logging their use of it openly...At this moment this thread equates to the same thing that Devenidas has stated regarding Jordan (Jordan says ALL the Pros are not running this type of protocol, CG says that a single Pro gave him this information and that ALL Pros are gaining their freakish size from this): Both are hearsay...Again like mentioned before, none of this is breaking news and I have seen Big A, Dad and MANY others talk about it freely many times over. So anyone that decides to run this protocol should be openly logging their progress to see the gains made even on a smaller dosing scale. No more "hearsay"!

2) Also as has been mentioned and ALL OF US KNOWS insulin CAN KILL YOU! There is not one person in this thread that can dispute that, period! So if anyone is going to be running this protocol you better damn well believe that it better be guided by someone that has actually experimented with it themselves...Other then that, what is it really - a cut and paste comment that was given to one person by another?!! Sounds a lot like what we have been bred to believe, we are suppose to be giving the govt a percentage of everything we own for life...Because someone told us that was the right thing to do all those years ago (but obviously that's an analogy for another thread lol). So...

3) Has CG actually tried this protocol or something similar using Lantus?! I'll ask the same to bboy, have you tried this protocol or something similar using Lantus?! I'll ask anyone in this thread (in case I missed it), have any of you actually run this protocol or something similar using Lantus?! Because I could make a thread right here and now and give you a breakdown of what many Pros have taken for their cycles that I have spoken with over the years (could post emails or pm's for everyone of them and could even tell you the sources they were using, whether overseas guys getting shit from the local pharm or the US guys getting them from off these boards)...But I have never run any of their cycles either (see my point)?!

Obviously there are other factors but I am not even going to bother getting into those...Just a waste of finger muscles typing on those as that horse has been beaten to death 10x over the past couple weeks:rolleyes:

The answer is YES. But what I did previously was much more aggressive than what I will soon be logging here at Anasci.

I'm planning on having a log about my quest to add mass and size over the age of 50. This will include using Lantus at 50iu per day injected first thing in the morning. Every morning. This isn't a log about being healthy or extending or shortening life. It's a guest for size and mass over the age of 50.
I've read many of the posts in this thread and it surprises me that some have come to the conclusion that if I'm not the size of Dallas McCarver it must not work. Are you guys serious with this crap? I have already started the protocol I will be logging so your not going to see pics of me from stating at the basement. So I guess that will be fuel for the naysayers:action-smiley-060: I think a lot of you guys missed the entire point of the post. It was NEVER about anything but helping you guys grow. Isn't that what all of this is about.
I was around doing this when the boards were a new thing. It was just a bunch of dudes like me that wanted to get jacked out the ass. God, I miss those days. All we EVER did was look for ways to grow man. Eat & Grow. If I had it my way that's the direction Anasci would be headed. Anasci is one of the only stops you can talk about mixing raws and real testing. Hell we could round it off with getting nasty about growing. Look as far as I'm concerned Brad/BBOY has already confirmed the Lantus thing is real. That should be enough for any of you guys.
I'm hoping by having this log it will remove all questions as to if the old dawgs can grow and live to tell about it.
BTW: for the guys that wanted to see before and after pics of the Lantus run I did going into 2011 winning each and every show I entered. Mr Pa, Mr Phila, Mr Lehigh Vally. I'll be looking to dig them up if that helps anyone. That's all this post was intended to do. "help you guys". I went on to place 7th at the Nats the next year. In retrospect I should have went the year I was kicking ass.
So let me get my ducks in a row and wrap my head around walking the walk again as far as diet and sleep and then we will get started. If you guys can't get Lantus but can get Huma(log) you can jump in on this and grow as well.

C-ya soon! CG


Sep 17, 2003
Good to see you back CG!

Looking forward to what you're preparing to bring to us:cool::headbang:

In part #2 of Big A's interview he says that although he has never run it, the Lantus protocol has merit.

So would be great to have a few logs going on it!


Mar 27, 2014
Are you going to let us know what we should stock up on?
I have been planning my run since you started this post.
Was going to start my run but got messed up.
I should be ready my self when you are
Who else is ready?


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
I would get Lantus or Humalog.
The gear you want to run
Glutamine Powder. I use "NOW Sports" brand. You will be consuming 80grams a day on average.
Metformin or other sups that aid in increasing insulin sensitivity.
George Forman grill<-----not a joke


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
Image - TinyPic - Free Image Hosting, Photo Sharing & Video Hosting

IMO these pics best represent my first and only Lantus run. No I'm not as big as a pro. But I think there is indisputable gains as a direct result. My lifting didn't change during this period. Only diet. The camera and me were located exactly in the same location for both.
BTW: I'm not looking to impress one single person viewing. I'm making no claims other than "IT WORKED FOR ME". You guys asked to see these pics, here ya go.



Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
lol, for the life of me I can't figure out how to post pics at this site. No problem at PM but this is different here. It's calling for more than five connecting cells in my brain. I'm shit out of luck..........That's not even the pic I meant to post. I emailed both pic to my self hoping to get a url but nothing. Then when I went to tiny pics it put me through a circus of events only to put up a pic I never picked out. I can't even tell you how frustrating this internet thing is when the ship left the harbor without you......if I can't post pics the log will blow.



Registered User
Jul 2, 2017
lol, for the life of me I can't figure out how to post pics at this site. No problem at PM but this is different here. It's calling for more than five connecting cells in my brain. I'm shit out of luck..........That's not even the pic I meant to post. I emailed both pic to my self hoping to get a url but nothing. Then when I went to tiny pics it put me through a circus of events only to put up a pic I never picked out. I can't even tell you how frustrating this internet thing is when the ship left the harbor without you......if I can't post pics the log will blow.

If you want to email them to me I can post them for you brother. Just PM me if you need my help.


Sep 17, 2003
lol, for the life of me I can't figure out how to post pics at this site. No problem at PM but this is different here. It's calling for more than five connecting cells in my brain. I'm shit out of luck..........That's not even the pic I meant to post. I emailed both pic to my self hoping to get a url but nothing. Then when I went to tiny pics it put me through a circus of events only to put up a pic I never picked out. I can't even tell you how frustrating this internet thing is when the ship left the harbor without you......if I can't post pics the log will blow.


Here is a sticky that was placed in the Members Pics forum: http://www.anasci.org/vB/members-photos/36594-uploading-pics.html


Sep 17, 2003
My pics come out huge

I resize them on my desktop before posting.

I have asked my tech to install an automatic resizer.

So once that's in place they will automatically post at a specific size and you will need to click on the actual image if you wish to see it full size.


Registered User
Jul 2, 2017

Here are the pics CG meant to post.


  • b53a7543c889a651586067a073ad2223.jpg
    213.7 KB · Views: 116
  • e5456f7ffba2ec9a5f25c397ae1cc6c6.jpg
    269.3 KB · Views: 117


Registered User
Jul 2, 2017
Lol, sorry they are massive I'm posting from my phone. I'm just a level above CG in the pic posting department haha.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Apr 20, 2007
Are you going to let us know what we should stock up on?
I have been planning my run since you started this post.
Was going to start my run but got messed up.
I should be ready my self when you are
Who else is ready?

just caught your pics in the photo forum. looking really good!

looking forward to following your progress on this run.


Super Moderator
Mar 12, 2013
lol b-boy saw what I contributed to the thread so did Tenny but obviously a twat like you do not have the mental capacity to comprehend this.

So lets understand this right, you do not want ''I know x guy and he doesn't do it'' bullshit in this thread ?? ok cool

Now what is CG stating this whole thing on ???

I know pros, I know big guys who getting real big, I know guys in Kuwait gym they got this plugged into them and that plugged into them who are mutating by the hour, getting checked by doctors every hour. Lantus is the key

thats what essentially CG is saying right

You do realise CG is not saying...

hey look at me. I got REAL big doing Lantus.

No he is quoting ''other''random people. How the fuck is that any different ?

I dont have any issue with CG at all (never have) or him sharing his protocol etc. I am just stating another perspective for everyone to think for themselves.

and Jordan is neck deep in business. Dont need me to get him any. He doing very well for himself.

That's exactly what I'm saying and I'm bigger than you too in the pics..........lol