30 solid pounds in 6 months


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Someone on another forum asked me about blood pressure so I figured I would mention the details here. Obviously my cholesterol is a big concern at the moment but blood pressure is always a concern for me especially when bulking. In the past it has gone fairly high and on a bulking cycle is usually borderline high so I need to monitor and control that. I want to get my biggest ever so I definitely need to make sure my bp doesn't go above what it has in the past. It's never low so I know I will only ever benefit from suppléments that help control it.

I have carditone waiting for me in the UK so will be adding that in soon. That has been shown to be extremely effective treating high blood pressure so I am sure it will help me out as I carry on growing. Once I buy a new bp monitor I will be checking it regularly.

The other supplements I am using that have been shown to have a positive effect on blood pressure are vitamin c, ubiquinol (q10), citrus bergamot, policosanol, garlic and artichoke. Supplementing magnesium can be great for bp but that is included in the carditone formula. If I had to recommend a simple stack for someone with bp issues it would be carditone and vitamin c. If funds were available I would definitely add in ubiquinol as that is an amazing overall health supplement. Here is a study done on Q10 (ubiquinol being the best form).

Coenzyme Q10 in the treatment of hypertension: a meta-analysis of the clinical trials.

Rosenfeldt FL1, Haas SJ, Krum H, Hadj A, Ng K, Leong JY, Watts GF.


Our objective was to review all published trials of coenzyme Q10 for hypertension, assess overall efficacy and consistency of therapeutic action and side effect incidence. Meta-analysis was performed in 12 clinical trials (362 patients) comprising three randomized controlled trials, one crossover study and eight open label studies. In the randomized controlled trials (n=120), systolic blood pressure in the treatment group was 167.7 (95% confidence interval, CI: 163.7-171.1) mm Hg before, and 151.1 (147.1-155.1) mm Hg after treatment, a decrease of 16.6 (12.6-20.6, P<0.001) mm Hg, with no significant change in the placebo group. Diastolic blood pressure in the treatment group was 103 (101-105) mm Hg before, and 94.8 (92.8-96.8) mm Hg after treatment, a decrease of 8.2 (6.2-10.2, P<0.001) mm Hg, with no significant change in the placebo group. In the crossover study (n=18), systolic blood pressure decreased by 11 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure by 8 mm Hg (P<0.001) with no significant change with placebo. In the open label studies (n=214), mean systolic blood pressure was 162 (158.4-165.7) mm Hg before, and 148.6 (145-152.2) mm Hg after treatment, a decrease of 13.5 (9.8-17.1, P<0.001) mm Hg. Mean diastolic blood pressure was 97.1 (95.2-99.1) mm Hg before, and 86.8 (84.9-88.8) mm Hg after treatment, a decrease of 10.3 (8.4-12.3, P<0.001) mm Hg. We conclude that coenzyme Q10 has the potential in hypertensive patients to lower systolic blood pressure by up to 17 mm Hg and diastolic blood pressure by up to 10 mm Hg without significant side effects.

PMID: 17287847 DOI: 10.1038/sj.jhh.1002138

[PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
On Friday I trained calves, chest and abs and changed things up a little. Recently I have been going the gym pretty much trying to lift as much as possible in low-moderate rep ranges for all working sets. I decided to just focus on the form and being 100% and kept the weight to a max of 2 plates a side and even lighter db's. I done quite a lot of slow negative db pressing sets with minimal rest in between. I finished my chest training with some incline bench cable crossovers. Calves and abs were only 5-10 mins each but very intense.

Yesterday I trained back and pushed the weight. I changed around the grips for most exercises and also added in a few multi grip sets. I got 4 plates a side for approx 12 reps and a few partials using a wide supinated grip (one arm at a time) on the technogym row machine which is awkward so I was pleased with that. I swopped over to the technogym lat pulldown machine and only went up to 3 plates a side. I done one arm at a time and realized focused on the form and pulling my elbows down as much as possible. The rest was just all really heavy and pushing it hard. I really love the feel of the seated cable row machine and ended with a giant drop set on that. Then it was lower back extentions holding a plate and dropping to bodyweight. I ended with back stretches and 5 mins of rumble rolling my back. My right shoulder felt a bit sore last night but it seems to be better. I am feeling really good and just want to carry on progressing like I have been.

One issue is I am struggling to get some meat meals down. It doesn't help when I leave them in tupperware and the meat goes dry. I oven baked 4 chicken breasts all with about 80g carbs from rice and struggled getting most of them down. There is an easy fix to that though like I done earlier for the last one. I cut up the chicken into tiny pieces and added sauce to the plate so that was fine. I am bulking so a little sauce here and there is not going to hurt me. I don't like any of the crappy no sugar sauces so just get standard ones or make my own. I did start having weightgain shakes before bed but I am going to stop that and have a big whole food meal as I feel that is better especially pre bed.

The only "bad" food I have had over the last few weeks has been some sauce and 1 bar of 80% dark chocolate I am currently eating (over a few days) so not bad at all. I love dark chocolate so have it as a treat from time to time. As people know it provides many health benefits too. I do have bowls of cereal occasionally but they are top quality full of whole nuts etc but not what I call perfect bulking food. The ones I have are over 1000 calories per bowl so definitely bumping up my calories. If I could eat 6 of them per day bulking would be so easy :D


Mar 27, 2014
For your food
I picked up a rice cooker that my good freind told me about
I cook the rice for lunch then take my cold chicken or meat and mix it into the hot rice and let thrm stsy on warmer till I am ready to eat.
Your chicken- meat or fish is alway hot and moist.
Rice cookers are only $30 or so
I think you could plug it into your car lighter also


Mar 27, 2014
Question- when you are doing MK-677
What would happen if you took 2 to 4 iu of growth at the same time?
Would it be beneficial or just a waist of growth?
And I think I saw that you added insulin in- do you get the same kick doing insulin w/serums as you would with insulin and growth hormones?
Sorry for silly questions but you are one of the most knowledgeable peptide guys here
Last edited:

lycan Venom

AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Nov 22, 2013
I appreciate the logging. It gives me sommething to look forward to when checking into the forum. It's also motivation to do one myself and from the Syntherol log, it is hard to keep up daily when you have a busy lifestyle. So much respect and gratitude for effort in updating your log.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
For your food
I picked up a rice cooker that my good freind told me about
I cook the rice for lunch then take my cold chicken or meat and mix it into the hot rice and let thrm stsy on warmer till I am ready to eat.
Your chicken- meat or fish is alway hot and moist.
Rice cookers are only $30 or so
I think you could plug it into your car lighter also

Thanks matey. I actually was gonna buy a rice cooker recently and my gf said she would get me one for Christmas. Then she forgot so I will have to pick one up soon! Someone else just asked me about chicken so I will input the info here. I actually just cooked chicken then and it was amazing. I fried it in coconut oil with some chilli flakes and A Vogel's Herbamare herb salt. I mainly do that or I oven bake it. Even when I oven bake it I usually enjoy it loads. The issue is just when I leave it in tupperware over night. My appetite has lowered slightly so that is the main factor as usually I am happy to eat chicken that has been left in the fridge over night. Today I cut one chicken breast into small pieces and added sauce and it was actually great so I will start doing that.

I did start buying cheaper chicken in France and that didn't help as they are crap. Still way more expensive than the US but utter crap quality. Even if you cooked them perfectly or put them in a soup you can taste and see the difference. Chicken in Switzerland is very expensive but great quality if it is domestic. Actually check out the chicken I bought the other day to show you what I mean...


That's over $15 for 378g of chicken breast wtf :eek: That was bought in an organic store I always go to. Gonna stick to the cheapest Swiss chicken from now on which is about $9 for the same amount.

Question- when you are doing MK-677
What would happen if you took 2 to 4 iu of growth at the same time?
Would it be beneficial or just a waist of growth?
And I think I saw that you added insulin in- do you get the same kick doing insulin w/serums as you would with insulin and growth hormones?
Sorry for silly questions but you are one of the most knowledgeable peptide guys here

Not silly at all. MK-677 goes great with HGH. You wouldn't need to use as much HGH so it really helps out in regards to cost too. I would recommend taking one am and the other pm. The order doesn't matter but I would do HGH in the morning and MK-677 about 2 hours pre bed. It can effect some peoples sleep when dosed just before bed so I always like to take it a little earlier.

I haven't actually added slin in yet. I do have humulin-r in the cupboard but I had some humalog sent to my parents in the UK. I couldn't get it sent here due to customs. So when I visit them next week I will bring it back in my suitcase and pretty much start straightaway.

Yes you could use MK-677 in replace of HGH with slin and get similar results. I guess it all depends upon how you react to MK and how you react to certain brands of HGH. Meaning 20mg MK-677 for example should put on a fair amount of water retention. Whereas certain HGH brand's don't but others may put on huge water retention. So depending upon your response to each/both elements the results could be different. But in general terms don't think you are short changing yourself using MK instead of HGH with slin. I personally get more out of MK than I do most of the HGH brands I have tried. If you do your planned MK and HGH combo then you cover all bases so adding slin onto that combo should work out great if your diet is spot on.

I may try something interesting with my slin so I will post more on that in the future. By interesting I mean 5IU dosed approx 4 times daily on training days.

I appreciate the logging. It gives me sommething to look forward to when checking into the forum. It's also motivation to do one myself and from the Syntherol log, it is hard to keep up daily when you have a busy lifestyle. So much respect and gratitude for effort in updating your log.

Thank you matey that means a lot. I love doing logs. It can be time consuming and I have let my pre workout thread slip a little but will be posting in that soon too. Thanks for your support and I enjoy your posts.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
Since I upped my syntherol volume to 1ml in 4 spots in each calf eod it has made a big difference. My calves are now about 2 inches bigger from when I started and nearly 18 1/2 inches. Last night my injections were easy so that was good. There was basically no blood for the first 7 and some on the last one. 2moro I am going to try 1.1ml in 4 spots and go on from there. My calves feel pumped all the time now. Since upping the dose slightly I have felt it more but nothing bad. I stretch my calves between every set and that hurts more than the actual sets. I feel it most on the negative of each rep when I am stretching at the bottom.

I have only done a few injections in my arms and I can already see a big difference. I have been using 1ml in both heads of the bi-cep eod so not a lot at all. I have been purposely putting in some injections lower down my bi-cep closer to the elbow and I can already see a difference in the fullness in that area. I thought I may lose rom putting in there but so far it's been fine. Bi-ceps are so easy to do but they actually hurt more than calves but again much easier. I definitely feel it more when I put the needle in though but so far have had no issues with any bi-cep injections.

I decided to train arms (calves to start) before as I very rarely do that. With everything combined my arms looked the best they have ever looked when I was training. I took my hoodie off which I never do and trained in a vest and even for me (not exactly Arnie am I :eek::D) my arms looked very freaky. The pre workout I used plus other drugs had a massive effect. But my bi-ceps were rock hard and that's down to the syntherol in them as I could feel the difference from before starting syntherol.

Even though I mainly just trained arms I pushed it. I have been destroyed since getting back. I pretty much just sat in my chair for an hour post workout not doing anything... not even eating. My workout looked like...

Leg Press Calf Presses... 4 warm up sets and 1 working set with stretching between every set.
Standing Cable Curls supersetted with Tri-cep Pushdowns... 4 warm up sets and 1 working set for both (full weight rack for working set). I used a fast tempo for both movements.
Incline Bench Barbell Curls supersetted with Standing Overhead Tri-cep (barbell) Extensions... 3 sets of approx 15 reps for both.
Overhead Tri-cep Cable Extensions leaning forwards... 2 sets of approx 15 reps.
Machine Preacher Curls... 1 set with both arms then 1 working set with each arm with the same weight for approx 6 reps.
Underhand Tri-cep Extensions... 1 set with each arm.
DB Hammer Curls... 1 working set of 17 reps.
Machine Tri-cep Dips... 2 warm up sets and 1 working set of 16 reps.
Bi-cep Cable work to finish (will explain below)
Forearm work for 5 mins (mainly reverse cable wrist curls).

So yes lots going on and using various movements but tonight I just felt like destroying my arms using a variety of weights, exercises, angles etc. Usually I train arms for 10 mins at a time so it was good to hit them like this.

Now the cable work at the end was very interesting and something I recommend you try. I used a cable pulley machine at about chest height with me facing the machine and curling backwards. I used one arm at a time and picked a weight I would fail at about 15 full range of motion reps. I made sure the form was 100% and squeezed on ever rep. Once you fail on the standard/concentric reps you up the weight and quickly do 1 rep but you simply hold the contraction still for as long as possible. Once you fail doing that you up the weight again and aim to fail eccentrically. You do this by pulling the weight back with both arms but do the negative portion of the rep with just the working arm. I pretty much only managed about 5 reps at the 3rd failure point and then moved onto the other arm and started over again. You could literally do 3 sets of this and that would be a great bi-cep workout.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I had a break from the gym yesterday and it has done me good. Although I haven't slept much. I fell asleep about 11pm (very early for me) and woke up at 4am :eek: I knew I was going to fall asleep but let myself and didn't do any injections. It's fine though as I just done all my syntherol and aas injections at 7am. My next set are due tomorrow night so nothing will be effected.

Today I used 27G 5/8 pins and they were fine. I usually use 26G and I definitely have to push in hard with the 27G's. It doesn't help it's so cold here but usually I will place the syntherol bottle in some boiled water. Today I didn't but all my injections went in easy. Barely no blood and they feel good now.

One issue is my left quad. I felt it 2 days ago and that was day's after training legs so very strange. I must have strained the muscle as it is very sore but is much better now. From just above my kneecap to the top of my quad it was really bad. So I am leaving any quad training for a few more days but have still been hitting calves frequently.

My gym contract runs very soon and I will be swopping gyms. My gym is very good but I feel like a change. I have 2 options so will decide this week. If I was in the UK I would join both but over here most gyms are very expensive so that's not an option.

I have been injecting test c (with sust) and letting it build up. I am pretty much out of sust so will carry on with 0.5ml test c eod. Then I will up that to 0.75ml eod which would mean a total of 656.25mg per week. So just above the 612.5mg sust per week I have been using.

Just noticing my arms now (not long since I injected) and it's crazy the effect 2ml syntherol can have eod. It's such a small amount of oil but I have been purposely placing it in certain areas and it is working great. My arms are not really an issue so I don't need large amount and just been using small amounts to help bring them up. I am a bit surprised I get no pip from some shots as I am placing them really high up my arm... literally right at the edge were the bi-cep begins.

Later I will be training calves and shoulders and looking forward to it :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I always think due to my calf genetics they will never have great shape but by using syntherol I can at least get them really big. Although yesterday when looking at them from the back they looked so much better and the shape has improved alot so I am very happy. Obviously the shape is not going to change much as that's genetics but the fact they are so much fuller has only added to things. Although I definitely think they look better in person then they come out in pics :eek: I will get some updated pics of them up soon. I took a few of my hairy upper body before so will post them later.

My left quad seems to be better so I will be training legs 2moro. I won't be doing any really heavy movements for quads just yet though. I destroyed myself in the gym yesterday and today. I won't post every detail but notes for each day.

Calves and Shoulders
Started with calves and just 1 exercise with 4 warm up sets and 1 working set.
Killed shoulders and pushed the weight. I went for 3 plates a side on the shoulder press but only managed 2 reps :eek:
Hybrid of db lateral raise and upright row... went very heavy.
Front Raises... 24kg db's which is very heavy as perfect form and no momentum used.
Finished with higher rep cable lateral raises.

Back and Chest
Lots of exercises and all heavy.
Tried to superset back and chest movements but gym was busy so many exercises were done 1 at a time.
3 plate a side machine incline presses.
4 1/2 plate a side machine rows.
Superset of very wide grip lat pulldowns and machine hammer presses... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set with full weight rack for both.
Full weight rack for seated cable row using wide hammer grip.
Cable Crossover for chest and finishing with 1/4 reps at the bottom of the movement (amazing pump).
Finished with One Armed Lat Rows using a high cable and kneeling on the floor getting a great stretch.

One thing I have noticed is I am sweating more in the gym now. It's a big difference from 1-2 weeks ago so I assume the higher hormone levels (things have built up).


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I will get some better pics taken soon but just got these done earlier. I am very hairy so I don't appear as lean (I am though). I am holding water from rising estrogen levels and likely the MK-677. As mentioned previously once I get my next blood test done (next week) I will be adding in a small dose of aromasin daily. These were done about 45 mins post training so I still have a tiny bit of pump. I added a back picture. In most back pics I look really wide but so does my waist. This one I don't look anywhere as big but my waist looks better. The back one is a bit blurry for some unknown reason but probably not a bad thing as I have some acne scaring from years ago :eek: I am 25 pounds (maybe a little more) up from my starting weight.




The one area I am most pleased with is my chest. It's much rounder and fuller than a few month ago. Hopefully I can pack on another 20+ pounds (to make 45+) and stay just as lean in the next few months. I am just getting into my stride now :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I was in the UK recently for a few days. Everything was more relaxed and I had some treats but nothing too bad. I ate at a Chinese restaurant one night and a Turkish BBQ another time. They have a shop in the UK called Mark's and Spencers that do great food so I bought stuff from there. On 3 occasions I had a porterhouse steak with fried cinnamon pineapple so I ate good.

I only went to the gym once when away but I really pushed it. Training the way I did isn't going to help with muscle gain but it was just one day. Literally 2 1/2 hours+ of weight training. I done 1-3 exercises for every body part and most with 1 working set to finish. I won't write everything I done but it was good to use some new equipment.

One thing that stood out was they had a plate loaded partial deadlift and shrug machine. It had 2 handles... horizontal/wide and close/hammer. I decided to try some deadlifts with my messed up lower back. Because the handles were at my sides it made things 100x better for me. I started with 1/2 plate a side and ended up doing 15 slow reps with 5 plates a side so was made up. That's the max that would fit on the machine and my back was fine. Granted I felt it the following few days but at the time it was great. The best way for me to replicate this movement would be using a cambered deadlift bar (no gyms have one over here) on 2 platforms. Or the obvious db deadlifts which I sometimes do but I could definitely not handle that amount of weight doing those (plus my db's only go to half of that). I pushed it hard for every body part and felt amazing afterwards.

An amusing fact is there are 6 gyms in the nearby area to my parents in the UK. I could join all 6 gyms and it would still be cheaper than the membership to the gym I am about to join over here :eek: The gym I went to was great and it costs $15 per month to be a member :eek: It is also 24/7 and you use a code to get in.

I have added in a new multi-vitamin and carditone to my supplements. I had my blood pressure tested and it was 140/72 so I am made up with that considering I am bulking and on MK-677. Hopefully the carditone can lower that even more. I also have a new MK-677 and last night I started GW-50156 for the first time. I am hoping the GW improves my HDL levels and helps with my cardiovascular performance especially since I am gaining weight fairly quickly. I started 10mg pre workout last night so need to let it build up as so far I haven't noticed any difference.

I will be starting synthetine and humalog tonight dosed at 2ml and 5IU pre workout :) I also have some ghrp 2/6 I will be using for the gh pulse and increase in appetite. I will probably start with 100mcg dosed twice daily and dose it with my synthetine and slin. Pre workout I will use GHRP-2 as it doesn't effect my appetite as much and the GHRP-6 for the 2nd dose.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I feel like I have been run over by a car :eek::D I was the same last night after training legs too. I literally got home and had a weightgain shake and went straight to bed and it was only about 9pm. I don't even think I brushed my teeth I was that destroyed :eek::D The pre workouts definitely add to my post workout fatigue so I will have a break from them. When I trained in the UK for ages with no pre workout used I felt amazing after training.

Yesterday leg training looked like...

Leg Press Calf Presses... 5 warm up sets and 1 working set with 6 plates a side. I also performed 3 sets of bodyweight calf raises on a platform in between certains sets. The 3rd set was a working set straight after my working set of Calf Presses.
DB Stiff Leg Deadlifts... 3 sets of 15 reps going up in weight each set.
Standing Leg Curls... 2 warm up sets and 2 working sets with partial reps at the end of the last set.
Technogym Glute Machine... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set with 6 plates.
Hip Adductor... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set.
Hip Abductor... 3 warm up sets and 1 working drop set.
DB Walking Lunges... 3 warm up sets and 1 working set with 40kg db's.
DB Squats (lower back)... 3 sets of 20 reps going up in weight each set.
Lex Extensions... 6 warm up sets and 1 working drop set with 3 drops (starting at 7 plates).
Back and Leg Stretches and Rumble Rolling for 15 mins.

Earlier I trained chest and tri-ceps with 5 mins of abs...

Seated Cable Row... 3 sets with light weight to warm up back.
Warm up chest and shoulders with 3kg db's.
Incline Bench Barbell Press... 3 sets of 15 slow motion reps using a 20kg, 30kg and 40kg short barbell.
Flat Barbell Bench Press... 5 warm up sets and 1 working set with 3 plates a side for 6 full reps and 3 assisted.
Chest Dips... 1 warm up set and 1 working set with a 20kg db then dropped to bodyweight.
Standing Cable Crossover... 2 warm up sets and 1 working set. The last 2 sets were supersetted with 2 sets of partials reps on the seated chest fly machine.
Tri-cep Pushdown... 3 sets of 15 reps using different grips.
SkullCrushers... 1 warm up set and 2 working sets.
Machine Tri-cep Dips... 2 warm up sets and 1 working set with 4 plates a side for 18 reps.
Tri-cep Extension Machine... 1 working set of 40 rest paused reps.
Abs for 5 mins then back stretches.

I will now start a more basic and to the point training system. Basically the same I have been doing but without some of the isolation movements. Concentrating mainly on compound movements and using heavy and progressive weight. As many warm up sets as needed but less volume and as a result a little more frequency for most bodyparts. I want to split up my training abit more and keep it basic but effective. This way I can train most body parts twice weekly and hard but for shorter durations so recovery isn't negatively effected. I will also be utilizing various things (drugs, intra nutrition, better sleeping pattern etc) and eating well to ensure optimal recovery.

It's my last day at my gym 2moro so I will be training for the 3rd day in a row but will have Sunday off. 2moro will be back, hamstrings and bi-ceps.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I started synthetine and humalog before training chest earlier. I used 2ml synthetine and 5-6IU humalog and I will probably stick at those doses. One thing I instantly noticed was I was sweating loads when training. I got a great pump especially my tri-ceps but I always do. I have just started a new intra product to only add to things. Per scoop it contains...

Each 50g serving of Workout Fuel ™ provides:

◾ Highly Branched Cyclic Dextrin:18.8g
◾ IBCAA 2:1:1:5g
◾ Cocopure ™ (Coconut Water):3g
◾ Beta Alanine:2g
◾ Vitamin C:250mg
◾ PeptoPro ®:10g
◾ Beetroot Extract:4g
◾ Citrulline Malate:2.5g
◾ Acetyl L Carnitine:500mg

I originally thought I would triple scoop it but it's not needed plus it's not exactly cheap. So I am double scooping it but adding in extra carbs. I have some left over dextrose so used that before. I also have a bag of HBCD's so will go onto that afterwards. You should always dose your slin based on your carbs. However, I am only going to use small amounts of slin but due to my sensitivity I wasn't taking any risks tonight so dosed 2 scoops and an extra 50g dextrose meaning 87.6g carbs. I also had a handful of dates and some clementine juice just after the slin too. No particular reason for those carb choices I just bought the juice for my gf and I love dates and I digest them easily.

So my complete stack from now on will be...

612.5mg test c per week
350mg npp per week
350mg primo e per week
20mg mk-677 and 9mg lgd-4033 per day
10mg gw-50156 per day
2ml synthetine and 5-6IU humalog pre workout

2moro I will add in 100mcg ghrp-2 pre workout too. Plus 100mcg ghrp-6 whenever I feel like it (probably once daily at a max).

Gonna do my syntherol calf injections and aas shot pre bed later on. Everything is set in place now so I just got to stick to the plan :)


Registered User
Jan 2, 2016
Question- when you are doing MK-677
What would happen if you took 2 to 4 iu of growth at the same time?
Would it be beneficial or just a waist of growth?
And I think I saw that you added insulin in- do you get the same kick doing insulin w/serums as you would with insulin and growth hormones?
Sorry for silly questions but you are one of the most knowledgeable peptide guys here

ot sure if he addressed this but what i do is take 100/100 of mod1-29/ a GHRP(hgrp2,ghrp6, hex) 15 mins pre HGH injection and drop my dose of HGH JUST SLIGHTLY and receive the same results. THis comes from DATS original theory of letting the exogenous HGH ride the pulse of the gh peps and get all 5 iso forms. OFF TOPIC ut whenn doing this while on MK677 ITS FARRRRRR FROM A WASTE!!!!! FRom what i have seen from IGF/gh serum scores(Mainly t IGF scores that sky rockt) but both IGF/GH scores Rocket thru the roof! Look at the results for your self.....if u research enough....mainly the guys who invest in the IGF scores. i have links somewhere. Sorry Elvia if i skipped a few posts of yours and didnt am either contradicting you (which i doubt)or if u already addressed this!

I will get some better pics taken soon but just got these done earlier. I am very hairy so I don't appear as lean (I am though). I am holding water from rising estrogen levels and likely the MK-677. As mentioned previously once I get my next blood test done (next week) I will be adding in a small dose of aromasin daily. These were done about 45 mins post training so I still have a tiny bit of pump. I added a back picture. In most back pics I look really wide but so does my waist. This one I don't look anywhere as big but my waist looks better. The back one is a bit blurry for some unknown reason but probably not a bad thing as I have some acne scaring from years ago :eek: I am 25 pounds (maybe a little more) up from my starting weight.




The one area I am most pleased with is my chest. It's much rounder and fuller than a few month ago. Hopefully I can pack on another 20+ pounds (to make 45+) and stay just as lean in the next few months. I am just getting into my stride now :)

NOW WHEN I SENT YOU MY PICS!!!!!!! You said you would KILL for my waste but from what i am seeing my man! You are looking mean and lean my man!!!!!

You probably deleted them like i asked you to after looking at them...as i only show em to brother i know r solid and trustworthy. And u asked to check out a few pics when u were looking for a logger but i had a prior obligation but wanted to share em with u as I think you have helped me a lot over the past few years with certain pep/RC questions and also i consider you a good friend! And just from your avy alone u can tell u have put serious size on!!!!
Im still on the fence about the SEO ... But u got my wheels turning as DES, lr3 and other advice you have given or i have followed over the last few years has given me amazing size in my arms! I only imagine wtf would happen if this SEO panned out!

*****I forgot to resend u the pics when u asked but i will and u will see that(at the prime #$%^##%% point) you are not far off! You probably only got a few extra inches(if that) on me) and remember im much taller and my metabolism is faster!
Last edited:


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
ot sure if he addressed this but what i do is take 100/100 of mod1-29/ a GHRP(hgrp2,ghrp6, hex) 15 mins pre HGH injection and drop my dose of HGH JUST SLIGHTLY and receive the same results. THis comes from DATS original theory of letting the exogenous HGH ride the pulse of the gh peps and get all 5 iso forms. OFF TOPIC ut whenn doing this while on MK677 ITS FARRRRRR FROM A WASTE!!!!! FRom what i have seen from IGF/gh serum scores(Mainly t IGF scores that sky rockt) but both IGF/GH scores Rocket thru the roof! Look at the results for your self.....if u research enough....mainly the guys who invest in the IGF scores. i have links somewhere. Sorry Elvia if i skipped a few posts of yours and didnt am either contradicting you (which i doubt)or if u already addressed this!

NOW WHEN I SENT YOU MY PICS!!!!!!! You said you would KILL for my waste but from what i am seeing my man! You are looking mean and lean my man!!!!!

You probably deleted them like i asked you to after looking at them...as i only show em to brother i know r solid and trustworthy. And u asked to check out a few pics when u were looking for a logger but i had a prior obligation but wanted to share em with u as I think you have helped me a lot over the past few years with certain pep/RC questions and also i consider you a good friend! And just from your avy alone u can tell u have put serious size on!!!!
Im still on the fence about the SEO ... But u got my wheels turning as DES, lr3 and other advice you have given or i have followed over the last few years has given me amazing size in my arms! I only imagine wtf would happen if this SEO panned out!

*****I forgot to resend u the pics when u asked but i will and u will see that(at the prime #$%^##%% point) you are not far off! You probably only got a few extra inches(if that) on me) and remember im much taller and my metabolism is faster!

Yes that ghrh/ghrp combo before HGH injects is tried and tested and I have used it with great effect in the past. Although in the past I was lazy with injections so never stuck to a solid plan. If I had hgh again I would stick to a plan. Although as you highlight even just mk-677 with hgh would be amazing and wouldn't require any extra pinning. Although it's always worth getting in extra pulses using peps even if that is just with a GHRP.

Thank you matey. I am in full gaining mode now so my sharpness will fade more and more but I always try to stay relatively lean. I am probably wider than I look as my waist is not small... quite the opposite... 38 inches or so. I have very wide hips too so not ideal but I do the best with what I have.

IGF-1 can be uised with great effect as you know. Although syntherol could transform anyones arms it's ridiculously effective. I only use it sparingly in my arms as I don't want them too big. I could fill them up and probably put on a few inches and fast but I would rather be more gradual with things. Although in certain poses they could probably do with a few inches! In others they can look quite freaky if I do say so myself (for me) :eek::D

This is just the start. I want another 20 solid looking pounds in 2 months :)

I forgot to mention I don't think you are much taller than me? I am 6ft 2 and I thought you were the same?
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AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I didn't have anything to do today (Sat) so I haven't done much or even been out. My legs were fine yesterday but today are super sore. My inner thighs are the worst so just been resting. It's my last day in my current gym so going to train back, hams and bi-ceps later.

When I ordered my intra supplements I added a few things as the website had a massive sale on in Jan. So I will be adding various things to my intra shake. Nothing essential but all beneficial. On top of the other ingredients (2 scoops of the above) I will probably add in:

5g Citrulline Malate
5g Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate
5g Glutamine
5g Taurine

I also ordered some himalayan pink salt and coconut sugar so have those to use too. A lot of the above were up to 80% off so I paid next to nothing for most so I don't mind adding it all in.

I just took my first dose of GHRP-6 and ate chicken, rice and yellow peppers. Gonna have a synthepure smoothie before the gym made with...

50g synthepure whey isolate
1/2 Avocado
Mix of frozen pineapple, mango, kiwi and melon.
1 kiwi
1 banana
3 tablespoons of oats

I will drink that smoothie with the following supplements...

3x Solgar Fish Oil Caps
2x NOW Foods Cholesterol Pro tabs
1x NOW Foods Sytrinol cap
1x Healthy Origins Ubiquinol cap.

Then 10 mins later...

10mg GW-50156

Then 25 mins pre workout I will inject 2ml synthetine and 6IU humalog and have a few dates shortly afterwards before leaving for the gym with my intra shake.

I have already noticed a difference in 1 day since adding in the synthetine and slin. I always do when adding in synthetine after a break. The main thing is increased vascularity and feeling warmer in general.

Have a good day everyone :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have been so busy and haven't updated like I should have. I have so much to update I will have to do it in stages. Training is going great. My last workout in my old gym was a back and bi-cep one and included lots of heavy lifting. I tried some incline bench barbell rows last time which felt great. The rest were mainly a variety of different rows and pulldowns using various grips and all very heavy.

I am now in a new gym and it's great. I had a tour a while back and walked in the other day and joined. It was great finding useful pieces of equipment all over. All the equipment is made by Cybex and as a different feel to my last gym. In my first training day there I done calves, shoulders and abs. They have a plate loaded cybex calf raise machine that is different. Doesn't feel great but the angle is different so I will abuse myself on that. The only issue is it doesn't fit many plates and maxed out it doesn't feel that heavy. Although their machine leg press is the complete opposite so I can train calves on that too. I can also do things like seated calf raises in a smith machine amongst many others.

For shoulders I got 15 reps with 4 plates a side on the cybex shoulder press. I also done various other heavy exercises including 26kg lateral raises with my elbows bent. I finished with standing barbell presses with 1 plate a side and higher reps.

Yesterday I trained legs and abs with my gf. I was showing her everything so I couldn't really go crazy. They have 2 dual purpose ab/adductor machines that are great and feel very heavy. We done some seated leg curls then roman chair hyper extensions focusing on hams. For quads mainly leg extensions and machine squats. I found the machine squat in the corner of the room so was happy as I can push the weight without having to worry about my back too much.

I was going to train back tonight but got back too late and I don't like rushing to the gym. I ate something quick so oats with protein powder and was still going to leave but decided last minute it's best just going tomorrow. So 2moro it should be back and tri-ceps and the next day will be calves, chest and bi-ceps.

I haven't noticed much from the 10mg GW 50156 so I may up the dose to 20mg soon. I dropped my multi vitamin as it made me feel sick. Literally every time I took it I would feel a sick feeling about 10 mins afterwards. I have also dropped my MK-677 dose down so just using 10mg and 4.5mg lgd. My energy levels are very low and future posts will go more into that but I felt dropping that couldn't hurt as it's probably the main thing causing the fatigue. I finished my red rice yeast and q10 combo so will stay off that and carry on with double the dose of ubiquinol (so 100mg x2 now).

My 2nd blood test results came back and there are some very interesting results to say the least. I will post more on that later. My bodyweight is still at 245 but that is no surprise as I haven't been eating more but will do. Although I much prefer to go up a bit at a time and stay stable for a week or so then up again if possible. I have used more shakes recently due to the lack in appetite and it has helped me a lot. I have just been shopping and bought loads of meat so I am gtg now. I had a very bad experience the other day (more on that later too). I hope everyone has been well.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
When I visited my parents recently I had a 2nd blood test done about 1 month after the first. First I want to mention something bad that hit me out of nowhere. I used to suffer from anxiety years ago and had 2 bad panic attacks and then just general anxiety. I have been on an SSRI since which I nearly came off many times as I felt like I never needed it. It's just 10mg citalopram daily and I get no negatives from it but I don't like the idea of having to take a tablet everyday. The only reason I never came off it was the possible withdrawals and I felt perhaps it will help me in times I may do tren or just feel stressed in general.

Anyway the day I was due to fly back I woke up at 7am having a full blown panic attack. It was really bad and I felt like I couldn't breathe and weirdly was in tears and felt confined. I know the feeling and know it's in my head but anyone who has had panic attacks before knows it doesn't matter and it's still really bad. My parents wanted to phone an ambulance but I rode it out and took 10mg citaloipram and within about an hour of dosing felt the calming effect it has. Weirdly I don't feel it when using it daily but as I was in such a state of panic I felt it loads. It was like nothing had happened and I was fine again. It annoys me I get anxiety as I am a very laid back and very happy person in general and appreciate everything. I guess I will just have to be careful and try to stay stress free.

I had planned to take my blood that day and as I was better I didn't want to waste the chance so took my blood. I mention the panic attack as one of the most interesting results were my prolactin levels. Unfortunately I paid extra for this and didn't for my last blood test. So I am unaware what they were 1 month prior. My prolactin was 792.5 mlU/L with the normal range being 86-324. Therefore my prolactin levels are significantly elevated. High prolactin levels are known to cause panic attacks and can effect their severity too. My issue is I know a panic attack can also temporarily increase prolactin levels so that may have been the case as I had my blood taken literally 2 hours after a panic attack. It could be a bit of both my point is I am unsure but they are definitely elevated no matter what.

As a result I have started 200mcg pramipexole every night and will have my levels retested when I can. Interestingly my cortisol levels were pretty much the same (slightly lower) and in range so that is good to know and takes away another possible factor. I am only using 350mg npp and about 200mg deca so it's interesting why my prolactin is so high. I doubt the mk-677 has played much of a role but it is possible. SSRI's can effect prolactin but this is minor and citalopram usually doesn't so I feel I can state that isn't to blame. I suspect it is mainyl due to stress and the added hormones. I know what I have to do and I will see if I can get my levels in range as I don't want another panic attack (assuming prolactin played a major role).

The rest of my blood test was really good. My HDL is still crap but has improved. However my LDL, Triglycérides and total cholesterol are all much lower and only in 1 month. Everything else is good apart from some slight changes in white blood count. Interestingly my hct and hgb are all lower and in range. I will post more on my blood test later but so far I am happy with the improvements. So in regards to my blood test I am growing and improving my health at the same time :eek::D

I have to state I have been struggling recently. The prami makes me feel weird but I will stay on it for the meantime. I am definitely getting used to it again. My appetite is crap which is rare for me and my energy levels are not good. I know what I have to do though. Hopefully in a few weeks I will be back to normal. Definitely having a break from MK-677 as it gives me too much fatigue. Very annoying as it's one of the best things for bulking but I am struggling everyday and constantly want to sleep so it will be dropped. Hopefully after 1 week off mk-677 my energy levels are back to normal.

Earlier I trained back and tri-ceps and felt amazing. I rushed to the gym but it turned out ok. I won't write all the routine as I basically used most back machines as it's my first time training back in my new gym. I love heavy free weights and they are the most effective thing to use. However my lower back is that messed up I can't be doing deadlifts and barbell rows all the time so machines account for most of my back training. Unfortunately my new gym has no plate loaded back machines but what they do have are great. It's good to have a reverse pec dec again. I am definitely hitting my back from all angles. Tri-ceps felt great too and I done a working set of 14 reps for close grip bench with 3 plates a side in the smith machine.

I have noticed my vascularity has come out loads in my arms over the last few days. That must be from the addition of synthetine and humalog and in my eyes 90% the synthetine as I always notice that each time I use it. It's good to be back on track and feeling better each day. I had a short break from syntherol but will be back on it harder than ever :)


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
I have just got back from the gym and had an amazing workout. Today I trained calves, chest and bi-ceps. Pre workout I had 6-7IU humalog and 150mcg GHRP-2 with 3ml synthetine. I decided to up the synthetine dose as I am only using it pre workout so will keep it at 3ml. When upping the dose I pretty much notice more vascularity and more sweating. It almost becomes impossible to dry myself after a shower :eek::D

Earlier I had a treat in the form of chicken wings... that was 100g protein and 50g fat in one meal :D After dosing my slin I like to snack on dates to stop me going hypo. They taste great and are a good source of potassium and of course sugar too. Then I start drinking my shake and head to the gym.

I done the same as yesterday so pretty much tried out all the chest machines in the gym. It's a one off as I wouldn't usually perform so many pressing movements. Although my workout lasted 1 hour so wasn't too long. The plate loaded incline press is no good and doesn't feel right but the seated flat one feels great so I will be using that a lot in the future. I ended with 3 1/2 plates a side for that and got 12 reps and a few partials. The Pec Deck felt good (very heavy) and I done 10 complete reps and about 8 partials for my working set. They have another great seated chest press and I done a working set of 12 slow reps on that. The good thing about this equipment is it's the heaviest I have ever used.

I am currently eating my post workout meal which consists of turkey (60g protein) and brown rice (90g carbs). I am really struggling to get my meat meals down so something is not right but I can push through it. I may even start blending them :eek::D This is not me force feeding either I am just that fed up of meat and struggle even with my 1st meat meal of the day. It's nothing to do with the cooking either as I know they taste great and are not dry at all. Give me a pack of rice cakes, tub of cottage cheese, greek yoghurt, fruit, oats etc and I will devour them but some chicken breast and I struggle.

If my prolactin is still elevated next time I will drop the npp and swop over to something else. I have a few ideas in my head but I know the most important thing is staying consistent and getting my meals in and I know I can do this. Thanks everyone for the kind words.


AnaSCI VET / Donating Member
Oct 28, 2007
No matter how I feel I always want to hit the gym hard. Although if there are times I do need a little motivation I get it from watching bodybuilding videos on you-tube. His form may be way off sometimes but nothing beats Branch Warren for me. His videos always leave me wanting to train as hard as possible.

Branch Warren - THE MINDSET - Bodybuilding Motivation - YouTube